THE SUMMER MICHIGAN blished every morning except Monday dur- the University Summer Session by the d in Control of Student Publications. ie Associated Press is exclusively en- A to the use for republication of all news tches credited to it or not otherwise ited in this paper and the local news ished herein. ntered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- e as second class matter. bscription by carrier, $; by mail, $7's. fices : Press Building, Maynard Street, Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR J. STEWART HOOKER .ori;sd Directors........George E. Simons Martin Mol Editor..............Lawrence R. Klein ure Editor..............Eleanor Scribner ic and Drama Editor.. ..Stratton Buck ks Editors........ ..Kenneth G. Patrick Kathryn Sayer graph Editor...........Daryl W. Irwin Night Editors .' Bochnowski r . sMartin Mol GeorgeE. Simons Reporters Arthur- Askwith ockeray Bridges Isabel Charles Howard F. Shout Robert O'Brien Jack Sumner BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214" BUSINESS MANAG R RAY WACHTER Ivertisipg.................Jeannette Dale count. ...... .Whitney Manning reulation................. Bessie V. Egeland Assistants muel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky Janet Logie TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1928 ght Editor-LAWRENCE R. KLEIN MICHIGAN IN THE OLYMPICS Michigan does not confine her ory to any one locality but extends r fame to all parts of the world rough her athletes, who may be' unted amdng the country's -best. etz, Jones, Tolan, and Campbell won e right to compete in thei finals of e Olympic trials to be held at the arvard Stadium next Saturday by acing ,as leading contenders in their ents. Donahoe, George, Hewitt,aWatson, uer and Kumitura will compete in e Olympic wrestling trials in Grand apids, representing Michigan in that ort. Hubbard, the sensation of the chigan track team of a few years o, is favored to win the broad mp for the United States this year ter having' won it in the games of 24, and Paul Samson has already en chosen on the American -swim- vantage as he takes over the presi- dential office. This advantage lies in the fact that he follows in office an executive to whom he is closely allied and with whom he has enjoyed the friendliest relations during the past administration. With the efforts of Calles in behalf of the establishment of a strong central government in Mexico combined with the abilities of Obregon in this direction, Mexico's central government ought to be a strong national unit at the close of the! latter's six year term in office. Another aspect of the election which is commendable is the fearless way in which General Obregon made his views known to the electorate of Mex- ico during the course of his campaign for the presidency., Although oppos- ing political units that had intended to oppose Obregon withdrew their candi- date from the field, the lone candidate continued to discuss his views and pol- icies so that the voters might know how he regarded certain prominent is- sues involved in the election. Four months ago Obregon took a definite stand in favor of temperance and vigorously opposed gambling. He expressed a friendly view toward eign capital and denounced Ia foreig policy that has conquest as the end in view. Freedom of conscience is also urged. He says "the Roman Cath- olic, the evangelist and persons of ev ery sect and oplnlon are equa' spectable." He does not favor the re- striction of Mexican immigration by the United States. He supports th establishment of a merchant marine, and advocates the building of goo' roads and the, development of irriga- tion projects.C Although General Obregon's admin- istration looks promising and his qual- ifications for the office are of the high- est order, the splenidid conduct in of- fice of the present executive, President Calles, should not be referred to pas- sively, for Mr.'Calles has had the in- terests of Mexico sit heart and he has contributed much toward the econom- ic, social and political development of his country. Credit is especially due him for his effort in bringing about friendly relations between Mexico and the United States,. (PUBLIC UTJJJTY PROBLEMS There is continujal agitation in the legislatures, both national and state, regarding! the public utilities. A com- paratively significant development in this connection was the defeat of Sen- ator Walsh's propos1 for a Senate in- quiry into public uitilities during the last Congressional session. Various