WAGE FOUR. THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1928 DAILY OFFrI CIAL BULLETiNK Publi.~ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members v T T s w a ! t 'S T I , of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. mi. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume VIII TESDjAY, JULY 31, 19224 No.32 Physics Colloqujumt: Professor E. C. Kemble of ,Harvard University will speak on "Tile Ba~I Spectrum of Hydrogen" at 4: 15 today in Room 1041, East Physics Build- ing. All interested are invited.I A. A. +Goudsmiit P1 Lamnbda Theta, There will be a Pi Lamnbda Theta supper this evening at 6 o'clock, at the; Pt Beta Phi house, 836 Tappan Road. The members o1 Pi Lambda Theta w110 are in Detroit have been invited and it is very desirable that all nicmhers here in Ann Arbor be present. I' you will not be able t.) come please notify me by calling University 214. University M1en and Women: There will be social dancing at Barbour Gymnasium from 7 to 8 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday nights of this week only. Edna Mower's orchestra will furnish nmusic. Ethel )I Corfiick Excursio'n No. 7: Michigan State Prison, Jackson, including prison industries, the cell blocks, recreation facilities, dining hall, anid so forth. P'arty leaves in special busses at S a. m. Saturday, Aug. 4, in front of Angell Hall, Stat-s street. Party arrives back in Anni Arbor about 12 o'clock. Round trip bus tickets must be ,ecured by Friday, Augiust 3, 0 p. ni.. in Room S, University Hall, price $1.25. Students plhiikning to drive their own cars should be at the main prison office, at the head of XVecaiiies street, Jackson, by 9:15 a. m. Carlton Wells, D)irector of E xcurIs ion; Graduate Students : Students who are expecting to receive the m aster's degree at the cloy,,ft e p e e t s m e s si n s o"1lt e si~o i e f $ 0 b f r leaving; the city. Please secure blanks for this purpose at thie office of thle Graduate School, Room 1014, Angell Hall. Students who are interested in the teacher's certificate should, securc blanks for the payment of the $2 fee at the office of the Recorder, School of. Education, Tappan Hail. 4I'will not be in the office after August 11. Anyone who wishes to. checlk his record or obtain suchb information as I can give shouldl call at the officet off the Graduate School before that date. JulA.Rouse, lRecolrder Conference for Tuesday: Professor Raleigh Sch,)rliing will discuss, "What to (10 with Beginnliing Teachers." The conference will be at the audlitoriumi of the University High School at 4 o'clock. This discussion will priove 1practical to adlifinis- WING OF WOEN'S LEAGUE BUILDING WILL CONTAIN LARGE AUDITORI UPM AND SEVERAL COMMITTEE ROi ,.4- .', III ' i cV' OSOLD WOLGRECORD "IS BROKEN BY OERMRllN PRO VlNC!'TOWN, Mass., July 30 ---The American gidihi g recordl set b ty Orville W~right in 1911 has been barol en here for the second- time in, at week by Peter Hesselbach, Ger- rnan flieyr, whose latest effort kept t in? in the aifr four hours and five r n=uates. !, st wxeek I lesselbach s:, .ived ,aloft a iuUtkls, v'hicli \was -193fli'.iutes u 't ter G?.;n Xi rglit '-;early ach eve- I .:. fnz a vored lby a.brisk Iwest. northwest breeze which swept the 5:v,(iduo cs 01 crape 'od, Tlt?.;Sel b,,cA iuniipelC(1into his niotoriess plane in an attempt to better the world re- cord of 14 hours and 23 minutes. C,-aiditionrs were so auspicious that he ref used to delay even for break- fiast and with his launching crew liastily assembled, his plane, the Darmstadt, was catapulted off the 100 foot. bluffl which at Corn Hill juts off abruptly over the waters of IOWA NOT TO ACCET DEFICIENT STUDE~NTS. IOWA CITY, July 30-Aecording to a statement given out recently, Iowa university will in the future request: all high school studlents with "D'' grades not to come here. This act ion was taken by university ,:uI itt i'itsi > l°fsutmably in protest1 .aainst faulty scholarship of students. Pict tred abov ,e is the wing at the right, of the a 'iolitoriumII of the new' Women's league buildin g. Besides con- talnin, the aulditorium proper several c-om im ittcc and(1club1 rooms will be 'lo- ('at ed there. These committee rooms will b1e especially fine for costume makin:, scenery