WEATHER Fair Friday and probably Saturday. Not much change in tempierature. 11g 'ummirr Ai !3an :4ai1tl ALUMNI REUNION EDITION VOL. VIX, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 15 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS LU G THER Foy RE U 10 S G. O. P. NOMINATES UNDERWAY AS SENIlR CLASSESI HOD ER EMONIES ON CAMS ANNUAL EXERCISES AT FERRY FIELD. MONDAY TO BRING GRADUATION ' PROGRAM TO CLOSE DELIVER ADDRESS r4 HOOVERMORE THAN 2,500 EXPECTED REPUBLIcANScHOOSE TO RETURN FOH REUNIONS CO~MERCESECRETAR OF THIRTY-EIGHT CLASSES I 7 i LITERARY COLLEGE AND COLEGE OF ENGINEERING HOLD CLASS PROGRAMS Activities included in the Commen- cment week-end program got under way this morning on the campus with two senior classes of the University hilding their annual Class Day exer- cise The exercises of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the College of Engineering are now history, while the School of Educa- tion will hold its Class Day exercises at 6:30 o'clock tonight in Joe Park- er's cafe, and the Law School will held theirs tomorrow morning in the Lawyers' club. Fiveaddresses featured the Class Day exercises of the seniors of the Literary college held on the special stands near the main library this morning,rwith perfect weather con- ditions prevailing. Robert C. Leland, president of the senior class, deliv- ered the President's address; Richard H. Lutes read the Class Prophecy; the Class History was read by Henry S. Grinnell; Leo C. Turner was Class Poet; and -an address was given by Prof. William C. Frayer, of the history department. William C . Campbell, Jr., presided in the capacity of chair- man of the Class Day exercises. Engineers Hold Exercises While the Literary college seniors were holdingtheir ceremonies near the library, the seniors of the Egi- neering college held their Class Day exercises at the Senior benches in the Engineering Quadrangle. James G. McKillen, Jr., was chairman, in- troducing the four speakers. The President's address was given by Harold L. Matheson, class presi- dent; Francis A. Norquist was Class Historian; Prof. John C. Brier ad- dressed the Engineering seniors as Class Mentor; and Mortimei E. Cooley, retiring dean of the Engineer- ing college, gave the final address. The Class Day banquet and exer- cises of the School of Education will be held, at 6:30 o'clock tonight in Joe Parker's came, with six events in- cluded on the program. The Presi- dent's address will be given by Earl A. Kelly, class president; the Class History by Pauline Zoller; and the Class Song by Sarah Bonine. Dean Whitney To Speak Allen S. Whitney, dean of the School of Education, will address the seniors, and Prof. S. A. Courtis is the faculty speaker. Following these ad- dresses, the class will join in singing the "Yellow and Blue." Class Day exercises of the Law school will be held Saturday morn- ing at 10 o'clock in the lounge of the Lawyer's club. The President's address will be given by Albert E. Blashfield, with Benedict W. Eovaldi acting as chairman of the affair. Presentation of the Class Memorial will be made by Alcid D. Ruegsegger, and acceptance will be enacted by Henry M. Bates, dean of the Law school. The main speaker is Hon. Frank P. Murphy. RYAN WINNER OF AWARD Milo S. Ryan, '28, has been named as the recipient of the McNaught award in journalism for editorial writing during the past year. The award was announced by Prof. L. Brumm, of the Journalism depart- ment. CHESTER H. ROWELL WJLL BE CO3MMENCEMENT SPEAKER; TO CONFER DEGREES Following the procession of more than 1800 members of the graduat-I ing class of 1928, the' 84th annualj Commencement ceremonies will be held Monday morning at Ferry Field. Chester H. Rowell, '88, a regent of the University of California and founder of the Fresno Republican newspaper, will deliver the Commen- cement address. Another feature of the annual exercises will be the grant- ing of honorary degrees to several of the nation's most deserving citi- zens. After assembling at their designat- ed stations at 7:45 o'clock sharp, Former Governor Lowden Withdraws At L =st: ""iute On Account Of New Farm PlankI WINS ON FIRST BALLOT (By Associated Press) r:CONVENTION HALL, Kansas City, Mo., June 15.