,,,.F .. .._ Z, 4t #'ummtr WEATHER Fair, with increasing tem. perature. 4 .4I3aiti MEMBER ASSOCIATEDe PRESS VOL. IV. No. 14. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 10, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS - ---- -- - --- - -- f [ - - ---- - - - | (T|0() |\ |Q(QPLA YS REPORT ER'S LECTURER DISCUSSES PASRPRE' PART IN "CHICAGO" QUALITIES DESIRABLE IN SCHOOL PRINCIPAL . SPEAKER TELLS OF SURVEY MADE AMONG TEACHERS IN DETROIT INTERESTING FACTS GIVEN Open-Mindedness Is Considered Most Important Characteristic Of Elementary Principal >' I What elementary school teachers expect of the elementary school prin- cipal was the topic discussed by Prof. a George C. Kyte of the School of Ed- ucation yesterday afternoon in the. auditorium of the University High School. "According to a. recent survey con- ducted by Bowen of Detroit," said Robert Henderson Professor Kyte, "the okerwhelming majority of the 250 teachers ques- Director of the Rockford Players, tioned considered open-mindedness who plays one of the leading roles in the mcost valuagle quality in an ele- Chicago." mentary principal. Sympathetic un- dErstanding, graciousness, and a kind- ly manner were also high on the list,. "The mcst interesting results, how ever, are at the bottom of the list The least helpful factor, according this survey, is demonstration teaching by the principal. This is probatey "Chicago," By Maurine Watkins, Will due to the fact shown by other re Be The Fourth Offering Of ports that the principal spends ve:' Rockford Players little time in preparattion for his -demnonst:ration teaching, and evxe less L. BRONSON CARRIES LEAD time in discussing it with the .ach- (r afterwards. Opening the fourth bill of their Principal Should Have Program summer season, the Rockford Players "Statistics from several independent will ring up the curtain on Maurine sources indicate that the principal Watkins's melodrama., "Chicago, at spends only 23.4 per cent of his time 8:15 o'clock tonight in Sarah Cas- in direct supervision of instruction. well Angell hall. This play will con- The rest of his time is taken up with timue throughout the week, being giv- administrative organization. The lat- en its final performance Saturday. ter is more routine work and is the night. easiest road for the beginning prin- "Chicago," one of the greatest suc- cipal to follow, but he 'should make ceasses of the past dramatic season, up his mind to plan definitely for tells the story of. Roxie Hart, Chi- professional growth and to plan a cago's prettiest murderess. Opening concrete program of intensive super- with the shooting in Roxie's bedroom vision of instruction. the story goe's on through the prisons "He may be helped in doing this and police courts until the murderess in four ways: by making a thorough is finally acquitted of the crime with study of his school, community, chil- which she is charged. dren, and teachers; by definitely plan- Lillian Bronson, '26, star of numer- Cling and thinking hard about what ous campus productions of two and! he is going to say in conference with three years ago, is cast in: the lead- a teacher; by putting his administra- ing role of Roxie Hart. Billy Flynn, tive policies down in black and white the criminal lawyer will be played in bulletin form and sending them to by Roman Bohnen, while Robert Hen- each teacher; and by finding the diag- derson is to take the part of Jake i nostic values in tests and helping the the reporter. Paul Stephenson and teacher to profit from them. Elberta Trowbridge are cast as Amos In conclusion Professor Kyte made Hart and Mary Sunshine respectively. a plea for recognition of the unus- ually gifted teacher. "We should first . BASEBALL SCORES of all give her just as much time as we give the other teachers, though (By the Associated Press) she may not need it as much," he American League said, "and secondly, we should re- Boston 4-8, Detroit 0-2. lease her from some of her routine -New York 4-6, St. Louis 0-2. duties and leave her tree to experi- Chicago 3, Washington 1. men d rCleveland 4, Philadelphia 14. t meni. ! i National League LUE DSt. Louis 8, Boston 5. New York 3, Pittsburgh 5. LUMS EN DSC V SES~ Brooklyn 6, Chioago 2. 4 PREVENTION Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 4 NEW HOME OF WOM "The mo'st Important single factor WILL HAVE FC in fighting any disease or epidemic is to work and work hard against it, Most buildings have a tront, two a declared Dr. L. L. Lumsden, Senior sides, and a back. The "back door" Surgeon of the U. S. Public Health is often less tidy, less pretentious, and department, in a lecture delivered at often opens on an alley. While the 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon in Nat- ural Science auditorium. "Too often new Women's League Building has 1 epidemiologists and doctors are con- four sides it has no back door! Every t tent to let others gather data for side of the building is a "front side" them, when, if they had gotten out and every door is a "front" door, and I and investigated conditions for