PAGE TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, £tr . i .u Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $.so; by mail, $1.75" Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR J. STEWART HOOKER Editorial Directors.........George E. Simons Martin Mol" City Editor ............... Lawrence R. Klein Feature Editor..............Eleanor Scribner Music and Drama Editor.......Stratton Buck Books Editors...........Kenneth G. Patrick Kathryn Sayer Telegraph Editor.......... Daryl W. Irwin Night Editors thinking holiday rather than a twen- ty-four hour riot. A LESSON FROM GERMANY An election was recently held in the city of Berlin,. Germany's capital, which could fittin~gly serve as an ex- ample to the voters of the United States. In the Reichstag election 75 per cent of the qualified women voters of Berlin voted while 83.5 per cent of th qualified male voters registered their opinions at the polls. The large numbr of voters who took advantage of their franchise by casting their ballot is indicative of the great interest manifest in affairs of 'government in that city. Here in America, looked upon as the cradle off Democracy; our muni- cipal elections, as well as our state and national elections, are less suc- cessful, if the number voting may be looked upon as criterion, and it is regrettable that our American elec- torate is prone to overlook one of the greatest privileges offered a free peo- ple-that of the public ballot. Time and again we have read news- paper reports showing that in city elections only a small portion of the qualified voters took advantage of their franchise. If any city is able to muster up enough interest in an elec- tion td bring about it visit to the polls of fifty per cent of the qualified voters it is considered a remarkable tri- umph. At times the interest it so lax that as lowgas five and ten per cent of the voters in a city election have found time to visit booths 'to cast their ballot. Why Berlin should be so successful Alex Bochnowski George E. Simons Reporters Margaret Arthur1 Bertram Askwith How obert Dockeray F Raymond Bridges Martin Mol Isabel Charles ward F. Shout Rtobert O'Brien Jack Sumner BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER RAY WACHTER Advertising..........Jeannette Dale Acut...... ....Whitney Manning Circulation..,......:.........Bessie V. Egeland Assistants Samuel Lukens L illian Korvinsky Janet Logie WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1928 N ht Editor-GEORGE E. SIMONS TYPEWRITERS Music And Drama oall makeslarg OPTICAL For Good Food and portable. Sales, E Rentals, Service. DEPARTMENT and "THE DUMB WIFE" Lenses and Frames made Euc rth v Anatole France's farce, "The Ma.n . D. onie66 To Ordera a Who Married a Dumb Wife" which 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 8815 Optical Prescriptions Arcade Cafeteria the Rockford players are presenting NESTLE Filled NICKELS ARCADE as their third bill beginning tomorrow FiI AND night, promises to be one of the most HALLERSLUNCH interesting productions of thetcurrent State St. Jewelers STATE STREET season., It has always been the cus- ~Y~ efc. tom of the players to give one French_______________ comedy a summer. Last year it was NESTLE Moliere's "Modecin Malgre Lui" which CIRCULINE darws a part of its subject matter is the only. : from the same Rabelaisian source as method that France's Dumb Wife." waves your hair Centuries ago Rabalais wrote in his according to its" ;=' "Lives, Heroic deeds and Sayings of individual require- Gargantua and of hip Son, Panta- ments. It is safes - gruel," "Never in allmy lifetime have sure! ST A TIONERY I laughed so much as at the acting ofI Z S ET the buffoonery of the moral comedy of 725E ET PE him who, had espoused and married BLUE BIRD HAIR SHOP 5J ENVELOPES a dumb wife. He then proceeds toi Nickels Arcade. Tel. 9616 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSIT1 PHONI 4744 tell the story. Whether or not such a comedy existed outside of Rabelais' imagination scholars have never been able to discover. Moliere, however, drew from Rabelais' account of the piece, and more recently Anatole has, Summer SchiO in his own seductive style, recreated I the farce. France is not essentially a play- wright. He has however carried toj0 the few stage pieces that he has writ- ten the same finished artistry that untteco d-Hand Books at marks his critical works and his novels. In "The Dumb Wife" lie has yu , N I rR s T farce atmosphere with out revertingB O K To E to the medieval forms of apeech. All the buffoonery, all the careless Rabelaisian humpur have been repro- -_____________________________________________'1.