Published every morning except Monday dur
ing the University Summer Session by the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited' to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post-
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Editorial Directors........George E. Simons
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Alex Bochnowski
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Another Detroit suicide has been
heralded in the newspapers. This
time it is the taking of his own life
by a young husband, 21 years old,
leaving destitute his young wife and
three children whose ages are fou
and two years and four months. The
suicide comes about as a result of
failure to find employment, a quest in
whiel he was accompanied by the
great number who go to make up
the army of the unemployed.
The picture of a husband volun-
tarily taking his own life and leaving
behind him a wife to whom he was
devoted and three children with no
provisions for their future care and
sustenance is indeed pathetic. Although
it can not be classed as typical of
the, great number of suicides that
have been prevalent during the past
several years, the tragic occurrence,
arising out of unemployment, is
nevertheless a challenge to society.
Somehow under the present social
order we all seem to be working for
ourselves. There seems to ,be
lack of kindred fellowship in many
communities today, especially those
in our larger cities of which Detroit
is typical. In our quest for glory,
power, prestige and prominence we
seem to forget the struggling individ-
uals whose main task in life is to
make a living for themselves and for
those who are dependent upon them.
This accomplished, their energies
seem to be exhausted and they have
no more resources with which to at-
tempt to gain power or prominence.
If they have a job that produces for
them a bare living they are satisfied,
and to them the greatest distress is
that which arises out of their losing
a job and being unable to find another
The problem of unemployment is
a serious one. The securing of em-
ployment has many time changed a
home atmosiphere from gloom and
darkness to one of happiness. The
lack of employment has driven many
to despondency and other conditions
which have brought about suicides
and like calamities. It is reasonable
to assume that if the young Detroit
husband had held his job he would
be living today and his family would
have been in a much happier state. ;
Although unemployment is deplored
by all who ealize the need of a man 1
having a job, it is, on the other hand,
obvious that to furnish employment
to everyone within the borders of the
land who is seeking it is not an easyf
task; in fact it is one which abounds
with many difficulties. These diffi-t
culties, as varied as they are found
The United States has asked Hon-
duras to reconsider its refusal to
submit its boundary dispute with
Guatemala to the International Cen-
tral American Tribunal in a note de-
livered recently to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs, Senor Davila, by the
American Minister to Honduras,
George T. Summerlin.
In reply to the Honduran conten-
tion that all' the judicial panel of the
Central American Tribunal has not
been appointed, the United States
pointed out "twelve distinguished
jurists" who are now members of the
tribunal from whom it is possible
to select an arbitral board.
With a group of able jurists to
consider the boundary problem from
a political, economic, and commercial
standpoint aside from considering
the "historical evidence," there is
bound to be a conclusion reached
which, 'although it may not be satis-
factory on the face of it, will prove
to be most beneficial in the end.
A fair settlement ieached through
arbitration is bound to be far better
than a settlement reached through
military conflict.
Arbitration is the logical means of
reaching a settlement between the
peoples of civilized nations, and the
only means appropriate to the stages
of development that have been attain-
ed. It is to be -hoped, therefore, that
American diplomacy can prevail on
the Central American nations to sub-
mit their problems to arbitr'ation.
Next week will be the last week of
the summer session in which most of
the schools and colleges on the cam-
pus will give examinations for the
summer's work. Final examinations
cannot but be trying and nerve-
wracking, they seem to be so absolute
and conclusive of all that has been
learned in a course. However, they
should create no undue excitement
on the campus in the summer time.
In the first place the tests are much
shorter, occupying only two hours
where those of the regular school
year extend over three and sometimes
four hours. It is obvious that the
shorter periods would be less monot-
onous and wearying.
Then too, the fact that most of the
students on the campus are either
graduates doing research work, edu-
cation refreshing their knowledge be-
fore returning to their regular work
of the school year, or possibly reg-
ular university students taking sum-
mer work to speed up their educa-
tion, would seem to imply that there
will be a more serious and business
like attitude about the taking of the
tests, than is often evident in the
regular session. Most of those on
the campus in the summer have coe
for a definite purpose, and are carry-
ing on their regular work by study-
ing and improving themselves.
One other fact about these exam-
inations is that most of the students
are taking few subjects, generally
not more than three. This means
that all of the examinations can be
completed within a few day, and the
long mental strain of two or three
weeks that prevails in the regular
final examinations is eliminated.
All these ways in which examina-
tion time is made better should mean
that no gloomy, irritable faces will be
seen on the diagonal during the lat-
ter part of next week. The rush and
hurry of the eight weeks has been
trying, but after all it Is summer,'
and the session is almost over. Why
not make the examinations an en-
joyable conclusion to a summer well
To the editor:
You have found-a thing that you
might have discovered before Wed-
nesday-that a straw vote Is a vote
of straw. Let us agree to call it a
harmless outdoor sport. In your sum-
mary, you make the statement:
"........faculty members, most of
whom are theorists in the narrowest
PIS u e."
