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July 29, 1928 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1928-07-29

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Published every morning except Monday dur-
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Board in Control of Student Publications.
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SUNDAY.. RTLY 29, 1928

sume that "big business" is not go-
ng to suffer if the Democratic party Musc And Drama
reseives this suptherthandis victor-
ious. If on the other hand Mr. Cope-,
land refers to property as that be- "3ERTON OF ITHE MOVIES"
longing to the common people A Few Words by Jack Davis
throughout our country, could any After a summer of stand-and-wait
party be justly criticized for protect- service, with Ibsen on my left and
lug it? If government did not pro- I Shakespeare on my right, Mr. Music

._ - .- - r r .".a s w/ U. DaYw . . JULY 29a 1928 .. tir


tect it, what agency would?
The speaker insinuated that the
only functon of the Republican party
was to protect property. Although
the Republicans have taken pride, and
justly so, that they have stood for
protection of property, the opposing
partisans must be reminded of the
fact that this is only one of theJ


Editorial Directors.........George E. Simons
Martin Mol cardinal functions of Republicanism
City Editor...............Lawrence R. Klein and not the only function.
Feature Editor...............Eleanor Scribner
Music ajd Drama Editor.....Stratton Buck In contrast to the Republican atti-
Books Editors............Kenneth G. Patrick .
Kathryn Sayre tude, the New York solon tried to
Night Editors impress upon his hearers that the al-
Alex Bochnowski Martin Mol truistic purpose of the Democratic
Robert Dockeray George Simons party is to serve humanity and of
Howard Shout Clarence Edelson
HeptCaeE sodoing things which the people cannot
Margaret Zahm Robert O'Brien do for themselves. It is reasonable
Isabel Charles to believe that humanity, limiting
BUSINESS STAFF ourselves to that which is found
Tele honP 21214 within the borders of the United

and Drama hands me a fifty cent tick-
et to a matinee of Merton of the
Movies: "This," says lie, "is your
humble portion." So be it. I go, but
I beg to be allowed a daisy or two
on the road. It is only fair.
First it should be set forth, for the
sake of clearness, that I am heavily'
sentimental and consequently pre-
judiced in favor of the Merton-Mon-
tague girl scenes. Marvel Garnsey,
though her acting is a bit uneven
throughout the play, is really charm-
ing here; she becomes an intensely
appealing reality, in the gentle under-
standing kindness which sometimes
accompanies love 41 women.
Fearful of becoming maudlin, I
hasten on. In my low opinion, some
of the best acting in the current
Henderson opus is done by a young

Lenses and Frames made
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Good Mounts for Rent at All Times
Phone Your Order
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(Stables Are Closed Aug. 4-18)

States can be served by a party
BUSINESS MANAGER without that party guaranteeing pro-
RAY WACHTER tection of property? And then, too
Advertising,..............Lawrence Walkley I we would like to ask in what more
Advertising................;Jeannette Dale distinguished way the ,Democrats
Accounts..... ............. Whitney Manning
Circulation.................Bessie V. Egelano have served humanity than have the
Samuel Lukens Lillian Korvinsky Republicans. Have they some here-
Janet Logic tofore unrevealed remedy of existing
SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1928 ills which they hope to inaugurat
in event they are victorious? If
Night Editor-HOWARD SHOUT they have it might be well for the
people of the United States to elect
their standard-bearer, but, as yet
EDUCATION OF INCOMPETENTS I they have shown no plan of action
Iwhich could be considered as b~eing
Enrollment in schools for feeble- 1more promising than that f the Re-
minded and subnormal children has l ublican party.
greatly increased during the past Thomas Jefferson, the progenitorotf
few years according to a report made the Democratic party, was of the
by the Bureau ofeEducation, Depart-oinintat ther e sn tgi
ment of the Interior. The increase government that the people them-
in State institutions was 78 per cent selves could not do. To him Demo-
during the years 1914-27 inclusive, cracy rallied. But in spite of this
while the enrollment in city schools Senator Copeland contends that one
for mentally deficient was increased of the cardinal purposes of his party
about 376 per cent, and about 164 i to "do things for the people which
per cent in private institutions dur- they cannot do for themselves." The
ing the same period. New York Senator may be right in
These statistics, according to the his point of view, but he differs with

