WEATHER Fair and warmer. Probable showers. ol 4 -P 'u mmr Sfr ija :43 a t t4kw MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. IV. No. 16. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURS.DAY, JULY 12, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS SURGEON TELLS THAT }HUMAN RACE DURATION STEADILYINCREASES ORDINARY SPAN OF LIFE NOW IS 18% YEARS MORE THAN IN 1855 AVERAGE PERSON LIVES 58 YEARS Increase Is Due To Medical Progress Of Past Half-century, Doctor States In Lecture "The average span of life today is eighteen and one-half years longer than it was in 1855," declared Dr. L. L. Lumsden, senior surgeon of the U. S. Public Health service, in his third lecture on health problems delivered at 4:00 p. m. yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. "Today the average person will live to be fifty-eight years old whereas sixty or seventy years ago he might have been expected to die at about the age of thirty-nine," he explained. Progress Due To Medicine C"All this is due to the enormous progress that has been made in the field of medicine, to the increased at- tention that is being paid to sanita- tion, and to all the work that has been done by health workers," the lecturer stated. He went on to give many in- cidents of the way the death rate has ( been cut down in particular diseases. "Deaths from tuberculosis have been decreased by one half," hd said. "In the case of typhoid fever, we have an interesting comparispn between the deaths from that source in the Spanish American war and In the World war. There were four hundred times as many deaths from typhoid in the Cuban campaign as there were in the war with Germany," "However, in spite of this great record in lessening the toll of sickness and disease, there is yet an enormous amount to be done," Doctor Lumsden declared. "An average of two million people are ill in this country every day, and it has been estimated that seventy per cent of the school chil- dren are physically defective, having bad eyes, teeth, or some other ab- normality. All this could be cut down by one-half if the principles of sanita- tion and cleanliness were observed properly and thoroughly by every- one." Reduce Death Rate "We have reduced the death rate in cities twice as much in recent years as we have that in the rural dis- tricts," the speaker announced, "This does not mean that the city is neces- sarily a more healthful place in which to live," he added, "because the death rate there is still a little higher than it is in the country. However, strict health measures, such as supervision of the water supply, and the pasteuri- zation of the milk supply, and all the work that has been done to encourage and enforce sanitation, have made the large city a much less dangerous place than its crowded conditions would seem to make possible." Dr. Lumsden will give the closing lecture of his series at four o'clock this afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. This will complete his survey of the public health field in which he has traced the history of im- portant diseases, and has shown how they have been fought against and conquered by doctors and epidemiolo- gists. Dr. Lumsden has been actively con- nected with the United States Public Health Service for a great number of years and has risen in the ranks to senior 'surgeon. BASEBALL RESULTS American League Detroit 4-5, New York 2-6. Chicago 3-5, Philadelphia 10-1. Cleveland 2, Washington 1. Boston 4, St. Louis 3. National League New York 6, St. Louis 4. Chicago 4, Washington 2. Pittsburgh 3, Philadelphia 1. Brooklyn 4, Cincinnati 3. .,._. RECEIVE NO WORD Boy Orator Will WOMEN'S LEAGUE' OF HOBBS PARTY T - HOLDS TEA PARTY Tour In A mprin Finney May Assume Vacant Cabinet Post Although no word has been received here for the past two weeks from Prof. William H. Hobbs, head of the department of Geology, who is con- ducting a special Greenland expedi- tion, it is expected that he has landed on the Greenland coast and is about to start on his inland trip. Prof. Hobbs left Ann Arbor about the middle of May and after prelim- inary preparations were made at Cop- enhagen, he set sail with his party from that port, intending to reach the coast of Greenland some time this week. The expedition headed by the Michi- gan professor is being made to deter- mine the effects of wind currents, which are' believed to originate in Greenland, on storms in the Atlanticj ocean. He intends to return to Ann Arbor by the opening of the regular session of the university in Septem- ber. 1 V VA 1 1 1 LI 1 .L .111X 1.1.i. L Dudley Baker Adjudged England's best schoolboy orator, who is coming to the United1 States to compete in oratorical con- tests here. May Have Graduate PROF, WOODY SPEAKS School For M. S. C. If Board Agrees ON1MINflMEASURINGS Mrs. Clarence Cook Little, Mrs. Ed- ward H. Kraus, and the women of the Rockford Players, including Miss Katherine Wick Kelly, Miss Elberta Trowbridge, Miss Lillian Bronson, and Miss Marvel