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Showers and cooler.
VOL. IX. No. 43.
Vehicle Is Culmination Of Term Work
Under Direction And Spervision
S"Of Earl E. Fleiscmnan
°Minick," Edna Ferber and George
Kaufman's comedy hit of four seasons
ago will be presented by the Play
Production Masses in their only pub-
lic production of the summer at 8:15
\ o'clock tomorrow night in Sarah Cas-
well Angel hal. The piece is be-
Ing offer d inan effort to give :he-
student body an opportunity t-, se
the work in dramatic interpi4. ution
and production done in the theate'
laboratory cf the University. The play
is acted andi diract d entirely by the
members of the classes, under the
supervision of Professor Earl E.
The story deals with the troubles
of Fred Minick and of his wife, Net-
tie, when the former's aged father
comes to make his home with them.
The play was first produced by Win-
throp Ames at the Booth Theater in
New York in 1924, with Phyllis Po-
vah, a Michigan graduate, creating the
role of Nettie. It enjoyed a run of
considerable success at that tme. Ed-
na Ferber and George Kaufman, the
authors, have since produced "Show
Bonell Has Lead
In tomorrow evening's presentation,
Samuel Bonell is cast in the leading
role of Old Man Minick. Bonell's fre-'
q1ient appearances in scampus pro-
ductions and with the Rockford Play-
ers have made him well known to Ann
Arbor audiences. Since he is gradu-
ating at the close of the Summer
Session, this will be his final ap-
pearance in university theatrical's. '
The leading feminine role of Nettie
Minick is to be played by Jeannette
Dale, who is remembered for Bher
work with Comedy club, and in "Alice
Sit By the Fire" with the Harris Play-
ers Ilst spring. Milton Kendrick, who
did some work with the Rockford
Players this summer, is playing oppo-
site her as Fred Minick.
All Seats Reserved
The play is being moved in from
Play Production's theater in Univer-
sity hall to Sarah Caswell Angell halli
because the former auditorium has
been condemned as unsafe for large
audiences. An admission of 50 cents
will be, charged to cover the royalties
and the cost of moving the piece to
the gymnasium theater. All seats are
reserved. The cast is as folows:
Lil Corey ..........Margurite Cornell
Nettie Minick ........Jeannette Dale
Annie ............. Helen E. Brown
Jim Corey.............Earl Sheehan
Fred Minick ........ Milton Kendrick
Old Man Minick .... Samuel Bonell
Al Daimond.......Emanuel Van Vliet
Marge Daimond ...... Thelma Lewis
Lulu...............Mildred Zoller
Mr. Dietenhoffer ... Paul Hoffmeyer
Mr. Price ..............F. R. Lowe
Mrs. Smallridge ......Pauline Zoller
Miss Crackenwald ... Leda Strauss
Mrs. Lippincott ... Madge Burnham
Miss Stack .......... Mildred Drake
Marie Hartwig and Edna Bower are
Delivering the last lecture of the
summer, Prof. H. I. Priestly of the
history department at the University
of California will lecture at 5 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon in Natural
Science auditorium on the subject of
"Our Mexican Neighbors."
Professor Priestly, who has been
teaching several courses in historyj
during the Summer Session, is a
noted authority on Mexico, having
spent many years in that country
studying its problems and character-
istics. The lecture will be accom-
panied by a series of motion pictures
illustrating various phases of life in
By R. P. D.
Movie houses in Ann Arbor are
offering a varied brand of entertain-
ment for students during examina-
tion week. In an effort to 'soothe the
jaded nerves of weary exam-takers
the managers have furnished a pro-
gram including pugilism, comedy,
passion, mystery, and an exhibition
of the terpsichorean art.
The Majestic blatantly announces
the. "complete and official and only local
showing of the world's championship
Tunney-Heeney fight pictures." These
films, which have been shown in the
larger cities since the day after Tex
Rickard dropped a few "grand" in I
putting on one of his Roman holidays,
are reputed to show "every round,
every blow" The fatal tenth and
eleventh rounds are shown in slow
The feature would seem to be aI
modification of the same theme, being
an exhibition of female pulchritude
and cussedness by Miss Clara Bow
in "Ladies of th Mob." It is expect-
ed that all of Lark's co-ed friends
will attend, as the "ads" say she "gets
her man in a new! way-bang!"