__________________ duced. The piece calls for the same d1iverting songs and dances that were -1# essential to the stage of the middle ages. The Scene is divided betweenE=th'" the residence of a Paris judige, and ~~C LL t t t the street that runsin front of it.j Peddlers and beggars pass up, and * down the pavement with their cries, whl h cio ftepayi-on' of enjoying the attractive atmosphere and r lwhile the action of the play is going - on within the house. tceservc "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" is a thing that must be per You Will FindIt to Be a Stimulating and f fectly done to be enjoyable. TheoH d players have not bitten off an easy:_ j order. The slightest departure from _RS c he medieval atmosphere will make BETSY ROSS SHOP y the whole performance ludicrous. o Mr. Henderson, however, is promis- 13-15 NICKELS ARCADE = h ing an elaborate pduction. Alice - Hogan, a danseuse, has been brought from Grand Rapids to collaborate with L"11 ti11 111111111111111 11# 111111111111#11 #i1 111 N11111 #1111111111 1111111 1 Itill#1 ! 1 1 11 1 1 1t NOISE AND PATRIOTISM in bringing about such great interest The shooting of pistols and fire- in government as expressed in her crackers which for many years was last election and why the citizens of the order of the day from sunrise to the United States have been so ne- sunset on the Fourth of July, has in glectful of that important element of recent years been supplanted to :tcitizenship duty is a mystery. In get- large extent by much safer and eqa- ting her voters to the polls, Germany ally as enjoyable methods of celebra- may resort to means that are un- tion. The sane Fourth movement has known in America, nevertheless, on made remarkable progress during this score at least America could the past decade, and the next few profit by a little emulation. years should see the end of the old method of observing the nation's AIR TRANSPORTATION birthday-the fireworks method, with With the transport organizations o its inevitable accompaniment of racing fo th theiorssp r orgfza rd ambulances and clanging fire engines, four nations speedily pressng forwar Dmburingenprolangngr fhee netheir schemes for operating aeria Furin theprgreofthesanetransport service across the Atlanti Fourth campaign there has been a very noticable decrease in loss of life and the volume of air mail continuall on the increase, 1928 will probably g as well as property damage. Daths dowiin history as the year in whic from Fourth of July casualties, which air transportation was definitely es were 466 in 1903, have been reduced tablished. to an average of twenty in recent France, Germany, Great Britain an years, while the injuries which num- the United States are all said to b bered 3, 983 in 1903 were less than 500 undertaking new passenger and comn in 1927. Firemen who formerly ex- Imercial air lines, while the most in pected to be kept on the run on the teresting situation is the race betwee Fourth of July have, of late, made Britain and Germany to be the firs less than the daily average of calls to cross the Atlantic with passenge in cities where firewarks are prohib- airships just now nearing completion ited. I During the year at least one service To some people who would cele- a combined air and sea line, betwee brate in the noisy way, the de- Southern Europe and South America crease in the disturbance on the is expected to come into operation Fourth, may seem to indicate that the The Transoceanic Shipping Co., of th patriotism of the populace of Amer- United States, is also procting a type ica is waning. But how many of of carrier-liner resembling a naval air those people who spend the day shoot- craft carrier, for passenger service Ing fireworks ever stop- to realize just while France is contemplating an aL why they are celebrating? When the mail service between France and Ar tradition was e s t a b 1i s h ed , the gentina, combining airplane an new freedom was a strong force, steamship lines.. This latter projec and making noise was a sort of an is expected to be inaugurated as soo explosion of a pop-valve to let out theant. pent u~p feeling of those who were In this country itself a recent auth ytentic report on the welfare of the a enjoying new freedom rfrokn the rulemaletrisco ensnth - of the mother country. It was not mail enterprise comments on the ef long, however, until all that was left line betn Cleven an ufa of the new feeling of freedom was iebtenCveadadBua o l~~~~~~~~ibewe Clvlnan Bufloftenwfeigofreo ws example cited is that the air mal 'what had been carried along with the ms ed t tgar dairime noise. No langer was it a celebration during the month of February, whic of freedom from foreign rule; it be- is meteorologically regarded as on came a time when the celebration of the. roughest months for air trans signified a lapse in the enforcement of portation. the laws of quiet commonwealths It is significant that in every case which provided for public peace and where air mail lines are being con quiet. f sidered, for both passenger and com And so the