1AGE TWO Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $x.So; by mail, $1.75. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR J. STEWART HOOKER Editorial Directors.........George E. Simons Martin Mol City Editor..............Lawrence R. Klein Feature Editor...............Eleanor Scribner Music and Drama Editor......Stratton Buck Bos Editors............ Kenneth G. Patrick Kathryn Sayre Night Editors THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1928 5 eigners are allowed to come into this country with rights equaf to those en- joyed by native born citizens, it is more admirable that they assume the responsibility of American citizen- ship, fulfilling their just obligations, and allowing their interest in their native lands to be only a secondary consideration. The United States should be the primary interest and they should endeavor to live as Amer- ican citizens. When in Rome do as the Romans do, but when living in this country be an American. {USINESS FANATIcS Of all the queer characters one is apt to encounter in the world of busi- ness, the "business fanatic" is the most to be pitied. He is the person who would expend his last ounce of energy if it would bring an extra dol- lar into his pockets; who would toil from early morn until late at night if it would make his business just a little more profitable than that of his rival; who would sacrifice his home, Alex Bochnowski Robert Dockeray Howard Shout Martin Mol George Simons Clarence Edelson TOASTED ROLL U BIG PUBLIC BENEFICENCE The following have been suspended from Rolls for the remainder of the term for actions listed in detailed form with their names: . Lieut. Col. Clarence Cook Little Suspended because of undue inter- est in things military. He will not be mentioned in Rolls again this year.. The Fair Co-ed Suspended for kidding the Rolls editor along and for being a general nuisance to the editor's good humor and for living in North Dakota. And Her Little Sister Suspended for being related to The Fair Co-ed. Sue Burb Suspended for prolonged silence, for anonymity, and for writing better stuff than the editor. Kernel Suspended because everybody knows by this time who he is, because he never handed in that contribution, and because he is the second best Rolls editor in the world. Oscar, The Wonder Horse Suspended because he likes the Ro- quefort Players, which is a horse on them. Robert Henderson Suspended because he i' really get- ting to be an actor. EIGHTH REGULAR PROGRAM Free dispensation of ideas, notes, and bibliographies for that term paper. There are butj limited supplies in all these lines, so only the first 3,100 can. I be cared for. { * * * TYPEWRITERS of all makes, large and portable. Sales, Rentals, Service. O. D. MORRILL 17 lickels Arcade Phone 6615 lk f. Reporters Margaret Zahm Isabel Charles Robert O'BrienI BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 51214 BUSINESS MANAGER RAY WACHTER Advertising...............Lawrence Walkley Advertising.................Jeannette Dale Accounts.................Whitney Manning Circulation................Bessie V. Egelano Assistant's Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky Janet Logic WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1928 Night Editor-LAWRENCE R. KLEIN ITALY IN AMERICA 'C - ..*.. .........;'.~. ... - . .-7----*..-~.....-~.--- I...,. the love of his wife and children if he thought his business would be bet- I ter for it. Too many such persons exist in this Iworld. Ann Arb~or has them ; every American city, however large or small, has them; indeed, America is full of them. The accusation has been made, in fa);t, that America, more1 than any other country is "money mad." And while the charge may, or may not, be true, it would be unfor- tunate, indeed, if it came to pass that America was justifiably described as the haven of business fanatics. It is universally true that business fanatics get the least out of life, and do the least good, of any humanf beings. The sad part about such persons is that they become so ab- sorbed in their own interest's that they fail to realize that they are miss- ing many of the best things life has to offer: relaxation, religion, comfort, good literature, and any number of, little luxuries within their scope; they forget that happiness cannot be meas-' tred in (t tiu s and ;..s. When all is said and done, it isj the happy medium that makes life worth living that the business fa-I natic fails to attain. Unlike the av-I erage college graduate, he nevern learns how to make the most of his I business and at the same time live a worthwhile, industrious, and en-' For Good Food and Quick Service Eat at the Arcade Cafeteria NICKELS ARCADE