PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1928 01 Ile iiutnir - I es he hurled at Hamniltonism and his gl3rious defense of Jeffersonism in ir i g3anU a i1 his keynote speech at the Houston 1 leever r uin; : ecept.Monday dur- convention. the I. u t.nive-si mmer Session by the If it is remembered clearly, Mr. ai oStuent Publicaions. Bowers denounced the Republican apll n larty as the party of big business itle I be th e t~ ,fr xrepubl icationl of all newsg dm-,tcbe~ credited to it O~-[ot otherwise interests, he termed Hamilton as the >did this pler aI the local news American progenitor of a government ;ntrcd at the ann Arbdr, Michigan, post- in the interests of wealth and pic- rtil _ac r1ls -; m by ml $,7. tured Jefferson as the champion of S mm b cri tion byv earre,$ 7 ;by m i, 1.5 S)uc-: 1ress Buibling :Maynard Street, Democracy who fought for the com- A'nn A1rbr. Michigan.mon people. EDITORIAL STAFI M r. Bowers will have to do a lot Telephone 4925 of tall explaining to reconcile the per- MANAGING EDITORt sonality of Thomas Jefferson with J TEART G EOOKER Itthat of John Raskob, the newly ap- J. STEWART HOOKER pointed Democratic chairman who is, Editorial Directors.........George I.Simons( incidentally, chairman of the finance Martin Molycaraofteinc' S Editor. ..... awreeRen committee of the General Motors Cor- Feature 12.litor............Eleanor Scribner miteothGnraMtrsor M tusic andeDiramia leditor........Stratton Buck poration. We also wonder just how I tooks Editors............. Kenne~th1 . Patrick Kathryn Sayer much in common} Jefferson would have Telegraph Eitor ..........Daryl W. Irwin with such ;a financial wizard as Col. Night Editors Herbert H. Lehman, whom Raskob se- Alex Bobnowski Mar-tin Mol lected to watch the exchequer of the JackRobert Dsckera Clarenoge EdSionsI Democratic national committee. Howard Shout There i's no criticism intended Reporters against the two men who have thus Isamel t Iares Lyle Cmul Ib been honored. But their appointment does hear out the fact that after all l SINESS STAFF the Democratic party is putting forth Telephone 21214 every effort possible to secure the BUSINESS MANAGER support of "big business" in the im- RAY WACHTER pending conflict. The charges against the Republican party to the effect Alvertisi ng...................awrencee Walkiey thattht mAverising...................jeannette Dale this party works only in the :\cco-intl.................... Whitney Manning in terest of "big business" is now A'ru~ o.........lssiestantsan greatly discounted in view of the se- ammmmlmm-l l'ken-. illian kh'rvrinshy lections that have been just made by aATU DA L 49the .Democratic nominee. SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1928 1 It is only natural, politically speak- - ; ......._ SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1928 --olr I Music And Drama "CHICAGO" A Review; by Stratton Buck A play whose satire bites, " and whose characters are chosen from life; a great deal of acting that can only be described as splendid; any who find such entertainment to their taste could not but be highly content at the performance that the Rockford Players gave Maurine Watkins' "Chi- cago" last evening. From the open- ing scene in which Roxie shoots her lover while the orchestra blares the song of the same name as the play, until the last, where she informs the latest murdress, "Yu gotta play ball, kid. This is Chicago," the produc- tion is full of enthusiasm, action and life. The show is a good one, and the Players more than redeem them- selves for the dubious effort of last week. Maurine Watkins has accomplished a brilliant if unpleasant piece of work in this play. Cook County justice is treat- ed with an irony that bites, while the amount of veritable human nature. that is crowded between the two cur- tains is astounding. Roxie Hart and Billy Flynn, Amos and Jake and the others wall; the streets of this coun- try every day. The play is indeed a masterpiece. The layrs oodidfulljstc OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenses and Frames made To Order Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLER'S State St. Jewelers Reserve a Seat in One Block North from Hill A uditorium Breakfast, Lunch and Din- ner, $7.50 per week. Lunch and Dinner, $6.00 per week. Farmers and Mechanics Bank I I Cornwell Blk. 330 S. State I I Our Business Is Looking After Money Let us advise you on money matters at home or abroad. See us before investing. Our years of experience are at your disposal. We suggest Traveller's Checks or Letters as the only safe and easy way. of Credit Member of Federal Reserve System j p.