Sunday July 8, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAOU TEL3 I, I Pop 11" hooks of the' Day VARIED BOOKS TO BE IN LEAGUE 'LIBRlARY' I_ . . I EBOYS WILL GO TO UNIVERSITY FRESH AIR CAMP MONDAY A new section of 100 boys from De- troit, Ann Arbor anad ineighboring cities will be transported to Patterson lake tomorrow for a two weeks out-j ing at the University Freh Air Camp, "The Age Of Reason" by Sir Philip of illusions. At the climactic point Gibbs. Doubleday-Doran. $2.00. Margaret seeks farith from an old Books in the library of the new Sir Philipi Gibbs in his new novel, friend who used to be .her father's Bt bh "The Age of Reason," shows himself curate and the question for the per- Women's League Building will be new to be a builder both of story and son reading it is, "Will she find it?" fiction, fiction which time has declar- character. He ties the plot in a Also that one interested in the book edt good, and many of the classics. The clever knot by making Margaret the will wonder if she will find faith library will be a memorial to Jes- conducted under the auspices of the apex who is the most concerned with and illusign anywhere in the world e HrStudent Christian Association. the other characters in the book. She, rafter her dearest ones show them- Sixty boys made up the first sec- the daughter of a liberal minister, selves skeptics. 'the Ann Arbor Map as a means of tion of camp which came to a close finds that she enjoys the security of Lucidity is the word which fits Sir raising money for the Women's Saturday afternoon, according to religion. Her marriage leads her to Philip Gibbs' writing. He organizes League Building. George Rich, '30L, director of the a scientific household since her hus- his thoughts in such a free and flow- Another feature of the League camp. It is planned to* have three band is a renowned biologist planning ing manner that the last idea of a Building will be the Service Rooms, more sections accommodated at the to control people by regulating their strain is gone. He is a clear think- where showers and hair drying rooms camp, making a total of approximate-. emotion through glands, and a fath- er and an intelligent writer. He jus- will be arranged. In addition a reg- ly 400 boys. er-in-law who is a physicist inventing tities the critici'sm frequently heard uilr beauty parlor will' be opened, Despite the fact that a large num- things which could shatter the world. of him that "Gibbs is good." The auditorium wing, which a re- ber of the camp leaders this summer Between these two men there is a The chariacters who are intelligent cent anonymous gift of $50,000 assur- are new men, the first section has struggle to see which will win out- and consistent differ one from the ed, will contain, besi4es the auditori- been conducted in a decidedly success- intelligence o'r iinsdirected worldly other. Each one {composes the qual- 'um proper, dressing rooms and a Iful manner, according to Homer raf- power to destroy themselves. The ities of a convincing type, unless it series of committee or club rooms, ton, camp business manager, simple and trusting Margaret is great- be Professor Hesketh Jeringham who These rooms which will be on the The camp is operated from funds ly shocked by the lack of any emo- is coldly unhuman at many times. Yet floor below the auditorium, will open lonated by 'alumni, students, faculty,' tional faith, whatsoever, in their home he gets along with mankind and that 'on the patio, while the stage of the and friends of the University. Three: after her marriage. probably justifies him. Apart from auditorium will open on a terrace anew cottages have been built since She is harassed by innumerable oth- the characters, what they do is of above the"patio. These rooms will be last year, making a total of six cot- er things-the fact that Mr. Jering- importance because of the addition especially useful as equipment will i'ages in which the boys find ideal! ham, the grandfather, is afraid to die to the usual reader's knowledge of be installed for the making of cos- sleeping quarters. and %not of a glandular operation to science in reading about the advanc- tumes, the painting of scenery and make him young. Margaret in her ed ideas of Jeringham, the younger, the rehearsing of plays. physical beauty attracts the poised and of Jeringham, senior. Gibbs son of her husband by his first wife shows himself to be no idle writer TYPEWRITER which causes both of teem some an- putting down only sense impressions RIBBONS and at' gish. She becomes utterly distress- which hold the reader for only a SUPPLIESa ed when her own sensitive and shy short time but in lieu of that he gives brother, an artist, becomes infatuated him /facts to review and ponder over' T rI oer For All ) ack s aboi with the modern Viola, brought up to after hey has ceased