PAQE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY XlJ1$t t mpr poses. If he has neither of these, he Subscribe to the is bound to have a relative or a Md M T r r t I g ~a t friend who is benefited by education MUSIC And Drama Summer Daily Published every morning except Monday dur or he may in some way have a direct ig the University Summer Session by*the relation to some educational system "T E PEARL OF GREAT PRICE" Board in Control of Student Publications.iTH PER OFG AT RI" himself, regardless of how crude or The Associated Press is exclusively en eoA Review, by J. Stewart Hooker Aways Cool titled to the use for republication of all news far advanced that system may be. In dispatches credited to it or not otherwise other words the problem of education The sublime optimist will tell you Comfortable at the credited i this paper and the local news Prc, published herein. is practically of universal importance, that "The Pearl of Great Price," Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post. and to continue to refuse to give it which opened at the Shubert-Detroit office as second class matter. i Subscription by carrier,; by mail, $1,75. its proper representation in govern- Sunday night as a so-called modern Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, mental ranks is nothing short of un' morality play, is doing a great good; IIAust discrimination the pessimist will tell you that the EDITORIAL STAFF Each department in government has play is both lewd and lurid; the critic Telephone49 been established and instituted on must realize that his is the difficult MANAGING EDITOR when conditions were such that their task, for neither opinion is without its TODAY organization seemed necessary. At . STEWART HOOKERfication FRIDAY and SATURDAY Editorial Directors.........George E. Simons first, when our present Union saw its Say what they will, and regard it as cRl birth, d a they may, "The Pearl of Great Price" In the Hectic aunts oF the Feaure Editor............... Eleanor Scribner! of departments, among which were theisntwaitpendtob-gm Music and Drama Editor......Stratton Buck departments of foreign relations, now .a.bPleasure Seekers they met Books Editors..... ......T enneth G. Patrick with a moral that will live beyond the Kathryn Sayer the department of state, and the trea- He Knew that he could e Telegraph Editor...........Daryl W. Irwin sury department. The organization limits of its run. It does contain Night Editors of other departments accompanied some of the finer points of the old Alex Bochnowski Martin Mol these ,and then followed a line of addi-- morality play "Experience," upon Robert Dockeray George Simons which it is based in part, but it also Jack Davis Clarence Edelson tions, culminating in the establish- .I Howard Shout ment of the departments of agricul- includes a great deal of tawdry stuff Reporters t and labor within a comparatively that overshadows the final effects. The , argare Jahn Robert O'Brien recent period. Now, by following a play goes too far in both extremes; t, rapid growth of educational systems it makes 'a spectacle out of a time- A N BUSINESS STAFF hih i t f r will doubtless worn plot, and in doing so destroys , /ALOUSY AND INTR/IGUE Telephone 21214 continue in the expanse, there is a whatever good some people believe E BUSINESS MANAGER renewed appeal to bring about the results from morality plays, and whiph RAY WACHTER incorporation of a department of edu- all producers like to pretend does. -.cation in our national government. Simplicity is the keynote of the plot. Advertising.................Jeannette Dale A criticism is directed, however, at Pilgrim, the girl, is told by her dying Accounts..................Whitney Manning e move here discussed. There is an mother to guard at any cost "the Circulation............... Bessie V. Ege land temv eedsusd hr sa Ciruelatei.. BAsistants . element that believes that the estab- pearl of great price which comes to Janet Logic i lishment of an Educational depart- you as God's heritage," until the time THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928 ment would set up a bureaucracy in when it may be bestowed upon True THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928 educational administration that would Love as a dowry. Upon the death of Night Editor-LAWRENCE R. KLEIN be detrimental to the present func- her mother, Pilgrim is hounded by ioning of the educational systems in Want, Loneliness and Greed. In time the various states. If such an alle- of need she is befriended by Idle Rich THE ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION gation were true and the state and who covets the priceless pearl she TeE Alocal educational boards became mere wears. Pilgrim accompanys Idle Rich As a result of the announcement of pawns in the hands of .a national de- to the city. There she discovers the their course for 1928-29, things point partment of government, efforts in be- price of luxury, resents it, and is cast , to another banner year in the history half of this newer department should out upon the world by Idle Rich. + of the Oratorical association. Any be checked. But under the proposed Eventually she seeks shelter in a lecture series which numbers among plan such a condition will not pre- house of shame. There