Success of Present Residences May
Foretell Erection Of
Many More
Dormitories for women, which are
so vital a part of the lives of so many
Michigan women today, are really a
comparatively modern development in
the co-educational college. The three
large dormitories or residences for
women on this campus are Helen
Newberry and Betsy Barbour, which,
are now open, and Martha Cook,
which is closed during the Summer
Helen Newberry was the first resi-
dence hall for women to be opened
on this campus. It was the gift of
Mrs. Henry B. Joy, who is the presi-.
dent of the board, and her two broth-
ers, Mr. Truman H. Newberry and
Mr. John S. Newberry, in memory
of. their mother, Helen Newbery.
Some years earlier, Mrs. Newberry
had shown her interest in the uni-
versity by- donating Newberry hal'
which is fiight next to the-dormitory,
for the religious work among women
on campus.
So in 1913 Helen Newberry resi-
dence hall for women was built and
the Senior women of that year used
it for their class house party.
Martha Cook was the second dor-
mitory to be opened on campus. This
was the gift of Mr. William Cook, who
also gave the Lawyerls' Club. It is
an honorary dormitory for senior and
junior women.
The third dormitory to be opened
at Michigan was Betsy Barbour house
in 1920. This dormitory was the gift
of Mr. Levi Barbour, who also gave
generously toward the women's gym-
nasium which is named for him.
ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 11.-At an
hour this morning when ordinarily
he still would have been found asleep,
Gov. Smith got back to Albany from
Chicago, where he attended the fu-
neral of George E. Brennan, Illinois
Democratic leader.
Confronted with the task of whip-
ping his acceptance speech into final
form, the Democratic presidential
nominee went from the train to the
executive mansion, where he planned
during the day and over the week-end
to apply himself to that job.
The governor also was expected
with members of his family, to lis-
ten in there this evening to the ad-
dress of his rival, Herbert Hoover,
at the Republican nominee's notifica-
tion in California.
He returned to the executive man-
sion with the assurance of various
Illinois leaders that he would carry
Illinois, a task proved difflicult in
previous years for a Democrat.
The ice-coated Michigan, the "Chi-
cago Theater" of Ann Arbor, swings
into a light vein with the presentation!
of "Detectives" featuring Karl Dane
and George K. Arthur. These gentle-
men from the "oil" fields of Holly-
wood are listed as "laugh sleuths."
Query-are these stars hired by the
management to ferret out the laughs,
or can the audience find them with-
out help?
Besides the usual hors d' oeuvres or
"hors de combat" of short film sub-
jects and "snooze reels" the college
boys will be regaled with a spectacle
entitled "Revue Casino de Paris"
(you garter go) with the Misses Allen
and Ruth, assisted by "Eight Lenora
Steppers." All prospective Michigan
Opera "hoofeils" are expected to at-
tend this object lesson.
With t
cation f
Daily res
the issue
the issue,
year wil
;Daily wil
tion durt
week bef
of classe
his issue The Summer
Daily suspends publi-
or the summer. The
sumes publication with
of Tuesday morning, F
r 25, when the first of
s for the regular school
I be distributed. The
L publish an extra edi-
ng Freshman Week, a
ore the official opening
iWidely Kno~wn As Writer
Sees Omen Of Success At Polls In Westerner Accepts Governor Smith's
Remarkable Unanimity Of Challenge In Declaration
Hoover's Nomination For Enforcement
And Lecturer, Will Leave
Aentembher 1
-1 OBringing to a close a period of 22
ors of continuous service with the
University, Prof. Thomas E. Rankin
Booklet Published At Ann Arbor I! will leave Ann Arbor aibout Septem-
1888 Relates Early Date Of ber 1 to take up his new duties as
Contemporary Issue professor of rletoric at Carlton col-
lege in Northfield, Minn.
SAME ARGUMENTS USED Prof. Rankin came to the University
as an instructor in rhetoric in 1905.
"To vote for Prohibition is to take He was made an assistant professor in
a step backwards in the cause of 1907, was promoted to an associate
temperance. It is to make the traf. professorship in 1913, and since 1916
fic more open and free, to increase has been a professor in the rhetoric
taxation to a large amount and with- department.
out beneficial results." Thus reads Since 1912 he has been connected
a quotation from a political pamph- in an administrative capacity with the
let published in Ann Arbor in Febru- University Summer Session of which
ary, 1888, when the county was pre- he is at present secretary. Prof. Ran-
paring to vote on the question of Pro-. kin graduated from the University
hibition or Free License. in 1898 and received his degree of
List Reasons Master of Arts in 1905.{
Advancing almost the same argu- Prof. Rankin is the author of sev-j
ments as are used in the struggle that eral well known and widely used
is going on today over this question, books on the subjects of t
th rliterature, and will bring out two new
the article-goes tn to say, "It is a
weirknon fct hat rohbiton books early this fall. He is also a
wherever .it ha.s been introduced is contributor to several literary and
a total failure. The authors of the critical magazines, and a lecturer on
prhbtr law have beengulyf educational and literary topics.
