A w.:._._.._ L71 4 2 ummipr WEATHER Fair and warmer. ~ffifr :43 t a i MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. IX. No. 20. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928 i GRO Will OF AERICAN ACADEMY AT ROME 1 SUBJECT OF SPEECH LATIN PROFESSOR DESCRIBES BUILDINGS AND SITE OF SCHOOL FOUNDED BY ARCHITECTS Student Activities Include Excursions, Lectures, Research Work In Roman Culture And Antiquities "The artistic and the scholarly sides of the American Academy at Rome began independently and were not united until 1912," said Prof. Henry A. Sanders of the Latin department in a lecture tracing the development and work of that body given yester- day {afternoon in Natural Science aud- itorium. Architects at the Chicago world's fair first realized the value of Euro- peanm study for students of art, and in 1894 a small group of students of architecture gathered in Rome for mutual study. By 1897 the school had grown 'uffictently to' admit painters and sculptors. In 1909 there was bequeathed to it * large residence, the Villa Aurelia, which had been Garibaldi's headquar- ters when he made his last stand in 1849. Institutions Are Combined Meanwhile, however, a school of classical studies had been started at about the same time and had grown with equal rapidity, and on December 31, 1912, largely through the efforts of Jessie Benedict Carter, its head, 0. large gift from J.'Pierpont Morgan made possible the union of the two institutions of similar aim- the study of the various aspects of Romani civili- zation. In 1915 the large and magnificent Academy building was finished. At' present the Academy owns this build- ing, four villas in the vicinity, and quite extensive grounds around them. Its endowment is well past three mil- lion dollars. Outlines Work Students live together in the large Academy building. The fellowships are ample to permit quite a bit of travel, which is an important part of the work in Rome. Excursions to points of interest in Rome and viciity are taken in the fall, while in the spring more ambitious trips, often to Greece or Sicily, eare arranged. Lec- tures and library research in the fields of epigraphy, classical typo- graphy, Roman and Etruscan archae- eology, and manuscript interpretation form the bulk of the formal study. At the end of the lecture slides of the Academy buildings were shown, and views of the annual exhibit of Wilfred, Inventor Of Clavilux, Thinks Color Organ Forward Step For Stage "Theater lighting in the past has thing was crystallized, and the scene been very primitive," said Thomas was dominated by two huge revolv- Wilfred, inventor of the clavilux, the ing crystal towers in the bockground. color organ which is to be a feature Anme fItrsigefcswr of the coming production of Ibsen's possible, but "The Vikings" affords "The Vikings" by the Rockford Play- opportunity for a greater range, es- era. .pecially in the fire scene, where al. "With the -color keyboard, the mo- most all the keys on the instrument bility and ease of control of stage will be used 'to obtain the vivid lighting is so vastly increased that blending of light fitted to the rapid it opens up whole new dimen'sions in action of the scene. the theater," declared, Mr. Wilfred. ' whu influene the clavila wI "The operator, moreover, is an artist have on the future of the drama, it is of course hard to say," said Mr. who can suit the rhythm, the form, the color of the lights to the charac- Wilfred. "But it certainly offers much ter of the play, thus enhancing its more opportunity for artistic settings, artistry; and he sits out inl front and far wider latitude in light ef- where he can see what he is doing." fects. It has practical advantages, The ideaof an instrument to pro- too, for once it is installed in all The dea f anlarge theaters travelling play com- duce fine modulations in the form and parge whenstraee to tayecum- hue of light first appealed to him in panies will not need to take cum- 1905, said Mr. Wilfred. "At that time bersome scenery with them--a clavi- my instrument was a cigar box with mux player can sit down to his in'stru- three boles in it," he remarked, "but mnent and create It for them." I have been working on it ever since, and the instrument to be used in the production next week consists ofG a larige keyboard and two tall banks of projectors