them- all these doors are open to men and selves, they could have sized up the women alike. situation, and stopped the trouble be- A drive will lead up to the North fore it had gotten very far advanced," University Avenue entrance which he continued. will be used by those going to the During the course of the lecture,. cafeteria, the tea room, or to the Doctor Lumsden outlined the whole dances. This entrance will open on field of epidemiology, giving here and the lounge, which is a memorial to! there illulstrations from his own ex- Ethel Fountain Hussey. On either side perience. He laid especial emphasis of the lounge there will be living PROTOZOAN *PARASITES SUMMER STUDENTS TAKE BETTER ANONC NEW CARE OF HEALTH-DR. SAPPING TON I' VV R ( NEW "Summer school students seem to of acute illness among the women r r u i OF MNKE(YS AND MAN' I FORFES A 0[ MONKIIS AND MAN be much more interested in M.akingI patients. There are no patients to F RE H A care of themselves, and in the genera speak of in the infirmary, and the car ofthmseve, ad n te enealmajority of cases which have come AINED BY HE ER condition of their health than the reg to the Health Service lately are hay- PROGRAM NEXT ular college students," was the state- fever, and, poison ivy, which we treat ment of Dr. Edith Sannineton, assist- by giving injections, We have had a JOHNS HOPKINS PROFESSOR SAYS TO' ALLOW ENTERING S COHANAS RISTICS AREant physician for women. "However, large number of foot cases, also, MORE FREE TIME T CYHARAC~mISTI[CS ARE MR RETN RELATED this really could be expected as most which are probably caused by the un- LAST YEAR . o thesumer sudens ae olerusual exercise of walking that the - ofthesummr sudens ae olerstudents have to do since they came GIVES ILLUSTRATED TALK and self supporting, and they are to Ann Arbor. TO BEGIN SEPTEMf anxious to take care of themselves in ,"During the winter months we have Speaker Says Chimpanzee Is Nearest order to prevent sickness, as It in- a great many cases of respiratory In- Rhetoric Test, Lawn Party,i Approach To Human Being; r. fections.- In fact these usually form Trips, Athletic Events To I terferes with their work." Discusses Protozoans the bulk of our minor ailments, but so Period of Orientath "There Is much more pathology in far this summer we have had com- "Monkey and man are again shown the cases we have now at the Health paratively few of these. Plans for the Freshman Service and on the average the pa- to be very closely related by the Seie hand orte aereha the - "Lately the Health Service has been gram to be held during th tients have more defects than the especially busy giving health exam- September 17th to 23rd, inc simi lar ei proozoan p. younger ones who come in the winter, inations to the students of the public nearly complete, according sites," declared Prof. Robert W. Heg- but they do take better care of them- health classes which are taught by William A. Frayer, chairm ner, head of the department of Zoo, selves. A young person is so apt to Miss Mabel Bragg, and Dr. Sundwall. Freshman Week committee logy at Johns Hopkins university. and let an infection go until it becomes These examinations are part of their "Some additions have bee former teacher in the department of serious before coming for medical at- class work, and the purpose is to the program, but in genera Zoology here, in an ilustrated lectur tention, but the older people have teach them the value of periodic gram has been lightened on "The Protozoan Parasites of learned thit the sooner it is attended health examinations, more free time to entering Monkeys and Men" delievered at to the less trouble it will be in the Prof. Frayer said. "A rhet 5:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon in end. ination will be given under Natural Science Auditorium. "Paris- "Summer school students seem to tion of Prof. Peter Munro Ji itologists know that every species of realize the advantages which are of- P NUATIparhetoric departmept, which protozoan parasite has its own parti- fered at the Health Service, and to determine the students' cular host," he went on, "and, since seem anxious to- use them, while they that they may be divided in these parasites are in most cases are able. From the very first day we L according to their standin identical in monkeys and in man, we have had students coming over to possible that a small pert must conclude that those two are check up on old defects they have had, Medals Will Be Given To Winners In the excellent students wi very close relatives." and to have new examinations to be Swimming Meet To Be Held cused from the regular Gives Study of Monkeys sure that there aren't any new ones." In Union ;Pool rhetoric courses and be allov "We have had several cases where on with advanced work. T Professor Hegner began the lec- patients have been advised to leave,'t i ture with a brief study of different ersho on acoun o lae MAN EVENTS ARE LISTEGD ination will be held early in money; ivngsoetin o te hs umerscoo o acontoftheir N R monkeys, giving something of the his- Some