Ov amzni r
Cloudy and unsettled
with possible showers;
flit r T vwu
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VOL. IX. No. 13
ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Sunday July 8, 1928
Will Visit Body Plant, Furnaces,
Power Plant, Foundry, Paper Mill,
Cement Plant, and Coke Ovens
Summer Session excursion number
four, visiting the Ford industries at
Fordson, will leave from in front of
Angell -Hall Wednesday, July 11, at
1:15 p. m. The size of the party will
be limited and tickets must be secured
at room 8, University Hall before 6
p. m. July 10, according to Carleton
F. Wells, director of Summer exur-
Under the direction of special plant
guides the party will visit the body
plant, power plant, coke ovens, elec-
tric furnaces, Fordseu and new Ford
assembly lines, and the foundry, the
largest in the world. The trip will
include much of the $75,000,000 worth
of new machinery which has been
added to the plants at Fordson dur-
ing the last year.
Ford's plants at Fordson stretch
out for a mile and a quarter in length
and cover 1,100 acres. The plants
are primarily for the conversion of
raw materials. Iron ore, limestone and
lumber are hauled to the company
docks by Ford's own ships. The coke
ovens, the blast furnaces, the steel
plant, with rolling mill and open
hearth furnaces, the by-products
plant, the electric furnaces, the ce-
ment plant, the glass factory and the
paper mill deal with raw materials in
their crude state.
Power plants are said to be one of
Henry's Ford's hobbies and the build-
ing program calls for eight turbo-
generators each with a capacity of
62,500 horsepower. The plant is so
scientifically built that although each
boiler burns about one hundred tons
of coal daily, yet there is a negligible
amount of ash and no smoke at all.
Students taking the trip will see
the extreme specialization worked out
in all of Ford's industries an'd the re-
sulting decrease in waste tabor ana
energy. The particular thing each
workman does comes to him on a con-
veyor system, instead of his going to
different parts of the plant. The as-
sembly line shows a slowly movir.;
line of cars in all stages of comple
"The. attitude of public health of- carry on the work and stir up an
ficials toward their work has changed 1antagonism on the part of the pub-
in the last decade," declared Dr. Carl Ric that is greater than the purpose
Buck, noted epidemiologist, and men.- fbf the work is worth, and second, is
b~er of the Detroit health departmentj the proposed effect of the health ef-
In an interview granted yesterday fort in proportion to the amount of
morning. "Officials used to spend the ;money and materials involved. The-se
time and resources of the health de- uestions must be definitely answered
partment on matters that offended before any move is made."
the taste rather than endangered Two examples of these statements
health. They u'sed to superintend the were given. "Flies are not a great
cleaning up of alleys and backyards health menace in Anna Arbor and De-
when the effect of this cleaning up troit;" he declared, "but in rural dis-
was not of great benefit to the health tricts they are often dangerous germ
~the community. Of course," he rcarriers. Rats are not of especially
added, "some of these things might great importance in Detroit today,
'ery well constitute health nuisanc- but with the carrying out of the
in some localities and be mere Great Lakes Waterway project by
eyesores in others, but the point I which the city will become an ocean
wish to make is that public health' port, rats will become a deadly d~an-
work today is carefully directed so ger because of their possibilities of
that the money acid materials in- tarrying the Bubonic Plague and
)rolved in it are used to the best pur- 'other foreign diseases into the coun-
pose." try. These. illustrations adequately
"Two things must be watched in- show that health problems vary with
;health work today," said Dr. Buck, the conditions of the locality. Great
"First, do the measures necessary to progress has been made recently in
_anitation in cities," said Dr. Buck.
DTyphIidNis now very rare simply
because our water supplies are pure,
our sewage disposal system complete,
and our arrangements for inspection
very thorough."
IN AIR SHATTERED Stra odlvralcue o
Doctor Buck was in Ann Arbor on
Ristiel And Zimmerman Continue In "Problems of Public Health Adminis-
Air Sixty-five Hours And tration" in the third of the Public
Twenty-six Minutes Health Institutes being held in the
West Medical building. The fourth
BEAT TIME BY SIX UOURS Public Health Institute will be held
next week end, beginning at 9 o'clock
(By The Associated Press) .Friday morning, and continuing thru
DESSAU, Germany, July 7.-Sur- Friday and Saturday. During this
passing the old record for duration [fourth Institute there will also be
intherbysi o udrs'nd fifdtr-twoheld the annual mid-summer conven-
in the air by six hours and fifty-two tion. of the Michigan Public Health
minutes the German flyers Ristich ;a'sociation.
Miss Bragg, Prof. Barbara Bartlett,,
Miss Jean, Dr. Buck, Hoad, And
Woodhead Are Speakers
Bringing to a close the third Public
Health Institute, lectures were given
by six specialists in the field yester-
day in the West Medical building.
