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July 13, 1928 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1928-07-13

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Probably cloudy today. Not;
much change iil temperature.



Sf1 Ut Y





Changing Conditions Have Giveni
Official More Time for Creative
Work, Speaker Explains
"It is possible for the small school
system to work out a supervisory
program on the same basic principles
of the larger schools, such as Detroit
and Grand Rapids," said Superintend-
ent John E. Erickson, of the Hilsdale
public schools, in his lecture. "Super-
vision in the Small School System,"
VAven in the auditoium of the Uni-
versity High School yesterday after-
noon. "Of course it cannot be done
as completely or on as large scale,
but the results are beneficial."
"In former days the dutieseof a sup-
erintendent were largely managerial
in nature. He had to care for the
routine matters and very seldom was
he allowed anything to say about the
hiring of teachers. But today, even in
the smaller schools lie is allowed
much more iesponsibility and more
of .the routine matter is taken out of
his hands. One problem of the super-
intendent is to shift more of the pure
ly administrative burden to the
shoulders of principals and spend
more time on the creative and super-
visory work, which is, after all, the
most important. Today his task is
the co-ordinating of the creative and
administrative sides."
Board Should Be Consulted
"In attempting to install an efficient
supervisory program in a small school
the superintendent should begin by
educating the school board to the
value of it. This may be done b
furnisAing members with information
about the school, such as the budget
for several years, the superintendents
report and. a list of the things to be
discussed at the next meeting. When
visiting another school take a mem-
ber of the school board with you and
let him see some of the problems there
and the way they are met.
"After the board is ready for the
project explain the work to the teach-
ers. Outline the policy, give the
teaching objectives, and build confi-
dence towards yourself in the teach-
er. Do away with the regular teach-
er's meeting and only caf them when
you have something to say."
Explains DesirableSystem
Superinten ent Erickson explained
the system 'thich is to be started in
the Hilsdale schools this year and
gave it as an example of what might
be done in other small systems. He
showed how much of the administra-
tive work was delegated to others and
gave the superintendent more time
for the creative side.
"The functions of the creative sup-
ervisor are to build a research pro.
gram, to solve instructional prob-
lems, to direct the construction of a
course of study, to direct a testing
program, and to formulate methods
of diagnosis and institute remedia
measures to correct the conditions and
mistakes found," he concluded.


On Students Here
Life has a glamor and a gl: w not ing a novel the reader, however, has
For Summer Session ep-ted in the novels of the past "or o n tired of the dregs orlife

Two sets of statistics given out ,:
Edward H. Kraus, Dean of the Sum-
mer Session, include a summary of
summer students according to states
and countries, and data regarding the
distribution of teachers in attendance
at the University.
Of the 3,487 registered, 2,00> are
from the state of Michigan, 324 fror
Ohio, and 141 from Ilinois. Penn-
sylvania is fourth on the list with
123 students, followed by Indiana
with 119 and New York with 116.

few years,' says Mr. Lawrence Con-
rad, instructor in the rhetoric depart-
meit. I iowover, I am convinced that
the type of novel whic pictures life
at its lowest level has served its day,
and a newv day with a new trend is
Mr. Conrad believes that the novel
which deals xwith life in the lowest
and commonest of American homes,
where money is scarce and troubles'
are plentiful, will soon be supplanted"
by a novel which sees beyond thej
squalor, and lifts its characters from

There are several more foreigr
countries represented in the enroll-
ment for the present Summer Sessio.,
than there have been for some year:
past. China leads the list with 2 i
students and Canada is second with
18. Twelve students come from thb
Philippine Islands and nine each fro
Hawaii and South America. Jap
and Porto Rico have six students ('
in school here, while India is reurf
sented by three, and Italy _& S '
by two each.
Germany, Haiti, Ireland,. Panama
Russia, San Juan, Syria, and Guam
send one student apiece to the Uni
There are 1,460 students register >
who are occupied as teachers during
the regular school year of which 411
are high school instructors. Of the
number included in the teacher'
group 785 are registered in the Grad-
uate School and the School of ed
cation is second with 407.
First Meeting Of CoMimitfede1ien WiP
Precede Notification Of Hoover
As Party's Choice
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 12.-Two con
ferences of Western National Repub
lican committeemen and committee
women were called today by Chairman
Work, one to be held in Chicago
the second, to include far western
states, to be held in San Francisco
The chairman of the National Con'
mittee will participate in both meet-
ings which will be arranged to coin
cide with his trip to the Pacific coas
early in August to attend the notifica-
tion of Herbert Hoover as the Presi-
dential Nominee.
Announcement of the conferences a
Announcement of the conferences
at National Headquarters of the party
today simply stated that the meet--
ings would plan the campaign for
the states in these sections.
Leaving Washington the first week
in August for California, Mr. Worz
will stop over in Chicago for the firsti
conference which will include com-
mitteemen and committeewomen of
the middle western states from the
Allege anies to Denver. Two days
will be devoted to the meeting. He
Will proceed without stop then to
California and confer there on Mon-
day, August 13, after the notification
ceremony, with the Pacific Coast party
; leaders at San Francisco.

