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June 30, 1928 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1928-06-30

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IX, No. 7





By James L. West,
Associated Press Staff Writer
HOUSTON, June .29-The spirit of
conciliation which has pervaded the
Democratic national convention from
the first was strong enough to carry
through the party platform Without a
fight over the law enforcement plank
which had been threatened for several
Both the ultra drys and the wets
gave way in the interest of party har-
mony with the result that the con-
vention approved a dry plank pledg-
ing the party and' its nominees to "an
honest effort to enforce the eighteenth
amendment and all other provisions
of the federal constitution and all
laws enacted pursuant thereto."
This plank was a compromise be-
tween that supported at the outset
by the Smith forces and that propos-
ed by such dry leaders as Governor
Dan Moody of Texas, Josephus Dan-
iels, North Carolina publisher, and
other outstanding leaders of the par-
ty in the solid south..
Moody Bows To Inevitable
The battle betweenrthe contending
forces was waged for, hours before
he resolutions committee before that
body accepted a compromise plank of-
ered by Senator Glass of Virginia, and
pledging the Democracy to support
he prohibition laws if given a grant
of power from the electorate in No-
Even after the committee had ac-
epted this revised plank, there was
ioubt as to the attitude of the youth-
ful governor of the Lone Star State,,
>ut after the convention had the read-
ng of the platform he took the speak-
rs' stand to announce amid cheers
hat he would not force the issue
n the conventin floor. . 1
Governor Ritchie of Maryland, who<
iad sponsored a plank proposing a
*eturn to the states of the power to+
Lecide for themselves whether they
Would be wet or dry, addressed the
:onvention for, 15 minutes and quick-
y turned a partially hostile audience+
nto a cheering throng when he an-
ounced that he stood for party har-+
Bony. .t
Senator Glass explained that the
>lank in the party declaration needed
t explanation. Pounding the table
W his usual vigorous manner,, he de-
lared that the man who- took first
lace on the Democratic ticket must
tand on the platform,.
Almost Unanimous
Demanding an honest and uncom-t
)romising enforcement, Glass moved.
he adoption of theplatform and the
onvention responded with a roaring
horus of ayes and only a scattering
if nays.
With the prohibition issue thus am-,
eably settled, party leaders were pre-1
iared to keep to the front alleged cor-
uption in government under the Re-
ublican rule, which was strongly de-
ounced In a plank reviewing the oil,
'eterans bureau, elections and other,
The declaration for farm relief was
nother paramount pronouncement by
he party, which pledged itself to en-t
.ct legislation for taking care of sur-
'lus crops, for the creation of a farm
oard to assist co-operative marketing
rganizations and to give agriculturet
he sanme treatment in the tariff that
s accorded to other industries.
Throughout the platform, the Re-I

ublican administration of goverpment'
uring the past eight years was vig-
rously assailed on such matters as1
Dreign policy, finance and taxation,
growing tendency toward bureau-t
racy, tariff failure to enact farm re-l
lef and expenditures in primaries andt
Over 170 tons of face powder, rouge,c
p-sticks and other aids to beautyc
vere brought from Germany for .salei
n Great Britain last year.



r ,r
Alfred E. Smith
Governor of New York, who
chosen Presidential nominee of
Democratic party Thursday.