prohibitory wn guilty of Professor Rankin is a member of the
a piece of political jugglery of which s
the lowest politician would be asham- Michigan Academy of Science, Art's,
ed, in shaping the form of the bai- and Letters, the University Club, the
lot, which makes those who oppose Authors Club of London, and several
their method, seemingly vote in fa- other organizations
vor of the sale of intoxicating liquors'professor Rankin will leave Ann
"To vote for the sale as required Arbor about September 1, accompan-
under the law, notwithstanding this led by his family, for their new home
trick, means that the voter believes in Northfield. Two of his daughters
that high license is the bestpolice will enter Carlton College at the be-'
regulator of the evil of intemperance ginning of the fall term.
and in the past has done the most
for the temperance cause and will OLYMPIC C R OWD S
continue to do so in the f'uture," the S E E WE I SMULLER
pamphlet announces. WIN SWIM EVENT
Tells History,
Continuing in the same vein, "The (By Associated Press)
question to be voted upon, lopping AMSTERDAM, August 11-Climax-J
off the deceit imposed by the language ing a week of triumph in Amster-
of the law is-whether the present dam's spacious pool, acquatic stars of
High License law is not better than the United States today wound up
a prohibitory law-whether saloons' the Olympic water competition with
regulated by a $500 license paid under five entries in the final six events of
$6,000 bonds, with heavy penalties for the program.
selling to minors, drunkards, prohib- For the first time since condition-
ited persons, and for keeping open or the lack of them-bit into the su-
after hours, and a law which if vio- ;premacy of the Amdrican athletes
lated not only fixes heavy penalties always have held in the man to man
but takes away their license and which phases of the Olympic competition,
fixes penalties upon sheriffs, marsh- one secton of Uncle Sam's athletic
alls, constables, and police officers if army lived up to all the nice things
they fail to prosecute the violators that have been said about it before
is not better than a law which simply hand. During the week men and wo-
prohibits, and imposes no greater pen- I men swimmers and divers of the team
aloes for the violation and which scored ten first places in the sixteen
makes it the duty of no particular F events piling uis ace of 175 sits
officer to enforce, and under which e
the parties selling are not controlled out of a possible 400.
the artis nse g aToday it was Johnny Weismuller,
by any bonds." fierce stroking Chicago veteran, and
"And those injured by the results Albina Osipowich the Wooster girl
of their acts will have no reward for who is almost a feminine counterpart
their injuries -.a law that certainly of the husky mid Westerner in ac-
cannot enforce itself, and which in { tion, who shot the stars and stripes
effect can be termed free license ,to highest on the Olympic flag in the
sell liquor. A law which when en- swimming stadium and stamped them-
forced means the greater consump- selves as the fastest sprinters of their
tion of whskey in place of beer." respective sexes.
(By Associated Press)
PALO ALTO, Cal., Aug. 11.-Sen-
ator George H. Moses today formally
notified Herbert Hoover of his nom-
ination by the Republican National
Convention as the Republican candi-
date for President of the United
States, telling him it is a "veritable
crusade," he has been chosen to lead.
The text of the speech follows:
"We come by the direction of the
Republican National Convention,
which is the highest, most representa-
tive and most authoritative body in
our party organization.
That convention has instructed us
to bring to you a. formal notification
of its action in selecting you as the
Republican candidate foil Presidency.
"Your selection, sir, was made with
a unanimity never before seen when
this great prize in our public life
has been incontest. In this regard
the convention accurately reflected
the desires of an overwhelming
preponderance of Republicans who
were not to be denied in their pur-
pose to commit our cause to your
. Praises Unanimity
"The convention which gave you
the nomination now officially present-
ed, also formulated a declaration of
principles which constitutes the chart
of Republicanism fornthe next four
years. In our platform will be found
a reiteration of those fundamentals
of Republican policy which are tra-
ditional and through which our coun-
try has been able to accomplish so
much for our country and it's peo-
"The spirit of our platform is un-
mistakable-and it springs from our
record of faith kept throughout the
entire period of our party historiy.
This spirit, you, sir, personify. We
know that in your leadership this
spirit will enlighten and enkindle the
co-operation not only of the great
party which has sought you out, but
that it will engender the commander-
ship of that other gr3eat body of vot-
ers whose independence of political
thought finds expression in the com-
pany of those like you, who maintain
purity of ideal in association with or-
ganized partisan activity.