Garnsey, were guests of honor at a Women's League tea serv- ed yesterday afternoon in the Wom- en's field house. Mrs. William H. Henderson, who had charge of the re- cent drive for the Women's League building, and Miss Beatrice Johnson, adviser of women, were also guests of the league. Miss Marie Hartwig, summer presi- dent of the league, presided at the tea. The table was decorated with flowers, and orange ice and lady fin- gers with iced tea were the refresh- ments served. A large number of the women in the summer school were present. -c Miss Martin Treats Of Juvenile Books In Pictured TalkI Speaking yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock on "Illustrators of Children's Books," Miss Helen Martin of Western Reserve university library school cited Comenius with his book on the teaching of Latin, "The Visible World," as the first illustrator of a children's book. sAfter Comenius came William Blake, whose "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience," illustrated by himself represent, a great advance over earlier woodcuts. The secret of his brilliant coloring has never been revealed. When first published these books sold for five dollars: each gen- uine copy now sells for twenty thou- sand dollars. With the middle of the nineteenth century came a trio, Walter Crane. Randolph Caldecott, and Kate Green- away. Crane's books showed classical influence. His "Puss in Boots," "The Fairy Ship," and "Mother Hubbard"j are well known. He made the initial letter in beginning paragraphs fa- mous. Caldecott illustrated Irving's "Bracebridge Hall," "The House that (By The Associated Press) EAST LANSING. July 11.-Formu- lation of plans for a graduate school i i Tells Of Rapidly Increasing NumbersI Of Tests Available To Modern School Children for Michigan State college was ex- pected today as the state board LABORATORIES ARE AID of agriculture met here for its monthly session. Advisability of es- "The modern mental measurement tablishing such a school was expect- movement means an, attempt to get ed to enter largely into the discus-' refined and accurate measurements of slion of the board. the ability and stage of advance of The college awarded a graduation the child's education," said Prof. Clif- degree at its last commencement and ford Woody, in his lecture "Testing: it now has about 150 students taking Theory and Practice" given in the graduate work but no provisions have auditorium of the University High been made for a separate school. The School yesterday afternoon. "It is not work has been handled by a special a new movement, but the evolution o'f committee. a movement in which all school peo- A twice-rejected request by students l pieparticipate." for a compulsory year book fee also Professor Woody told of the rapid- was expected to be presented again ly increasing number of tests meas- to the board for consideration. Stu- urement charts which are being plac- dents voted a compulsory fee in the ed in the hands of the school men spring elections, but the board again and stated that there are now over! was expected to veto their wishes. 500 now available in various subjects Appontmet ofa sucessr toof instruction. The Bureau of Testsl AowardnRtet ho rsucesslyrwas and Measurements, of which Profes- Howard Rather, who recently was srWoyi ietr atya et made head of the farm crops depart- sor Woody is director, last year sent ment, as extension specialist in farm nearly one-half million copies of these ment asextnsin spciaistin armtests into the state to be used in the crops, also was before the board. No testingograth actin ws epeced n sccesor totesting program. action was expected on successors to "The factors which have been large- ly respons'ible for the rapid growth ment, Who will be the new directorE ofntiry industryin the UnedrtesI of the mental measurement movement of dairy industry in the United States are the development of laboratories department of agriculture, or to John Rufi, head of the education faculty, o the study of experimental psy- who will join the staff of Missouri uni- thods, the school survey movement in versity next year. the search for efficiency, the expan- sion of school supervision, and the DUTCH AUTHORITY use of intelligence tests in the army WILL SPEAK HERE during the war. "There have been three stages in "Atomic Structure" will be the sub- this growth-curiosity, setting stand- ject of a lecture by Prof. H. A. Kra- ards for comparing one school with mers of Rijks university, Utrecht, Hol- another, and the improvement of in- struction. This last is the only legit- land, at 5 o'clock this afternoon in Iiaerao o aigatsigpo ' inva~te .reason for having a testing pro- Natural Science auditorium. Profes- gram in the schools, in my opin- sor Kramers, who is an international- ion. ly known physicist and has lectured "Factors to be considered in form- at Columbia and many other large ing an adequate and proper testing universities, is expected to discuss the program are the