Prof. R. C. Hussey Of Department Of
Geology Will Conduct Second
Excursion Of Session
Registrations are being received for
the student excursion to Niagara Falls
to be conducted on July 6, 7, 8, and 9
under the direction of Prof. R. C. Hus-
sey of the department of Geology.
Those desiring to make the trip are
asked to register in room 3051 Nat-
ural Science building. It is planned
to have the party leave Detroit by
boat Friday evening, July 6, and re-
turn to Ann Arbor early Monday mor-
ning, July 9. The cost of the trip to
each member of the party will be
In the excursion is included a trip
by trolley along the river gorge, a
boat ride on "The Maid of the Mist,"
and a ride over the giant whirlpool
in a small car suspended from a
The Niagara Falls excursion is one
of several trips to outside points of
interest arranged especially for stu-
dents in the Summer Session.
Professor Hussey, director of the
excursion, has arranged to make the
trip with the party. During the course
of the excursion Professor Hussey
will divulge information regarding the
history and present characteristics of
the Falls.
In view of the limitation placed on
the number of those who can be ac-
commodated on the excursion it is
suggested that those desiring to make
the trip register immediately.
"If crops are good the West will
probably go Republican as usual,"
stated Professor H. B. Calderwood of
the Political Science department of
the University in an informal inter-
view granted yesterday. Professor
Calderwood made it cleaK that any
survey of the present political situa-
tion could not but be speculative in-
asmuch as the election is so far dis-
tant and the forces at work so large
and varied. "Of course, with poor
crops a strong reactionary feeling will
likely prevail, and the Democrats will
have much more power in the farm-
ing districts," he added.
He did not consider the farm re-
lief problem to be of such great im-
portance as it is thought by some.
"The farmer will probably vote along
his regular party lines," he said, "with
some taking into account of Prohibi-
tion and the religious question." This
latter will have great influence on
the ordinary voter, Prof. Calderwood
believed, although the feeling will not
be expressed openly. "Both parties
offer a paradox in the relation of their
candidates and their platforms," he
declared. "Smith, an avowed Wet, has
been placed on a platform of Dry

