PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILYSUNDAY, JULY 29, 1928 DAILY OFrFIC'IAL BULLETIN Publi-aation- in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received fat the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 a.,im. Saturday). Volume VIII ! Si'N, JUI'l 29'., I }2S I\. l1 WORHLD ISGOING (fl Associated Press) OPORTO, Portugal--Wine SAY Nesirm!th r Cole elI~ assified Ads-Con t'd IFOR RENT--Two furnished apart- D YWISCONSIN 1 225 in the Sunday groups. eis Also one large double room U f The new Memorial Union building For the first time a summer session and one single room. Teachers, is expected to be finished by Septem-; humor magazine has been issued nurses or business people. Available ber, although $38,000 still remains to1 here. It is called the "Wisconsinite." i now. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. mer- be paid on the loan made for con- That Wisconsin laws are inade- 31-32 ith theI struction p~urposes. quate to care for the dependent and L- Leonidl Andreyev's "He Who Gets ieglected children of the state was TNI GHT--Rashmer Dark Synco- Isevr Slapped" i en ie yteui he conclusion of the two-day school pators. D~anQe' at the Nut House rld is 1 versity pflaVe rsiggvnbyteui of cit izenship held here last week.. f!om 6i to 1.0I p. m. No cover charge. chants of this district, faced wi 3[ei's Educational (l0): most drastic slump in exports The following is the schedule of event; for Monday, July 30: Baseball, known.,(leclare that the wor Principals vs. All Stars at 4 p. in., at the Island. Supper, 5:45 at the gaulygigdy lal1a nd. L. Y. Di. Initiation at 7 :30, third floor of the Michigan Union. The returns for the past year ' ~~~~~~~F . G . A il('I'ill th at th e av erag e an n u al exp - 0 0 0 c s s o i e h s s e Physics Colloquium :yert2,00cs.Thmr eato2,0cak.TemrProfessor E. G. Kemle of llarvard Ujniversity will speak on -The Band ~- __-I rshow ort of Lk this -chants Cathol ics, Jews, Episcoplians, Metl~o( ist s, Congregationalists, and P:--1r tins have united in support of hie seventh session of the snfi- mer' school of religion here.. Enroll- inent is 113 in the weekly classes and p d A' LL I Specrumof ydr~gen at4:1, Tesda, i Rom 141, ast Phsic of Nova de G4aya, the wine center Specrumof ydroen"at :15,'T'esdy, k Rom 141, astPhyicsBuild-I' ins All ntr atal na .i r iacinn Oporto across the River Don- I In g. AllIntere tea are rnli ea...,._r - A. A. Uouzdsiniti ro, report a surplus of 130 casks _ j which will be greatly increased with Conference Group for Mlonday: the fast approachring new vintage in The theme of the conference offered by the School of Education for September. the week will be General Administration. The first phlase, 'Professional Not only is the port wine trade Morale" will be discussed by Professor J. B. hdmonson at 4I: 05 p. in. in seriously menaced, but the sister in-- i the .auditorium of the University H-igh School Monday. Th'is will be a fine 1 lustries of cork and bottle making dlscussian for teachers as well as admninistrators. 'are p~roportionally affected, accord- Arthur B. ioehllitui ng to the "Diario ole Noticias." jThe greatly increasedl tariff levied Phl Deltat Kappa j 1by England on port wine, and the Candidates for admission to Phi Delta Kappa will be examined on their t act that since prohibition in the these at 7 o'clock, Monday evening, July 30. The examinations vill be United States went into effect in 1920, held In Rooms 109. 