the sordid to the more ideal- at
least to the more usual type of
American life. - Novels of the type
which have been current for these
past few years are documentary,
and have their especial pigeonhole
in the files ol literature. When read-
National Committeemen Talk With
Smith And Leave To Canvass Sit-
nation In Rome States
(By The Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July '12.-After a

for he can see these human derelicts
in any tenement district and he is
looking for life that is better than
the lifo he sees and lives. Some may
think this a sentimental view or at
least a romantic one but on consid-
Bering the matter the majority of no-
vel readers will undoubtedly agree
that thEy deoi e a romantic view of
life, thinks _ir. Cotrad. By this he
'does not mean that 'a romantic per-
iod will return.
Novel-iof smatl towns, lousiness
men, doctors and ministers have ap-
peared, each one dea.ling with a
particular type of life and these can
be called documentary. People are
now reaching beyond the mere do-
!cumentary type - they are seeking
something deeper. A touch of the
spiritual, perhaps the mere groping
toward an Infinite Being, is what
hey are seeking. No 'novelist has
vet written a n-vel which does this,
and whoever succeds will be open-I
ing a new door for novelists. 'The
Bridge of San Luis Rey" blends the
spiritual with the real and perhaps
owes it success to the fact that it
seems to be a solution, to the prob-
Biography at present is advancing!
in popularity, due perhaps to the
fact that it recounts lives in which
there is the glamor that has been
absent from our fiction.
Another type of non-fiction rapid-
ixy gaining in popularity is philoso-

New Play Presented
By Rockford Troupe
Draws Large Crowd
Patrons of the Rockford Players
have shown more than usual haste
to reserve their seats for the four re-
maining performances of Maurine P
Watkins' "Chicago," which the com-
pany has been presenting throughout
the week at Sarah Caswell Angel'T
hall. The sale of seats for the mati-
nees tomorrow afternoon at 3:15 Sa
o'clock has been particularly heavy.
This play will be presented by the
Players for the last time next Mon-
day night, the curtain rising Tuesday
on the fifth bill of the season, Harry pa
Wagstaff Gribble's "March Hares." Kr
The radio broadcasting scene which lee
occurs between the second and third da
acts of "Chicago" is not called for in dit
the book, having been prepared and ar
added to the production by Rober' w1
Henderson, director of the conpa:ly w(
The apparatus was installed by L. M or
[iollands of the University eiectrica ra
engineering shops. so
Several facutly women have been Li
assisting the Players this week by en
appearing in the spectators' balcony ne
in the court room scene. Mrs. Hugh
E. Keeler has been in .charge of this w
part of the program, assisted b3 si
Mrs. John H. Ehlers, Mrs. Alan F un
Sherzer, Mrs. Russell C. Hussey, and fo
others. fig