report, do not indicate an increase of Jefferson, and for a' Democrat to take
mental incompetence in the popula- issue with Jefferson is an unhealthy
tion of the country, but show that step.
defectives are receiving better care Senator Copeland has every right
than ever before. They indicate a to urge the election of Governor
great step in the social advancement j Smith, but he should take care that
which is the source of many prob- in so doing he makes no undue dis-
lems dealt with by sociologists and paragement of the past accomplish-
criminologists throughout the coun- ments of the party that he opposes.
The establishment of "opportunity CAMPUS OPINION
rooms" or "ungraded classes" in the
public school system, and the devel-
opment of proper facilities for the WHAT OF IT
care of subnormal and feeble-minded To the editor:
children in State and private institu- II would like to ask what reasonable
tions, with the ultimate aim of mak-
ing the inmates as near selfsupport-e
ing as possible, that that they will enough about whether the University
not be a detriment to society, is es- was founded in 1817 or 1837 to have
sentially the work of social scientists spent even half the effort and print-
in bettering an entire race. The facts er's ink that has been wasted on
revealoi in the report are an indica- the issue to date. Your editorial of
tion of highly commendable efforts Wednesday, July-25, was the most

y man named George Johnson, whom I
- hailed' with gleeful applause on his
,first appearance in The Letter. As i
e Weller, he is a sort of go-getting
s studio under-secretary-brisk and
bustling, compliant almost to the
- point of obsequiousness, but not un-
kind and rather likeable.
e Next let me take the hand of that
f radiant blond,, Elberta Thowbridge,
and lead her before the soft gelatin
tlights. Like Marvel Garnsey, she
t i creates ankadmirable illusion of real-
i ity; but does it, I believe, more con-
sistently. Hers is the cynicism
- and efficiency of the woman who,csafe
in a steady job, sees 'em all come and
go; but here, too, is a mature kind-
eness no less appealing than the
motherly-sweetheart effect of Thej
- Montague Girl.
It is very satisfying to see Miss
,Kelly in the landlady role. Her
work here shows a facet of her art
which would never be suspected from
her heroic performance in The Vik-
ings: her stage. business, I repeat, is
clever and constantly fresh. But
after all, one needs to see Miss
Kelley in melodrama, in work where
T those intense never-to-be-forgotten
eyes seem to shut out everything else
on the stage.
I disagree with my colleague of the
t Friday morning review, in his dictum
that all members of the cast-except
Robfert Henderson-are mere puppets.
Thomas Denton, for example, as Sig-
mund Rosenblatt has a part in "his
own right-and a very good one it
is. Of certain of the ladies I have
already spoken; there remains, how-
ever, Miss Lillian Bronson. Though
her lines are few, and limited to the
first act, she exudes a spirit of pathe-
tic wistfulness and sincere affection
that emerges again in the last scene.,
A few words should perhaps be
said over Roman Bohen, who has
cultivated a rich Semitic nasal and a
synthetic beard for this appear'ance;
Samuel Bonell, who does some cred-
itable character work behind an enor-
mous moustache; and Elton Buck, a
callow but earnest and promising
neophyte-a young man who also is
responsible, through long hours of
sudorific toil, for the scenery.
Robert Henderson is perhaps at
his vigorous best as Merton, "the
half-dreamer, the idealist, the boy
whose pretensions would be ridicul-
ous were they not so poignant and
pathetic;" for this is simply early
adolescence; and early adolescence
is, if I may be permitted to say so,
Mr. Henderson's dish. I could not help
thinking him a little funny as a hardy
Viking, with horns and a spear
and gestures in the grand manner.
This does not mean, of course, that
Mr. Henderson is a bad actor. He
is, on the contrary, a good and a very
careful actor, with--thank heaven!--
a clear, distinct, well-articulated
speech. (He made himself best un-
derstood against the frightful Hill
auditorium echoes in The Vikings.)
The point is that he often falls short
of creating an illusion. And that
much is unfortunate.
Of course the season is nearly over,
and carping is quite useless, but I
would timidly venture the suggestion
that, if the Rockford players return
next summer, something be done
about the music before the show and
between the acts. Repeated motif
may be an excellent device for the
drama, but when applied to the aux-
iliary program to effect a constant
reiteration of "Rain," and "Sun-
shine," . and "Yes Sir, That's My
Baby," and other incurable banali-
ties, it becomes tiresome, not to say