which will stand one DB on either side of the stage. "The clavilux has been used in a few plays, but never one of exact- ly .the character of 'The Vikings.' I o Of Teacher Is TIfo Get Student o used it last year In New York in a ProikS ifesaly, Says fantasia dealing with the world as Pofesor it will be centuries hence. Every- -------FIRST OF FOUR LECTURES EAST BOUND AIR MAIL The most signficant trend in the teaching of science at the present S T T THIS MORNING time is the goal of the teacher fn try- ing to get the pupil to think scienti- fically," said Professor Francis D. New Service Will Be Kiown As C.A.M. Curtis in his lecture "New Tendencies: 27, And Will Link Ten New in Science Teaching" delivered in the Cities With Coast auditorium of the University Higl School yesterday afternoon. It was WILL HOLD CEREMONIES the first lecture in this week's.series1 of conferences for superintendents; Ann Arbor's air mail service starts and teachers, which will deal with today with the eastbound mail leaving the Junior High School. at 11:15 a. in. over C. A. M. 27. West- "The place of science in the school! bound mail leaves at 4:50 p. in. and today is somewhat different than it; will arrive on the west coast Thurs- was a decade ago. When the subjec day-lnorning, a saving of at least two "f General Science was first intro days over train service. duced it was placed in the ninth C. A. M. 27 includes ten Michigan ((rade and served as an introductior" cities, Bay City, Saginaw, Lansing 1to Physics and Chemistry and gav Kalamazoo, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Jack- a general background to the further son, Battle Creek, Muskegon, and study of science. But with the com- Grand Rapids; and South Bend and ing of the Junior High School we u' Pa Porte, Indiana; and Chicago. find .the tendency to place Genera Heretofore Detroit has been the only Science in the seventh and eighth Michigan city to have air mail service. -rades. That brings up the questic Simple ceremonies will be in order of what we are going to offer ti this morning when the incoming and pupils in the ninth grade. It is n out-going mail are exchanged at th becoming the general practise to offers Ann Arbor Airport, with Postmaster two courses in Biology, an elementa. Pack receiving the mail for Ann :urse in the ninth grade, and a in Arbor. It is expected that the last complete survey in the tenth grade part of August, when the hangar "We also find a change in the aims have been completed, that there will and objectives to be found in science be appropriate dedication ceremonies teaching. We are, of course, still for the new airport. training for the cardinal principles. The affair Tuesday will be sort o In addition to this we attempt to ac-i a double program besides the opening quaint the pupil with the facts of his of the airmail service it will be the environment. But probably the main occasion of free airplane flights offer- tim is that of teaching the child toI ed residents of the county by Ann think scientifically. And here we Arbor merchants on Bargain day. The must be careful that we do not con- free rides will be taken under the di- sider our aim achieved when the rection of Lieut. Leonard Flo, An pupil glibly tells us just the thingsi Arbor, who will manage the port for: re want him to. Rather we shouldt t1- Ann Arbor Flying club and th :wh him to put the ideas into prac-I park, commission. 'st in his everyday life.s - --I- - - - - --- - HOOVER AND COOLIDGE VISIT AS SMITH GOES ABOUT STATE AFFAIRS REPUBLICAN NOMINEE STOPS AT SUMTER WHITE HOUSE ON WISCONSIN TOUR AL SPENDS DAY AT WORK 'New York Governor Resumes Work In (Glubfrnatiorial Office At Albany (By The Associated Press) SUPERIOR, Wisconsin, July 16.