round table discussion of campaign phy, . The gigantic sale of Will Du- ;nlir
strategy with Governor Smith, mem- rant's 'Story of Philosophy" shows jIWE
bers of the Democratic National Coin- the reading public's keen ,;interest HEALTH SNO an
mittee left for home *tonight, deter- alorg this line. The new fiction will
mined to lose no time in getting thei have the glamor of godbiography.-L Ss
state and local organizations in utl p Ind the depth of popular philosophy.o
speed operation. The early part of the twentieth a
More than an hour in his campaign century saw the poets breaking all Doctor Claims That Hygiene Bureaus K;
headquarters at the Baltimore the traditions with "free verse" a re- Can Be Maintained For Fifty de
Presidential nominee discussed the sult. Since 1913 a new school of Cents Per Capita by
outlook with the committee men and poetry has come to view. Vachel in
wome, wh yeserdy, a hissugLindsey anzd Robert frost are of this a
women, who yesterday, at his sur newer school. Negro poetry express- TELLS OF IMPROVEMENTS a
gestion, made John J. Raskob, direr- e h ke redswadte pn
tor of General Motors, their chairman es the keen trend toward the spir- i
and entrusted to him the managemen itual. Negroes are naturally more "Adequate health service can be
of the campaign. inclined toward the spiritual than maintained in any average county for in
Raskob Leaves Meeting others. Literature at present is at the small amount of 50 cents per cap- o
. a veritable crossroad. The new
Raskob, who earlier in the day con- .eriod just(awning will doubtess ita," declared D. L. . Lum den, ;;en- m
ferred with some of the 'committee jro utdwin ildutes
catch up all of these tendencies. and for Surgeon of the Unit'Ad States Pub-
nenibers, was present until forced to
leavetocchas raient nrissumetosr huld produce some truly great lie Health Service in a lecture de-
leave to catch a train for his summer 4 ol t rto
home in Maryland, where he plans to wor 1)t evoetry and prose, . livered at 4 o'clock yesterday after- W
Conrad believes.
spend the weekend. In attendance noon in Natural Science auditorium. ti
also was Herbert Lehman. the con- NAVAL AIRPLANES "This is rating it at a high figure," hf
mittee's new director of finance, Sen he added. "Same county health ser- c
ator Perry of Rhode Island, who has SE T !-E' RECORDS d
vices I have known to be kept up ford
been placed at the head of the cam- vY
(By The Associated Press) approximately 15 cents for each per-Y
paign advisory committee, and George H,,nc
R. Benamy, who is expected to be in PHILADELPHIA, July 12.-Six son in the locality."
charge of eastern campaign opera- world's records were broken today iii "It is outrageou' to allow disease,,s
tions. an endurance flight by the navy fly sickness, and suffering to continue as1
Senator Robinson, the vice-presi- ing boat XPN-12, type A-7383, carry- it has been when such a small amounti
dential )1ominee, was not on hand, as ing a load of 2,000 kilog ams, at the would cut it down to almost nothing."
he had left for Washington during Philadelphia navy yard, The speaker went on to trace the his-
the ight Th plae, wich took the imCory of the growth of public health
the night. The plane, which took the a service In the United States. Hei
Governor Smith, who had cancelled Wednesday afternoon, landed at 8:3'eiin theaUite, Was.gt, i
cruise to meet with the -animittee, a. in., establishing an endurance re- pte ut paktoha Washnton, a
plans to make an overnight yachting ord for her type and load of 16 hours thfut plahet hraveatconind, e
urged everyone to offer suggestions 39 minutes, 51 2-5 seconds. The form spllktig heath, ogaidat, an In.-
~speaking of this, he !said that a full-
as to the way the campaign should er record was 11 hours, 1 minutes, 1. time, full-working health department
be conducted. He also put is a word seconds. was the only ay to maintain healths
now and then, but the talk resulted The second record broken was in a community. "A part time organ-
in no definite decision except' that for range for type and load cover- i pn t " pr de rga.
committee members should imme- ing 2,150 kilometers, or about 1,350 ization will not do," he declared.
I "Some people seem to think that
diately convass the situatk_.s in their miles. The former record was 1,525
own states and report to Senator kilometers, or 947 miles. alhand alotait eans is not
Gerry. The third, fourth and fifth record- paing proposition, and not worth
Notification Dates Not Set embraced speed for distance up to ptn me y itDc r t
The dates for the notification of 2,000 kilometers, the plane averagin that is to prove that it is." He did o
both the Governor and his running j a speed of 83 miles an hour, breaking this by showing how in one county t
mate were not discussed, and it was the record for carrying loads of 500
indicated later that it probably would kilograms and 2,000 kilograms. by the mainte nce of a health de-
be some days before it would be fix- The sixth record broken was tha partment. "There is not only the ac- a
ed. for range for a load of 1,000 kilo-
tual expense of the sickness," he ex- o
Committee members reported that grams, the plane traveling 2150 kil yi
thegenralopiionwastha itwoud mter agins th fomerrecrd orplained, "but also the money loss inj,
thegenraloi ;ast woulsaanstreco r being away from work, and in taking
be unwise to establish regional head- 1,000 kilograms of 2;000 kilograms, o' up the time of others, to say nothingr
quarters in the South as Senator Rob- 1,247 miles. of all the pain and suffering that goest
inson had proposed. Representatives The ship was piloted by Lieut. A with it."
from the "solid South" for the most, W. Gordon, U. S. N. With Lieut. Gor-
part felt that there was no chance don was Chief Boatswain E. C. Ri"include medical supervisioa of school
of losing any state in that section, er, U. S. N., who was with Commander children, medical supervision oofo
_________________Richard E. Byrd in 1925 on the Mc
adults, clinics, supervision of the wa-
' BASEBALL SCORES Milian north Greenland expedition.ruasdcmilsupes, maintenane
The crew consisted of Andy Lower r
of proper !sewage disposal, and many
(By The Associated Press) and Ellwood Townsend. I o per hings," he sa Allthisn:
American League + cessitates a force of several doctors
Detroit 4, New York 2.; SWEDISH DOCTOR and assistants and a good deal of,
- St. Louis 3, Boston 1. DEAD IN ARCTIC equipment, but, when the cost is
Cleveland 2, Wasington 1. spread out over a large number of
Chicago 4-2, Philadelphia 3-5. (By The Associated Press) people, it is a burden to no single
Vftinailm Le I STOCKHOLM, July 12-The report one."