nauseating. If the Players cannot
afford a symphony orchestra or
chamber music they might perhaps
offer card tricks betw een the acts, for
a change.

25 e the box
4] hutBtOiOikKcd.H rie iself
as arasitwet.Bu-it id'tdncud
wythe laug.wDHO
Gu.Itv t Y keacrs elfSXApreda-Welf
o dressingwell. andtstesfte s
Sa8sTN fOar-as int.GOut---ididnE tincElue
wythey laug-AH.
SGie Yaurse- S O Ap elWea ir e

toward the betterrnent of existing con-
Senator Royal S. Copeland, New
York's Democratic Senator and the
man who was formerly the Republican!
mayor of Ann Arbor, made himself
heard Friday night in an oratorical1
appeal for support of the candidacy
of Governor Smith for the presidency
of the United States. Senator Cope-
land, a personal friend of the Demo-t
cratic nominee, was on a worthy mis-
sion in coming to Ann Arbor-he wass
here to acqaint the Democratic lead-t
ers of the county with the man whomi
he believes should be the presidentr
of the United States. Although duee
respect must be given for his splen-
did loyalty to his favorite candidatea
and for the untiring efforts he is de-a
voting in the interest of his party,1
there were certain utterances that
he made at Friday's rally whicht
should not go unnoticed.f
Among other things, the Senator
said, "Republican think the purposea
of government is to protect property,b
whereas the Democratic party be-a
lieves that purpose to be to servec
humanity, and to do those things forT
the people which they cannot do fora
themselves," all of which is indeed
If by "property" the Senator re-u
fers to the interest of "big busness," fi
he would profit much by perusinge
again the Democratic platform of this s
year and noting the changing atti- y
tude that his party has taken toward F
"big business." He might also pond- d
er over the efforts being made by c
his party's nominee to secure the sup- a
port of "big business" in the present in
campaign-and it is reasonable to -as-

s;ensiblea thing printed on the subject
The whole effort to establish the
date as 1817 is obviously a part of
the common inter-collegiate bologney
competition, and as such admits
anxiety as to what others think of
We think of the University, justi-
fiably, as an active institution, hold-
ing classes and granting degrees in
a group of buildings, symbols of its
ideals and traditions, located on the
Campus at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and
peopled by a collection of people
sharing a certain characteristic at-
titude and ambition. This is the
University of Michigan, and this only,
not some idea existing in the minds
of farsighted citizens of Detroit a
hundred years ago, and going under
a name which most of us don't know,
and don't care to know how to spell,
beginning Cathole----.
Now the argument to designate
that plan, progressing for some years
following 1817, as a part of the ex-
istence of the University, can only
appear to outsiders, for whose opin-
ion all this discussion is a sort of bid,
as an artificial attempt to gain pre-
cedence over them on a technicality.
Technicalities are never as: popular
as clear decisions or knock-outs.
In any case, Michigan can already
ustifiably claim to be the first State
university in the country, and the
irst to establish co-education (how-
ever questionable a virtue some con-
ider that), so the value of thirty
years' additional age is diminished.
Furthermore, a formal change in the
ate would deprive us of the pleasure
of having a centennial celebration,
and centennials are always interest-
ing. Or so I am told.

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