4 WEATHER. Generally fair, and warmer. ( 1r t ummtr 41v AQP flit. r A6F 4hr :43 a t t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. IX, No. 5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS PRO,,C. . TURISPOLISHK FLYERS SOON EXPECT ED TO nr bUETRANS-ATLANTIC FLIGHT MENTIONS CURES FOR ANEMIA IN TALK HEREi "DEVELOPMENTS IN PERNICIOUS ANEMIA," IS SUBJECT OF DISEASE SPECIALIST NAMES DIET AS ONE CURE Cure Very Uncertain, Simpson Memo- rial Head Maintains, As Treat- ment Is Continuous "Liver or kidneys diet is the only cure that has yet been found for Per- nicious Anemia," stated Professor C. C. Sturgis in a lecture given yester- day afternoon at five o'clock at the Natural Science Auditorium: "This cannot strictly be called a cure," added Professor turgis, "since the patient must continue the treatment throughout his life." Professor Sturgis is director of the Simpson Memorial Institute, which was founded specifically for research in the field of Pernicious Anemia. "There is much to be discovered yet about this disease," he stated, "be- cause no cause has been definitely ascertained for it." He mentioned the fact that there are many other kinds of anemia, some accompanying hemor- rhage, cancer, and loss of blood. Per- nicious Anemia is associated with none of these. Until four years ago the disease was incurable, but experi- ments at Harvard at that time dis- covered the fact that liver and kidneys fed to the patient at the rate of one- half poun'd a day brought about a complete return to normal. Affects Older Persons "The disease occurs for the most part in persons over forty years of age," stated Professor Sturgis, "and is frown to be present by the extreme weakness and pallor of the patient."1 This liver cai be fed to the patient raw, cooked, as an extract, or as a powder, and is said to begin to take active effect between three to six days after the treatment is started. le- covery is complee within three months. "One man gained thirty-six pounds in six weeks," the speaker said, "and great improvement is to be seen in all cases." He also stated that the ma- jority of cases ,of Pernicious Anemia occur in the Nordic races, very few negroes or South Americans being af- fieted. Has Serious Consequences "In some cases the victims lose part of their spinal cord, causing them to lose all idea of the position of their feet," declared the speaker, "giving them a shambling, awkward motion when they walk." He added that the cause of this destruction is not known. "The greatest cause of the3 failure of the liver treatment," he an- nounced, "is that the patient cases eating the full half-pound of the meat after hehas recovered and left our institution" The lecture was concluded with the. statement that, while the medical pro- fession has a great deal to do in its study of the causes and cures of dis- eases, it has already advancedsfar, and the conquering of a disease of so deadly a nature as Pernicious Anemia is a significant mark of that advance- ment. NFW COURTS TO BE CONSTRUCTED Four concrete tennis courts will be constructed at the west end of the new intramural sports building, it was announced yesterday at the of- flce of the athletic association. Work on the four courts will begin immedi- ately, and they will be available for play by September. This announcement follows immedi- ately upon that one of the construe- tion of ten clay c urts on the land adjoining the Coliseum and the six- teen courts for Palm -r field, women'sI playground. The new courts, together with those already available on Ferry field, will give the University tennis{ facilities for several years to come. Nearly 190,000 automobiles and Maj. Casimir Kubala (left) and Maj. Louis Idzikowski, Polish flyers, are said, to have nearly completed their preparations for a trans-Atlantic flight from Paris to New York via Lisbon. way for sometime. Secret preparations have been under ROBERT 0BMANTELL DIES AT AGE OF74 Noted Character Actor Succumbs After Illness of Two Months; Gained Fame as Tragedian\ TOOK MANY NOTED ROLES ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J., June 27.-Robert Bruce Mantell, noted Shakespearean actor and producer, died at his home here today after an illness of two months. He was 74 years old.; The tragedian, who had suffered a1 breakdown, died at his estate, Bruce-, wood. At his bedside when the end ca.o were his wife and son and fm- ily physician, who had been in con-, stant attendance for the last week, when the patient showed signs ofI sinking. Regarded as one of the ablest actors of his time in the portrayal of, romantic parts depicting youth, beauty and the nobler traits of character, Robert Bruce Mantell has been de- scribed as "the last of an illustrious race" in the field of tragic drama.