Many doctors, nurses, teachers, ai7
others interested in school and pa.
lic health problems were present. The
work will continue next week-ei:
when the fourth of the series of 1
stitutes begins at nine o'clock on Fri-.
day morning.
The first speaker yesterday was
Miss Mabel C. Bragg, Assistant sup-
erintendent of schools at Newton
Mass., who talked on "Health Teach-
ing and Supervision in Schools." Miss
Bragg has had long experience in t
educational field, and wad able to give.
many ilustrations from acti.-a expe.
ence of the questions she discussed.
She took a very optimistic attitude-'
toward the future of heain work, in
schools, declaring that progress was
being effected in all branches. Pro.
Barbara Bartlett of the Medical scb.
lectured at ten o'clock on "Principles'
and Practices of Public Health Nur-
sing." Miss Bartlett, who is an au-
thority on public health nursing,
gave a comprehensive ourne of this
phase of the health program, and;
pointed out the trend it was taking.
The next speaker on the program was
Dr. Carl Buck, epidemiologist of the
Detroit department of health, and the
subject of his lecturo was "Problems
of Public Health Administration."
Dr. Buck said, "The work of the health
departments in large cities is rapidly
becoming more thorough, more pur-
poseful, and more definite than it has
been at any time in the past. They
are casting aside the unimportant
phases of the work, and concent-rating
on those that will result in the most'
good to the people of the various com-
There was a, luncheon at the Unioi!
at 12:15, and at 1:30 the lectures con-
tinued. Miss Sally Lucs Jean,
health adviser to the Metropolitan 1'
surance Co., began the afternoon pro-
gram. She was to have spoken later,'
but, due to the death of a relative
the East, it was arranged so that "shle
could appear at the earlier perik
She continued her lecture on
Hygiene,", he first part of which
gad dealth with'Friday.
Following Miss Jean, Prof. W. C
Hoag., of the Engineering school gave
and Zimmerman landed their Junkers
plane at 9:30 tonight after having
been in the air for sixty-five hours
and twenty-six minutes. The former
record of fifty hours and thirty-four
minates was held by Captain Arturo
Ferraris and Major Carlo Del Prete
of, Italy.r
Professor Hugo Junkers, just back
from United States, was a grateful
spectator' as his plane, piloted alter-
nately by Ristich and Zimmerman,
reeled off the tell-tale rounds monot-
ously shuttled between Dessau and
Leipzig which meant a new air ree-
cord, fresh aviation honors for Ger-
many antd further indication of his
place. He was the first to greet the
tired airmen as they climbed from
their plane and to congratulate tbem
upon their achievement.
When it was announced this after-
nood that the record of the Italian
flyers had broken there was tre-
mendous cheering from the Junkers
Doctor Thomas Lovell, holder of
more honorary and ornery degrees
than any six scientific and literary
men on the campus, will dedicate
Clippy stadium this evening at 7
o'clock sharp, or whenever the aud-
ience arrives, at which time he will
deliver a scientific address on some
pertinent and important question, the
exact nature of which he refuses to
divulge until he take's the platform
tonight. Clippy stadium is that col-
lection of cement benches which sur-
round the fountain /at the north end
of the diagonal at the corner of State
end North University streets. It was
named by Timothy Hay, at' that time
editor of Toasted Rolls, a year and
a half ago and would have been ded-
icated by him but for inclement wea
After the address this evening' Doc-
tor Lovell promises to render a few
vocal selections .of his own composi-
tion. These songs are rated by some
among the clearest gems of Ameri-
can literature; others, of course, rate
them lower and many don't rate them
at all-but then critics must disagree.
During the last decade or so Doc-
tor Lovell has been intensely inter-
ested in research in the perplexingl
problem of the "Hen and Egg" ques-
tion whether birds come from bird
seed or not. At last, the worthy sa-,
vant state's, he believes himself to
have arrived at the correct solution.
Last fall he made the discovery once
before but through an error of some
reporter his discovery was written
under the head of "Ham and Egg"
question, the brilliant reasoning of
Ann Arbor's "genial philosopher" was
lost to the scientific world who could
see nothing of scholastic value in
Ham and Eggs.
Several times Doctor Lovell 'nat-
rowly missed being appointed Pres-
ident of the University of Michigan,
but each time the Regents lost his ap-
plication. However, the students of
the last ten years have not been slow
in recognizing his sterling merits for
they have searched the world over for
suitable rewards for their home town
philosopher. Among his many de-
grees are: S. O. S. (Society of Scrib-
es), A. W. 0. L. (American Writer
of Literature), C. O. D. (Chancellor
of Diction), and P. D. Q. (Profes'sor
of Dual Quenology). During the war
he was commissioned by the "Fight-
ing" S. A. T. C. as Colonel of Archery
in the United States Army. His high-
est foreign 'rank is A. Q. O. N. (Ad-
miral of the Queen's Own Navy), but
his treasured degree is that of T. N. T.
