PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, J'UL'Y 13, 1928 p liritm~r 1ned as part of the regular program of the Summer Session. In fact the 'i r 4 i gIaU n ' V i i I lattendance was so large and so many1 Published every morning ecept Monday dur. were unable to go on the first trip ing the University Summer Session by the that it has been decided to hold an hoard in Control of Student Publications. extra excursion next Wednesday to The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the usedfor republication of all news cover the same ground. dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Last week about 50 students ac- predised in this paper and the local news published herein. pecompanied Prof. Hussey on the Niag- Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- ara Falls excursion, and it is expect- office as second class; matter. ed that there will be a large num- $ubs.cription by carrier, $r .5o by mail, $1.75 Offices : iessBuilding, Maynard Street, I ber enrolled for the fifth excursion to Atm: arbor, Michigan. be held Saturday which will include a EDITORIAL STAFF ! tour of the Detroit News plant, the Telephone 925 General Motors building, the public MANAGING EDITOR library and the art museum. 4.'STEWART HOOKER The large number of students in-I J. SEWAR HOOER . terested in events of this sort is a j Editorial Directors .........George 1. Sinions trse n eeiso;hi ott Martin Mol ; criterion of the type of students who City Editor. ........... Lawrence R. Klein eature Editor..............Eleanor Scribner are attending the Summer Session.1 Music and Drama Editor......Stratton Buck They are obviously interested in ob- Books Editors............ Kenneth G. Patrick Kathryn Sayer taining a liberal education and feel Telegraph Editor...........Daryl W. Irwin that the best means to this end is Night Editors to observe first hand the things in{ Alex Bochnowski Martin Mol which they are interested. On theseI Robert Dockeray George SimonsI Jack Davis Clarence Edelson excursionm there are men who are Howard Shout thoroughly acquiainted with the sub- Isael Charles Reporters yle Chubb ects to be observed and who can Mayraret Jahnm Robert O'Brien explain things so that a practical un-I BUSINESS STAFF derstanding is possible, thereby al-I Telephone 21214 lowing each person who attends to l make the best of an opportunity which BUSINESS MANAGER might otherwise not be open to him. RAY WACHITERI In arranging the excursions, thel RAY WCHTERdirectors have carefully slected plthc- Advertising.. ......... .... Lawrence Walkleydietrhaeceflysetd a- Advertising..................Jeannette Dale es certain to be of interest to thode Accounts......................Whitney Manning I who are seeking to broaden their Circulation----------------.Bessie V. Egeland arekn o rae hi Assistants knowledge and the tours have becomes Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky1j Janet Logie an integral part of the summer pro- FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1928 gram. In developing them to such an extent, the administration has dis- Night Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS played a marked tendency toward the -- -ideal type of education which in-' cludes not only theory, but practical THE SUMMER " MICHIG s Ii. aasa~ aaN DAILY FRIDAy.VJuLY+ 1.+.19+2S ATED RLL SFIRST , REGULAR We have placed our daily program for the alleviation of the drooping spirits of weary school teachers in the hands of our expert fun-maker, and he will announce them in each Rolls column. Public Hanging! Because of their malodorous- ness in, and as a fitting aftermath to a rather dubious performancej of "The Man Who Married A Dumb Wife," two members of the Roquefort Players, a Robert Hen- derson and one E. Martin Browne, will be informally hanged by an indignant and insulted group of their patrons this evening at Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Ad- mission will be charged. "With rivulets of perspiration streaming down both face and neck and playing havoc with the fresh color, Governor Smith . . Oh, Al! we never in the world thoughttthat you would go that far to get the women's vote. Walpole was right. All these men have their price. To date we have received 1,567 names for our petition for our auto permit for* the summer. Old doe Rea says that we have to have 3,000, or he won't event let me clean my clothes with gasoline. Come, all ye faithful, and I'll take you all for a ride. . * s i I OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenst-s and :Frames