tradition was carried on mercial purposes, the nation involv mostly unthinkingly by those who ed has pursued the logical beginnin perhaps remembered before and after path: that of linking up the air line the sholoting, what it was all about, with the regular and already estabish- but certainly not during the climax of I-A water routes. This insures great- the celebration. Public displays of er safety and reliability and ultimate- fireworks have featured pieces which ly probably greater permanence of the in no way represented the cause for air lines themselves. the celebration, and the only thing Indications are that by the time which even pertained to the nation January, 1929, rolls around, peoples has been the last piece of fireworks the world over will have lived througlj in the form of an American flag. one of the most progressive and mem- True, that was something, but it hard- orable periods in world history as ly brought to mind the real signifi- far as air transportation is concern- canc of the glorious Fourth. ed. If, when the noise of firecrackers and pistols does not fill the air true The Under-Secretary of Education patriots will fit down to think and in Mexico has started a movement to read about the true meaning of the teach the children of that country the Furth, realizing what it has meant love of the United States. That is to -us in our progress toward world * a good move toward better relations leadership as a nation, and If these with our southern neighbors, but we leaersip s anatonandif hese their coceptlo t of Amere people who do that will influencehrti others to do likewise so that they will love Is not that displayed in the carry the true meaning of the nation's movies. bir thday with them throughout the year so that they may live rightly un- "Quiet prevails in Nacaragua" a der the American code of freedom, headline reads. It must be that the then the national holiday has fulfilled Marines have taken a vacation during It purpose. It will have become the hot weather. d .e t- t r t n i. e e a the Rockford group on the piece, while the entire cast has been ex- ercising untrained muscles throughout the heat of the past few afternoons in order to learn the folk steps in which all the personnages must take part. As I have already said, perfection alone can make the piece a success. The slapstick must be done 'with light- ness and spontaneity. The hazy medieval atmosphere must be attained and preserved. All thit is no easy tasy. The versatility that the Rock- ford troupe has already shown how- ever gives us reason to believe that "The Man Who Married a Dumb Wife" will be most diverting enter- tainment. The players will be cast as follows: Gile Boiscourtier, secretary -Elton Buck Alison, Botal's servant -Lillian Bronson Master Adam Fumee, lawyer -George Johnson Leonard Botal, judge -Robert Henderson Master Simone Colline, doctor -.Roman Bohnen Master Jean Maugier, surgeon -E. Martin Browne Master Serafin Dulaurier, apothecary --aul Stephenson Catherine, Botal's wife -Katherine Wick Kelly The Chickweed Vendor -Mildred Whiteley The Watercress Vendor -Heinzie Raeburn The Candle Vendor -Florence Booth Mille. la Carandiere -Elberta Trowbridge Madame de la Bruine.Marvel Garnsey The Candle Vendor.Florence Booth Footman .......... Thomas Denton The Dancer.. ..........Alice Hogan BARRE HILL Those who remember how Barre Hill's great baritone voice was wast- ed on the impossible songs assigned to him in the Union opera's of two and three years ago may be interested in learning that the singer has signed a contract to do thirteen roles with the Chicago Civic Opera next winter. Hill was starred in the operas "Tam- bourine" and "Tickled To Death," and contributed some of the finest Singing ever heard in Union shows to these two revues. He was also the Cotture of the Glee Club tour of 1926. DON'T BE SHOCKED! ,4? Ne 00-^- t. */ I ' ' C ra -'° r O ' a / . , ~; BILL: "How do you explain this Goofus guy?' JILL: "Oh, he still wants to waltz and wears hard heels." i N OTHING like a good stiff jolt at the proper time, but to keep taking them on the spine all day long - in little hard rap-tap-taps - is the sure, short road to ruin. It's because they cushion the count- less shocks and jars of the day's foot- a heavy date in your pumps and Tux- And if rubber heels, are popular for cushioning, Goodyear Wingfoot Heels are more so. They pack more springy come-back than any other heels. And they have that "it" called style. No wonder more people walk on Goodyear ing that rubber heels are all the Wingfoot Heels than on any other go right now. After the longest kind! Jolly old shoe repairman day on the campus walks or puts them on in arf-a-mo. the hard lab floors, they bring Better get new Goodyear you back fresh and ready for Wingfoot Heels today. Copyright 1928, by The Goodyear TUe & Rubber Co.. Ine. WINOIOOT