-Herbert Hoover, ofI California, for the past seven year, Secretary, of Commerce under - Presi- dents Harding and Coolidge, and holder of an enviable record as war- time food administrator, was land- slides into the nomination for the presidency of the United States by the Republicans assembled here last night. The first ballot gave Secretary Hoover a total of 837 votes. y g While the nomination of Secretar ^ -Photo by Spedding1 Hoover was in no way a surprise, his Who will give the Baccalaureate ?majority was even greater than fore- Whowil gie te Bccaaurat cast owing to the withdrawal of address at 11o'clock Sunday morningFast O.nLow eisaont in Hill auditorium. President Little Frank . Lowden, of Illinois, on the will spend his first summer vacation eve of the balloting because he could. not see fit to approve the farm relief dent this s e gpres-plank adopted Thursday. As a re- sult, 24 of the 61 ballots from Low- 1 PROGRAM OF ALUMNI ACTIVITIES TO INCLUDE SOCIAL EVENTS AND MEETINGS Registration for all alumni class reunions opened yesterday in Angell Hall, where more than 1,000 graduates had registered by noon todiaiy. It is expected that before the program comes to a .close there will have been more than 2,500 alumni present for the week-end activ ties which are in charge of Charles J. Rash, '19. Although for the ast few years the attendance at re- unions has been comparatively small, indications are that all records for re- union attendance will be broken this year. The first event of the program was nROGA Mna luncheon held at Betsy Barbour . house at 1:00 oclock today, following that will be the ball game between TOFE TSOiNi Michigan's Conference champions and the Michigan State nine, at 3:00 . o'clock this afternoon on Ferry Field. Tonightmany of the classes will Enrollment For Thirty-Fifth Session hold banquets in various places on To Be Held Next Friday And the campus, after which all classes Saturdlay, June , 2:3will gather at Angell Hall for the all- Alumni sing which is scheduled for WILL ENFORCE AUTO BAN! 9 o'clock tonight. The Varsity band , f ' schools and colleges of the University! will march to Ferry Field under the direction of Chief Marshal Prof. L. M. Gram and Assistant Marshal Prof. James H. Cissel. The procession is I scheduled to start at 8 o'clock, with Commencement exercises starting at1 9 o'clock. - Candidates Will Meet7 Regents, ex-Regents, Deans andl candidates for honorary degrees willp meet in Room B, ,Alumni Memorialt hall at 7:45 o'clock for the proces-; sion. Other members of the various faculties will assemble in the West! Gallery of Alumni Memorial hall. Admission to Ferry Field will bet by ticket only, according to Shirley1 W. Smith, seretary and business{ manager of the University, at whosec office tickets are being given out.f Alumni may secure tickets at thet office of the Alumni association. The actual distribution of diplomas ill occur at the respective offices ofF the colleges at the conclusion of the Commencement exercises, as list-E ed in the printed program of Com- mencement Week, available at thet secretary's office. Announce Special PlansT In case of rain or bad weather! necessitating the abandoning of thet Commencement procession cere- den's own Illinois were added to the LITTLE TO GIVE Hoover total. BACCALAUREATE Following is the result of the first SERMON SUNDAY! ballot: Hoover, 837; Lowden, 74; Curtis, 64; Watson, 45; Dawes, 4; Baccalaureate exercises and the Coolidge, 17; Norris, 24; Goff, 18; Baccalaureath address by President Hughes, 1; not voting, 5. Clarence Cook Little will be given at Among those prominently mention- 11 o'clock Sunday morning in Hill ed during the night were Senator auditorium. It will be the third time Curtis, of Kansas; Vice President With as complete a line of educa-t tional work and outside activities as has ever been offered, the thirty-fifth annual Summer Session of the Uni- versity will start the eight weeks1 routine one week from next Monday,I June 25. Included in the outside features will be a long run of the1 lI-ockford Players, several trips toi nearby points of interest, and special University lectures. Registration for the Law School1 afT-f d this r ins nnd uill tnin will. play, while the words to some of the old songs will be flashed on a screen in frodt of Angell Hall. Dur- ing the song fest pictures of some of the football games of last fall will be shown. To., Hold Meeting Saturday morning's plans include the annual business meeting in Hill auditorium, at which time committee. reports and the President's report on the year's activities will be presented. Following the business meeting a in~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ as man yershtPeietLt ae;SntrDneo li L, ~ mornngII1II an~ Wil coUullliL in as many years that President Lit- Dawes; Senator Deneen, of Illinois; through tomorrow afternoon, as