ys Light Imposed Over Light Might
Produce Darkness, And Shows Its
Double Character
"Physics as a science may be com-
red to a museum," said Prof. H. A.
ramera of Utrecht, Holland, in his
ture on "Atomic Structure" yester-
y afternoon in Natural Science au-
torium. "Experimental physicist
e like the museuth expeditions
hich go out to all corners of th
orld and gather material, while the-
etical physicists are those who ar-
nge, classify, and put on display,
to speak, the material gathered.
ke a museum, too it often has to be
tirely rearranged to accommodate
w material.
"This process of rearrangement is
hat has been going on in physics
nce about 1905, when Einstein en-
tciated his light-quanta theory. He
und certain discrepancies in his
;ures based on the classical theory
light radiation, and concluded that
ght radiations from a heated body
ere not absorbed in continuous
nount, but in small chunks.
"The phenomena resulting from
iperposition of wave impulses from
e source upon -those from another
e very significant," declared Prof.
ramers, and showed several slides
pcting waves in water produced
y two conflicting sjurces. "When two
pulses, each of which would ordin-
ily produce a crest meet, the result
a higher crest; likewi1c tvo troug
npulses produce a deeper trough.
ut when a crest impulse and a trough
npulse meet, they neutralibe each
ther and the water remains un-
"The same phenomenon occurs with
ound waves, which 'produce a ftue-
atidn in density in the air throug-
hich they pass. And during the last
hree years light has been. shown to
ave similar characteristics. In some
ases light superimposed on light pro-
uces darkness; and Davis of New
ork has observed many interference
ffects in his experiments with light.
"Recently, however, light has been
hown to have a douie character.
ften, true, it has wave character-
stics; but again, as when it is r*--
adiated from a metal in the form
f a photo-electron, it seems to act
ke a series of particles.
"All this led to the work of th
renchman, de Broglie who conclud
d that since light was sometime
aves and sometimes particles, mat
er might be sometimes particles aud
ometimes waves. It is that hy-
'othesis that is the basis of recet
The University Observatory will he
ipen to Summer Session students on
he nights of July 24, 25, and 26
according to an announcement mad
yesterday. Tickets will be availabl
at the office of the iummer Session

on and after Monday morning. Dear
Kraus urges all whQ desire to tool
at the heavens, through the astro
nomicail equipment of the University
to apply for tickets as early as pos
sible, as in past years many have bee
disappointed because of delay.



Plans are being perfect
organization of a new deb
ference,, in the universitie
middle-west, according to a
given out yesterday mornin
James M. O'Neill, head oft

rIZED Samuel G. Wiener, '20A has a six
page article in the July number of
ed for the "Pencil Points," a leading architec-
ating con- tural journal published in New York
s of the The article deals with old frame build
a statement # ings of Louisiana, and is illustrat;
ng by Prof by a number of Mr. Weiner's penci
the Speech sketches.
m as out- The same magazine also contain:
s between an article on specifications by A. AV
to Big Ten Luckham, of George D. Mason am(
two debate company, who is a former architee
the spring tural student of the University; am

lined will
nine of the

The progran
include debate
schools of. th

President Clarence Cook $Little will
speak at the next meeting of the
Men's Education club to be held at
7 o'clock Monday night at the Union.
P resident Little who is out out o4
the city at the present time has not
announced the subject of his address

conference. There-will be
sessions a year. one in

and another in the fall.
"This re-organization has merely
been outlined thus far," said Prof.
O'Neill, "and no definite action has
been taken that would absolutely put
it into effect. The whole thing will
be gone over in a meeting next week,

a reproduction of the winning design
in the last George G. Booth Travelling
Fellowship competition, by Karl
Belser, '25A.
Yellowstone Park's wooded are
equals the combined area of Delawar


St. Louis 11, New York 1.
nings.) Wet grounds.
Brooklyn 0, Cincinnati 0.
Chicago 4, Boston 1.

(six in-

of Dr. Finn Malmeren's death in the "Health is one of tge most valna- as yet. ie will probably return to
Arctic cast a gloom throughout Swe- ble things in this life," he concluded. Ann Arbor Saturday morning when
den. Despite his youth-he was only "The person who has good health can his topic will be made known. Stu-
33 years old-Dr. Malmeren had made get the greatest joy out of living, but dents of the University who are r
himseI a name as an exceptioumally the person with poor health is co- members of the club are invited tv
proficient meteriologist., demned to suffering and pain."'attend this meeti.

and the final plans drawn up then," and Rhode Island

I Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, rain.

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