SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY .. - I ' F Ihooks of the Day The Happy Mountain, by Maristan Chapman. Viking Press. 1928. Choosing a book for the month of. August must have been a difficult task for the Liteiary Guild with such a large number of interesting and important works coming off the press, but it must be admitted that the final choice was very close to the ;best that could have been made. Maristan Chapman is new in the world of writers, and consequently is as yet unspoilt by publicity. However, it is interesting to note that his first novel shows nothing of the beginnerl on of lack of experience. He main- tains the theme and spirit of the story very efficiently. The most noticeable characteristic of the story is its atmosphere of quaintness. The whole thing is writ- ten in simple mountain dialect, full of color and charm, and at no point does the author fail to maintain this dialect with all its mountain tang. There is, it is true, a certain montony in the constant flow of strange phrases, butathis is ceritainly more than atoned for by the increased effectiveness. The plot~ is more or less of a neligible factor inrthis tale of the hills. A mountain youth leaves his home to see the world because! spring and the wanderlust call him. Even the fact that he is going away from the girl of his choice and from the mountains he loves cannot re- strain him. He wanders in the city through the spring and summer but returns home in the fall when he hears that his love, is being wooedI by another man. Whatever the weakness of the story In plot, and, indeed, this may be a source of strength in that it creates an easy, unhurried atmosphere that is pleasing in effect, Maristan Chap- man certainly shows himself to be a master of description. His studies of nature on the slopes of the moun- tains , where the main part of the action takes place, are remarkable for their beauty and truthfulness to life. The hero is an interesting youth, quiet and deep-thinking, biit with momentary flashes of gayety that sur- prise as well as please the reader. He is good company for any after- noon of reading. We should not leave "The Happy Mountain" without mentioning one of the most outstanding points in its favor, the humor. There is nothing that could be called bold or blaring about it; but it is introduced with a quiet subtlety, and a dryness that en- hance its value a hundredfold. I1. S. * * * Early To Bed, by Wood Kahler, 288 pages;, Alfred A. Knopf; $2.50. Amusing and racy variety of inci- dent makes this clever first novel al- most perfect 'ummer reading. Mr. Kahler is aA yet an unknown writer; probably in any serious literary sense he will continue to be so; but as a modest purveyor of delicious tidbits of 'satire on the fantasias of Mr. Mi- chael Arlen and on the continental tradition in general, his ability is of a rare and finished perfection. There are dull spolts in the book, it is true; but keeping up the pace the, author has set for himself throughout the whole book would be more surely than any reader would demand. As a whole the impression is one of com- plete and surprisingly constant ef- ferve'scence-than which nothing could be more conducive to amusement on a stuffy summer afternoon. Whimsical, almost fantastic charac- terization is the element which lends the book its chief charm. Amid ka- leidoscopic scenes cf Parisian life. Mr. Kahler gathers together a mot- ley crew of people the oddness of whose individualitieu is equalled only by the incongruity of their juxtaposi- tion. There is Mademe de Fouette, "a brave amiable lady without any front teeth." There is Alden Brent, the American hero and pseudo-nov- elist, wbo sees nething strange about believing in the principles of Benja- min Franklin (wflei ve the titla or th bool . and at the Caine time sup- portfg a whole hord.u of Russia refugees in Paris. There is the Coun- tess Clhga Kar ;xi'na, an exotie Rus- sian who "had two pearls which stood for her two souls-a white pearl for der good soul and black pearl'for her bad . . . and found one day that both pearls were imitation." There is the American ,girl football fan, Bijie 0'- Brien, "with three little dots over the iji." And there is Herman Cun- Sport iriets McGINNIS STARS MADISON, Wis., Aug. 11-Wiscon- sin's former track captain, Charles McGinnis, is just reaching the peak of his form as the United States ath- letes continue their performance in other European meet's. At the In- ternational games held in Cologne, Germany, the former Badger star won the pole vault with an effort of 13 feet 4 5-8 inches and took second to Bob King in the high jump, when he leaped 6 feet, 4 inches. NEW FOES ON SCHEDULE IOWA CITY, Aug. 11.