made To Order Optical Prescriptions Filled iI V4(cA3'8F~D)( 5 HALLER'S State St. Jewelers The Frederic Vita-Tonic Permanent Wave Is Now $8.50 Everything in the I ine of Iteaut vCulture rone FHere G Dial 7461 For Good Food and Quick Service Eat at the Arcade Cafeteria NICKELS ARCAIDE AND M LUNCH sTIA TESTREET I 1110~ S. univher"IfP 11 i Nestle C ircutine PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL PRICE $10.00 Appointments taken for evening Stoddard Hair Shoppe PHONE 2-1212 3 . i F , IDA For a Liaht Noonday Lunch and Quick Service jr~rw ; Betsy Ross SHOP Nickels Arcade I i a W/°./ "'. W ,....,.r %'. ys; ";Vl AN ENGLISH QUESTION Senator James Reed, the politica sage of Missouri and now ardent sup- porter of Governor Al Smith for the presidency of the United States, came out rather bitterly in an address at1 New York Wednesday against Herbert Hoover. But of all the caustic re- marks that were directed against the commerce secretary, the worst that Senator Reed could hurl was manifest in the remark that -he made to the effect that Herbert Hoover was pro- English and as such an undesirable occupant of the White House. It is unfortunate that Senator Reed can not see incalculable value in the election of a man who is on such friekly terms with Great Britain as is Hoover. It is needless to dwell at length on the wisdom of enjoying amicable relationships with Great Bri- tain during the next presidential ad- ministration. Suffice it to say that with these two English speaking na- tions accupying a most important part in the varied affairs of the world on frien'dly terms it will be a circum- stance from which the United States will -benet fully as much as will England. From evidence that has been her- alded in the newspaper columns re- gardin~g the statements of such men as Senator Reed and Mayor Thomp- son, of Chicago, one would think that it is. almost criminal in this day and age to be English or to have any friendly inclinations toward that con-. try . Among other thihgs, Senator Reed said. "I don't think that the people of this country a;e going to elect a man who has spent his entire adult ife abroad and whose investments were hll in Great Britain-a man so close to the British government that he was offered the post of minister of munitions and later offered a title;" all of which is indeed interesting. One would naturally think that the mere fact that the English govern- Ment, the personnel of which is com- pesed of some of the ablest and fore- most statesmen of the world, was de- .s at one time to honor Mr. Hoo- ver by offering him an important gov- ernmental post and later a title, is indtoative of the high regard that such +a country has for him. Is it logical to assume that such an honor is a mark of disqualification for the high- est office within the gift of the Amer- ican people? After all, are we not all s part of one 'small world and is it not more honorable and more elevat- tng to make relationships between nations more friendly than they have been heretofor. Hoover's election will be a contribution in this direction, for his foreign contacts, inftudng those with England, made dviring a time whe* he was engaged as the director of one of the most stupendous under- takings during the wtir period, will be invaluable aids tgward a better ,nderstanding jetweoin the nations of the world. SUMER EXfURSIONS More than 175 per ions availed them- selves of the opport anity offered Wed- nesday afternoon to visit the Ford plant at Fordson, Michigan, as thel fourth of a. seriesl of excursions plaf- and first hand observation of both the material and aesthetic phases of life. It is a highly commendable trait and doubtless has done much to make the University of Michigan Summer Session one of the most popular in thecountry. By the interest in the excursions both the administration and the student body manifests its sincere' interest in a desirable educa- tional trentd. Campus Opinion To the Editor: Long has it been the practice of the I ever-virtuous Democrats to assail the Republican party as an organization of "big business," as a protector of the privileged few, and as a besmirc- ed and oil-smeared outfit. Mr. Bowers, in fact, the Democratic key- note speaker, hesitated not a moment to call it a party of "pillage and op- pression," meaning that the man in the streets was paying for the gov- ernment which protected ' only the rich. . If such is the case it is too bad. indeed, and augurs not a bit well for the future of America. Democracy as represented by the Democratic party, it