WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE VEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREB~ I I I DEAN LISTS DANERS OF TUTORIAL SYSTEM "The increased enrollment in Amer- ican colleges has made necessary the development of many systems for pre- serving contact with the student," says Raymond Walters, dean of Swarth- more College, in the June Scribner's Magazine. Dean Walters outlines the methods in use at various institutions, and sums up the situation as follows: "There would seem to be two main risks in the personnel movement. One is the- risk of coddling students-of tolerating softness, self-pity, priggish- ness. The other is the risk of so em- phasizing the vocational aspect that the liberal-culture aspect of college finishes a poor second. "The problem, where the purpose of a system is human service, lies in the' human worth of the Individual agents of the system. New Slot Machines To Say 'Thank You' A new "Robot" that will say "Thank you," make chiange and per- form other function of a. human sales clerk will be placed in chain stores and other selling agencies soon as a result of the formation of a $25,000,- 000 company, representing a consolida- tion of the principal automatic mer- chandising companies of the United States, backed by Wall Street in-I terests. Through a phonographic ar- rangement, now being worked out by technical experts, (an automaton will be manufactured which will sell a wide variety of articles for coins dropped into slot machines. Until the perfection of the new machines, the ;resent devices for the sale of articles b~y slot machines will be used. The new company, to be known as the Consolidated Merchandising Cor- poration, will use machines manufac- tured by the -Remington Arms Com- pany. g3POKS WORL ESPINOSA LEADS AT KANSAS CITY VON ELM HEADS DISTRIC' KANSAS CITY, June 26.-Al Espi- TOURNEY nosa, of Chicago, stole a march on his DETROIT, June 26.-George V more illustrous golfing mates in the Elm, form ers in the qualifyi mid-American open tourney here to- rounds of the district golf tour day with a card of 33-35 to add to his ment here with a 74. Fred Glov 74 in the initial round Sunday. He is former Wolverine golf captain, is t six strokes ahead of the field. Johnny for second witlh Johnny Malloy,p Farrell, who won the National open at at the Barton Hills in Ann Arbor Chicago by defeating Bobby Jones, rs far behind and ready to concede de-! hAHN PLANS RETIREMENT Von on, ring na- ver, ied pro of America's greatest track stars, an- 'nounced today that he 'would quit running after the Olympic games. DETROIT LOSES AGAIN DETROIT, June 26.-Detroit was thrust further into the cellar oif the American league today when the Chi- cago Sox defeated the Tigers for they second consecutive time, 5 to 2. NAVY WILL NOT SEND CREW ANNAPOLIS, June 26.-The United States Naval racademy will not send a crew to the Olympic tryouts. CLASSIF IED ADVERTISING drapes. If taken, at onice, 125. Jef- ferson Apartments No. 23. One block from campus. Dial 21868. 3-4-5 FOR RENT-At 311 Thompson, two blocks from campus, .single room and suite. Contiuous hot water. 3-4-5 FOR SALE- Double-deck beds with with mattresses, do ble desk, wide bed with springs, oie single bied, two solitary couches. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 E. Washington. 3-4-5 FOR RENT-A front rpom, single, $3.50, double $5.00. No other room- ers. Phone 8196. FOR RENT-Two large double rooms and one single. Graduate students, teachers- business girls or nurses. Also garage. Dial 8544 or 9714. 422 K. Washington. 3-4-5 FOR SALE--Fumed oak desk and ch 'ir. Also two rugs. Call 332. East William. Apt. 99. 4 NOTICE-Raggedy Ann Beauty Shop now offers the Siedericks Vita Tonic permanent wave for $8.50. Dial 7561. 4, 6 feat. BOSTON, June 26.-Lloyd Hahn, oneI i I i Lv - .. . J A WORD, TO THE WISE- Wise is the man who saves as he earns-who has laid by a snug little sum of money with some laud- able purpose in view. It marks 'him as a man of ambition, foresighted, thrifty, an asset to the com- !Itlltltilllllilttlllliltilllllliitllltllttllitrlll11111Illtlllllltlllllll111111' = r- - -r uEK z~~- - - OPEN ALL -SUMMER Every Day from 8$p. m. to 11 p.m. Rates- Per hour 50c Per day ... ...2.50 - SAUNDER'S CANOE LIVERY On the Huron River at the foot of Cedar St. rI TOLEDO MEN-A general insurance agency of your city has two perma- nent positions in sales department. $125.00 to start. FOR RENT--One room kitelhenette- apartment for $75. For sale, dishes,] kitchen utensils, day bed. bookcases, cabinet radio, screens, curtains and BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -Very :active sales program offers oppor- tunity to five boys during summer months to make sufficient money for next year's entire expense and to produce 'a 'surplus for the right kind who will work. Consult Mr. Woods at 515 First National Baink Building. j 1-2-3-4-5-6 ANNOUNCEMENT-Mrs. Emma Fisch- er Cros's announces a summer term in piano and pipe-organ beginning June 25th. Studio 610 E. Liberty. Dial 3566. 4 HELP WANTED-Students wanted to work for their room rent. Phone 4770. 4, 5, 6 t + .wmmow.A SHORTH AND munity. -0 Ann Arbor Savings Bank TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING Summer Session June 25-Aug. 17 Enter any day-why not today? Hamilton Business College State and William Streets Ann Arbor 101 N. Main St. 707 N. Univ. Ave. IA II... . -- -" w ------w------, I A band of men whose sweetheart was- death! Dry Clean for the Holidays White Gas White Gas Athrilling*, dariir 4dramha of the air, witlh the atppeal of "Beau Geste" and 1"Wi-ngs" eominiied. Featuring' the screen's Glorious~ I'mmir Losiers. Di'ectEda by a mian who huiself was au ave. FIR ST 8 HOW IN G UiN .NN ARBOR J:0 -#7:0 9 0 - 0 3 2 :44)..Vi- :2t-- :0f--I :.3 n:j rt I The Purest Gas Refined Comedy News Events "Once- Then Always"~ ALL WEEK-NO ADVANCE IN 'PRICES DRUGS KODAKS !!! I Holiday Pictures Holiday pleasures-Fourth of July, week-end or vaca- tion-always make excellent picture subjects. Have a Kodak along and perpetuate the fun. Our Kodak line is ready for your inspection. Prices as low as $5.r Calkins-Fletcher Drug.Co. 3 Dependable Stores We have served Michigan and her students for 40 years The greasy mud of today leaves a stain that spreads if not removed promptly. We make dirty, stained garments im- maculate--at modest cost. Just call 430% i I ALL GARMENTS PRESSED VALETOR 'X ichiqan Jean ers III, Michigan Theatre Bldg. PHONE 4300 . 523 East Liberty H. T. YAKLEY U1 al t^x lr T T1"( l I SODAS CANDY