the luncheon will be servied in Barbour tle has delivered the Baccalaureate Senator Fess, of Ohio; Senator Sdgymnasium by the Ann Arbor branch sermon. Moses, of New Hampshire; Represen- s of the American Association of Uni- Invocation will be given by the tative Tilson, of Connecticut; Gover- mences one week earlier than inthe versity Women. After the luncheon Rev. Thomas -L. Harris, M.A., of St. nor Fuller, of Massachusetts; and campus.choeRgistrationfcolleges oer there will be an Alumni mass meet- Andrews Episcopal church. A solo, Arthur Hyde, former governor of departments wil be held next Friday g whichs scheduled for 13 the "Pilgrim Song," will be rendered Missouri. io'clock in Hill auditorium at which by Philip R. Culkin, '28, and Palmer $Ielection of a vice-presidential cass gaturday Junthe 22ooinn23, - the University movie "The Old Grad," Christian, University organist, will candidate today will complete the day, will be shown: offer two numbers, "Fifth Symphony,"- work of the 1928 convention. A This will be the first Summer Ses- During the e4ternoon several of' from Beethoven, and "Allegro," from number of candidates have been men- sion in which the University will ap- he various organizations on the cam- the Fourth Symphony by Vierne. The I IJini hc h nvriywl p u ilgv lmitawiesv tioned and competition is expected to ply the automobile ban. The ban, as lus will give alumni teas, while seve- audience will joi n singing Laudes be keen. Secretary Hoover may send applied in the regular sessions, will ral banquets will be tendered alumni Atque Carmina, by Charles M. Gay- word of his preference, if any, from be in force, with certain exceptions. of certain other organizations on Sat- ely, '28, and A. A. Stanley. todayurday evening. The regular Alumni Seniors are requested to assemble -The ban will not apply .to those per- program will be brought to a close at stations on the campus at 10:15 sons who i the academic year are o'clock, as designated for all exer- PLA YERS TO GIVE I engaged in pcofessona pursuits, held at 9 o'clock tomorrow night in cises. Students and facultywillbe such as teachers, awyers, nurses, waterman and Barbour gymnasiums. in academic dress andNW PL will YSphysicians, and so on. The ban will There will be a concert by the Varsity seniors will ~~~~~also not be applied to those attend-'Teewl eacnetb h ast march in columns of two from their Members of the Rockford Players, band from 8 until 10 o'clock tomor- mac nclms-Mmeso h okodPaes ing the Public Health institutes.3 various stations on the campus so asi row night on the campus. to reachtill auto iucmp by 10.5 opening their third summer season Special permits, of course, will be ob-t h tooc. Hon the campus under the auspices of tainable as in the other sessions. Many of those who have come to o'clock. the Summer Session, will arrive to- Seven special trips will be made! Ann Arbor for their class reunions morrow to begin rehearsals for the under the guidance of University fac- are expected to stay for the -eighty- BASEZBALL TEAMfirst play of the season which will ulty members and these' will be open, fourth annual Commencement exer- TO PLA Y STATE open on the first day of Summer at the lowest possible rates to those cises which are to be held Monday school. attending the session. Trips will be morning. Traditional diamond rivals will op- The opening bill will be Somerset made around Ann Arbor and vicinity,! '8$L Holding Reunion pose each other at 2:30 o'clock this Maugham's oriental melodrama, "The Ito the Ford Motor company at High-' It is understood that perhaps f- afternoon when the Michigan State Letter," in which Katherine Wick land Park, to Niagara Falls and sur-tet th e baseball team invades Ferry field for Kelly, leading lady of the Cleveland rounding country, to the Ford River ier t ass ofy'73 ll be the first game of a home and home Playhouse and featured artist with Rouge plant, to the Detroit News ent at the reunion. Through the ef- series. The Wolverines will journey to the company this summer, will have plant, to Put-in-Bay on Lake Erie, I forts of Johns P. Kirk, the class of East Lansing tomorrow for the final the striking role of Leslie Crosbie. and to the Michigan State prison at '88L is holding its first reunion since game of the present season. Miss Kelly will be supported by Jackson. their graduation forty years ago. All After going through an unusually Roman Bohnen of the Goodman Me- Although there , are no difinite indications oint toward my large at- difficult schedule to a Conference