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July 04, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-04

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Probably unsettled today.
Not much change In tempera-

ifti tan



VOL. IX, No. 10.




Speaker Tells Of Work Of Quarantine
Board In Keeping Diseases Of
Orient From Europe ,
While the Bacteriophage has a
tendency to produce resistence to the
Bubonic Pliague, yet it is highly pos-
sible that some method of immunizing
rats will have to be found before it
will be possible to prevent the de-
vastating plagues that sweep the
oriental countries," said Dr. W. Door-
enbos, Chief of the Bacteriological
Service of the International Quaran-
tine Board of Egypt, at the Suez, in
his lecture "Experiences with the
Bacterlosphage and Bubonic Plague in,
Java and the Suez," delivered at the
Natural Science auditorium Tuesdiay
Dr. Doo'renbos illustrated his lec-
ture with a number of slides depicting
the various kinds of dwellings, found
in Egypt and showing how different
types are more conducive to the
spread of a pleague epidemic than
are others. He stated that those
dwellings made of mud or itone and
using the earth for a floor. are in-
fested with rats that live in the walls
and carry the Bubonic Plague baccilli.
People living on the ground floor are
In a more dangerous position than
those living ustairs, investigations
Fleas Spread Disease
While man may contract the dift-
ease from actual contact with an in-
fected pat, the most common cause
for the spread of an epidemic is by
fleas. These feed on the rats and then
bite human beings.
"One of the difficulties of control is
caused by the fact that there are sev-
eral types of fleas," said Dr. Dooren-
bos. "Some carry the disease only
between rats, while others carry it
from rats to man. Still another typ-
carries the germs between human be-
ings. The experiments have neces-
sarily included all types."
When asked how he kept from be-
ing bitten by the fleas himself, Dr.
Doorenbos explained that in the day-
time he protected himself as well as!
possible by puttees and gloves. At
night a lighted lamp was placed in a
shallow dish .containing liquid and i
the morning the dish contained sev-
eral hundred dead fleas. "Of course,"
he said, "sometimes I was bitten,"
and he gave the impression that then
it was a matter of. luck not to contract
the disease.
No General Prevention
Stating that it was impossible tr
give any general rule for the preven-
tion of the plague, the famous author-
ity went on to explain this was due
to the fact that conditions in different
towns comparatively close together
were so widely variant. "Even a
change in, temperature," he said,
"may stop an epidemic, and experi-
ments show that after a time the rats!
may become immune and thus the
plague will die down."
"The purpose of the Quarantine
'Board," said Dr. 'Doorenbos, when

asked to explain it, "is to prevent the
spread into Europe of the various
oriental diseases. These come through
the Suez Canal by boat and. strict
precaution have to be taken to pre-
vent the spread to other countries,"
Under the direction of Miss McCor-
rnck, the. University is offering wo-
men's golf classes for the students ;n
the summer session.
For the first two weeks, the class-
es, which meet at 2 and 3 o'clock
every afternoon, will play at Palmer
Field, after which time they will be,
transferred to the University Golf
Course. Mr. Clark, who has charge of
the course, has offered an added con-
venience by making a special fee of
$3 to those students enrolled in the

