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July 01, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-01

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settled. Probably showers
tonight and tomorrow.


:43 a t t



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_._ T1S Y/YT TaIT' 1Ti'

IX, No. 8 °





igure Compares Favorably With That-
Of Other Years; Expect Small
Late Enrollment
Final registration figures announc-
d yesterday noon by Dean Edward,
. Kraus, dean of the Summer Ses-
ion, indicate that the total number
f students enrolled in the Summer
ession this year is approximately 200
ss than last year. The grand total
t the close of registration yesterday
ras 3,437.
The Graduate school shows an in-
rease of 118 over last year's figures.
'his school has grown steadily of late
ears as advanced students have real-
ed the opportunities ofte Sum-
ier Session for graduate study. In
926 it enrolled 876 students, in 1927
L enrolled 1,011, and the enrollment
his year is 1,129. The Medical school
iso shows an increase of 45, and the
ollege of Pharmacy a slight in-
Graduate_. School 'Largest
The Graduate school has the larg-
st enrollment of all the colleges on
he campus, while the College of Lit-
rature, Science, and the Arts comes
econd with '961 students enrolled.
rext is the School of Education with
25 students, ollowed by the Col-,
ages of Engineering and Architecture
vith 321, the Medical school with 299,3
hie Law school with 148, the Col-
ege of Pharmacy with 36, and the
ichool of Business Administration


Students in the Sumner Session at
the University this year are being of-
fered &~n opportunity to see one of the
most complete and interesting natural
science exhibits in this part or the
country at the New Museum situated
at the carner of North University and
Washtenaw avenues. The building
housing the collection is one of great
architectural beauty as well as of
scientific efficiency. It is one of the
show places of the campus, although
not intended primarily for sightseers.
The planners of this project wished
first of all to furnish .a place in which
scientific 'specimens of all sorts could
be placed on view for study and ob-
servation by students in those fields.
In order to exhibit specimens prop-
'erly they have been arranged in cases
and cabinets in long "ranges." There
are ranges for botany, anthropology,
geology, and zoology, the last named
group being the alrgest. All the speci-
mens are arra'nged so that they are
fully protected from fire, dust, and
insects, but they are at the same time
in full view of the observer. There
are also large ranges for live 'speci-
miens at the museum, over fifteen hun-
dred mice, fourteen sub-species of the
deer mouse, and a large display of live
squirrels being included.
Exhibits Vary
While most of the museum is devot-
ed to study and research, there are
also two exhibit halls containing dis-
plays of 'nterest to jveryone. The ex-
'hibits here, which are varied from time

to time, are intended to show some
single field of research or race devel-
opment. The'se halls occupy the
secznul and fourth floors of the WVash-
tenaw wing of the museum.
One of the ranges contains all the
exhibits presented by the Chinese gov-
ernment, including teakwood chairs
inlaid with mother of pearl and many
tapestries and hangings. Upon the
'same floor is the Primitive Man of
Michigan collection which was as-
sembled by Dr. Wilbert B. Hinsdale.
Due to the fact that a great number
of special and graduate students are
i'n+ attendance at the University in the
summer, it is believed that many vis-
itors will be seen at the new Museum
during the session. The exhibits
should be of special interest to all stu-
dents in science course's.

Senators And State Governors Also
To Be Chosen In First Vote
Under Amended Plan
(By Associated Press)
MEXICO CITY, June 30- The duly
qualified and certified voters of Mex-
ico will go to the polls tomorrow to
elect a President for a six year term
starting .December 1. General Alvaro
Obregon is the only candidate and
technically will be elected as soon '
the first ballot is cast in his favor.
The administration of President
Calles is determined to preserve order
and throughout the republic saloon.


Speaker Is Chief Of Bacteril
Service Of Internantonm
Board In Egypt
"Experiences with the Ba 'teriop
and Bubonic Plague in Java an
Suez," a special addition to the
ular Summer Session lecture co
will be delivered by Dr. W. Doore
Chief of the ,Bacteriological Serv
the International Quarantine 1
of Egypt, at tfie Suez. The lectur<
be given in the auditorium of the
ural Science building at 3:30 o'
Tuesday afternoon, and will be
trated with slides showing man
the health problems which ari
the Suez due to the multitude of
and classes of people which
5 there.

Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg
Grand Rapids publisher, for wihom
petitions bearing the names of 25,-
000 and upwards Michigan voters were
Piled at Lansing during the week by
Frank M. Sparks, his campaign man-
ager. No opposition to Vandenberg's
candidacy has yet been announced,
and, judging from present indications,
he Nvl be unopposed in the Republi-

i4tablishes Office In Home
Slowly With Work

And Goes

Of will be closed and courts kept open
I in order that justice may be dispens-


tProf. Thomas X. Parrott Will Discuss
"Elizabethan Drama" In Natural
Science Auditorium

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 30-Secretary
Hoover devoted most of today to the
writing of his speech of acceptance
of the Presidential nomination and
made plans to spend a quiet Sunday
at his home. '
Tomorrow Mr. Hoover will attend
with Mrs. Hoover quaint Quaker
church here and then remain the rest
of the day at his home,, probably en-
joying a respite from the heat in the
spacious garden at the rear of the
For the writing of his speech, the
Republican nominee has established.

ed in case any of the voters start
disorderly manifestations around the
polls. Every - polling place will b,-
guarded by Federal soldiers and ad-
ditional troops will be held in bar-
racks in reserve.
As further insurance against a dis-
orderly election day, no civilian will
be permitted to bear arms. The A-
loons were closed last night and the
Republic is to continue dry until Mon-
day morning.
Besides the presidential election
senatorsand representatives are to be
chosen for the national legislature
and there are to be elections for gov-
ernors and legislatures in several of
the states.
General Obregon will be the first
President under the new constitution
to be chosen for a term of six years.
This is two years more than was pro-
vided until a recent amendment was
enacted extending the presidential'


Pass 1926 Mark
The total figure, 3,437, compares
avorably with the 1926 figure of 3,-
22, although last year enrollment
ook a spurt with 3,665 students reg-
stered. The total does not include!
enrollment at the biological station.
on Douglas lake, where 49 graduates
and 23 undergraduates are studying,
nor does it include the 59 students reg-
Lstered for the Public Health Institut-
as, an increase of 22 over last year's

is WELL-KNOWN IN FIELD an office at his home and is care-
fully formulating the address, con-
"Elizabethan Drama" will be the stant revision making the task a slow
subject of +a lecture by Prof. Thomas one. He writes a page im longhand,
M. Parrott, of Princeton university, in has it typed and then revises it again.
Natural Science auditorium at 5 The final draft of the address proba-
o'clock Monday, afternoon. Professor bly will not be made until a day or so
Parrott will* discuss Shakespeare's before he leaves for California.
theatre, with special attention to the Most of the morning at his Com-
,,fluenc epxrted by the physical strue- ;nmerce Department offie Mr. Hoover

can primary in September. Dr. ,Doprenbos, who makes a api
trip to the campus todeliver this
tune, has become a world aithc
on the subject of his lecture beci
of the experience which his off
duties bring to him. As Chief of
SBacteriological Service of the In
national Quarantine Board of E
Federal Trade Board Hears Testimony he continually is brought into
Of Former Public Utility 1 tact with the most advanced stage
Expert y the dreaded Bubonic Plague, whic
often introduced into sea port to
Sthrough the medium of rats w
DEBT INCURRED IN 1923{ clamber from the holds of infe
ships onto th wharves. In the c
(By Associated Press) of Egypt and other Eastern cou,
WASHINGTON, June 30-Winding an epidemic once started is difflcu
up a week's investigation of Public! stop because of the squalid and
Utilities publicity organization" in sanitary living conditions. It i
four states, the federal Trade Com-I pected that Dr. Doorenbos will r
many interesting experiences a
mission today disclosed a proposal of
*this line.
utilities publication committee of
Washington, D. C., to wipe out an in-'SMITH
debtedness of $1,600 incurred in 1923
by the National Association of rail- PERSONAL VIE'
roads and utilities commissioners, an
organization of state officials super- (By Associated Press)
vising these industries. ALBANY, N. Y., June 30-"Cons
This development came in evidence tive statesmanship" will be the w
introduced during testimony of Al-1 word of Gov. Smith's campaigI
bert Fischer of New York, former the presidency.
director of the Michigan Committee! "I don't know when the caml
on Public Utilities information. Fisch- is going to begin or what ter:
er declared that he did not know what! it will cover," the governor said,
action was taken on the proposal. Itdo know that I will talk t
A letter sent by A. S. Hills, secre- American people just as I've I
tary of the Utilities Publication .Com- to the people of my own state in
mittee, on May 5, 1925, and described campaigns."
as a confidential matter to Herbert And the way he has talked tc
Silvester, Secretary of the Michigan Yorkers, his intimates add, is t
" section of the National Electric Light them what he plans to do if
Association at Ann Arbor, proposed! elected, to give them in plain
that copies of the proceedings to as-: guage a ^pict'ure o how he hop
sist in paying the $1,600 indebtedness; help them, and not to "run dow
treated in the printing of the pro- other fellow," so that he may
t ceedings of the 1924 convention. desirable by comparison.
"What he will do when he
. New Zealand will be represented by campaigning," one man close t
t two women competitors in the Olym- governor in past political battle
pic competition. "is just to lay before the peopi
lie tin~sne cn ac so ~