MORRIS TO PUBLISH Smith, In Telegram Of Thanks, Makes
_E _ ">U. E Promise To Stand On Party
ing" is the title of a new volume of w>. EFETH KV.tY U EyA
essays compiled by T. E. Rankin, M.(y ssociated Press)
.ells of the rhetoric department HOUSTON. Texas, June 29.-Joseph T. Robinson, rugged product
which is to be published next fall by of an Arkansas farm, was chosen today to battle for Democracy side by
Harcourt Brace and company. The side with Alfred C. Smith in the November election.
book will replace "Adventures in Es- He was swept into the nomination for vice-President at the closing
say Reading" as reading material in session of the Democratic National Convention with an overwhelming
the freshman rhetoric courses. voeo .32 1-2.
One of the primary aims of the The next high candidate on the final count was Major General Henry
compilers was to select material re- Sen. Jos. T. Robinson T. Allen, retired, who had a total of 2 Prior to the announcement Qf
lating definitely to the student's in- Democratic nominee for the vice- the official figures, many states switched their allegiance in order to climb
terests and to the student's writing presidency. He was chosen on the aboard the hand wagon of the Democratic leader in the Senate.
problems. Subjects treated include first ballot yesterday afternoon with Robinson was permanent chair-
the meaning of the cultural spirit, 1,032 1-6 votes. The selection of the MEN ir Uiir TO man of the convention which select-
American industrial development, Arkansas senator is agreeable to Gov- ed him for the running mate of Gov-
s st-ernor Alfred E. Smith. ernor Smith. Long before the conven-
igion, and the value of books. The tion assembled it was evident that he
cltion and thefvalue of otoks. y Thewas the overwhelming choice of the
collection is definitely contemporaryDE S OW M N ENTERTAIN WITH TEA'IMgt~s ihtevoeipnig
in character, though Lamb, Emerson, he retired from the platform, turned
Thackeray, Huxley, and Thoreau are New Women's Athletic Building To Be hi dtP
represented. Among. the diversifiedIN E S IG F CT Scene Of Three Affalis Early hs gavel over to Senator Pat Har i-
group of writers whose work is in- Part Of Next Week son, of MiSsis ppi, nd went to his
cluded are a naturalist, a philosopher, hotel to bited i Cis
t~i -Pitted Against Curtis
a sports writer, a president, a church- Graduate School Has Students From ALL WOMEN ARE INVITED In choosing Robinson for vice-pes-
man, and a ppysician. 110 American Universities ident the Democrats pitted him against
The book aims to assist students' in And Colleges All the women on campus are in- Curtis of Kansas, the Republican
the process of weighing and consid-- vited to be the guests, of the Women's leader in the Senate and the second
Bring, to stimulate inquiry, to furn- FOREIGN SCHOOLS LISTED league at thrLe teas which will be place man on the ticeK wita Herbert
discards exaggerated literary conven- held from 3:30 to 5 o'clock Monday, Hoover. As of the case of Curti,
Statistics compiled at the Graduate friends of the Arkansas leader said
'lions and seeks to encourage honestyscolhwmnyitesigfas Tuesday, and Thursday of next week he would addstengt th e ikti
in the student's writing outlook school show many interesting facts in the new women's athletic build-sgtto the ticketf
Beauty of form will be a conspicuous about the class of 1928. Two hundred ing which is at the end of North Uni- the McNary-Haugen bill at the last
feature of the book. It is hoped to and sixty two, or more than half of versity avenue. Formerly the league session of Congress and followed it up
make it so attractive in appearance the 520 students who received their has all of its teas in the by voting to override President Cool-
that the student will be proud to own master's degrees from the Graduate hos at abor idge's veto of that measure.
st. lors at Barbour gymnasium, but now The final day of the first Democrati
schoolof the University of Michigan that the new field house has been nthional c o thel fith outh
this year, held degrees from other un- completed it has been thought that it since the Civil war breathed the pirit
iversities or colleges. The remaining would be pleasanter for the students of harmony. Delegates whose high
258 did their undergraduate work at to make use of its facilities. feeling and previous tension had led
I HEALTH INSTITUTE nnArbor. If the weather is favorable, tea will to a number of fist fights showed no
Figures available at the Graduate probaby be served out on the terrace, inclination to do anything but show
school show that since 1909, the num- at the side of the field house, and the a spirit of goodfellowship.
Registration for the second special ber of graduates from other univer- brightly colored folding chairs will Southern state delegations around
Public Health Institute held yesterday adigte U niver be brought down from the lounge whose standard disturbances broke
today heah e hehi pntr sities attending the University of room for the guests. If rain prevents cut during Robinson's opening address
and today has reached the high point Michigan has been increasing. In this, however, the -teas will be held of the Convention, voted for him. In
of single istitutes with 59 people en- that year only one eighth of the school in the lounge room which has been that address the vice-Presidential
rolled. This is the second of a series were from other institutions. The re y attractively urnished. nominee had sounded a ca 1or relig-
of six istitutes held in the west increase has been steady until this The room itself is delightfully fitted ious equality, but if any of the effects
medical building under the direction year it reached the half way mark. for social events like these teas, and of that first outbreak remained, they
I o .D. ohnSudwalprofessor of 11 American Schools Listed
hygiene and public health. in dreary weather, its gay tables and were not noticeable on the surface.
Thygese sessns ae evte tApproximately one-eight of the un- chairs, and soft colors will prove a Cheer For Smith
iTesve studyof p c eath pob iversities and colleges in the United pleasant'place for the women to gath- Instead, the convention adjourned
itensive study of public health prob- States were represented by the grad- er in a spirit of complete tranquility. The
lems and are open to all public health uates holding degrees in this year's Once a week, the league is planning last act was a pheer for Governor
workers who desire to attend. The class. The total number of Ameri- to have a special tea, to which they Smith, who had thanked the delegates
first of the series was held last week can schools represented was 10, while will invite various interesting and by telegraph fornominating him for
end, and they will be continued until 16 foreign institutions were also list- prominent people on campus as their President; had reiterated his views
July 28. Although the institutes have ed. If the list published in the last gmet peoe amuas th Psit; hadhreitrateds views
been so arranged as to form a cor-colgyerokweusdaabsi guests, to :become acquainted with. as to prohibition problems and had
bee soarrnge asto orma cm-college yearbook were used as a basis the women on campus. Members of promised to stand on the platform pre-
plete series, single institutes may be of comparison, the percentage would the wen o campus pred o s op.
atended. b vnhge sol 7 col the league who were on the campus pared for him.
attended. be even higher as only 574 schools last year, and are in the summer Six candidates were in the field for
ESiJT W ILL DEPEND ~are recorded. For most surveys the school will be the hostesses to the vice-President when the oficial vote
number of colleges in the United Stat- women who have enrolled for the was announced. Besides Robinson and
T ES CALDERWXVOOD es is represented as being about 800. first time in (the university. Allen, they were Mrs. Nellie Taylor
Great Britain led in the number of The teas are being managed through Ross of Wyoming, 2 votes; Senator
foreign universities represented with the combined efforts of arie Hartwig, Alvin Barkley of Kentucky, 9; Sena-
Law enforcement, and Hoover, a fav- graduates from five English and Scot-
Ler of borhten WorldHourad gdtrthEge-'29, summer president of the league, tor Duncan U. Fletcher of Florida, 7;
orer of both the World Court and the tish colleges in the class. Canada fol- and Doris Renkenberger, '30, who has Adlai Stevenson of Illinois, 2; Evan
League of Nations, has dedicated his lowed with four, while Germany had special charge of the planning of the Woollen of Indiana, 2; George L. Per-
campaign to the upholding of the three, and Spain, China, Japan, and refreshments and entertainment. ry of Tennessee, 11 1-2; Governor Dan
Coolidge policies, involving no foreign the Philippines each one. Moody of Texas, 9 1-2. Most of these