Rapid growth of work of the Uni-
versity Extension Division in Detroit
has necessitated the opening of an
office there, with the result that a
su'mmer office is to be opened in
room 562 Cass Technical High School,
according to Charles A. Fi'sher, assist-
ant director.
Inquiries have increased and the
lively interest shown by large busi-
ness organizations, together with de-
sire for information of the numerous
groups interested in adult education,
have brought about the opening of
the office, Mr. Risher states.
The office will give general infor-
mation concerning the Upiversty,
and will provide those interested with
enirollment blanks, information re-
lative to entrance requirements and
render other services. It is to be
opened at once and will remain open
throughout July and August.
Schedules Made Out For Baseball
Games And Tennis Tournament;
300 Students Take Part
With the beginning of the second
week of the summer session, in-
tramural sports activity has increa'se
and over 300 students are participat-
ing in the organized summer sports
proggram 'under the direction of the
intramural department.
In an effort to expand the already
large program of athletics, a meet-
ing was held yesterday for the or-
ganization of an all-campus play-
ground baseball league. Six team's
entered the league at the meeting yes-
terday: the Mt. Clemens Club headed
by Walter Weber, former Varsity full-
back,, Michigan, Giants, Alpha Kappa
Psi, Buck Wolves, and Yanks.
The recently formed School of Educa-
tion baseball league will begin play
on July 10. The complete schedule of
the league is as follows: July 10-'
principal's vs. superintendents, facul-
ty vs. teachers; July 17-principals
vs. teachers, superintendents vs.
faculty; July 20- principals vs. facul-
ty, superintendents vs. teachers. On'
July 30 the two teams highest in the
standing will meet to play for the
champlonship of te league.
The first round in the tennis singles
tournament was inaugurated yester-
day. In the initial match of the first
round W. E. Koneczny defeated G. A.
Cook, 2-6, 6-4, and 7-5.
Paul Washke, director of summ
intramural althletics announced yes-
terday that participants in the tennis
tournament will be exempted from the
customary fee of $1.50 for the use
of the tennis courts. All entrants in
the tennis tournament are requester
to call at the intramural office in
rdom 6 of Waterman gymna'sion for
a card which will exempt them from
the payment of the fee.
(By Associated Press)

tune of two new world's records, per-
formers in the final tryouts for places
on the Olympic team, got away to a
flying start at Philadelphia's New Mu-
nicipal Stadium today.
Within a single eventful period of
five minutes, F. Morgan Taylor, I111-
nois Athletic Club, Olympic Champ-
ion and Frank Cuhel, of the Univer-
sity of Iowa, cracked the world's re-
cord in winning their semi-final heats
in the 400 meter hurdles. Taylor beat
the standard set at 53:3-4 seconds by
Szen Pettersson, of Sweden in 1925,
by one fifth of a second and Cuhel in
a heat a few minutes later knocked
one fifth of a second off the time the
blonde Illinois flyer had set.
On his way to his new record Tay-
lor gained sweet victory over one of
his leading rivals, Stocky Johnnie
Gibson, of the Bloomfield, New Jersey,
Catholic Lyceum, who beat him in
winning the National 440 hurdle

nti tr * i l it ir n n ruffll Ei~n ri i n nnn





Represents Mingling Of Spiritual And
Material Elements By Two
Typical Men
Characterizing the Renaissance a
a period intricate in the extreme and
marked by' violent contrasts,' Mi'ss
Adelaide A. Adams, of .the departmentI
of fine arts, speaking yesterday after-
noon in Natural Science auditorium
on "Renaissance Italian Painting,"
pointed outs three outstanding ele-
ments in Renaissance culture: the
spiritual element, which derived from
the Middle Age's and was therefore
conservative rather than progressiv
the intellectual element, shown by
scientific and technical progress; sand
the physical or material element,
which fostered the reawakened inter.
est in the beauty of man and of naf
Miss Adams selected two pain'
Fra Angelico and FN Filippo ?
both of whom were monks living i'
Florence in the early fifteenth cen-
tury and who had the same patron,
Cosimo dei Medici, but whose lives
and works were completely different
to typify two of these three main cur
rents in art.
Describes Fra Angelico
"Vra Angelico;" Said Miss Adams
"was 'a Dominican friar who wen,
with his fellow-monks into exile for
fifteen years in the hill-country of
Umbria, the part of Italy where the
people display the greatest religious
ecstasy and enthusiasm. Here doubt
less his natural ,pure devotion was in-
tensified to the lofty spirituality that
shines forth in his paintings.
"Fra Filippo Lippi, on the other
band, was the son of a butcher;
was left an orphan at an early ag
and roamed the streets of the poo
quarter of Florence until ado'pted
the age of 8 by the Carmelite order.
He was brought up to be a priest, bu
the monkish habit was hardly con
gruous with his love for the world
his warm interest in humanity, a
when he later eloped with a nun, th
beautiful Lucrezia Buti, the Pope
recognizing his genius, released th'
trom their vows and permitted then
to marry."~
Ilustrates With Slides
Miss Adams went on to show by
means of slides the characteristics
of the work of the two men. The
"Madonna and Child" of Angelico wa
highly imaginative, distinguished by
softness and purity of tone, while the
painting by Lippo Lippi on the san
subject wa's radically different: Mary
was a Florentine maiden, the infan'
Jesus a husky baby, and the angels
typical gutter-snipes with wings at-
tached. "Fra 'Lippo Lippi's art, said
Miss Adams, "is notable for its em-
phasis on common figures rather than
on religious ones; it verges on the
genre painting of the Dutch school."
Fra 'Lippo's "Coronation of the
Virgin" was characterized in the
words of Professori Mather of Prince-
ton as -very like " a scene at the con-
mencement of a young ladies' aca-
demy, with God the Father giving the
honor diploma to Mary, and the angels
the other Sweet girl graduates waiting
their turn."j
"Heating the Home" will be the
title of a lecture by Prof. Ransom S.
Hawley, professor of mechanical en-