IIIn l~ee C C iy LI ;L ,Eai-
ture of the theatre of that day on the1
dramatic technique of Shakespeare and
his contemporaries. f


Registration, which was kept opent
all last week to allow enrollment of
students from other colleges and uni-
versities whose closing date is later
than that of the University of .Mich-
igan, was officially closed yesterday,
although the usual number of late
arrivals is expected during the com-
ing weeks.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, June 30-As wearyl
Democrats journeyed homeward from
the national convention today they
were confronted with an appeal to
the irreconcilable "dry" element of the
party to "organize at once" for the
defeat of the party's presidential nom-
inee, Gov. Alfred# E. Smith, of New
The sponsorsof the call, directed
particularly to southerners, were Bish-
op James Cannon, Jr., of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church South, who ap-
peared before the resolutions com-
mittee of the convention to urge that
a bone dry plank be inserted in the
platform, and Arthur J. Barton, of
Atlanta, chairman of the board of
temperance of the Baptist conven-

The speaker is an eminent scholar in
the: fields of Victorian literature ,and
Elizabethan drama, and at the present
time is teaching two courses in the
Summer Session, it being his fourth4
year of summer teaching in the West.
He has taught previously at the Uni-
versity of California, the University of
Buffalo and the University of Chicago.
Is Princeton Graduate
Profe'ssor Parrott has had a long
and distinguished academic career. A
graduate of Princeton with the class=
of '88, he received the degree of
doctor of philosophy at Leipzig in 1493,
and began teaching at Princeton in
1896. He was made a full professor
in 1902. He has edited 'several of the
plays of Shakespeare, an edition of
Pope, and the comedie's and tragedies
of. George Chapman.
The aim of the teacher of English,
in the opinion of Professor Parrott,
should be to impart an appreciation of
the masterpieces of literature. The
research work expected of graduate
students is only the +foundation, he
says, and is of 'little value unless it
leads to,.a fuller ,and more accurate
perception of therbeauties of the works
Profe'ssor Parrott said, "Ann Ar-
bor is a beautiful place and my teach-
ing here is a pleasure."


devoted to departmental matters bus- i (By Associated Press)
ied in clearing off his desk before his I OSLO, Norway, June 30-' Reports
contemplated resignation. of a plane being sighted near Bear
island were being investigated today
FLOODS DESTRO Y in the hope that they might lead to
the discovery of Roald Amundsen and
SOUTHERN LANDS the yive men missing with him in a
(By Associated Press) French seaplane.
NASHVILLE, Tenn., June 30-Scat-' Fishermen returning to Harstad
tered reports from middle Tennessee from Bear island said they had seen
and Kentucky today showed that at! a plane June 18-theday the Amund-
least six persons had been filled sen party started for Spitzbergen from
and millions of dollars damage caused Tromsoe. They asserted it was fly-
by torrential rains and windstorms ing very low and was northwest of
tnt. .....,.,f n6' . wo .r. L }a~S J"Tiuu~a sTa~y.lo


that pwept the twoatsFrdy
The breaking of Cookeville's munici-
pal power dam on the Falling Water
river sent a huge wall of water down
the narrow valley toward the Caney
Fork river, already above flood stage,
but did not cause any deaths as far as
could be determined.