~ to the excellent piece they were pro- dusing last evening. Most of the mem- hare f the nat hned their bst nl =r' Night Editor-LAWlENCE R. KLEI FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING Arthur J. Jones, profesUor of secon dary education at the University of Pennsylvania, has proposed a compre hensive cooperative study of th school systems of England and th United States as a means of promot ing a better understanding betwee the educators of the two countries There is continually a great deal o discussion as to the relative merits o- the two systems, but until there ha been a careful survey made in eaci country, and the results of the tw( surveys compared, there can obvious ly be nothing but random talking. English speaking people through out the world are constantly comin iito closer and closer relationship and this is especially true of the peo ple of Englandsand the United States Gradually it is being realized tha there can be no great difference be tween the standards of conduct and life so long as our civilization run parallel. This is particularly true o those who are interested in educa- tion in the two countries because It its from the educational institutionns of the nations that each may gain in- spirations and help to accomplish the desire results. Divent as the two systems may be, they are closely related in enough respects so that if the best phases of both may be combined, the result- ant will approach the perfect. There have been many reports made by English educators, and volumes written by American investigators, but they were not comprehensive enough to be satisfactory. They have dealt nore with the administrative features than the general conduct of the schools. There have been two dis- tinct attitudes prevalent in such sur- veys. The very patriotic Englishmen have noticed only the faults of some of our least satisfactory systems, While the same type of American ha's only compared the best of our schools with the worst of the English. Many statements have been made by peo- pIe of. both countries who were not actually qualified to comment on the school systems, but they were accept- ed as true.. The proposed study will deal with the intimate phases of both school systems, and it will be directed by a joint committee of educators from the representative schools in each coun- try. It cannot, however, be a com- plete success unless a sincere inter- est is manifest by all parties con- cerned. There must be full coopera- tion between the school officials and teachers of each country. In view of the fact that an opportunity is offered for a 'study of the vital prob- I lems of the two nations, the results. of which are certain to prove almost invaluable, it is to be hoped that edu- cators in both countries will do all in their power to make the study a complete succemss. PAGE MR. BOWERS We wonder, now that Al Smith has named a foremost representative of big business to be chairman of the Democratic campaign, who in turn has appointed a prominent New York financier to be chairman of the im-' portant finance committee of that par-. ty, just what Mr. Claude Bowers has1 to say in the light of the fiery charg-' er at e cas snow 4fer ppk N ing, that a major political party will ing of the season. The intensely hu- 3 put forth every legitimate effort in man characters in which "Chicago" i mustering up as much support as so rich were presented to the audi-1 possible to their standard bearer. But ence in a convincing and gratifying en a keynoter in an effort to im- manner. The dramatic qualities of priess the voting public with the "true the play were properly handled. I Sinterests" of his party, pictures ittas the play were properly handled. If a party founded in the interest of the the production was not always as e masses, as opposed to the domination smooth as it might have been, if seem of government by "big interest,' and smooth as it might have been, if seem- then witnesses the appoinment of one ed to hurried at times, afd dragged t Sof the outstanding big business men bit at others, this was more than I to become the director of his party's made up for by the large number or f campaign, we wonder how this key- excellent individual performances. s noter can reconcile his policies with First among these must come that h policies and actions of the party's of Katherine Wick Kelly, who in the o brief role of Liz, the fanatical prison- FRESHMAN WEEK er, gace her most impressive imper- sonation since "The Letter." So An experiment which was tried suc- realistic was her work that the whole cessfully last year and whi-ch will be audience felt as uncomfortable, while repeated this year is now command- she raged, as her fellow prisoners ing the time and attention of a number must have. A hearty round of ap- L ofintresed