existing machinery wave theory of atomic motion, dis- in the school system for administering covered in 1924 by de Broglie, a the tests, experience of the teachers French physicist. According to this in testing technique, general attitude theory, atoms do not move as was of the community toward testing, once thought in definite orbits like which is frequently' hostile in the the planets around the sun, but ra- smaller towns, general conditions ther like recurring waves of water. within the school community. E. C. Finney Assistant secretary of the interior, who may take over the position va- cated by his superior, Secretary Work. DETROIT TRIP WILL BE MADE THISWEEK END Fifth Excursion Will Include Detroit News, General Motors Building And Art Institute C. F. WELLS IS IN CHARGE All arrangements have been made for carrying out the excursion to ,e- troit scheduled for this Saturday, it was announced last night by Carlton F. Wells, instructor in the Rhetoric department, and director of excur- sions. Those planning to go on the trip are urged to leave their names at Room 8, University Hall before Friday evening. The party will meet at the corner of State and Packard streets at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. The trip as arranged is a very ex- tensive one. The group under Mr. Wells' guidance will go directly to the Detroit News building, where a view of the largest and most com- plete newspaper office in this part of the country will be afforded them. The office and editorial rooms will \bd thrown open to inspection; the art department, linotype rooms, and the SMITH SHAKES HANDS WITH PARTY LEADERS. AT NATIONAL MEETING REED TELLS NOMINEE MISSOURI WILL BE "RIPE" FOR THE FALL ELECTION SENATOR PLEDGES CAMPAIGN SUPPORT Charges Hoover Lowered Wheat Price To Benefit England And Allies During The War (By The Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 11-With rivulets of perspiration streaming down both face and neck and .playing havoc with the fresh color Governor Smith put in a warm thirteen minutes today shaking hands with members of the Democratic National Committee, and ,other Democratic leaders who were present for the meeting of that body. His cordial smile, however, refused to be drowned out and his humor continually bubbled through the ses- sion., "How is the next President of the United States ?" asked one woman as she passed dawn the handsthaking lne. "Warm!" replied- the Democratic nominee with a smile. Reed And Smith Talk Senator Reed of Missouri, who has come east to discuss the political out- look at Governor Smith's request, had breakfast in, the Governor's suite at the Biltmore. They spent an hour or more together. Later both declared, in separate in- terviews with newspaper reporters, that the discussion had been general, touching on nothing in particular. Smith reported that the Senator had assured him Missouri would be "ripe" in November. Reed, declaring that the question of his support of the presidential ticket had not come up because there was n,o need of this, -indicated that no program had yet been determined for the use of his talent during the cam- paign, although it is his intention to be on the firing line for the Demo- crats. Letting go with another verbal blast against Herbert Hoover, Reed in his conference with reporters charged the Republican nominee anew with fixing wheat prices during the war by ar- bitrary and "brutal misuse of power to the detriment of the American farmer." Assails Hoover "I don't thinksthe Americans are ready to elect as President a man who has spent his entire adult life abroad, and has made all of hia in vestments in Great Britain,"' he de- clared. "He came to this country for no other purpose than to beat down American agricultural prices ifor the benefit of England and the Allies. He accomplished this job. "If we are to have an Englishman for President I am in favor of the Prince of Wales. He's ready for the job." Reed asserted that Mr. Hoover was "shifty" in his political affiliations, and has been converted a Republi- can over night to land a place i the Republican cabinet. "And when he lit there he wa running for President," he added, con- c luding with the observation that, "HooverIs" an organized political a- ,etite " Jack Built," and "Mother Goose." huge press rooms will all be visited. Smocks, quaint peasant costumes, and This list contains a number of giant iinusual backgrounds were character- rotary presses which turn out thou- istic of Kate Greenaway, whose sands of copies of the Detroit News "Mother Goose" sold 66,000 copies in I every day. The last place visited in its first year. the building will be the radio broad- Howard Pyle gained recognition casting station. The announcer for with pen and ink drawings in St. the station will tell those on the trip Nicholas. Jessie Wilcox Smith and that are interested something of the Maxfield Parrish were his students. operation of the studio and of the, business of broadcasting. ERICKSON