206, and 207 of Tappan Hall. :,n immense American market has: All faculty and student members are expected to b~e present, been closed, are partially responsiblej Roy it. tUllnian, President1 or the situation, but both these fac- Wonen's Ed ueal lonfiI Club:- tors are discounted by the recent un- - . precedented slump for which there is The Women's Educational Club will meet at 836 Tappan Roa~d, 'Monday, no explanation except that offered by July 30, fra>m 7 to 8 p. in. 1Mrs. W. D. Henderson will discuss the Women's the disgruntled wine growers and I League Organization- and- Building. 'there will be a vocal 'solo by M4'iss merchants. Turnbull and a piano solo by Miss Helen Doyle. A secondary n-en-ace to the wine This will be the last regular meeting of thv Club ifor the summner. All tradle is the increasing consumption cainu~ oin~i ae crdilly nviedof beer in this essentially wine-pro-1 Elizabeth Ferguson, t uigcnry President diigcuty STUDENTS FIGHT Iedl the municipal government to re- A w y ola AGAINS1T CRUEV LTY bulls have armour to protect therm frbin the animals' horns. uorp (By Associan1te Prs1 The students 'have orgajnized a MEXICO C)TS. - A crusadeIl "League for Help) of the Helpless." against the slaughter of horses~ inj They are not attempting to stop bull+r fightin-g, but they want to end the bull fights has been started by a" .n~~ eaho lceli oss groupofhgscolbyangis now a routine part of the perfor- In Mexico City. They have petition- ruance. 'TI'~N 'I WARNER BROS."1 r preefext A, W MYRNLWH U ,PE N ALL SUMM ER RICAR TUKR M Every Day from 8 a. m. to 1 1 p. m. AWRNR RO - ' The ComedyA On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. "PETER PAN" oke KtGur #I ilttl~IIII~tIlttII~I~~I~i rU I/WVXlttA U/U tllAltllllllllllttltll~lltttlll4 - _ __,_ _ NOW SHOWING Keep Smiling ! There's 1-appness Lots of it! Happiness born of laughs and romance. The kind that only Ahead ! and tears .r,: :, :;, ,: - : r ' COLLEEN MOORE a bring y oul in omw of Iheri'trbly great picture'4s "HAP PINS AHEAD" Policy 3 :45 7:20 toie bT1RAIN FOR BUS INES Fall Term I~, ~v 77 Hamilton Bu~~e~College I l / Aft' . i th 'ElyMI'ND LOWE Apj}~o~tmntllts- tlvir (ainig Comedy Pli Ie (bu IIIes Feo~"iIables l'arainOlunt News Art and Beauty ,Next XWednesday : Iti cA'it A La lihn' i '4 14 F e ._ ._. _J . IAY TiiHW10'WED.' OF THE CHiINA COAST! LEILA AN NA lAY W ONG PRODUCTION a . Ir All Ann Arbor is talking. All Ann Arbor will see that dazzling, flaming drama of this ,jz-rzd lauemdDirect from8 sensational weeks in Detroit. 141, 4N. ,TRACTIlON; soft International News Events Screen Novelties i NOW S11OWINGI APRIL SHOWERS BRING OUT TOW ER'S FISH BRAND SLICKERS I W W w n - - - ON TJHE STAGE---- DON LEE and MLLE. LOUISE , a , .., ' i / ' ' ,. tf ' '', Y , *The most Practical Rainy Day Garments vt'oWERS w n I z ill DANCE MOODS With IINA and ALL' t'SiI BR? hLEAR 'T R AS WILS~ON Added Featurettes Also . - .' A I.. , I' tT 3 r; .:l hE :? Youradelefr4AO tfein A.J.TOWER CO. Boston, Matss. Particularly Interesting to Women Are We Drifing Into Fr, e Love and Trial Marriages? ADULTS ONLY NODMT Policy 2:00-3:35-7:15 & 9:00-1lOc & 50c I~ 1 The University of Michigan. Presents The KOCKFORD PLAY RS 3rd In Their The r~iersty of fMicigav Pes emtd Th WOK~rOD P A ERS3rdS~mm orseasohl Last.Timei'Mon day at 8:"15-C a"Prah Caa&well Anel all "Will make you laugh if you are tired, sigh if you are romantic, and will make you think." --Michigan Daily. erton 0f te oVIIes" Nights 75c and $1.00. Friday and Saturday matinees, all seats 50c. Tickets at State Street bookstores and the door. Box Office telephone after 7:00 o'clock, Dial 3282.