fculy mmber hededplause followed her first exit. The of interested faculty mem bers headed same scene was graced by another ex- - by Prof. William A. Fray'ar. This ex- cellent bit of character work by Hen- periment is Freshman Week, zie Raeburn, a hitherto unnoticed I Freshman Week is de signed to as- member of the company. Her tearful f sist the new student corning to iMichi- appeal of an imprisoned mother also gan in becoming orienta~ted to the Uni- drew applause from the house. versity and his new environment, To It was Lillian Bronson however. just what extent the experiment last cast as Roxie Hart, who bore the year proved successful is hard to de- brunt of the perfomance. She was i termine exactly, but in general it was splendid from curtain to curtain. Her seen that the Freshnan of the past development of the character of the year were better ac4uainted with the pretty but dumb murdress who was University than those of previous out for all she could get, by any years. And, it was also found that on means possible, showed real artistry. general average the marks of the Some new quality in Roxie's make up Freshman were higher. was brought out with each succeeding It is commendable that the efforts scene. Only in the last act did her of faculty members be dlevoted to a behavious seem a bit overdone. Miss cause which is boundl to be of a bene- Bronson has shown a rare versitality fit to the students. The job under- in her roles this season. taken by the Freshman Week Com- Fully as satisfying was Elberta mittee is no small task Arranging Trowbridge's interpretation of the the week's program in a way that sentimental feature writer, Mary Sun- will appeal to the inconing student shine. There was a style about- Miss who is about to embar'k on a new edu- Trowbridge's work that stamped the j cational adventure in life is a major character of the sob sister upon the I project, and the ?responsibility of audience from her very first entrance. carrying out the we'ak's activities ac- One wonder why this accomplished cording to specified plants entails actress has so long been hidden in further effort. The plans this year the insignificant roles she has play- call for the' aid of a large group of ed so far this season. University student', ;to assist the pro-Roman Bohnen's Billy Flynn was fessors and instructv rs in their work. his most satisfying part of the sum- In this field stud.ent's can be valuable mer. The dramatic appeal to th aids to the Freshma n Week workers, jury, coupled with his matter of fact and this recognition of the student as way out of the court room served a potential helper in this great under- to make this interpretation one of taking should be cor isidered by those the high spots of the performance. who are asked to x ork as an oppor- Bohnen was particularly effective in tunity for rendering a valuable serv- the scene in which he prepared Roxie ice to the Universift j and the incom- for the trial. Paul Stephenson show ing Freshman class I ed the same artistry in doing Amos The motive behi n d the entire pro- j Hart that he has in all his work this ject points in the x -direction of "hu- summer. This actor has received manizing educatic in'" a much talked little attention from the reviews, but of aspect of mode rn pducational prog- week after week he has played a ress. If throug' h tihe actitivies of small role with a uniform perfection. Freshman Week advances in this di- There is a restraint about his work rection are disc ernabe and the fol- which shows him entirely the master low-up activitie S throughout the first of the situation. year are such as to further contri- Robert Henderson was in every bute to this en d, this .accomplishment way satisfactory as Jake, though it alone will mot .v than compensate the seems that more might have been efforts of the faculty members and done with the reporter's role. Marvel assisting stud tints. Garnsey was excellent as Velma in Freshman Leek is a comparatively the second act. Martin Browne, the new underta king in the colleges and prosecuting attorney, and Alice Ho- universities throughout the country gan, the prison matron were not sat- and it is I iped that its result will isfactory. Browne was stiff and awk- be more fa r-reaching each year. ward, while Miss Hogan's conception - _of her part was not good. The fire move on the A. A. A.'s The general high standard of the "National !safety" program should be acting and the excellence of the play to teach people that they are likely however are ample cause to rec- to find r nvre "gas" than they exjected oommend this production to anyone when th e eight a-match over the tank. without hesitation. 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