she becomes its speakers such celebrities as Step- vail. It is aimed to have the Educa-. suddenly disillusioned soon after her hen Leacock, Graham McNamee, tional department cooperate in a way arrival and murders a man in defense Richard Halliburton, General Smuts that will be beneficial to the state and of the pearl given her by her mother. and Peggy Wood, not to mention local boards. Through it much valu- She is seized by law and a court trial v TY3LI AM FOX PRES Ys Count Von Luckner, Madame Sun-Yat-- able information will be rendered to ensues. Pilgrim is finally freed and 0dm, Sen and Emil Fuchs, is one of un the smallest educational unit in the returns home to find True Love await- AJ9 orCS D elRi usual excellence, land as well as to the largest, and, ing her, and the curtain descends with t a Hh-Powered EotaxDraw Since its inauguration, the Oratori- all in all, it will make for an eleva- Pilgrim in his arms. cal association, more than any other tion in educational standards and an If that was the sum total of the -Added- organization on the campus, has done advancement in education policies worth of the play, it might accomplish an inestimable good in bringing which ultimately will produce a bet- more by attracting fewer theatre- BUSTER S lectures and personages to Ann Ar- ter and more intelligent citizenry. goers; but it is not. The whole play BIG CHANCE bor. Last year such men as Com- __is a succession of scenes, nine of mander Richard E. Byrd, who is now WORTH THE PRICE them, in fact. In that respect it is The Comedy making preparations for his South According to the most accurate ac- unusual and consequently attractive. Pole flight, Will Durant, famous phil- counts available, the cost of operating After two very mild scenes which con- osopher, and Dr. Nitti, Italian editor, stitute the prologue, the play proper LATST NEWS EVENTS appeared in Hill auditorium. In the lplunges immediately into the elabor- past such personages as Theodore of the proceedings of the National Re-; ate "Abode of Luxury," the home of SCREEN NOVELTIES Roosevelt, Jr., Will Irwin and William publican convention at Kansas City Idle Rich. Here the producer seems Howard Taft visited Ann Arbor as over the radio was $77,000. Collec- at fault, for the suddenness of the guests of the"Oratorical association. tively these stations paid out one dol- scenes takes the breath away and Not organized for the purpose of lar a second while the convention wa. lessens the possibility for a strong making money, it has always been otaseson. whte the cvknti k- climax later. That is accomplished, makngmoeyitha alay benin session. Every time the clock tick-j however, in the vivid courtroom' the policy of the Oratorical associa- ed another dollar was spent, which scee, b n the expensetof tb-n to bring to Ann Arbor an array ,counted up to $60 a minute or $3,600 scene, but only the expense of of speakers such as are seldom found an hour. melodrama. If the court scene had 'on- any other single course in the It estimated that more tha ended with the lawyer of Pilgrim's country. Next year's program, accord- proof of the fact that the knife with twenty million persons, includingproofteacththekiewh ing to the initial announcement, seems p . d which the man was murdered was radio owners, their families and . to be anything but an exception. Co friends "listened in" on the speeches carried by him, it would have been a sequently, the Oratorical association vastly better. Instead, Pilgrim's law- seqenty, he raorial ssoiatonand ceremonies of the conclave. The' and Carl G. Brandt, manager of the exact numnber which constituted the yer calls as the last witness, the mem- 'course, in particular, are to be con- wxrd' gret uic cn ne ory of her mother, and the remainder gratulated. If merit presages any- worldws greatest audience can never of the scene is too melodramatic and thing the 1928-29 lecture course enoh to allow sm dections. spoils the effect of reality necessary enuht lo oeddcin. t h ucs fteshould be the biggest success ever. One twenty-millionth of $3,600 was't h uceso h play. te ostweryailtperhofor the The cast is outstanding, both in A NEW DEPARTMENT the cost per capita per hour for the j quality and magnitude. The per- Aentertainment and education of which formance of Miss Lee Patrick, of Recent newspaper accounts indicate American people availed thmeselves. "The Shelf" and "Mr. What's His that another organization has contrib- Not only was radio responsible for the Name" fame, is splendid, which is say- uted its' resources and the efforts of pe nsb tio-a ente- _ chepst osibl edctoa ete- ingm someig swhendon, hconidssy- THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1928 - GENUINE "Old Town Canoes Used Exclusively in Our Livery Very Safe and Easy to Paddle SAUNDER'S GCANO''E LIVERY I Oan the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. "-Il I 4 AFTER THE I SHOW After you have spent a pleasant evening at the Michigan Theatre you often feel the desire for a bite to eat. Have you tried our sandwiches and light lunches? Perhaps you have a special dish that you con- sider your favorite. We are certain that we can serve you anything from our menu to suit your taste. The Michigamme is so handy too, in that it is next to the theatre. The next time you go to the