"In this we know that you will not
seek to transcend or to distort or to
nullify any portion of your party's
platform or any portion of the con-
stitution of the United States from
which our platform springs. We
know that your interpretation of
fundamental principles-both in the
constitution and the platform-will
ring true.
the constitution forbids is , nullifica,
tion," he said. "This the American
people will not countenance."
Recognizing the abuses of enforce-
ment under existing enabling acts,
Hoover said these must be remedied
after "an organized searching inves-
tigation of facts and causes," had
pointed the way to the wise method
of correcting them.
_ "An adequate tariff is the founda-
tion of farm relief," he said in put-
ting this first in his program. De-
velopment of the great water arteries
came second.
"The-ye is no more vital method of
farm relief," he declared.
"The working out of agricultural
relief constitutes the most important
obligation of the next administra-
tion," lie added. "I stand pledge to
these proposals.
"In this land, dedicated to toler
ance, we still find outbreaks of in-
tolerence. I come of Quaker stock.
My ancestors we-e persecuted for
their beliefs. Here they sought and
found religious freedom. By blood
and conviction I stand for, religious
tolerance, both in act and in spirit.
- The glory of our American ideals is
f the right of every man to worship
God according to the dictates of his
own conscience.
Rebukes Governmental Dishonesty
S"The presidency is more than an
administrative office. It must be a
symbol of American ideals. The high
and lovely must betseen with the
same eyes, met in the same spirit.
It must be the instrument by which
t l aidLIUidI cnieiwe is1;..vne-An
(By Associa
(By James L. West
Staff Wr
DIUM, Cal., Aug. 11
accepted the repub
nomination today
promising 'declaratio
and the exposition
agriculture relief p
its axis financial ai
farmer-owped and
corporations to take
In addition he (d
for religious tole
against corruption
struck a note of ide
tion of government
issued a call to th
youth of the coun
their enthusiasm t
the American expe
Agriculture Most
"Modification of
laws which wouldV
ted Press)
Associated Press
.-Herbert Hoover
lican presidential
with an uncom-
on for prohibition
of a three-fold
rxogram having as
id, in building up
care of crop sur-
eclared vigorously
erance, inveighed
in public office;
alism in the rela-
to the people and
e women and the
try to contribute
o the success of
riment in democ-
Urgent Problem
the enforcement
permit that which
the nationai conscience is livened and
Scorns Opponents 'it must under the guidance of the
"The opposition confronts us with' almighty, interpret and follow that
an assumed confidence. We stand in conscience."
a confidence which is real. It is pos- Turning to corruption which he
sible to palliate political practices in said had been participated in "by in-
which procedure is purely local. But dividual officials and members of both
in the larger field of national affairs political parties in national, state and
this may not be. The White House municipal affairs," Hoover declared
stands immune. When-for I scorn dishonesty in government to be a
to say it-when you occupy it the double wrong.
people will know that it is in safe In 'concluding, the cabinet officer
keeping. paid high tribute to President Cool-
"It is, in fact, sir, a veritable idge.
crusade which you have been chosen "I would violate my conscience and
to lead. We know your quality and the gratitude I feel,'' he said, "did I
we give you our confidence and sup- not upon this occasion express appre-
port. ciation of the great president who
"I trust I may be pardoned if I add leads our party today. President
a word which may seem personal. A ,Coolidge has not only given a memor-
year ago, the field being cleared by able administration; he has left an
the free action of the President, I imprint of rectitude and 'statesman-
stood among the first to espouse your ship upon the history of our country.
cause. I later had the distinction i-He has dignified economy to a prin-
to declare your nomination to the ciple of government. He has charted
convention which granted it. The the course of sour nation and our
convention has charged me to tender party over many years -to come. It
you this communication and with it is not only a duty but. it is the part
I salute you as the next president of of statesmanship that we adhere to
the United States." this course."
(By Associated Press)
American League
Detroit 10, Cleveland 2.
New York 5, Boston 2.
Washington 2, Philadelphia 3.
St. Louis 4, Chicago 2.
National League
Boston 4, Brooklyn 2.
Philadelphia 0, New York 4.
Cincinnati 1, Pittsburgh 0.
Weismuller, ascending the 100 me-
tar free style championship won at
Paris in 1924, made a show of his
field in the final of the sprint clas-
sic that was nearly turned into a
handicap affair through the titlehold-
er's poor start. The gun for the leap-
off caught Johnny unawares and the
remainder of the field had a full
length start before he could get away.
Once in the water, Weissmuller pro-
bably swam the fastest final 75 meters
of his carer ot catch George Koja%,