FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE TH UMRMCIANDIYPG HW ADVERTISERS ATTEND MEETING AT DETROIT Representatives Come From All Parts Of World To Take Part In Week's Convention Program GIVE ADVERTISING EXHIBIT (Special To The Daily) DETROIT, July 12.-Two thousani representatives of newspapers an- advertising agencies located in all parts of the world have been attend ing the convention of the Interna- tional Advertising association in De-1 troit for the past four days. The con vention was opened on Monday with speeches by thp officers of the asso- ciation, who outlined the program that would occupy the members for the- duration of the meeting. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesda: were taken up not only with thi routine business of elections of offi- cers and of planning the program fr the coming year, but also with manyl speeches by advertising representa- tives from other countries. The delegates have been entertai ed in many ways during their stay in the Motor-city. Dinners have been given in the various hotels, theat parties have been arranged, and sight- seeing trips have given enjoyment t many. All the advertising men we entertained at the Ford air-port yes- terday, where they were given t luncheon in the main hangar and? shown several exhibitions of stun:t flying. The advertising exhibition, whi accompanied the convention, was kept open until six o'clocl- yesterday eve ning in order that all interested mi have an opportunity to see it. The exhibition demonstrated the scope of the work that the advertisers do i1 their localities, and contained many new ideas on advertising. The convention will be over this week, the official part of it having been completed yesterday. It was an- nounced that the next convention o( the International Advertising asso- ciation will be held in 1929 at Minne- apolis, Minnesota. .fee I EUROPE then 04 worki gCV)NG MER spow~s WOLD\ C LASSIFIE ADVERTISING TYPING-Theses a specialty Reason- able rates. Dial 9387. M. V. lart- suff. Tasty Food OLYMPI(' ATHLETES ENJOY REST! NEW YORK, July 12.-Rest was the: order of the day for America's Olym- pic team, aboard the S. S. President Roosevelt. The 268 athletes who hope; to bring back to America the Olympic -crown began to take things easy after noise and excitement of sailing had' subsided. A linoleum running track has been laid out around the decks for workouts, but Coach Robertson put a taboo on it for fear of pulling a tendon or other injuries which might result. LOOKING AHEAD AT NORTH- WESTERN Word comes that Coach Dick Han-j ley, at Northwestern, is beginning to lay plans for the 1928 football season. The Wildcats face an unusually strong schedule minus the service of fourteen lettermen, including the old standbys, Tiny Lewis and Vic Gustaf- son. The season opens with Butlerj on October 6, to be followed imme- diately by Ohio State on October 13 in Dyche stadium.j ORIENTAL STUDENT IS CAPTAIN CLINTON, N. Y., July 12.--HinI Cheung Chan, of Hong Kong, who en-- joys the distinction of being the only Oriental student in Hamilton college, is also captain of the college soccerI team. He learned to play soccer while preparing at Andover, and is TYPEWRITER RIBBONS and SUPPLIES For All MIakes' Rapid Turnoiver Insures Fresh Stock and Best Quality O. D. MORRILL 1 ' ickels Arcade Phone 6615, also interested in fencing. REWARD - For return of diamond and onyx ring; left in library lava- HIEE Y TRA NING RAI) tory Tuesday. Call Catharine Camp- PAIR HAVEN, N. J., July 12.-Tom bell, Univ. 160. 17-18-19 Heeney is working liking a Trojan here in preparation for his title bout THETA XI fraternity pin, July 8, in or near Ann Arbor. Reward. Call with Gene Tunney a the Yankee sta- 3193 17 dium Jnuly 26. He planned tonight to= start getting used to the condition he will encounter on the night of the Subs ribe to the battle, by holding his daily workout at night under the glare of powerful Summer Daily lights. d 9 '.I l 7 We all know the difference between food that is tasty and that which has no appeal to our sense of taste. What a satisfaction it is to enjoy a meal that is carefully prepared and is cooked from the best foods that we can buy. $25.00 Authentic College Models At this price seems absurd, but an inspec- tion by you will verify this statement. Do not fail to take advantage of this oppor- tunity while attending Summer School. We guarantee a perfect fit $25.00 Special on Fancy Flannel Trousers .. $3.75 T HE R 0 CLOTHINS COMPANY i i i We assure you that our menus are suited to satisfy the most critical taste. Try our lunch and dinner and find out for yourself. "The Best Place in Town" M ICHIG AMME RESTAURANT Liberty Street Michigan Building 214 SOUTH MAIN STREET bs r Ib C, For the Weekly I.1 S- --- s = - -- -- ~ Litt~e~ will provide your home $18 50 (up) FOIIME ROIJNV RP r1 GET out your pad and pencil, count your savings, figure the cost- and off you go to Europe via our ToURIsT Third Cabin. Specially reserved quarters for ToURIST passengers on such famous liners as Majestic, world's largest ship, Olympic, Homeric, Belgenland, and others. We offer the only steam- ers in the world devoted entirely to TOURIST pas- sengers, Minnekadha, Minnesota, Winl.fe- dian and Devonilan. No other class carried. You have the freedom of all decks. No class distinc- tions. Let us send you literature describing our unusual valuesin economical travel. row Ca, W~ with the cooling breezes of an electric fan Half-a-penny per hour of cool breezes is the entire cost of operation of a lusty electric fan. RetrE it - IeGI1 .01 1 4 .and he wonders whyi they laughed-AND How They laughed-and howr! Their ridicule hurt. It bit like acid. He prided himself -. on dressing well. His taste was faultless is asfar as it went. But-it didn't include s socks. Although colorful and classy, they were ungartered. And yet he can't figure out why they laughed. Give Yourself SOX Appeal-Wear GARTERS NO METAL CAN TOUCH YOU r 25c to $2 Dress Well and Succeed S01928-A.STEIN & COMPANY-MAKERS-CHICAGO , NEW YORK, LOS ANGELZSTORONTO WHITE ITAII .INE REp "TAR UlNE )EYLANI LINE ATLANTIrC IRAIUPI)UI UNE 40OR .NATIOMAL MBECATILE MABIME COMhAM1 Address No. 1 Broadway, New York City, or any authorized steamship agent. . - __, _a . w _......4 _r w.. ,. .. _ . . . .. _ .._,. ...,.. ... ,.__ .... l'