show on your way home, stop in for a little refreshment. RESTAURANT Liberty Street Michigan Buildnig N IL 'I ii iIGAN BELL EPHONE CO. Suggests That You EPHONE HOME ng Distance Rates Are Surprisingly Low for Instance its members in the campaign to bring about the organization of a Depart- ment of Education in the Federal gov- ernment. This organization; is the National Education Association which early this month held an enthusiastic convention in Minneapolis at which the delegates in attendance pledged their individual and collective support tU bringing pressure to the proper au- thorities regarding the need for the organization of an Education depart- ment. The purpose of this great teach- ers convention going on record as fa- voring the organization of an educa- tion department is obvious. For some time now there has been a long felt want of the establishment of a depart- ment which would have equal footing along with the other principal depart- ments of government which are repre- sented in the President's cabinet. The growth of our educational systems throughout the land has made it im- perative that further steps be taken by our national government in the di- rection of lending its support to the: project of perfecting our great school system. Education of American youth is a project of concern to every citizen of the land. It is safe to say that there is not a citizen today who in some way is not affected by our edu- cational system. If he has no chil- dren in school he may have land which is taxed for educational pur- L~x pvatuG uua~cfsaieuei ting something when one considers: tainment, but it also made first hand that she appears in every single knowledge of convention proceeding a scene. Harry Metayer, who played available to millions who would never one of the leads in "The Play's theC have been able to have it any other j Thing" turns in another excellent per- way. Certainly it was a profitable in- formance as Idle Rich and Prejudice. vestment, not alone from the stand- His final court oration is one of the point of entertainment. It undoubt- I high spots of the show and well worth edly served to stimulate interest in any lawyer's attention. It is this re- national politics-something which viewer's opinion that Mr. Mestayer I seems too often to be lacking. has acquired much of the fine acting ability of the late Holbrook Blinn, OUT-.OFDATE TRADITIONS iwith whom he was so long associated. When the commander of the Chilean Jessie Brown Semple as Wanton,I transport "Angamos" committed sul- Mabel Bunyea as Envy and Dorothy cide, after learning of the loss of the Wolf as Orgy stand out from the rest i of a fine cast. Mary Morris, as the rudder of his ship and knowing dis- Mother of Pilgrim, lacks much of the aster was almost inelitable, two tradi- true spirit of motherliness; she is a tions of the sea clashed and the older little too cold for the part, a fault she one won. It is ancient custom for ship may overcome in time. And, finally, captains to take their own lives when James Meighan, as Love, needs a lit- their ships are in danger, but there tle more practice. is another tradition that calls upon In all, "The Pearl of Great Price"! the commander to be the last to leave is at once mild and wild; ugly and: the ship. beautiful; realistic and melodramatic; Suicide is always cowardly and commonplace and dazzling; moralj particularly so when it becomes de- and immoral. In other words, the: sertion in the hour of need. His act I play has its moments, but not enough doubled an already serious loss be- of them. It is not consistently good. cause the ship was left without either Therefore, to those who are able to) mechanical or mental guidance. It enjoy olives, cherries and fish because would have been far more in keeping they do not mind the selective process with his responsibility to have made the consumption of such sustenance an effort to direct a rescue and quiet entails, "The Pearl of Great Price" is " the panic that" prevailed, leaving sul- recommended as a play whose merits cide for a last resort as the ship went almost, but not quite, counterbalance down. its demerits. or i or less, between 4:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. You can call the following points and talk for THREE MINUTES for the rates shown. Rates to other points are proportionately low. From Ann Arbor To: Albion..................$ .50 Grand Haven.............$ .90 Algonac..................50 Ionia....................65 Allegan.................... .80 Kalamazoo................. .70 Bay City................... .70 Lake Odessa................ .60 Battle Creek..............60 Port Huron...............60 Benton Harbor ..............95 Saginaw....................60 Dowagiac ....................85 Mt. Clemens ................45 Grand Rapids .............. .80 Muskegon................. .95 The rates quoted above are Station-to-Station Day rates, effective from 4:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. A Station-to-Station call is one that is made to a certain telephone rather than to some person in particular. 11 I Rates to any point, and distant telephone numbers, can be secured by calling Information. '' wxpa , Station-to-Station calls may be made collect, providing the called party approves. kI' I I CLASSIFIED ADS PAY