- The critic who thus referred to him, was speaking of the days when trage- dians such as Edwin Booth, Charles Kane, Henry Wallack, John MCul- louglA and many others of equal fame dominated the English-speaking stage.- His first tour of the United States was made in 1882, when he began at; the Grand Opera house, New York, as Sir Clement Huntingford in "The World" and subsequently appeared in this, "The Romany Rye" and other productions from coast to coast. Shakespearean plays in which he ex- celled included "Othello," "Richard III," "King Lear," "The Merchant of Venice" and "Macbeth." Mr.. Mantell was born Feb. 7, 1854, at Irvine, Scotland, the son of James and Elizabeth (Bruce) Mantell. He was twice married and had two sons, the children of his first wife, and one daughter by his second wife, Charlotte Behrens, a well-known actress. "OTICES Advanced swimming class.es will be held at 9 and 10 o'clock. Advanced and intermediate swim- ming classes will be held at 9 and 10 I o'clock every day of the week at the Union Pool. Beginning classes will Ibe held at 3 and 4 o'clock in the Barbour Gymnasium Pool. Bowling will be taught at 4 o'clock on Monday and 'Wednesday at the' i Women's Athletic Building. Social dancing will be taught at 4 o'clock, Tuesday and Thursday, in Barbour Gymnasium. MA Y ANNOUNCES IiOURS FOR GYM Waterman gymnasium will be open daily, except Sunday, from 8 o'clock in the morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon for students with only a limited. amount of time who desire to take physical exercises, according to an announcement made yesterday by ITALIA RESCUE CREW: Wireless~ Messag'e Tells ofiMoenments ;i of Ice as Rescuers Str Against Odds uggle PLAN RECEPTION ON FRIDAY NIGHT Students attending the Summer Ses- sion will be entertained at a reception given by the faculty of the University at 8:30 o'clock Friday night in Bar- bour gymnasium. The reception, which will be informal, will be held in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium and will be followed by a dancing party to be held in the gymnasium. Admission will be by treasurer's re- ceipt. 'A second event of the same type will be given on the evening of July 27 at the same place. This affair will be under the auspices of the Women's League. STUDENTS INVITED TO ATTEND NEWEHIBITS Professor Emil Lorch, of the Col- lege of Architecture, has issued an invitation to members of the summer session and others interested to visit the new architecture building. In the corridors is shown an exhi-, bition of student work in architectural 'and decorative design done during the past year. In the fourth floor studios also may be seen freehand drawings in pencil and charcoal from ornaments, plaster casts, and the figure; also water color and oil paintings. The architectural library is open daily from eight to twelve and one to five o'clock. Professor Lorch states the collection of books on architecture and allied subjects is one of the largest in the Middle West and con- tains many rare books nat seen-n public libraryacollections. MICHIGAN TEAM HOLDS HIGH BATTING RE1CORD0 Michigan's baseball team, which won eleven games as against one loss to cinch the 1928 Big Ten champion- ship, established a team batting aver- age of .292 for the season, it was re- vealed in a compilation madeby Coach Ray L. Fisher, Varsity base- ball mentor. Fred Asbeck, a pitcher, led the Wolver'ines in the individual batting with an average of .406. Lange, an outfielder, was second high with a mark of .367, while Bennie Ooster- baan was third with .361.nMcAffee, another hurler, was the only other member of the team who batted over the .30 mark duirng the season. Individual batting averages for the entire team were as follows: Asbeck, .406; Lange, .367; Oosterbaan, .361; McAffee, .351; McCoy, .277; Corriden, .247; Weintraub,a.247; Reichmann, .230; Loos, .221; and Nebelung, 2.08. AMUNDSENSTILL SILENT (By Associated Press) KINGSBAY, Spitzenbergen, June 27. -The dangerous ice floes added one more obstacle today to efforts of the rescue party who are struggling against overwhelming odds to save the remaining members of the, Italia's crew. , The wireless message from the Quest,. base ship of the Swedish res- cue expedition, said that the vessel had encountered a movement of ice from the east across Hinlopen Strait. The crew have been compelled to leave Wahlenberg Bay, seeking refuge on the north coast of Stone Island. No news has been received here throwing light on the fate of Roald A mundsen. Fear was still held that the six men who drifted away in the balloon part of the Italia after its crash on the polar ice cap, were dead, when it was learned that the airship had caught fire. Of the 16 men who left aboard the dirigible for the North Pole on May 23, only' six are now known to be alive. 