gineering in the engineering school,
at 5 o'clock tomorrow in Natural
Science auditorium. Professor Haw-
ley has been doing research for some
years in the field of heating prob-
lems, and has given special attention
to the proper heating of a home.
Though the subject is perhaps not
strictly suited to the season, Profes-
sor Hawley is expected to have some
valuable information to impart. The
lecture will be illustrated.

Among the patrons of the Rockford Prof. and Mrs. Bradley Davis, Prof.
Players, who are now playing in their and Mr's. Calvin 0. Davis, Mr. andj
third season at Sarah Caswell Angell Mrs. Earl Fleischman, Prof. and Mrs.
Hall, are Miss Jessie Bonstelle of the Walter Ford, Dr. and Mrs. Warren
Bonstelle Playhouse in Detroit and Forsythe, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gehring,
Mr. Daniel Quirk, Jr. and Mrs. Quirk Mr. and Mrs. Otto Haisley, Mrs. Ar-
of Ypsilanti. Both Mr. Quirk, who thur Hall, Prof. and Mrs. Evans Hol-
is President of the Drama League of brook, Dean Wilber R. Humphreys,
America, and Miss Bonstelle have Pof. and Mrs. W. D..Henderson, Miss
been unusually successful along Beatrice Johnson, Dr. and Mrs. Ther-
theatrical lines. Miss Bonstelle's on Langdona Miss Nellie Loving, Mr.
Playhouse in Detroit is unique, and and Mrs. T. A. Lowery, Mr. Donald
Mr. Quirk was active in the founding of McIntyre, Prof. and Mrs. Elmer Mit-
the first "Little Theatre" in the United chell, Prof. T. M. Parrott, Dean and
States which is located in Ypsilanti. Mrs. George Washington Patterson,
Mr. William Wright who is director Mrs. Mabel Ross Rhead, Prof, and Mrs.
of the Wright Stock Companies is Albert Rousseau, Mrs. Julius Schlot-
another patron as is Mr. Earl Fleisch- terbeck, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sink,
man, who has charge of !Play Pro- Mrs. Tesse Stoddard, Dr. and Mrs.
duction classe's at the University. John Sutndwiall, Miss Edith Thomas,
The rest of the patrons are as fol- Mrs. J. J. Walser.
lows: President and Mrs. Clarence
Cook Little; President EmeritusH
Harry B. Hutchins; Dean and Mrs. RE
Edward L. Kraus, Mr. Frederick M-
Connell, Mr. and Mr's. Alexander 4f lfl
flow, Mr. and Mrs. Horatio J. Ab-
bott, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker, Dr. and M s Ja e Br k y, r. nd r.
Mrs. James Breakey, Mr. and M~rs-
Carl Bay, Mrs. Louis Boynton, Mr. and 'Mrs. Katherine B. Greene Tells Of
Mrs. Paul Buckley, Wr. and Mrs. Research Work By Universities
Robert Campbell, Miss Fandira Crock- In Preparation Of Child
er, Dean Benjamin - Clark Crocker,
WOMEN'S L EAGUE TO "The most important purpose of the
pre-primary school is to prepare the
HNOR nrEAN AI child for his work in the public
school, said Mrs. Katherine B.1
Greene in a lecture on "Present Ten-
Fifty Women Students In Attendance ncies in Pre-Primary Edution"
At Tea Held In Field ns Aouse given at the University high school
Ateaye I AFelrouauditorium yesterday afternoon. "This
Is the purpose that most affects the
WILL GIVE TEA THURSDAY child"she continued, "butrthese
WILLGIVETEATHURDAYschools" are also used for research
work by universities."
Dean brans and Mrs. Kriaus will be ,
The main part of the lecture was
honorary guests of the Women's taken up with outlining the work of
League at a special tea which will be the pre-primary school, and the meth-