of the new student tory and characteristics of each. The alth, but we have had practically Thursday has been set as the date given the examination on torilla he described as a home-loving o casualities and no deaths or cases of the first Summer Session swimmin while the bulk of the ente PLANS WEEK FALL TUDENTS PHAN BER 17 Inspeettou Feature on Week pro- e week of lusive, are to Prof. an of the n made to l the pro- to allow students," oric exam- the direc- ack of the will serve ability so to sections gs. It is tentage of LI be ex- Freshman wed to go The exam- the week. s will be Monday, =rinz class individual; and the chimpanzee he spoke of as being the nearest ap- proach to the human being. Follow- ing this the lecturer took up the protozoans, small, one-celled animals that number several hunared thou- sahd species. He showed many dif- ferent kinds of these, telling some- thing about their habitats, and man- ners of growth and reproduction. Most People Have Parasites "Five to fifty per cent of the peo- ple have some protozoan parasites in their systems," the speaker announ- ced. "Almost everyone has one or two. There are parasites of . the mouth, one of which has been said to cause pyorrhea; parasites of the stomach, and of the large and small' intestine. Some of these are harm- less; but others caui6 dysentery, ulcers, malaria, and many more dan- gerous diseases." He traced the his- tory of the fight against several dis- eases caused by protozoan parasites, praising the work of the men that had studied and sought cures for them. "The best cure that has been found to combat the work of these parasites is a meat diet," said Prof. Hegner. "The experiments that led to this discovery were first made upon rats and birds, and were later found to be the same with man. i feel certain," he concluded, "that an investigation into the physical -condition of the Esquimaux who are almost entirely a meat eating race, would disclose the fact that there are no diseases among them caused by protozoan parasites." RECITAL TO BE1 GIVENBYMS BY MS.MAC GREGOR Member Of School Of Music Faculty Will Play Selected Program Of Org~aMusic TO BE IN AUDITORIUM One of the few opportunities for Summer Session students to hear the new $75,000 Frieze Memorial organ will come at' 8:15 next Wednesday night in Hill' auditorium when Mar- garet MacGregor, a member of the organ staff of the School of Music for the past two years, will play a specially selected program of organ music complimentary to the summer students of the University and the School of Music. The new organ, dedicated at the last May Festival, is as mechanically perfect as human invention has been able so far to develop. Some of its pipes are no larger than a lead pencil, others are two or three feet intdia- meter and thirty or forty feet in lensgth; some are round, some square, and others conical in shape. The me- chanism is operated entirely by elec- tricity. The program played by Mrs. Mac- Gregor will be: Allegro vivace (Fifth Symphony) -Widor evensong ................Johnston Prelude and FuL ue in D .Maimr meet, it was announced yesterday by Paul Washke, director of the summer intramural program. The meet will be staged in the Union pool and will begin promptly at 4:10 o'clock. The events announced for the meet are the 50 yard free style, 100 yard free style, 220 yard free style, 50 yard breast stroke, 50 yard back stroke, and diving. The plain front, plain back, front Jack knife, and back jack knife will be dives required in this last event. Medals will be given to all first place winners, it was announced by Mr. W'ashke. All students of the Sum- mer Session are eligible for compe- tition is the meet, and those desir- ous of entering the meet are request- ed to register their names at once in roo.:i of Water=-ng ;ymnasium. Compc titurs may enter as many events as they wish. Tb fi)st rounds of the tennis sin- gles and doubles tournaments have been nearly completed. Survivors of the initial round in the singles tour- ney i; ' as follows: Baton, Elliott, Ratoo! ,h, Koaeczny, 1 erz, Eardley, rloti !:t: , ::h4,1-nb. and C.. u' ing. Five j, -< 9 4 still ewsii: ,o b played in this .:murntky Geological Station Is Visited By Kraus "We have a splendid group of stu- dents in camp this summer,"' 'said Dean Edward. H. Kraus who return- ed Sunday from a visit to the Uni- versity geography and geology .