'One man was killed and three have been missing since they started afoot for land. INSTITUTE PLANS HEALTH MEETINGS Pu-blic Health Institute number two, sponsored by the Summer Session, will be held on Friday, June 29, and Saturday, June 30, in the West Med- ical building, and will include a pro- gram of 14 meetings. These special Publica Health Insti- tutes, of which there, are six in all, are presented by the Summer Session for those public health workers who are unable to attend the regular sum- mer course. They affer intensified work during six week-end institutes.E SMITH BANDWAGON ROLLS ALONG AT HOUSTON AS, FIGHT CENTERS' UPON DRY PLANK IN PLATFORMo. "Jim" Reed Picks Up Oklahoma's Votes As Convention Proceeds; Little Hope Of Stopping Smith SOUTHERN DRYS SET UP BALLYHOO BULLETIN (By Associated Press) 1 y HOUSTON, Texas, June 27.-The name of Alfred E. Smith, gov ernor of New York, was placed before the Democratic convention here tonight by the nominating speech of Franklin D. Roosevelt, nephew of . Theodore Roosevelt, of New York. The demonstration which followed the nomination speech lasted twenty minutes. Gov. Smith's name was the second nominatiom of the evening. It was made possible by the yielding (4 the floor by the Arkansas delegation, second on the roll call, to New York. [IOUSTON, Texas, 4une 27.-"Jim" Reed of Missouri picked up (Oklahoma's votes today as he battled on for the presidency, but the southern anti-Tammany, anti-wet wing of the anti-Smith faction was casting everything aside toestablish a dry plank out of the Smith onrush. Only a few of the stoutest hearts held any hope of stopping Smith as Ohio jumped on the bandwagon behind Arkansas today, but these hopefuls took considerable satisfaction in successfully clefending. Oklahoma from the inviting call of the Smith wagon as it rolled gaily toward the nloi- FARM RS W N FIST naton. Southern Drys Energetic - Most of the Southern drys are about ready to yield to the Smith rush but in their dpspair they are putting new vigor into the battle for Organized Agriculture Is Given Place "bone dry" plank, a proposal which On Subcomumittee At Houston most feel will offer them and those After Controversy of their state some grounds for stand- r![ae n ying by their party. HEARBOTH SIDES DEBATE Daniel Roper of South Carolina,vWhO ,Au n E T has stirred up the fire of the anti- Smith folks' during his busy hours in (By Associated Press) IHouston, was presiding today over an- HOUSTON, June 27.-Shunting pro- other rally of prohibitionists and hibition aside temporarily, friends of while "the big guns" of his organizas organized agriculture won a brief but tion were at work with the platform sharp skirmish today before the reso- 'committee seeking a dry plank, the lutions committe for representation prohibition delegates were enthusas- on the sub-committee which is to draft tically laying plans for a floor fight.. the Democratic platform. A roll call vote is the aim of the John A. Simpson, Oklahoma mem- dry and the prohibition plank. The ber, urged that Thomas E. Cashman, resolution committee turned down the representative from Minnesota, their proposal as presented by Gov- who is at the head of a farm organi- ernor Moody of Texas; Senators Glass zation, be among the 11 on the draft- of Virginia and Josephus Daniels of ing body and when Senator Key Pitt- North Carolina in the resolutions com-. man, of Nevada, the chairman, failed mittee. Not only do the dry leaders to include Cashman, Simpson moved want each state record on the pro- his appointment. Senator Carter Glass, posal for a plank calling for enforce- of Virginia, countered with a point ment specifically of the eighteenth of order against the motion, saying amendment, but they hope to have that if the committee tried to give personal polls made of some of the representation to all oif the industries doubtful delegations and have each. of the')nation it would be rowing over delegate on record. the personnel for the better part of the day. This arou'sed F. J. Thomas, of Smith Listens In Nebraska, who reminded the commit- ALBANY, N. Y., June 27.