(Thinker oif New Thoughts). Much
could be said regarding Dr. Lovell's
illustrious, career as a cobbler, .poet,
prpacher, politician, singer, writer of
free verse, prophet, journalist, ora-
tor, professor, and would-be Univer-
sity president, but suffice it to say
that all have a chance to near him
,In public tonight at 7 o'clock at the
IState street entrance of the Diagonal,
where he will appear in person.
Michigan Student
Saves Girl's Life
According to word received yester-
day- from Rochester, New York, Rob-
ert S. Chamberlin, '31, of that city
performed a commendable act of serv-
ice when he saved the life of a six-
year-old girl, Jean Wallace, at Wind-
sor beach near White City, New York.
The child was discovered floating face
downward In shallow water. Cham-
berlin carried her to shore and began
to administer artificial respiration. By
the time the inhalator crew arrived
she had regained consciousness, and
according to physicians only Cham-
be'rlin's promptness saved her life.
Life memberships for Seniors in
the Women's League were raised
on July 1 to $50 but a custom-
ary ten -days grace will be allow-
ed, so that life memberships can
be secured until July 10 for $40. A
women in the University may have
their life memberships in the League,
for $40 if this is paid before they
graduate. The amount of money
which they pay will be in part deter-
mined by the amount already paid
with the tuition, $10 each year. Fresh-
men automatically become members
at the completion of their four years.
Registrar Ira M. Smith left yes-
terday morning ,for Minneapolis,
Minnesota, where he will. attend the
annual Institute for College Admin-
istrators. The convention will ex-
tend over a period of four days. Reg-
istrar Smith is scheduled to deliver
an address before the convention on
"Modern Methods of Student Regis-
tration and Admission." Following the
Institute meetings, Mr. . Smith will
leave Minneapolis on a ten-day auto
hour, returning to Ann Arbor July 29.
American League.
Detroit 20-4, Boston 8-3,
Second game 13 innings.
Washington 9, Chicago 1.
New York 6-1, St. Louis 5-0.
Washington 9, Chicago 1.
Cleveland 2-2, Philadelphia 1-6.
National League
Boston 11, St. Louis 3.
Pittsburgh 8-5,, New York 6-2.
Brooklyn 5-2, Chicago 3-6.
Cincinnati 6, Philadelphia 5.
Robert Hewitt
Michigan Sophomore wrestler who
won a berth on-the American Olym',
wrestling team by his victory in the
light-weight division at the fine
Olympic try-outs held yesterday at
Grand Rapids. Ed. George is another'
Michigan mat man who won a place
on the American team.
Supervisors And Teachers W 1Jill hnr
Educational Authorities Talk
On School Problems
Elementary Education will be the
field - dealt with in the second week
of the conference course offered by
the School of Education to supervis-
ors, superintendents, and teachers.
The subject will be taken up in four
phases by men that are specialists in
Prof. George C. Kyte will speak
Monday on "The Principal's Respons-
ibility." He will make an analysis of
the principal's work in the elementary
school, pointing out the ways in
which he can render the most educa-
tional service. The following day,
Tuesday, the question of "What Is A
School For" will be discussed by Prof.
Stuart A. Courtis. This lecture will
be taken up with a history of school
systems, showing the progress and
changes that have marked this his-
tory through the years. The prospec-
tive future of education will also be
outlined by Professor Courtis. "Test-
ing: Theory and Practicz" will be
Prof. Clifford Woody's topic on Wed-
nesday. Professor Woody has had
charge of the testing program in
many Michigan schools for some
years, and is an authority on this
branch. of elementary school work,
He will outline the testing program
that will be followed at most schools
in the state next year.
The meeting Thursday afternoon
will close the week's series. At this
meeting Supt. John E. Erickson of
the Hillsdale Public Schools will talk
Veiehigan Men Are National Cham-
pions In Heavy And Lightweight
Two University of Michigan stu-
dents will represent the United State
wrestling team in the Olympics at
Amsterdam this month. Ed George,
heavyweight, and Robert Hewitt, light-
weight, are the two Wolverines who
earned the right to represent America
in the impending Olympics by virtue
of their victories over all opponent
in the National A. A. U. meet and
01ympic trials, which were conclud-
Pd at Grand Rapids yesterday.
George and Hewitt left yesterda,'
afternoon for West Point, New Yor
Both will sail on the U. S. S. Rose-
velt which has been chartered to carry
the entire contingent of American
athletes across the Atlantic.