near isiand.
The ministry of defense asked local
authorities at Harstad to question the
fishermen closely. It was thought
possible that the men might have seen
the Italian seaplane piloted by Maj
Maddalena, who was flying along that
route on the eighteenth.



he thinks he can act so s
the U. S. A. a little better 1


A Review By Stratton Buckt e
If it is true, andi I believe that it
is, that a better play than "So This#
Is London" could be found without<
too much searching, it is equally true1
that it would be difficult to ask for
a better performance than the Rock-
ford group gave that vehicle last eve-'
ning. Much of the piece is burlesque+
rather than comedy. It is full of
the vaudeville type of wise crack for
which Cohan is famous, and many of
the cracks are by now so old as to be
at everyone's disposal. But there, is
much more favorable than unfavorable
comment to be. made about last eve-
ning's performance.
To begin with the play itself con-
tains more than a little good stuff.
It is well to do away with flag way-
ing for awhile, and see ourselves as
others see us. There is ample op-1
portunity afforded both English and
Americans to do this in "So This Is
London." "Junior" Draper, son of a
prosperous American shoe manufact-,
urer falls in love with Eleanor Beau-

. .. k r
. 4

champ on a transatlantic steamer. The 1
task is then to bring their two 'pa-
triotic' families to accept a foreignere
as an in-law, and in accomplishing t
this task Cohan is able to poke funt
at a whole bagfull of ridiculous prej-f
udices, American and English alike.
The show still has a lot of 'laughs,
even in its senility, and it showed,
us the abilities of the tockford troupe1
as a company much more fully thanj
did the solo erro mn ce of Miss
Kelly's last week.:
Honors for the evening must go to
E. Martin Browne, who played Sir
Percy Beauchamp, the stiff, unyield-
ing, aristocratic son of John Bull to
perfection. The awakened gestures
and lack of poise remarked in "The
Letter" were so completely gone that
one is forced to conclude that he was
miserably cast last week. His play-
ing of last night was perfectly finish-
ed, it carried real conviction, and
showed the actof capable of burlesque,
comedy and characterization alike.
The work of Marvel Garnsey and

Robert Henderson as the English and E
American sweehearts was almost
equally satisfying. There was a con-
tagious zest and enthusiasm about
their playing. Katherine Wick Kelly,
as the bas bleu Lady Ducksworth
gave the polished performance that
all who saw "The Letter" were con-
vinced she would. After seeing her
two efforts of the season one feels
justified in saying that she is th
most perfect artist that Mr. Hender-
son has yet brought to his troupe.
Paul Stevenson was excellent as
Alfred Honeycutt. Some trace of John
Withers was seen in his impersona-
tion, but no doubt he will vary his
role more im the future. Lillian Bron-
son was in every way a satisfactory
Mr's. Draper.
"So This Is London" is good enter-
tainment, and proves conclusively that
the present company is the best bal-
anced permanent troupe that Ann Ar-
bor has seen in recent years. A highly
interesting season is in store for sum-
mer playgoers..

No "Canned Speechi
There will be no "canned
this man said, and there i
body telling the governor w
He will figure out for hims
what he believes he can a
if he is elected.and he wil
case in his own language b
proval of the voters.
It was learned today that
ernor did not actually wr
the planks in the Democ
form but he did talk to
who did write them.
American Lese
Detroit 11-4, St. Louis 3
Cleveland 8-1, Chicago .
Philadelphia 7, Washingb
New York 11-7, Boston 4
National League
Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis
Chicago 7, Cincinnati 5.
ew York 7-12, Boston
Philaelphi. 4-. rookl

Readily asserting that they acted'
n their own personal responsibility,
ey called for a meeting at Ashe-'
ie, N. C., July 11, to take steps
insure "the election of dry Demo-
atic senatorial, congressional and
ate nominees for public offices and
r the defeat of the wet, Tammany
andidate for president, Gov. Smith."
California's fish and game depart-

(By Associated Press)
SUPERIOR, Wis., June 30-Presi-
dent Coolidge feels optimistic enough
about the anti-war negotiations now
pending between the United States
and 14 foreign powers to believe that
a draft treaty to this effect will be
ready for senate ratification next De-
The Portuguese have a superstitious
distaste for the mistletoe and never
use It for decorative purposes.

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