reasons have been aissigned for its de- feat-the work in, the lobby, the fact that this is a campaign year, and an idea that there had been too great a number of far reaching inquiries con- ducted of late. Music And Drama "SO THIS IS LONDON" A Review, By Lawrence R. Klein 'So This Is London" first opened a~s long ago as when "Waltz Me Around Again, Willie" was in vogue. But despite the handicap of present- ing a show replete with wheezes fresh during Roosevelt's first administra- tion, the Rockford Players did a fine thing of their play last night. The farce comedy itself--which is about' as good a comedy as George M. Cohan - ever wrote, though it at times lapses Jl into the. Mack Sennett type of hum- or-furnishes abundant opportunity for the portrayal of excellent char- acter parts. And this, coupled with the rather pointworthy fact that the story, after all, was raher. well-done, and this assimilation, coupled with the even more pointworthy fact that the actiig was, with but an .exception here and there, splendid, all goes to make up al pleasant evening's enter- tainment. The plot deals with an American boy and an English girl who fall in (love and wish to marry; and in or- der to accomplish this feat they must first soothe the ruffled feathers of pa- rental wrath, for each parent-father, _ I should say--holds desperate and ve- "!1 nemous hate for the other. Katherine Wick Kelly, who 'assum; ed the role of Lady Ducksworth, in- terlocutor for the two love birds, would, I firmly believe, do credit to any stage. Her sparkling, vigorous personality and her pleasing, catchy stage tricks stamp her as - well, she's a finished actress. Robert Henderson has about him a smoothness and an assuredness that will some day make him a first run star. In his part of Junior Draper, the American sbn, be caught the ef- fervescent freshness that the charac- ter demanded. E. Martin Brown, the English fath- er, is the third of the cast worthy of' special mention. Except for the one instance when he momentarily slipped out of his role he maintained through- out the stiff, aristocratic dignity of the staid Englishman and ruler of his household. Roman Bohnen failed to "click" in his attempt to act the American fath- er. He was decidedly miscast, for one thing, and -for another,4he talked in an incessant monotone.dHe is far too young to act the aged parent. Elberta Trowbridge, who had a ra- ther poor part in enacting the Eng- lish mother, made a rather weak and ennervating job of it. Quantities of Second-Hand Books at- SS UNIVERSI paBOO KS TO : %J,./"l.I "J,/",./Y. "rC/,I1. 1 /./:I.Il11./11.. "1, %0. G +',J !.dJ.rC IIIr~irrrtIIrrIIIIIIIIIIIItiIIIIIIrjIItjIIII iIllrfIll ill IIIIIIi fill Gel LR ~the Hbi t .a ra P. tr~ l° "_ c (fi CIL .y1J £5I 1 e5a L A .-'AV '.. the excellent service. You Will Find It to Be a Stimulating Invuig-rating Habit Eof Summer School EXT BO K ll iv 13-15 NICKELS ARCADE rrncrriarrrrt nur rrr ruarrr t rrrr rrrsrrruur SUBSCRIBE FOR ] Summer tIIcbi an ° I II ~~1 'i .{ Y/ ose who win the right to compet r the colors of the United State of course, first represent th ry, but they will also represen igan and will carry the spiri ichigan into an affair which i natbnal in scope. ere is 'nothing new about Michi being represented on the Amer team; rather it is a. continuation he representation of athletes h have been sent for many years es to strengthen a glorious re iin which Michigan enjoys as a university. fact that the university is n throughout the world as one e finest educational institutions een made possible by the many ars who have both taught at graduated from Michigan, and have been proud to be known 3 height of their fame as Mich- nen. Now its iathletes are add- and building up an all-inclu- sputation as a school with many arced interests. ese men as well as tlkose who von fame in the academic world e congratulations of all of Mich- soan and daughters and re- ion from their Alma Mater. 