entanglements. Both of these," he Albion Leads In State TT had originally received a larger vote
continued," can, of course, maintain Thirteen Michigan institutions were but the rush to Robinson at the end
the standards of their party as offic- numbered on the list of universities l\ERGER H INTED swept them off their feet.
lals without sacrificing their convic- from which members of the Graduate The selection of the nominee really
tions as individuals." He did not con- school held degrees. Albion led with
sider the oil corruption scandal as 10, one more than Detroit city col- (Byl Associated Press) eide upouho r be ot
convention met. His popularity among
tending to have much influence on the lege and Western State normal with I BUFFALO, June 29- Directors of the majority of delegates manifested
two candidates' chances for election, their nine. Calvin, Hope, and Mich- the Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co. today itself soon after he took over the ga-
"If the people showed so little interest igan State had seven; Kalamazoo and approved a merger with the Studeba- vel as permanent chairman.
in this fraud exposure at the time Michigan State Normal had seven ker corporation. ___asermaent _______
when it was first brought out," he each; Central State Normal and Oli- Announcement of the action, which
stated, "can they be expected to treat vet three; Hillsdale two, and Adrian, was made after a meeting of the di-r RECEPTION DRAWS
it as important now?" Northern State Normal, and Battle rectors, said that a new holding com- MANY LAST NIGHT
"General prosperity will be the lead- Creek, one each. pany would be formed to take over Approximately 300 students attend-
ing card the Republicans will play, plants, properties and assets of the cd the reception given by the faculty
in their bid for favor," he stated, BASEBALL RESULTS two companies valued at $160,000,000. of the Summer Session last night
"whereas the Democrats will stress American Leage Studebaker, it was announced, will in Barbour gymnasium. The reception
the corruption nd lack of efficiency St. Louis at Detroit, rain. acquire a substantial interest in the which was informal and was held in
that has characterized the past two Cleveland 9, Chicago. new company. the parlors of the building began
administrations, and will promise bet- New York 4, Philadelphia 6. Studebaker is under no obligation at 8:30 o'clock, was followed by danc-
ter management of affairs if they are Washington at Bostonj, rain. to proceed with the merger unless ing in the gymnasium.
allowed to take control." He refused to - National League at least 90 per cent of the shares of The receiving line which was com-
make any prediction as to the out- Chicago 2, Cincinnati 4. the preferred stockholders and at posed of members of the faculty of
come of the coming election struggle Pittsburgh 4, St. Louis 9. least 90 per cent of the shares of the the Summer Session was headed by
other than to state that many factors Boston at New York, rain. common stockholders of the Pierce Ar- Dean Edward H. Kraus and Mrs.
would be involved. (Only games scheduled.) row company assent to the plan. Krause.

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