ti- morial Theater in Chicago as the figures as 'yet to show how the at- tendancefrom that class. tie, Coach Ficher's charges will seek English lawyer. tendance at the on coming session t._1n&e monies will be transferred to Yost Field house. Such a change would be indicated by the hoisting of Bu- reau storm flags on the campus flag- staff and on the flagstaff at Ferry Field. One' of the features of the exercises Monday will be the presentation of honorary degrees to men of national prominence. In the past such men as Henry Ford, Sir Frederick Wythe, the Rev. Kirsopp Lake, Willis J. Abbot and Nicholas Longworth have been cited for this honor. These degrees will be conferred by Prof. John G. 1 x t f 7 c f Winter, of the language department. I to. make their season's record evenI With the exception of Robert Hen-1 HAYDEN RECEIVES H-ONORARY DEGREE . Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the Political Science department was granted an honorary degree of Doc- tor of Laws, Wednesday morning at the Commencement exercises of Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. Prof. Hayden graduated from Knox Col- lege in 1910 and received the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Phi- losophy from the University of Michi- gan in 1912 and 1915 respectively. The honorary degree granted by Knox College is in recognition of his work in political administration and economic development, and as an author. more impressive by taking both con- edrson, the personel of the players tests, and thereby break the jinx that this summer will be entirely new, in-1 Spartan teams have exercised over cluding, in addition to the new lead- them on the East Lansing diamond ing lady and leading man, Elberta for the past two seasons. Trowbridge of New York, Paul After humbling the Green and. White Stephenson, Lillian 'Bronson, '26, 6-1 two years ago on Ferry field, the Marvel Garsey, E. Martine Brown of will measure up with that of last year, when it reached a new high at over 3,800, correspondence regarding the 1928 session has been on a notice- able increase, according to Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus, in charge of the ses- sion. Several famous non-resident, professors will give courses here this' summer, in addition to the regular staff. ditorium and will include. settings my Thomas Wilford in light at his color organ, the Clavilux. There will also Word was received here last night that Gov. Fred Green, who is sec- retary of his class, '98L, would ar- rive in Ann Arbor sometime Satur- day by airplane from Kansas City where he has been 4ttending the National Republican convention. He will be host to the members of his class at a dinner to be given in the state capitol later. Wolves tumbled 8-5 in the return game and last season the Michigan State team turned the trick again by trouncing the flishermen 4-1 after they had taken a 6-4 beating here. If "Lefty" Tolles is named for mound duty by the State coach, it is likely that a pitcher's battle will en- sue, as it is almost a certainty that Coach Ficher will send"Bill McAfee to the hill in this afternoon's bame. The big right-hander's first Confer- ence seanson has been an unusually successful ope, as he has won" 10 of his 11 starts. Pittsburgh, and Heinzie Reaburn, an English actress of distinction. Eight plays will be given during the first six weeks of the summer sea- son. In addition to "The Letter,'' George M. Cohan's "So This Is Lon- don!"; Anatole France's "The Man Who Married A Dumb Wife;" Mau- be a complete musical accompani- I ment on the Frieze Memorial organ. rine Watkins' "Chicago;" Harry Wag- Season tickets in the one dollar staff Gribble's "March Hares;" Kauf- section of Sarah Caswell Angell hall, man and Connelly's "Merton of the where with the exception of "The Vik- Movies;" Shakespeare's "Much Ado ings," the plays will be held, are About Nothing," in modern dress; priced at $7.25. They are now on sale and Henrik Ibsen's "The Vikings." at the Alumnae Council offices in The latter will be given in Hill au- Alumni Memorial hall. The medical and dental classes of '76, '77, '78 are holding a joint reunion sponsored by Victor H. Jackson, '77D, '78M, and '14 Hon. t.M. Many are expected to attend the annual re- union of the* class of '81. The com- plete list of the thirty-eight classes which are holding reunions follows: 73, 76M, 76D,, 77M, 77D, 78, 78M, 78D, 78L, 81, 83, 88, 88M, 88L, 93, 93L, 98, 98M, 98L, 03, 03M, 03D, -04M, 05E, 06E, 07, 07D, 13E, 18, 18M, 18L, 23M, 23L, 24M, 24L, 24E, 25E, 26L.