- Revisiting the northern hills of Wiscon- sin for the first time in fifteen years, Herbert Hoover tonight was the guest of President Coolidge at Cedar Island Lodge on the Brule River forty miles from this city. The Republican Presidential stand- 'ird bearer stopped while enroute to his old home in California for his formal notification, in order to discuss with the chief executive the political situation in general, his acceptance speech to be delivered at Palo Alto August 7th and his successor as Sec- retary of Commerce. He will remain until tomorrow when the westward journey will be resumed. Met With Cheers Arriving early in the day from Washington, Mr. Hoover was met by a cheering crowd of twonsfolk and was applauded by thousands of others who lined the main thoroughfares through which his automible moved through the open country on the long and somewhat dusty ride to the Sum- mer White House. SAt the Lodge the nominee and Mrs. NEW COMMANDER TO TAKE OFFICE PRICE FIVE CENTS E DUCATOR'S MUST NOT 'DYNAMITE' STUDENTS, SAYS DOCTOR LITTLE 11iam iL. Sharp Who will take the office of most excellent grand master at the annual conclave of the Kndghts Templar be- ing held in Detroit this week. George W. Vallery of Denver is the retiring grand master. BY ROCKFORD TROUPEf Harry W. Gribble's "March Hares" Is New Bill For Tueiday At Sarah Caswell Angel hall IPPROXIMATELY 300 MEN HEAR SPEECH AT CLUB MEET LAST NIGHT EXPLAINS "A" STUDENTS PreIdent\Declares That There Should Be Shift From Subject Matter To Individual "Educators must learn,to "fish" for students, rather than dynamiting them," said President C. C. Little in his talk before the Men's Educational Club last night at the Union. About x00 superintendents, principals and teachers heard the address. "We need a shift in emphasis fron the subject matter to a study of the individual pupil. Our duty is to get the material into the mind of the stu- dent and to do that properly we must know the student. Nor is the addi- tion of new courses to the curriculum enough, for the courses of instruction are not an end iA themselves. The important thing to know is can the strudent use what we give him as an cducated person ought to. Established Mental Tests "Teaching students is not a "saus- age making" process, it is something more subtle than that. It is only recently that we have learned enough to establish tests of how the mind of 4 the student is working. When these psyohologial tests were introduced, thera were immediately two camps formed among teachers and profes- sors; one class said there was nothing in them, the other that they were a cure for all our educational ills. But the largest part of the profession took the middle ground, that the tests ^hould be used as much as possible with the present system. And I think this is the better view. "We know now that mental abilit' as such, tends to be inherited. The mental ability in the parent corre- sponds to a large degree with the mental ability in the child. But we have only recently recognized that this comes from the mother as well as the father. ' In fact, by a small ma- lority, more of the mental ability omes from the mother than the fa- her. This is important to consider n these days that women are coming into all fields of competit on. It is highly possible that in our educational program we will have to use different tests for women and men in judging their mental ability, but if we do this t will have to be very carefully done. "A" Student Of Two Kinds "A" student made by Professor Adams of the University, the results of which have not yet been made pub- iii, shows that there are two types of what we know as "A" students. The one type can get grades but can't do anything else. They are crystalized in the mold. The others, and they are fewer, have also an attraction and ability in their personal traits. There are few of this type with'"A" grades, i I i } yt 1 f Hoover, who rode in an open car sent MISS KELLY TAKES LEAD from the White House, was greeted _ by the President and Mrs. Coolidge "March Hares," ..Harry Wagstaff'I and John Coolidge, they chatted a. Gribble's farce comedy will be pre- while on the front piazza before the sented by the.Rockford players for newspaper correspondents and photo- f performances, opening tonight at graphers were invited wvithin the 8:15, and playing Thursday, Friday, grounds. and Saturday nights, and Saturday Matinee. There will be no perfor- Smith At Albany mince on Wednesday. The play is t ALBANY, New York, July 16.