AND M LUNCH STATE STREET CO14MERCIAL & SEC* ETAQGA # TRAIN FOR BUSINESS Fall Term Sept. 4 & 17 Hamilton Business College State & Willium Sts. Ann Arbor 1 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY ( il 11111Jil i~l 1111111111il l 11111111itl llittl1111111 i1I lII Iim illmlllill Preserves Them Forever From Shrinkage and Wrinkles THE FAMOUS "Drum-Head" Mount I for Sheepskin Diplomas Guaranteed-under all normal usage and r conditions to retain its drum-head quality I indefinitely. - S I- - * 1308 S. University Ave. f '131!11111!llllitllllllllllli1tt1l1i1111t1t11 liU 1!lti l Engineers * and Architects Materials--Stationery-Fountain Pens-Loose Leaf Books-Typewriting and Pound Papers-College Pennants and Jewelry PHONE 4744 Mussolini has done great things in Italy in setting himself up as dic- tator and as the most absolute ruler in the world at the present time. Perhaps through his efforts he has greatly improved conditions in that country by building up a strong gov- ernment and in turn a powerful na- tion. He has perhaps improved the citizenry mentally, physically, and morally, working toward the goal of perfection. That is all very well for Itally and its possessions, but the idea of trying to carry over his ideas to cit- izens of other countries even though they may be of Italian descent is all wrong. When he has done' all in his power in his own country it is time to stop without trying to make his Fascisti government the controll- Ing power of the world. The most recent development in that line is the organization of the Fascisti movement among Italian- American citizens. The plans include a complete registration of all Fas- cisti sympathizers in the United States and the organization of a Fas- cisti society among them. As it is reported, each member of the or- ganization will wear the badge of the Fascisti and in case of need will be bound to support it against any adverse influences. To allow such an action to be com- pleted in the United States is an in- direct insult to the government and the people of this country. It is bad enough to have to contend with such organizations as the Ku Klux Klan which claims to be a 100 per cent American organization, but to face an organization which is expressly interested in the welfare of another nation regardless of this one is tres- passing upon American soverign dig- nity. In the face of it the United States would be justified in sending a large group of Americans to Italy, allow- ing them to become naturalized cit- izens of that country, and then hav- ing them set up a government of their own and live under their own inde- pendent laws. The United States is known to peo- ple throughout the world as the land of opportunity, but the opportunity is to rise to success under a national government of, by, and for its own people, and not under any foreign government. When people enter this country under the provisions of the immigration laws, it becomes their moral and legal duty to live and con- duct themselves as citizens of this country. When they do otherwise they are not fulfilling an obligation.; The idea that the United States is a good place to come to make money to carry back to the "old country" has become altogether to prevalent among an all too great portion of foreign born residents. It seems thatE they think of this country as a great N charity organization from which they t can accept all the assistance possible and then leave without a thank-you and without feeling that they ower anything to the country which has t allowed them a chance to become 1 successful in certain lines.s It is admirable in any person to be t loyal to his country, but when for-. 'I -rrrrrrerr.rrrr..rrr. :rrrrrr..:s. .rrĀ« irrrrrrrrrri::.r. .,r:,r. vrrrrr Ia :cZaaaccom j, yable life. Editorial Comment "COLLEGIATE" The Neme'sis of the university stu- dent has met him half way. He coin- ed the ward "collegiate" a few years ago on his campus with a connota-j tion that spoke of youth and gayety and everything that was right, to find it now thrust back on him with a connotation that flavors of cheapness and everything that does not appeal to the college student. "Collegiate" is the word of the day. It is applied to the yellow slick-' er, splashed in varied colors with .J;: n Held drawings, and time-worn jokes. The watching world smiles benignly and says "it's collegiate." Fords that have run the gamut of ignominious treatment from factory to junk-pile are hauled out and deck- ed up with red lanterns and verbal decorations with chalk. But while these few innovations re- ceive. patient and kindly treatment at1 the hands of the public, the conno- tation that is gaining predominancet over the correct