-Governor tee that the farmers had been exclud- Albert C. Smith listened with immo- ed from the councils of the Republi- bile face today to radio accounts of cans at Kansas City. the convention uproar over mention "We must concede that agriculture of religious liberty. will be the paramount issue in this The governor was not listening campaign," he added, "and the farm when Senator Robinson interpolated a organization should be represented on prepared Jeffersonian speech that" this drafting committee." started the demonstration, but after Characterizing the Glass move as adjournment he stood beside his radio "simply a parliamentary trick," Simp- while several Washington correspond- son declared that, the sub-committee ents related the details. I was the most important body of the When one of the correspondents,. convention since it would actually'just after telling what he thought draft the declaration on which the would be the effect of the injection of party would act for ai grant of power the religious note and prospects of the from the American electorate. Catholic governor of New York, Senator Thaddeus H. Caraway, of likened the smell of the. new pine Arkansas, an ardent supporter of the boards of the convention hall to that L cNary-Hauigen arm Relief Bill, in- of a Methodist camp meeting, the-gov- terrupted to suggest that Simpson ask ernor threw back his head and unanimous consent that Cashman be laughed. added to the commiittee. That consent He then returned to the executive was obtained. Other members of the office-the radio is in the outer re: sub-committee besides Pittman and ception room-to conduct some state Cashman are Carraway, Arkansas; business, later to go to the executive Glass, 'Virginia; Moody, Texas; Har- mansion for dinner and to listen in rison, Mississippi; Ray, Utah; Walsh; on the convention night session. - Massachusetts; Ellingham, Indiana; Only occasionally during the day - Wagner, New York; Jones, Kansas, did the governor. take time to listen and Bratton, New Mexico. for a moment to the radio reports of the convention, being occupied with BASEBALL RESULTS urgent state affairs. - f American League The automobile is said to be rapidly s Washington 1-4, Boston 4-11. developing western Australia. y New York 7, Philadelphia 4. 3 .ar H.. 1 tnin b-. hAn.nin - a faA * DAILY TRYOUTS Students enrolled in the Sum- mer Session and desirous of obtaining practical journalistic experience may report at the offices of The Summer Michigan Daily in the Press building be- tween 2 and 5 o'clock any after- noon this week. Practical exper- ience is offered both in the busi- ness and editorial departments | | I SURVEY PROPOSED IN INTEREST OF FAIR DISTRIBUTION OF TAX BURDEN President C. C. Little, in an inter- view yesterday, made clear that his presentation to Governor Green of a= plan whereby the University would conduct a complete tax survey in Michigan was motivated by a desire for an equal and just distribution of the tax burden within the state. "I think that we all agree that the siuation is very serious and that the burden of taxation has increased and is increasing so rapidly and extens- ively as to form a real menace to the stability of whole communities and in- dustries not only in our state but in every state in the union," Dr. Little declared yesterday. "It has been found helpful," he con- tinued, "in one or two other localities to have the University place all its resources at the disposal of the people of the state for an impartial study' and report on the situation." The proposed plan would entail a thorough study of various phases of the tax problem conducted by mem- bers of the University faculty, espe- cially those in the departments of forestry, geography, education, polit- ical science, economics and mathe- matical statistics. The problem would be approached from the standpoint of origin and distribution of taxes, as- sessment methods and the general re- lation of taxes to the public welfare Dr. Little made it clear that the plan was in no way intended to be lucrative to the University. The pro- posal was made by him in view of the splendid equipment and resources that the Universityi now has to carry on such a survey at an almost negli gible expense. trucks were produced in France last Dr. George A. May, director of Water- year. man gymnasium. -_ I Nationa League Philadelphia 8, New York 11. onrse, racngysecomng Cologne, Germany,