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June 15, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-06-15

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Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
office as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $1 . .
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Directors.........George E. Simons
Martin Mol
City Editor...............Lawrence R. Klein
Feature Editor............. . . Eleanor Scribner
Music and rama Editor.......tratton Buck
Books Editors..........Kenneth . Patrick
Kathryn Sayer


FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1928

Night Editors
Alex Bochnowski
George E. Simons

M4artin .1of

Kargaret Arthur Isabel Charles
Bertram Askwith Howard F. Shout
Raymond Bridges Jack Sumner
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............Lawrence Walkley
Accounts..................Whitney Manning
Circulation................Bessie V. -Egeland

Samuel Lukens
Jeanette 1Dale

Hanna rVWalle
Lillian IKorv~nskey

Issue Editor--GEORGE E. SIMONS
This week the University again en-
joys its annual privilege of enter-
taining a large portion of its great
body of alumni. More than a score
of classes ranging from the gray-
haired graduates of the later half of
the past century to the younger
classes holding their first reunion
will gather in Ann Arbor to relive
their' college days as members of a
class, and many Ether alumni will
come for the Commencement exer-
cises to see the second or third gene-
ration receive diplomas from the
same institution from which these
alumni received theirsin years past.
But they will return to an institu-
tion which in reality has few things
in common with the institution from
which the older generations graduat-
ed. The humble frame and brick
structures which housed the Univer-
sity of fifty years ago have' been re-
placed nearly completely with ex-
amples of the finest in modern build-
ing. The fields which have been the
scene of many a class battle are
covered with giant steel and con-
crete edifices which house the great
er University. Class rooms which
were hallowed by the presence of
professors whose names have been
added to the list of great American
educators of the past, and who, dur
ing\their presence at Michigan lifted
her from her position as a struggling
mid-western college, fighting for life
against the great private schools o
the East and often meeting outward
opposition from the state legislature
to the enviable place she now holds
among the leading universities of the
world, have been filled by some o
the leading scholars of a younger
Two., great president, Dr. James
Burrill Angell and Dr. Marion LeRoy
Burton, have passed from the campus
where they took an immeasurable
part in the development of a grea
institution, and a third, Dr. Harry
B. Hutchins, has retired from activ
service. The past year has also
market the retirement from activ
service of Prof. Mortimer E. Cooley
Dean of the Colleges of Engineehin
and Architecture, .as well as the re
signation of several prominent edu
cators who have been members o
the various departments of the Uni
versity for many years.
Yes-there is little the materia
part of the greater Uiiversity which
may be held in common with th
infant institution of fifty years ago
But the greater, part of the Universit
of Michigan is, and always will b
held in common by all of the gradu
ates of the University. That part is
the Michigan spirit, that inert some
thing which has played so great a
part in the development of one o
America's foremost educational in-
stitutions-the spirit of a glorious
past. Michigan has been built up
both materially and educationally by
that spirit which has made possible
the achievements of which she may
be, and is justly proud. That spirit
on the part of the alumni becomes a
responsibility which they owe their
Alma Mater becuse upon it depends
the reputation which they collectively
must uphold if Michigan is to benefit
by it.
Michigan must continue to serve by
fitting coming generations to face the
problems of life and by instilling into
them the Michigan spirit which 'will
be theirs to hold sacred forever. In