meaning of the word, is approaching the mark of question. Gene Tunney is going to quit the ring to study phlosophy in Europe. We suggest that that is the stuff for Heeney to study. * * * Next year, when Professor Wenley defines philosophy in his introductory course, he will probably say: "Phil- osophy is not, as you may think, a study pursued by prize fighters who have earned a million dollars." That's a good one, Professor, you'd better use It. A penitentiary in France was robbed last week. It's no wonder that all these polar flight are be- ing organized. The Arctic and Antarctic are the only really safe places left in the world. * * * Last time we were home we had a terrible time getting a date. Last night The Fair Co-ed (with the aid of her little sister) turned us down flat. That made us sit up and take notice. We looked in a mirror and discovered that we are getting fat. In view of this situation-and it's pretty big view, we'll have to admit -we will offer a free subscription to The Daily for the remainder of the term to the person who suggests the best reducing remedy. * * * We will accept any advice ex- cept the bit about shaking the head from side to side every time we are asked to have some more. * * * An announcement from the chil- dren's bureau of the 'department of labor tells us that the dope about the stork is all a "myth and an insult to the average child's intelligence." Probably the next thing will be the i STATIONERY SPECI AL' 200 BOXES ASSORTED AT 25c the box WA HR S VNIVERSITY BO OKS T ORIE II t/./././.PI..l1..C r!"JY,.l~l./Y.P111~l."~J:".I/.llJ..I"/./1,/ "."1.XY1./"0l- Iy DON'T BE SHOCKED! .....v. 61 P. sit e rnow r1 O to Ir I cvN " Collegiate is being applied to the aC announcement from President Cool- things that are the direct antithesi's idge that there is no Santa; or from of the word. The college student the department of agriculture that should be the leading type of citizen, The Beanstalk was a botanical im- whose taste in all things should be possibility. of the highest, yet you see advertise- **iy ments of ten-cent jewelry, labeling Lark: them the "latest collegiate craze." I'm awfully sorry that you Stories of college life have ben writ- printed that picture of me Tues- ten in such number during the past day. It wasn't a bit recent, you year, thatyou seldom pick up a mag- know. It must have been taken Sazine that does nothpicture a mythical the last time I was letting my college with all the trimmings that hair grow, and now I have _a wind- the unsuspecting citizen labels de- jlblonv, bob that is ever so much risively "coll'egiate."m nore becoming. If you will wait Dancing that cannot be labeled by ptety rms osn o any -other name is termed "collegi- patiently, I promise to send you a far,. far better likeness of me ate." It matters not what kind of as soon as it is printed. dancing it is, or what the type of * * *I dancers if it is different and savors of something not quite definable, it s But, my dear Lark, It wouldn't do # "collegiate." a bit of good for me to tell you who When a word has implanted itself I am, for you wouldn't know any so firmly in the American vocabulary more that you know now. Fame has with such disastrous results, it seems always passed me by. I have never in time to do away with it. When the all my life written a letter to the college student becomes the mark of D. A. R.'s, nor slept on a Simmons' attention because of the advertise-! bed, nor chosen my cigarettes blind- ments of cheap jewelry and the un- folder. true stories of college life, it is time Sue Burb, to boycott the word and find a sub- * * * titute that will hold the connotation . Aynway, halitosis is better than no hat the student means it to have.- breath at all. The Minnesota Daily. ,LAgKL BILL: "How do you explain this Goofus guy?" JILL: "Oh, he still wants to waltz and wears hard heels." NOTHING like a good stiff jolt at a heavy date in your pumps and Tux. ..L r Le proper time, DuEto keep And if rubber heelsare popular for taking them on the spine all-day long cushioning, Goodyear Wingfoot Heels -- in little hard rap-tap-taps - is the are more so. They pack more springy sure, short road to ruin. come-back than any other heels. And It's because they cushion the count- they have that "it" called style. No less shocks and jars of the day's foot- wonder more people walk on Goodyear ing that rubber heels are all the Wing foot Heels than on any other go right now. After the longest kind! Jolly old shoe repairman day on the campus walks or ,e puts them on in arf-a-mo. the hard lab floors, they bring 4 Better get new Goodyear you back fresh and ready for Wingfoot Heels today. aL Aa" , U: e Goodyear Tire & % WINOIOO