'hile praising our athletes ,wei not forget the men who. have ped them into men of Olym- e 3s e t t Is n Li A federal inviestigation might be ' practical if the much talked of "super power" system were in existence, but when it is reyealed by an investigation conducted by Harvard university, that only nine per cent of the total power generated' is, transmitted across state lines, the rest being used within the state wberie it is generated, public utilities can hardly be considered of national .scope because of interstate commerce regulations. The public utilities are furnishing electrical energy and gas at a reason- able rates and render a great service to the pgblic. Holding companies which are; sometines the subject of much criticism ar6 alpost invaluable to public utilities as they serve to financiaW y stabilize) the smaller units. Another phase whi ch bears the brunt, of some attack is the fact that public utilities can afford to sell en rgy at a lower rate to larjge consume s than to smagler users. This may be ex- plained by the factt it costs more to distribirte a given amount of current among 'small users than it does to sell that sw~rne amount 'directly to the con-, sumers from the trtnsmission line. The stving comes as tOhe result of the very small amount oft distribution equipment needed to selt ,to large con- sumers. Whether sold to largel or small us- ers. most of the energy generated and most of the gas manufactured is sold within a comparatively s mall area sur-. rounding the generating plant, and the problems which arise frt *m distribution are largely of local iml portance. For that reason, the major p tortion of reg- ulation should be left t 6 the state in order that local needs majy have the benefit of special attengioat and regu- lation. "THE SCARLET WOMAN" A Review, by Stratton Buck A capable and well balanced cast, a clever comedy of the lighter type, and same splendid acting by Pauline Frederick make i"The Scarlet Wom- an," now in its eighth and final week at the Garrick in Detroit very good entertainment. Agatha Marley, who has spent her youth nursing a sick father, goes to New York after his death, and returns to the home town a year later with an adqpted baby. Of course stories begin to circulate, as stories will. And Agatha, much amus- ed by her newly acquired notoriety, refuses to produce the receipt from the orphanage, and lets the gossips go on unhampered. Andrew Mason, a college professor, appears on the scene to write the late Prof. Marley's life, falls in love' with Agatha, and is willing to trust and believe in her, in spite of all the horrid things tha are being whispered around the town. There are several anxious moments,' however, when the professor is ar- rested for speeding and fails to turn. up at the Marley residence to prove. his faith and claim his bride. The lines of the piece are clever through- out. Pauline Frederick makes a very charming and satisfying Agatha Mar- ley. She is in possession of a number of little tricks, the rumpling of her handkerchief in the third actfor ex- ample, that give her work an easyf aind finished touch. Her much adver- tised voice is musical indeed, an is employed to full advantage. Comed- ienne par excellence, she shows her- self fully capable of making an aud- ience alternately laugh and suffer with her. The supporting cast is generally good. Thomas Holding, who plays op- posite Miss Frederick a' Andrew Ma- son, and Paul Nicholson, interpreting the role of the big time New Yorker, Rex Buckingham, deserve special mention among the men. Zelda Sears, co-author of the piece, makes a most convincing Hattie, The role of Felix' Crane as played by Norman Peck is not so 'satisfying. Pu /'-I & '- i and he wonders why thy4auhed -ANT) How y ug They laughed-and how!t Their ridicule j hurt. It bit like acid. Hie prided himself ®on' dressing well. His' taste was faultless as far asit went. But-it didn't include his socks. Although colorf and classy, they were ungartered. And yet he can't figure out why they laughed. MEXICAN ELECTIONS has elected a new president. ctlon has come about peace- h bloodshed and general signs der far removed from the d calm that marked the elec- t, on the whole, it is a good and judging from the general ce by the Mexican people of Obregon as their new leader, ok is quite encouraging. 1 Obregon succeeds President ho is a strong political allyj ewly elected chief executive., ection of Calles was prohibi- stipulation inserted in the on of 1917 which barred the! n of a president. This clause, has been amended and now, visions of the amended con- Obregon has the full right a candidate for reelection piration of his present six< Obregon has a. decided ad-i Give Yourself SOX Appeal-Wear GiA RTERS NO METAL CAN TOUCH YOU 25C to 2 } I III "French Government Pland To Un- dertake Franc Stabilz on, 1eads a. headline. It's abouti tfi they; g6t ser- ious. Dres s Well and Succeed M. e$1928-A.S$IN & COMPANY-tAKIERS-C Judith Anderson recently succeeded Lynn Fontaine in the role of Nina Leeds in "Strange Interlude."