T A L KS The party will then proceed to the T H I SI AFTERNOON cafeteria in the General Motors build- ing, said to be the largest office build- The week's program of the confer- ing in this country, where luncheon ence course for superintendents, su- will be procured. After noon the De- pervisors, principals, and teachers, of- troit Public Library will be visited. fered by the School of Education will This building is one of the architec- close this afternoon with the lecture tural beauties of Detroit, and is es- by Superintendent John E. Erickson pecially famous for two murals by of Hillsdale public, schools on the sub- Gary Melchers which it holds. After ject "Supervision in the Small School viewing the library, the famous De- System." troit Art Museum will be visited. This The speaker will outline a course in building is directly across the street supervision for a small school sys- from the library, and contains some tem, giving the supervisory origaniza- of the most beautiful and most valu- tion, its functions and methods of able art collections in this country. operation. He will also explain what The party will return to Ann Arbor the class room teachers have a right about six in the evening. The total to expect from the supervisor in the expenses for the trip are estimated program. at two dollars and fifty cents. MARGARET MacGREGOR PLEASES HILL AUDITORIUM AUDIENCE WITH SELECTIONS THAT ARE FAR SUPERIOR TO AVERAGE ORGAN RECITAL organist. It is a scholarly rather I Mrs. MacGregor helped us to forget Henri Mulet is a comparatively new A review, by Miriam Mitchell ogns.I sashlryrte r.Mcrgrhle st ogt HniMlti oprtvl e The weather in New York has been ATree w, by tirim itheFalty than emotional composition, made up that the composer was still in the favorite among the composers for or- wa thergvNwor een Those who went to the Faculty of interesting fugues, which have the earlidr stages of his work, and that gans. His Toccata "Thou Art A ted the governor soon- Concert last night with prejudices way of reminding one of his intense this, at least, was a somewhat un- Rock" is becoming quite familiar toIed to end the meeting a trifle sooner against women organists stayed to interest in the church. finished work. Ann Arbor audiences, but last night than he had anticipated. admire and to be entertained. Mar- Johnson's Evensong is a charming Wolstenholme's Romanza reflected 'it was played with a new interpreta- thet Cincinna r, Costorydu of u- composition, peaceful and soothing in the contemporary in organ composi- tion and fervor which made it dis- SHIP SPEEDS FOR the Cincinnatti Conservatory of Mu- its quiet but expressive variations. tions, and was interesting in its many tinct from previous performances. The MAROONED CREW sicforerl a avoiteorgnis inAs Johnson says, It is a sad, sweet beautiful variations. One of the won- concluding number of Mulet's Byzan- Springfield, Ohio, brings to her con- melody, like the wind as it walls its derful parts of an organ is the Vox tine Sketches, the Toccata also served j (By The Associated Press) cert performances a perfectness of evening hymn over the rustling sea. Humana, and the mingling of the as a grand finale to Mrs. MacGregor's Aboard Russian Icebreaker Kr9 technique combined with an evident It was with a shock that the audi- chimes with the chanting of the choirs concert. sarin in Arctic, July 11-The Kra- love for music that mark them as be- ence realized that the charm was was so real in the Bells of Saint Anne The usual, stereotyped remarks sarin tonight was putting on full ing apart from the average recital.' broken and the composition ended. In de Beaupre by Russell, that the audi- ! which are usually attached to artists speed and its crew Was prepared for She has the strength of a male or- contrast to the Evensong were the torium becomes a chapel. We could do not serve in this case, for Mrs. superhuman effort to reach Dr. Finn- ganist and the tenderness and the bold, powerful movements of the Pre- not but feel the solemnity of the bene- MacGregor is not only an artist, but Malmuren, leader of the walking feeling of the female. lude, and Fugue in D Major, by Bach. diction with the bells again chiming a highly individualistic one. So it is party of the Nobile expedition, and The Allegro Vivace from Widor's In it we feel the influence of Bach's in the distance. Although not the best both a privilege and a pleasure to en- his comrades, who were discovered Fifth Symphony shows not only the predecessor, Buxtehude. The prelude number artistically, perhaps, Russell's joy these bits of musical art with an today by the Russian aviator, Chuk- superb tones of the new Frieze Me- was typically Bach, but in the Bells stood out as the most beautiful organist whose recommendation is her hnozsky, on thel ice about twenty mortal organ, but the mastery of the Fugue only the capable playing of number on the program. love for the work she has mastered. miles from the vessel's position.