held from 3:30 to 5 o'clock, Thurs- ods of teaching that it uses. "Ordi-
day afternoon in the Women's Field ' narily the school hours are from three
House. This i's the first of a series of to six," stated Mrs. Greene.'"This time
special teas which the League is plan- is taken up in various ways. There
ning to give in addition to those held are two or three hours of playground
during the week. All women on cam- activity when the children are allow-
pus are urged to attend the tea and ed to run about, use the slides, play
take advantage of this opportunity to in the sand, and otherwise amuse
meet Dean Kraus and Mrs. Kraus in- 'themselves. At the same time, how-
formally. Miss Johnson, dean of ever, they will be gaining experience
women, will also be present and Marie and exercising their muscles. Lunch
Hartwig, '30, summer president of is served at most schools, and the
the League, and Doris Renkenrberger, smaller children given naps in the
'30, will be in charge of the tea. afternoon. The indoor activity con-
Last Monday there were over fifty j sists of playing with crayons and pa*
wonen students who were guests at per and in a Story-hour period." E
the tea held at the Field House. The The staff of this kind of school is
tea was held indoors as the lounge very large, according to the speaker,
room was found to be even cooler than consisting in most cases of a nurse, a
the terrace; ho'wever the doors were cook, a dietician, one or two people
kept open and the guests were free for cleaning, a directordforthe child-
to go outdoors if they wished. Some ren and an assistant director. Many
students dropped In after golf and of these can work only part time if
tennis classes, and enjoyed the quiet, necessary.
cool, atmosphere in the Field House, "This school is of value to parents
and had refreshments. The hostesses as well as to students and observers,"
for Monday were Marie Hartwig '30, she declared. "First, because It gives
Margaret Babcock, '30, Dorothy Al- them a long period of time In which
lison,, graduate, and Margaret Arthur, to dotherew hote-
'29. ing bothered with the care of the
Offer Women's Social Hour child, and, second, because it guaran-
It s theraimofhe omitteei tees to them the proper care of the
It is the aim of the committee child while he is absent. The charge
charge of these teas to make them has been made that this type of
just as interesting and enjoyable to school caters to bridge playing moth-
the women students as it is possible' ers, but this cannot very well be true
The menus will be varied, from day since the school dismisses at the very
to day, for instance, last Monday tea time when bridge playing usually
and cakes were served, and yesterday, commences." Mrs. Greene stated that
punch: and wafer's, and at the special she did, not believe the pre-primary
teas, even more elaborate menus will school would become. a very import-
be used. The purpose of these teas ant part of school life until its cost
is to offer women students a social had been cut down in some way.
hour and a half where they may en- There will be another lecture in the
joy each other's company and meet educational conference series at 4:05
together as they would in a club this afternoon at the auditorium of the