the actual ac- and Best Quality baths in the garden, to consider her- tivity of absorbing the story. self what she is because of biology, Copy by courtesy of Gralham Book, i 0. D. MORRILL and to feel her intelligence and lack Store. K. S. U Nickels A reide Pho. O81 ENGLAND SCOTLAND rtwat ONDS to FIT the INVESTOR Histori scenic VICK TRAINS HERE retained her championship in the wo- Ernie Vick, Michigan grid and base- men's singles at Wimbledon today, de- ball star and All-American center of Ifeating Senorita Elia de Alvarez, bril- a 'few years ago, is training daily on 1liant young Spanish player before a south Ferry field in an effort to stage 'huge crowd which included the king a comeback in major league base- and queen. The score was 6-2, 6-3 ball. Vick was with the St. Louis Cardinals for three years, but was re- IIORNSBY STILL LEADS leased last year when he suffered an NEW YORK, July 7- With the arm injury. Braves still sinkigg in pieces all around him, Rogers Hornsby retain- HELEN 'WILLS WINS TITLE ted the batting lead of the National WIMBLEDON, England, July 7 - league through the week ending on Helen Wills, American tennis star, Independence day. "r-- STATIONERY 72 SHEETS 50 ENVELOPES FR " E649c j 1111 SOITTH t N 'EERSIT'YY H01E 474 ,kEspeare t Coca-Cola 1 1 14-P --~- ~ --- --'- -r-+' 1 It A Thought for Seniors which underclassmen may also profita6ly consider .TN E XT month, together with a hundred thousand others in this country, you will leave the classroom to take your place in some business, industry or profession. Fortified with wise selection and proper preparation, you should make progress from the start. But if you choose without due thought, you may find, after months or perhaps years, that you have made a mistake--that your talent lies in-other directions.' The bond business needs college men. But it requires me'n whose vision of business is wide, who perceive its world status, the relation of finance to industry and its influence on economic welfare. It reeds men who can meet their fellow men with poise, yet with a proper sense of service. There are other desirable qualifications. Our pamphlet, "What is the Bond Busihess?" will tell you many things you should know about the bond business. It will help you make an inventory of yourself to determine if you fit. If you would like a copy write for Pamphlet MO-5 VolEvery Thursday Evening HALSEY, STUART & CO1Radio 'Programs Helpful answers to everyday investment problems 22 piece condert orchestra 8:00 P.M. Central Standard Time 9:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time 29 ST ATIONScomprising the Red Network and Associated Stations HALSEY, STUART & CO. INCORPORATED CHICAGO 101 S. La Salle St. NEW YORK 35 Wall St. PHILADELPHIA III S. Fifteenth St. DETROIT 6ox Griswold St. CLEVELAND 925 Euclid Ave. ST. LOUIS 319 N. Fourth St. BOSTON $5 Devottbire St. PITTSBURGH 307 Fifth Ave. . ' MILWAUKEE 425 E. Water St. MINNEAPOLIS 6bo Second Ave., . Educational The London Midland & Scottish Railwaya sae di. tributing attractive liter ature and maps descri. ing the famous historic and literary sites and shrines in districts they serve. Write Dept. CA L M S Railway 200 Fifth Ave.,New York IRELAND WALES k~'~ 1/K 'I C d" S NAot at. ~r_ 4 CN , Delicious and Ref'reshin Fill full. I drink to the general oy o' the whole table Certainly Macbeth meant the same thing as when we say: Re resh ourse ! The QCoo aCa" sy. AdaasG. 8 million a day - I T HAD T.O A;. GOOD TO GET W ERItE IT IS J g E t 1: 0 I I tVER 28 BILLION CI ESTEIELDS VISIT DETROIT THIS SUMMER and enjoy an all-day outing at PUT-IN-BAY A delightful cruise among the Sunny; Lake Erie Islands; a fairyland of vineyards, orchards and 'flowers. Put-In- Bay abounds in interest for young and old. There is bathing, dancing, sailing, mysterious caves, picnic groves and Perry's monument. The palatial steamer Put-In-Bay leaves the foot of First St. (Detroit) daily at 9 a.m. returning at 8 p.m. R.T. fares; $1.00 week days. $1.50 Sundays. Steamer runs thru to Sandusky daily, making connections with Cedar Point Ferry. Thru to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay. "I SMOIKEDIN-I927 (Only a few years back, you'Il remember, it was 7 billion) .. a ajrive to Detroit anid enjoy th.. DANCING MOON LIGIG S Lenve Detroit Retur 11:30 p.m. Fare: Wednesday and Thursday. 60. Saturday Sunday and HHdays, 75c. CEDAR POINT On Fridays a special excursion is run to Cedar Point. Steamer stops one hour Sundays. With its huge hotels, electric park, magnificent bathing beach and board-walk it can rightfully be called the Atlantic City of the West. Write for Folder /, ~&~J 4' A 300% INCREASE SUCH POPULARITY MUtST BE UESE I' 0 ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE Foot of First St. Detroit, Michigan T EY SATISFY and yet TUHE'RE MiL. LIGIT ' & MYRs TOIBACco e.