The crowning of George as heavy-
weight champion of the United States
and America's representative in that
division in the Olympics was one of
features of the Grand Rapids meet.
George is normally a middleweight
wrestler, but when he weighed in be-
fore the meet officials he was found
to be too heavy to compete in that
division. Undismayed by the unex-
nected overweight, George entered the
heavyweight. division of which he wa
eventually crowned champion.
In winning the heavyweight title
and the Olympic berth, the Wolverin'
had t'o defeat Harry Steele, Olymr
champion in 1924, in thej semi-finals
and Flanders, Oklahoma A. & M.
star, in the finals. The first bout be-
tween George and Flanders resulted
in a draw, but George won the ove
time bout handily in three minute.
Hewitt's victory in the 125-po
class was another feature of the me
Inasmuch as he defeated Lupton, 192
Big Ten champion and an oppon'
who defeated him on every occasion
that the two met this year in Western
Conference competition.
Lupton, who proved to be the bane
of H-ewitt's in the Big Ten seaSon.
was pinned with ease, the Wolverine
being the superior to the 1928 Con-
ference champion.
In addition to the ones who won
titles, Paul Y. Kirimura, a Japanees
student of the Hawaian islands in the
University, won second place in tha
12. pound class. Blair Thomas
fhird honors in the 133 pound class
The complete list of new title-hold.
ers is as follows:
112 pounds-Gordon. Rosenberg,
Iowa Falls, Iowa.
125 pounds-Robert Hewitt, Unive
135 pounds-Allie R. Morrison, Uni-
versity of Illinois (retained title won
in 1924.)
145. pounds-Clarence Berrymnan,
Oklahoma A. *& M.
158 pounds-Lloyd C. Appleton,
Cornell college, Cornell,, Iowa.
475 pounds-Ralph , Hammonds,
University of Texas.
191 pounds-Ensign H. L. Edwards,
United States Naval academy.
Heavyweight-Ed. George, Univer-
sity of Michigan.
the second portion of his survey of on "Supervision In the Small School
public health engineering. He show- System." Superintendent Erickson
ed the intimate relation between en- who by his'personal experience in this
gineering ,and public health, stressing phase is a recognized authority on
sewage disposal especially in this talk. small school organization, .will outt
Mr. Arthur E. Woodhead of the Zo# line a course in supervision for such
logy department concluded this third school systems.
Institute with his last lecture I It is believed that these meetings
"Animal Parasites in Relation to. all have a practical value to the peo-
Public Health." Mr. Woodhead is ple in the summer session who are
an authority on animal parasites, and interested in education. and school
has included most of the important problems. The conference course is
ones in his series of talks, showing being held in the auditorium of the
their structure, habits, and influence University High school, and all meet-
on health in general. ings begin promptly at 4:05 o'clock.
By Clarence Edelson
DeHart Hubbard, '25, was beatenj
yesterday at the final Olympic try-
outs on Soldiers' Field, Boston, in his
specialty, the running broad jump, and
in defeat he was forced to witness
his super-effort of some three years
ago eclipsed by a mere fraction of
an inch, but nonetheless, totally.
For followers of athletics at the
University the performance which rel-
egated Hubbard's jump ifrom the list
of world records to the roll of mere-
ly distinguished marks bears a spec-
lal signifloance. No longer are any
of the accepted world standards in
track and field credited to Michigan
athletes, for only a month ago the
supposedly indelible mark of Ralph
Rose, '04, in the shot put was also three years shows how, after being
erased. a 25 foot jumper on his left foot, he
Hu bbard's conqueror yesterday was impiroved from a 21 foot jumper on
Ed Hamm, Georgia Tech's great all- 'his right to what he did yesterday,
around track star, and Hamm's tri- 25 feet, 11 1-8 inches.
umph contains much of the sentimen- Dramatic irony would have it that
al. Just after Hubbard established almost the same sort of affliction
his distance of 25 feet, 10 7-8 should get Hubbard; it did. Yester-
inches. Hamn was regarded as the day the Olympic champion and re-
only threat to the Wolverine's era of cord holder, was himself compelled to
supremacy. But Hamm was, severely change his take-off so that his in-
injured in an automobile accident and jured right ankle need not bear the
he was forced to learn to jump from weight of the leap.
off his right,, and not his left foot. And Hubbard yesterday was not the
Trackmen know what that means, and 25 feet, 10 7-8 inches jumper that he
the self-styled "wise ones" felt cer- was three years ago in the last leap
tain that Hubbard's mark could not of his collegiate career. More import-
be "touched," as they say. . ant, he was not the 25 feet, 11 1-8
But Hamm re-adjusted himself mi- inches jumper that Hamm wa's yes-
'raculously, and the story of his last, terday.