paiting, and prat- ; tices. FORM1ER KAISER CLINGJS Within live minutes he had gained TO HIS IMPERIAL TITLE altitude and th ere-after he swooped ______andl circled gracefull'y over a course (13y Associated Pr ess) l)twefl Corn Hill andI North Truro, SUL4ZBACH, Bavarian Palatinate, edging farther and farther away from, Jutly 30,-"Emperor and King," is the shore as he manueveredI his machine way Ex-Kaiser Wilhelm signed his- to safer heights latest official communication greetiag' the annual reunion of the 6th infantry regiment at Sulzbach. "I thank youi sincerely," readt the telegram from Doorn, "for your greetings of loyalty on the occasion of the consecration of the regimental oos olors.I 4 }P O Pt . WOP/IFC J~~R , Cooled Comf ortable TODAY AiND I'{'ED. trators ,superviisorss, and tel TO COMBA T TOKYO, July 30- The home office has started woi plan to combat infant nor this country, said to be the in the world. The situation baffled Japan's health offici I1+kyerimental w(cask will ducted in children's health ci to be established in 10 leadi chers whethier new or those with exp~erience. 1 Arthur IB. )loilii.I tn O)F JAPAN M AKErS MOVE HIGH MORTALITY RATE .apanese iese cities. Government physicians wk on a and surgeons will be attached to the! rtality in ,Aiiics anidlpers'onUs too p~ooir to pay e highest 'o- nmedical Atten tioni will be treatedl .ha's longr without charge. ials. Tl1ailnedi nurses will be placedl on be conl- duty in rural districts throughout the inics soon :2ountry to advise mothers and aid in ling Japfa- Basring for infants. Glamorous Romance the China Coast! of DO~ LEE! and MLLE. LOUISE DANCE MOODS Nv itli II ~ l 4Tl lRUI)N A Lnd A LLYS WIVS4N VISIT DETROIT THIS SUMMER and enjoy an all-day outing at PUT-IN-BAY A delightful cruise among the Sunny Lake Brie Islands; a fairyland ofvineyards, orchards and. flowers. Put-In- Bay abounds in interest for young and old. There is bathing, dar.,ink;, ss i lng, mysterious caves, picnic groves and Perry's monument. The palatial steamer Put-In-Bay leaves the foot of First St. (Detroit) daily at 9 a.rn. returning at 8 p.m. R.T. fares: $1.00 week days. $1.50 Sundays. Steamer runs thru to Sandusky daily making connections with Cedar Point Ferry. Thru to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay. CEDAR POINT .hive to Detroit and enjoy the - On Fridays a special excursion is run DANCING to Cedar Point. Steamer stops one hour MOONLIGC.TS Leave Detroit 8:45 p~m Sundays. With its hug~hotels, electric eturn 11I:30 p.m. park, magnificent bathing beach and Fare: Wednesday and badwl tcnrgtul ecle Thursday. 60c.badwlitcnrgtuybeald Saturday. Sunday and the Atlantic City -of the West. Holidays. 75c. Write, for Folder ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE Foot of First St. Detroit, Michigan ,Added IFeaturettes Al-so Poio he 1- -l-o:01) 7:15 &A19:00-404) et LMIN(-_ "Jerry andfiHer I A .; :'YE 11ITING iand A Mpev ta :r Tiwenty s - Years r:>:iu t :ei vice oderale hates 0. D. MORRILL 17 iel4-c's Arcade Phone 4615 IT oPE -:' aFl) ''NiAY IT hat NMighty Film ~ziaof 'A lnq it rl' i- - E Soe'~ ciYing loves miances of this jazz- Sad age. Astory v L a apunch A cast of:youth and beeut~y AN a : -. Iid ata Furnishied by Police Records "'nd Juvenile Courts ADULTS OL No One Udder ,16 Adni'tted Week Day fatinee, 3~ Nights 50C Baby Grands" A L WARNJER BROS"1 CR(MSDICIY OH N -I4 t~iiW TZ RICIHARD ANNIA TUCKER- 14AYWON+G A WARNER BROS PRO DUC. ['!ON t! IULPA'Y UNLY 'John J, r I ii~sa-4~ T- 'Puinitnn Mc Cormick Presents in ,APPRINESS ~HEAD" 1 EXTRA :ey -leeley i, . "Peter Pan" The (Comedy NE WS NOVELTIES THUIRSDAY Wild Beauty With Rex the Wild Hor-se (Cost Amazing Wild Hlorse Ple- ture Ever Made A'nd a Great '~ &E Added Bill ~'I~of Laughis - W EI). Chickeni - 1A l. King All Stall' (ast m ,__ . : , Jr JJt 1 N Sat-~ai~'(i' i~ri& 1ay'lun(I id atton in "Partners in Crime"" The Unxiversity of MichliganL Pre ents The OCKFORD PL YERSIrTer 3rd Surnmmsr San Tonight at 8:015 [In Atodern [Dress]-SarahCawlAne al ~6 How do you like rp your Shakespere. WILLIAM SHAKESPERE'S COMEDY OF COMEDIES Nights 75c and $1.00, Friday and Saturday matinees, all seats- 50c. Tickets at State Street bookstores and the door. Box Office telephone after 7:00 o'clock, Dial 3282.