house. Similar teat are given by the University high school. The lecture
League during the academic year. will be given by Prof. Arthur B.
According to 3arie Hartwig, sum- ,Moehlman of the School of Education,
mer president of the League, the The subject will be "Tendencies in
change fro holding the teas iu the School Organization."
parlors of the Barbour Gymnasium, --
to the New Field House, where they BASEBALL RESULTS
are able to use its modern facilities
and convenienceh is a decided attrac- (By Associated Press)
tion and .advantage. She states that National League
these summer teas are the first social Cincinnati 9, Pittsburg 7.
functions that the League has ever New York 8, Brooklyn 7.
attempted to hold in the new Field Chicago 13, St., Louis 5.;
House. Philadelphia 6, 15, Boston 5, 0.
The University of Michigan flin, American League
taken last year, will travel to Long Chicago 8, St. Louis 7.
Beach, Calif., to be shown as part Philadelphia 4, Boston 3.
of the educational program of the New York 7, Washington 6. (11 inn
Pacific Southwest exposition, some, ings.)
time during the next two weeks. Cleveland 6. Detroit 5, (12 innings.


Examination Was Test Of Judgment
And Ability To Think, Says
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis
But five students of the 210 who
wrote the comprehensive examination
given graduating medical students
failed to pass, it was stated today by
Dr. Cyrus, C. Sturgis, chairman of the
sub-committee which handled the
mechanics connected with the exam-
ination. And though this number is
surprisingly low, the fact that the ex-
amination was the first ever given
here being considered, it is believed
likely by Dr, Sturgis that in years to
come all students will pass the ex.
"The examination wasn't a pure test
.of memory, but rather a test of the
student's judgment and his ability to
think," stated Dr. Sturgis today. "Two
questions were given and four hours
Sallowedfor discussion of each. The
discussion of the twn th atita nr n-



t ~AA qL *t ' o ua * pr-
vided a test for the student's know-
ledge of vrtually all the courses which
he completed during his four years in
l the medicl school."
Test Correlaes Knowledge
The test, according to Dr. Sturgis.
permitted;the student to correlate his
knowledge of the work he hMI COr-
pleted, and provided the faculty with
necessary information- relatve oA the
t student's fitness to practice. Th*
men who failed will be allowed to
take the examination again, after the
expiration of six months.
"We don't want to let loose of them
until we're sure they kn'ow suffiolent
about medicine to practice it," de-
clared Dr. Sturgis. "The need of such
knowledge is evident, when it is con-
sidered that upon the judgment of
these men and women will hang hu-
man lives."
Dr. Sturgis pointed out that efforts
of the committee govring these
examinations will be directed toward
having those unfit to practic medi-
cine weeded out of the medical schol
during their first or second year of
registration. This may be accomplish-
ed, he explained, by more strict grad-
Following their custom of giving
one Frnch comedy a season, the
Rockford players will open a series of
four performances of Anatole France's
farce, "The Man Who Married a Dumb
Wife" as their third bill tomorrow
night. The piece will be repeated
Friday night, and be given matinee
and evening performances Saturday.
Robert Henderson, director of the
company, promises an elaborate pro-
duction. Alice Hogan will collabor-
ate with the troupe in the dances for
which the comedy calls, while the
whole cast has been working, on the
chorus steps which come at the end
of each act.
France drew his material for the
play from Rabelais, and has written
the piece after the medieval manner.
The story deals with a judge who, as"
the title indicates, married a dum
woman. To his great joy a doctor
prpmises to cure her of her affliction,
and-succeeds. Then the wife talks so
much that the worthy judge wishes
her dumb once more. Katherine Wick'
Kelly will 'have the role of Cath-
erine, the wife, Henderson playing op-
posite her as Master Botal. Roman
Bohnen is cast as the doctor.
"So This Is London" will be given
its final performance by the players at
8:15 tonight.
Charles Wakefield Cadman is corn-
posinig a new symphonic poem enttled
"Dick Whittington."
A woman, Anbelica Mendoza, has
been nominated. for the presidency of
Argentina by the Workers' party.

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