was claimed, would always he an enemy of this oppressive capitalism this overwhelming privilege, and sev- eral plan s to that effect were in.cor- i porated in the Democratic platform. Gullible persons may have been de- j ceived by all of this nonsense-all of this Democratic posing. But the lie of the whole business was given two days ago when John J. Raskob, vice president of the General Motors Com- pany, was named national chairman for the Democratic party campaign. Representing the largest single indus- trial organization in the world as he does, it is truly wonderful and mystifying that the Democrats can reconcile him with an attempts to break down the power of "big busi- ness." All of which goes to prove, more or less, that most politicians, includ- ing Al Smith, are hypocrites, and that if the Democrats will try to bap- boozle the innocent public into think- ing that they are out to break the power of the commercial aristocracy and at the same time gain the support of that aristocracy for an opposite reason. The fact that Mr. Raskob is a Roman Catholic, in addition, ought not to be taken too seriously by the prophets of tolerance. It is an interesting speculation, none the less, as to whether Al Smith would be able to find enough persons of that sect to run the entire Democratic party and the national government as well if he were elected.t Doubtless this is unfair, and de- liberate falsehood, written into a party platform and in the public ut- terances of the party's candidate,, should not be too strongly condemned when such falsehood seems an in- herent part of our political system. It is not asking too much, however, for the Democratic party to acknowl- edge facts which seem on the face of the situation totally obvious-such as the fact that Democracy, too, has bowed to the scepter of big business. A. J. C. 'I BEG YOUR PARDON I e ti fi ti fi ti ti_ 0 0 KS1 BOOK0 HOOKS! OUR BARGAIN TABLES Will interest teachees, preachers, librarians and stu- dents. You will be surprised at what S0c will buy. WA USNIV E RSIT Y B O KS T O , Rolls is always keen on this idea of rectifying errors. We wish to an- nounce that Sue Burb didn't really hand in her contribution with "accom- plished" spelled "accomplice." No, no, that's wrong too. We'll have to explain the whole thing. Sue handed in a crack saying that The Daily said that Elsie Trowbridge was as "accom- plice" actress, and that since "accom- plice" meant partner in guilt, she !averred that she never thought Bobby Henderson, would admit it. That was the way the contribution read, in substance, anyway. But the linotyper, who is about as good as any linotyper, insisted on using the word "accomplished," thus spoiling everything. You want to watch those things, Ernie. And Sue hasn't had a thing to do with us since. We suppose that she's sore. llHave you been to "Bargain Day" yet? We meet yesterday and got caught in the rush. When we finally came to the surface, crushed between two hefty ladies, we had to buy an entire new out- fit, from socks up. Don't let them fool you. It's just a big money- * making scheme. * * * There is no limit to what The Daily can do. It even put Washington in the National League yesterday. * * * We were glancing through the Muskegon Chronicle the other day and found a little gent. Ash trays, says a news account, will replace cuspidors at future board of ed- cation meetings. That's just another argument for farm relief. * * * CAMPUS OPINION To the Editor: I am just an engineer and so I don't know very much yet, but I have a sense of some sort and I want to register a protest. I make my home in Burma, where all engieers should be, and I came to Michigan only because of the repu- tation of that popular Michigan myth, "Athletics for All." Once I heard Prof. Yost lecture to the local Ki- wanis club on how much chance you had here to compete in athletic sports -if you were an all-state football player in high school. "We believe in athletics for all," he said, and the students, if they are lucky, can sit in our nice big sta- dium and watch the eleven best foot- ball players in the school play." The other day I went down to Mr. Ferry's lot to play a little tennis and they had the nerve to charge me $1.50. I ask you Mr. editor, is this athletics for all? Silly Sophomore, 30E. * * * Was your name left out of the di- rectory too? LASH. il . .* ..rc lc .v..i r ., r .0on r.rr rr..e-. .c ..v t,. a As where / \' ~i tlze Nws is Wforldwide. 1 O W 4 0 r rer LW., 1 -~ I Newspape This is an AmeansTruthtoldinterestingly CLASSIFIED ADS PAY