- fantastic comedy, in three acts, on Temporarily shunting aside politics tempermentallsts. and his cares as the Democratic I ad Parts Previously Presidential Nominee, Governor Smith The players themselves are parti- devoted himself today to the business cularily pleased with the Gibble farce, of ,the state. He spent most of the because most of them are familiar day in his office. with his work. Katherine Wick Kelly, Besides disposing of a mass of ac-j as Claudia Kitts, played the same part cumlated business, the Governor con- with the Cleveland Playhouse in one sidered clemency appeals of four men of the most successful of their pro- in the Death House at Sing Sing and ductions. Roman Bohnen, playing signed a warrant to send George Al. Edgar Fuller, has vivid memories of Saunders, ,Dayburg, New York youth, that part in the Goodman Memorial to Georgia for trial on charges of theater in Chicago. Elberta Trow- fraudulent stock deals despite his pro- bridge was featured in New York as testations of innocence. Janet Rodney, and will play the same Before tthe clemency hearing, the t sliped acrss hepart here. Robert Henderson has Governor had slipped across the wanted to play Geoffrey Wareham, and street to see what progress had been feels that it is particularly suited to made in the construction 'of a new him. Marvel Garnsey will be seen state office building across the street for the first time in a character part, from the Capitol. Prior to that he had as Mrs. Janet Rodney. Lillian Bron- received newspapermen, most of son will play the part of Ethel, a very whom he called by their first names, decided change from Roxie Hart. Paul in his office. Stephenson will portray Oliver. As the Governor sat behind his desk, The advance sale of tickets will con- minus coat and waistcoat, he reiter- tinue at the State street book stores ated that he had no news, and had no and the tickets for each evenings per- plans. He seemed under much less formance will be obtained at the box strains. office after 7:00. r the Academy in June, attended by many distinkgluished citizens, including the King of Italy. Professor Sanders is leaving this fall to be visiting professor at the Academy next year. FACTORY IS PLED To accommodate those students who were unable to visit the Ford Motor Company's factories on the first regu- lar excursion to the plant, a second special trip will be made to Ford- son tomorrow beginning at 12:45 o'clock. The party will leave from the State street ejtrance of Angell hall in chartered busses for the offices of the Ford Motor Company. " Forty- five has been set as the limit for ac-, commodations on this trip, it was announced by Carlton Wells, director of excursions. Special arrangements have been made to insure a careful inspection of the Ford assembly line which is said to be tthe height of mechancial effi- ciency. The blast furnaces, glass plant, motor assembly department will be visited as will the power plant which is reputed to be of the most advanced type. The foundry, which is the largest in the world, the ore-unloading docks, and the Ford- son tractor assembly plants will also be seen in operation,. T 1 i I E - . i i HAYDEN TO SPEAK ABOUT ELECTIONS Speaking on a subject of timely in terest, Professor Joseph H. Haydei will deliver a lecture on "Some Po- litical Results of Our System of Presi- dential Election" in the auditorium o: ( the Natural Science building Tuesday at 5:00 p. m. It is expected that Professor Hay den will consider the results of entire presidential election system. BASEBALL SCORES (By The Associated Press) American League Philadelphia 3-6, Detroit 2-11. New York 7-6, Cleveland 3-2. St. Louis 4, Washington 2. Chicago 4-9, Boston 0-1. National League St. Louis 7, Brooklyn 6. Chicago 10, Philadelphia 5. New York 3, Cincinnati 2. Pittsburgh 8, Boston 3. 1 1 I 1 )ut many with "B." TAGS FOR S. C A SALE Prices of fifty cents and one dollar have been set for tags to be sold in the Summer Tag Day campaign on the campus tomorrow and a group of boys from the Fresh Air camp will be stationed at various points on the campus to sell the tags. Rich is superintendent of the Fresh Air camp this summer. The quota for the Summer session has been set at $500, the students in the regular session having already ;ontributed $2,000 and alumni and friends of the Universiyt having don- ated the balance of the $8,000 budget. More than 400 boys will be enter- tained at thel camp at Patterson lake this summer, according to Home Grafton, general secretary of the Stu- dent Christian association. In the present section there is an enrollment of 110 boys. - - - - LVVNIG[Rj4TYoF On A Le.A4UE ATASINARM scmj, £ Tr t DN(ama P,#1.'3O su EArT L &p. * '4' The new Women's League Building which will be completed soon.