^m"ofMii cnim Kv "h f1 will take it on Tuesday morning. Will Divide Into Groups The entering students will be di- vided into more than 100 advisory groups which will be in charge of a member of the faculty, assisted by one or more upperclassmen. Group fche dales will be substituted, for the In- dividual schedules which were 'made out last year, so that examinations will be made by the group as a whole., The entering women will be divided into about twenty groups under the general supervision of Dr. Margaret Bell. All Freshmen will be notified during the summer as to who will act 'a their faculty advisors, and they will report to those advisors at 9 o'clock on the morning of Monday, September 17. Assi'stant Dean Wahr will have a rooming committee with headquar- ters at the Union where students may secure lists of available rooms. General Assembly Will Be Held At 8 o'clock Mondpv night there will be a general assembly at which Presi- dent Clarence Cook Little will wel- come the entering students. Tues- day morning the formal appointments will begin. These include the rhetorie examination,, physical examinations, inspection trips, election: wad classi- fications. At 4 o'clock all men will go to Ferry Field to go through the n'ew Intramural Sports~building where they will be assigned to lockers. Prof. Elmer D. Mitchell will be in charge of the sports program which. will be so arranged as to fit into the regular Freshman physical traincn, courses. Every afternoon at 4 o'clock r L i u- . u r usue lu L7 i3 1J. camphatemi wlseprlngs,tiy.c veetSs.hr HEM' LEAGUE -Bach dents, and instructors together, form there will be athletic events. There DUR "FRONT SIDES"Romanza . .......Wostenholme one of the best groups we have evers' P 'he Bells of St. Anne de: Beaupre had isa.camp of its kind " he con- gram arranged by the women's phy auditorium, for committee rooms and e-Rue'ell ti ed. "T f students seem to be sical education department. club rooms are on its lower floor. Toccata "Thou Art the Rock"use cetptionallywe "e semwith their Tuesday night at 8 o'clock ther The udiorim i futre ear wil Rck" xcetioall wel plase wih teirwill be a song-test held in Hill Audi- 'house the Junior Girls' Play and otherj This is a the ninth season that theorum uner the direction of Mr. women's campus productions. The CONRAD WILL GIVE camp has'been in existence to offer Theodore Harrison. The Varsity stage will open on a terrace above TALK ON WRITERS work supplementary to the class room n thesnging of e chia sngs the patio and the committee rooms instruction by intensive field study.intsingng of-ead Migan songs will open on the patio. The com- "We Amateur Writers" will be the There are three distinct divisions of y cheer- ers wi also be mittee rooms will be equipped for subject of a lecture by Mr. Lawrence courses being given this summer, each 'present to lead a yell practice. scenery and costume making. The Hh Conrad of the rhetoric department under a different faculty supervisor. placing of the League Building so that to be given at 5 o'clock tomorrow Prof. Irving D. Scott is in charge of Rockford Players one side would open on the Mall was Jn Natural Science auditorium. Mr. the courses in physiography, Prof. Need Extra Men the idea df the late President Marion Conrad will trace the development ,of 1 Robert B. Hall is giving the courses Leroy Burton who planned the Mall. the artistic mind, a subject upon in geographical field work, and Prof. Several men are needed by the The Mall will begin with the Library which he has done a great deal of George. Ehlers, director of the field Rockford Players to fill in as extras and end with the Burton Campanile. thinking and writing, station in charge of the geological in the court-room scene of their pro- Another entrance to the building Mr. Conrad has been teaching courses. duction of "Chicago," w!hzh opens will be through the garden. The gar- rhetoric here for five years and is The students will continue in camp! tonight at Sarah Caswell Angell hall. den will be enclosed and a gate will vice-president of the Michigan Au- until about July 18 when they will The extras are to play parts as jury- allow members to enter. Women thors' association. He has written make a reconnaissance trip across men during ,the six-night Tun of, the coming from Palmer Field will find "The Author's Mind," a book of essays the, Cumberland Plateau, The Great show, and .in these parts they will this entrance especially suited to published by the Editor Council, ' Valley of Eastern T-n-z=see, tl e need no special costumes or make- them. As umbrella tables will be "Temper," a novel published by Dodd Great Smoky Mountains, the Pied- up. No previous experience is essen- placed in the garden so that tea can Mead, "Descriptive and Narrative mont Plateau, and the Atlantic Coastal tial. be served there, the garden gate will Writing," a textbook published by Plain by automobile, $nally arriving Those who wish to take part should provide a quick entrance to those de- Houghton Mifflin, and numerous in the city of Washington where the report at 1 o'clock today in Sarah siring tea. , stories anl articled. party will disband. Caswell Angell hall. on the communicable diseases as be- rooms, one for women, and one for' ing the most important ones dealt men and women. The assembly hall with by the public health doctor. "To and cafeteria cannect directly with communicate a disease from one per- the lounge. son to another the germ must be On what is now Ingalls street, and taken in and swallowed or the blood which will later be the Mall, the audi- inoculated with it before the trans- torium entrance will open. The audi- fer is effected," the lecturer said. torium wing contains more than the i1