this, Michigan's alumni have a great
part to play and a responsibility
which cannot be ignored, for Mich -
gan must carry on, in a way which /li /s mlf////A
would be imposible were it a purelyALUMNI
personal or material institution. It THE l TY IS YOURS
must be borne along by an undying BUT VUT TOA
spirit that must be felt by every The key to the city has been lost,
alumnus and every undergraduate of but never fear, the ROLLS Detective
the University of Mihigan. Bureau is scouring the jail for it. If
Being an institution such is it is, they find it it is yours, if not, there
its success must be measured by the I is nothing in town that is locked up
worth of its products, and the alumni except some jail birds, and who'd
are her only products. Each success- want them._
fil graduate is a testimonial of
MVIichigan's achievements which must THESE two or three days ought to
be continued endlessly into the fu- give the alumni a good bit of time in
ture- Michigan must serve, pro- which to flay over some of the foot-
gress, and strive to inspire 4er stu- ball games last fall. That's what re-
dents, her alumni, and her faculty to unions are for. The fifty-yard line
greater things if she is to continue seats in the stadium will be open to
in her present status as one of the them now as well as in the fall.
leading educational institutions in the That's what a stadium bond will do
world, and in the hearts of Michigan for you.
men and women, the greatest part of
their lives. We expect greater things from the
all-Alumni sing than we did from the
"THE VICTORS" Senior sing, so ROLLS music critic
Class Day ceremonies today mark will be there to listen
the beginning of the end for Michi- * *s*n
gan's 1928 graduating class. The ALUMNI BUSINESS MEETING
event which four years ago seemed
but a, dim, distant dream to many p 6
freshmen will have become a reality I o
Monday when the 84th Commence-el
ment exercises in the history of the
University come to a close.
Intermingled with the festivities in-
variably attendant upon these an-
nual week ends in June, must come Above is an exclusive ROLLS
a certain feeling of sadness to mem- photograph taken during the heat of
hers of the class of '28. Temporarily an Alumni business meeting. The
they are saying farewell to their Al- class secretary is telling the boys
ma Mater, but permanently they enter ho' to cooperate with house Jnothers.
that great body of men and women
constituting Michigan's "loyal alum- AND 1OW!
ni," and, spiritually at least, they need Male members of the respective
not consider . their 'college careers classes will probably observe quite a
ended. Even though some of their change in the coeds of their day.
many responsibilities have termi- Most of them, with bobbed hair and
nated, the.class of '28 still has a very what not, will look younger!
great responsibility. The University * * *
has paid its debt to them; the fulfi BANG, RANG!
ment of their debt to the University The Alumni-those that weren't
is a matter of years and the passing unfortunate enough to get inveigled
- of time. into going to the Kansas City farce
There is another aspect of gradua- -are coming to town Saturday. Chief
tion that is felt keenly and is highly O'Brien had better arrange for an
significant. The same serene breeze I extra special armed guard and a
that occasions the graduation of plentiful supply of tear gas bombs.
Michigan's seniors simultaneously For, if the spirit of the good old days
casts them upon the sea of life. The is manifested, they'll need- them-
collegiate world has bade them fare- both-to prevent theatre riots, hem-
well; the world at large beckons onstrations and what have you.
from all sides. But, in this respect,
the class of '28 is fortunate. Its
members have survived the trials and [ ROLLS CLASS DAY PROGRAM I
tribulations of four years at one of
- the largest educational institutions in
the country, and they should be well THE only appropriate place for a
fitted to go out into the world and Class Day program, so our class day
project themselves high above the program is published below for the
- tide. Things wil be different out in I benefit of all it may concern:
the world, but the principle is the TH PRESIDENT'S SPEECH, i
same. The best man or the most de- just a little reminder that there is
n serving woman will gain the most dis- now a chance to see college from the
tinction and will realize the fullest out side and to learn the reason for
measure of success. And, what is all the razz that's heaped on "college
probably most important, each and boys." There is some sort of re-
every one has been trained to enjoy sponsibility connected with it, but
life and its realities to the fullest. that part isn't very clear.
f For four years now the University * * *
d has been engaged in training those CLASS PROPHECY. That never is
graduating Monday for that event very good, so we'll leave that out of
and subsequent events, For them the picture. Besides if we made one,
Commencement marks the turning somebody's feelings might by hurt,
f point in the road. And when "The because we can't all be millionaires,
r Victors" is played it will be essen~- politicians, ice-men, or bricklayers.
tially for them. lVay it ever prove * * *
s an inspiration and incentive for the THE CLASS HISTORY is usually
Y class of 28!.rather embarrasing if names are
mentioned and isn't interesting if
It Ever expanding, ever growing, they aren't. Anyway it's the same
y Eichiganer as aen twge gwin year after year. Just a series of
vMichigan has taken two more signi- riots of one kind or another with a
e ficant strides toward a bigger andr
Sbetter university with the dedication few classes mixed in for various pur-
e of the new University Museum and poses.

, the donation of half a million dollars The BEGINNING OF TIE END
g to the Women's League building fund.
- In the former case she was the in-
- strument; in the latter, merely the BUREAU
f recipient; in both cases ,the Univer-
- sity is the benefactor.
When Michigan women some 40 - o
J years ago dreamt . of the day when __-
h they might have a building to call
e their own, it was no idle dream. AND THEN, some people bring
After one of the most vigorous and class days to a close with a whirl-f
y conspicious campaigns in the history wind climax likethe one pictured
e of those connected with this institu-, above. The photograph was takenE
- tion, the cornerstone of the Women's day after tomorrow.
s League building was laid on March -Eskimnoe.
- 29, 1928. And now, with Class Day * * *
a and Commencement upon us, it must REGARDING CANOEING
f be highly gratifying to graduating And, oh yes, in the event that any
Michigan women to know that the returning alumni hear the call of the
building, will soon become a reality waters, i.e., desire to go canoeing,
and that completion of the audito- we beg to advise them of the follow-
y rium wing has been made possible by ing rules now prevailing. One, on
the donation of $50,000 by an anony- Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, no
mous donor. The donation caps the less than four couples will be allow-
climax, perhaps, of a campaign that ed to set forth (or fifth for that mat-
never falteredfrom start to finish. ter) on the River Huron in any one
Together with the opening of the canoe, with the exception of green
new University of Michigan Museum, canoes, in which five couples may (or
appraised at $900,000, it makes the may not) hold sway. Two, on all
tfinal week of the school year most other days alumni may have the use
memorable. In reality, it means but of all except red and green canoes
two more additions to the splendid which are reserved for students.
building program mapped out for the These rules are especially pertinent
University; a program characterized tomorrow and the nextday. But not
by the broad expenditure of dollars today. Thank you.
-and sense! -okum.

The House of Quality

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Breakfast ..... 35c
Lunch . . ..... 50c
Dinner". ". " 70c
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from our regi
Friday a
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t pricings which offer astonishing .
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