-Three West- ern conference universities, none of which has ever been tapped by the Hawkeyes for more than two vic- tories, are on the 1928 Iowa schedule. ningham, an e'scaped Rotarian from Jackson, Michigan, who is in Paris off and on to try to exchange his riches for surcease from boredom. The book, of course, makes no claim to literary merit. For entertainment purposes, however, it is excellent, if one accepts it as what it means to be, merely a bubbling piece of dilettante nonsen'se. (By courtesy of the Graham Book Store) L. C. C LASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE-Ford Coupe 1927. 1000 Packard. LOST-Large, gray, police dog - re- sponds to the call of "Wolf" - finder please phone 22373. FOR SALE-Maxwell touring car, $60 327 E. Huron. 38, 39, 40 FOR SALE-Underwood typewriter in fine conditi n, $35. Phone 22217. LOST-Green umbrella on campus Sunday. all 21850, at 707 Tap- pail 39,40, 41 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Reason- able rates. Dial 9387. M. V. Hart- suff. NOTICE-Miedical student can offer attractive proposition to A. B. stu- dent wishing to attend eastern school. Call 5865.. 43 WANTED - Traveling companions. I Am driving to New York, Aug. 20, Call 6332. 38, 39, 40 WANTED-Instructor and wife would 'share expenses with party driving to St. Paul, Duluth or way points, after summer session. Dial 3923. TYPEWRITERS of all makes, large and portable. Sales, Rentals, Service. 0. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 FOR SALE-Star car, $30. 1028 Mar- FURNISHED four large room apart- tin Place. 42, 43 ment, with private bath, heat and water furnished. Dial 7339. 42, 43 FOUND-Ladies' hat near Law build- ing. Call the Terrace Garden Studio. FOR SALE-Southeast new 2-family Phone 5745. apartment, reasonably priced. Phone Mrs. Gillespie, 5035. ROOMS TO RENT-Two very desir--- able rooms, single or as suite, in FORSALE-Saxopbone B-fiat soprano, private family. Garage vailable. straight model. Call 1746 Washte- 1302 Packard. Dial 21619. naw, Phone 7310. -- I= a F We all know the difference between food that is tasty and that which has no appeal to your sense of taste. a- What a satisfaction it is to enjoy a meal that is carefully prepared and is cooked from the best foods that - we can buy. We assure you that our menus are suited to satisfy the most critical = taste, Try our lunch and dinner and find out foryor lf a - "The Best Place in Town" MICHIGAMME a - Liberty Street Michigan Building '+ 111 f lilililllliill tl11! H t ltI1t11l H 1U!!11 t111111111111t 11111ti l 11111[il lilt 111I I "lli Bring or Send You r Clothes To the White Swan where they are actually CLEANED and PRESSED' White Swan LAUNDRY CO. Branch Office PRESS BUILDING MICHIGAN JEWELRY Pennants, Stationery and Memory Books Open 7 a. m. to 6 p. m. Opposite Majestic Theatre p.' -Ii I 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY. PHONE 4744 ] Ii Jil I ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK One More Week! And college is over. You may be anticipating a trip or you may be just traveling home. In either case we advise you to obtain Traveler's Checks. This is the ideal way to carry money. Cashed without delay by all banks, railroads, and hotels. ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK II A , :, 1 , 3 i 'V More Students Use It Than Any Other Kind-and if you paid double you couldn't improve on it Want a pen for lifelong use ?-$7 buys it; $5, if you want a smaller size. Because of Parker's Non-Breakable Permanite Barrels these pens have been thrown from airplanes 3,000 feet aloft without damage. Want ease of writing?-Parker Duo- fold's famous Pressureless Touch, due to a fine ink channel ground between the prongs of the point (bringing capillary at- traction to the aid of gravity feed) is great est writing improvement in years. And Permanite, while Non-Breakable, makes Duofolds 2 lighterin weight than when made with rubber as formerly. Why do most college students use it? -try it yourself and know. S flashing colors. 3 sizes for men and women. Six graduated points-one to fit your hand exactly. Look for imprint, "Geo. S. Parker" on each pen. Pencils, too, in colors to match pens. See a Parker dealer now. THU PARKER PEN cOMPANY, JANESVILLU4 WI& IN341I $7 and$5 according to site Vt Duofold The Permanent Pen 101 N. Main 707 N. Univ. a".4 rV NmbC"lvGO gM M. # r* . S i .8. WOos