Nw, Mr. Editor, you have been on
this campus long enough to know
that that statement is not quite true.
Please revise it in the light of the
That any group of students or
faculty members should choose to be-
It's a great feeling to breeze into
Rolls' mahogany furnished executive
and editorial offices and find a notice
to the effect that one, Lark, has gone
into Detroit for the week-end. He
will probably bring her back with
him because he said he'd write to-
morrow's column.
* . *
Now that Gene Tunney's en-
gagement has been formally an-
nounced, Tex Rickard can blame
the decrease in fight crowds to
the loss of the women's interest
That fixes an alibi for his next
* * *
Smith and Hoover seem to be get-
ting up quite a debating schedule.
The first round will be Hoover vs.
Will Rogers (if Hoover accepts the
latter's challenge), and Smith vs.
Stranton. It Is possible that the final-
ists will enter into a contest some-
time in November. That, of couise,
depends on who the judges are.
It begins to look as though the
November election would be a con-
test between General Motors and
the Republicans. Seems too bad
to have the Democratic party
forgotten that way.
There is a sign on the church bul-
letin board at the corner of William
and Fifth street which reads: "So
many of our people are on vacation
that even the empty pews are in
Now what do you think of thatI
Isn't it too bad that people who
have a sense of humor can't find
more opportunities to use it
We still insist that a pun is the
lowest form of wit, but the Sappy
Senior just crashedtthrough with the
idea that perhaps it is not to be won-
dered at that the Polish flyers gave
up their attempt to hop the Atlantic.
He says he always thought that was
too long for a Pole vault.-Grrrrrrrr.
We haven't received any sugges-
tions for names for the new drink
over at Swift's ,Drug Store yet. It's
our own invention,cconsisting of or-
Yange ice, vanila ice cream, orange,
cherry, lemon, and pineapple favore
and a dash of grenadine, NO-we use
sode water instead of grenadine. And
it only costs fifteen cents.
Until we pick the winner on the
naming contest it will have to known
as the "Hootenginney." Let's have a
few suggestions now or we'll have to
keep the grand prize for our own
That reminds us,' we haven't
started collecting royalties yet.
And now for the front page an-
nouncement. ROLLS MAY APPEAR
willing to do anything to increase the
circulation of paper. That should
make asnew diversion for tired school
Since the Roquefort Players
walked out on us we haven't had
any would-be actors to pass com-
pliments to, but Play Production
has come to the rescue with a
tiling called "Minick." Pronounce
it any way you care to, but there
IS a right way.
We don't know much about the
play, but what we know about the
cast is for you to find out. The Fair
Co-ed says she's met some of them.
* * *
They say Hoover is rehearsing
his acceptance speech every day.
The finished product should make
a great day for the Republicans,
because somewhere in that
speech, it is said, there is a para-
graph to the effect that Herbert
has chosen to run.
Sixty seven tents were blown down
over at Camp Custer the other night.
We might suggest that a course in
putting up tents be included in the
summer's training, because we've
heard there are times in the life of
a soldier when that becomes -almost
a necessity.
* * *
Just one more Rolls column this
summer, so I must say good-bye to
my public. If there is anyone out
there in the audience who has noth-
ing to do they might get ready - to
write a History exam for me. ADIOS!
* * * SIO.
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BILL: "How do you explain this Goofus guy?"
JILL: "Oh, he still wants to waltz and wears hard beds."
- -ToTHING like a good stiff j olt at
a heavy date in your pumps and Tux,
to be, constitute the challenge to so-
ciety to make life happier and more
enjoyable to those unfortunates who
are out of jobs. A panacea to remedy
the existing evils is indeed wanting.
Although it will be hard to find one,
It should behoove every one interest-
ed in the well being of mankind to
do their bit in bettering conditions.
A helping hand must be extended to
those who have failed to gain rec-
Continued suicides on the part of
those fho have failed to gain rec-
ognition .in their meager claim to the
right of earning sufficient funds with
which to live is a disheartening re -
flection on our present social order.
.LN the proper time, but to keep. And if rubber heels are popular for
taking them on the spine all day long cushioning, GoodyearWingfoot Heels
-- in little hard rap-tap-taps - is the are more so. They pack more springy
sure, short road to ruin, come-back than any other heels. And
It's because they cushion the count- they have that "it" called style. No
less shocks and jars of the day's foot- wonder more people walk on Goodyear
ing that rubber heels are all the Wing foot Heels than on any other
go right now. After the longest kind! Jolly old shoe repairman
day on the campus walks or puts them on in arf-a-mo.
the hard lab floors, they bring Better get new Goodyear
you back fresh and ready for Wingfoot Heels today.
~.. *
long to a decidedly minority °party
may indicate a willingness on th eir
part to think things through friom'
first principles rather than to acclapt
conclusions ready-made. If such' a
willingness should ever be discod r-
agged anywhere, a University is cer-
tainly the last place.
If that opinion be superlattvel-y
narrow theory, then may the Gods de-
fend us.
I am not a Socialist. And I did not
vote on Wednesday. IA..