THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T wO A __ I _______________ Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the University Summer Session by thel Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $iso; by email,e , Offices: Press Building, MaynardStreet, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telepb one 492> MANAGING EDITOR J. STEWART HOOKER Editorial Directors........,George E. Simons City Editor...............Larnce . Klein Feature Editor..............Eleanor Scribner Music and Drama Editor....... Strattrn Buck Books Editors.........Kenneth C., Patrick Kathryn Sayer erty on which our country was sup- posedly founded. A pureubattle of principle would be impossible while party strength in the 'country is so great, but the com- ing election would afford an oppor- tunity for those voters who believe in the theory of personal liberty to up- hold their views insofar as breaking away from the party with which they are affiliated is concerned, and to cast their votes for the candidate who will back the principle which they favor, or better, a majority of the principles which they favor, during the four years of administration. The present campaign will serve to disprove most beliefs as to the con- siste cy of party principles if the resolution calling for a revision of the Volstead Act, for it was during the last Democratic administration that Prohibition was made a nation-wide reality. Now the possibility is very great that that party will reverse its principles to cater to those whose votes seem to hang in the balance. Whatever the issues may be, so long as they are strong enough in thenaselves to draw votes for the canr didiate regardless of the party, it will be the first step toward an intelligent- ly governed republic which must be a government of the people, by the people, for the people. WOMEN IN JOURNALISM Newspaperdom, like almost e, other profession, has witnessed the rapid rise of women within its ranks ,.__._ fi Night Editors Alex Bochnowski George E. Simons Reporters Martin Moll Margaret Arthur Bertram Askwith Raymond Bridges Isabel Charles Howard F. Shout Jack Sumner BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER RAY WACHTER Advertising...... ,.........Lawrence NWalkley Accounts.................'Whitney Manning Circulatg n..............Bessie V. Egeland e +e e Assistants Samuel Lukens H-anna Wallen Jeanette Dale Lillian Korvinskev TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1928 Night Editor-A. A. BOCHNOWSKI SUMMER SESSION With the opening of the Summer Session, the campus again takes life after a brief week of rest. But the people who form the student body during the summer are a vastly dif- ferent crowd than that group which roams the campus during the regular academic year. They are, gen- erally speaking, here for a little generally speaking, here for a little different purpose than are those who come during the regular term. A very large percentage of those en- rolled for work during the summer are graduates either of the University or from the various other colleges and universities in the country who have been occupied for a year or more in some profession. They have been out of school long enough to realize more fully the seriousness, of life and to comprehend the value of an educa- tion; consequently they are here for intensive study in order to fill out an already well developed outlook on life. These people who will be in school this summer will have an influence over those undergraduates who are in attendance which should be valuable in developing a more conservative and more serious attitude in the under- graduate toward their education. But the benefit will not all be de- rived by the younger students because they in turn will have some effect upon the older people. Theirs will be the influence of youth upon conver- vatism and staid dignity developed by an occupation other than going to school. It should- serve to keep the older scholars aware of life as it is outside of their academic interests so that they will not be confined to a line too narrow to allow the happiness to which all are entitled. The acquaintances and associations made during the Summer Session therefore become a part of the pro- gram outlined to broaden the educa- tion which has already been started. It is a program which includes enter- tainment of various kinds along with the work of the class room, and which Includes the fundamentals of a com- plete liberal education. Those who are in attendance are indeed fortunate in having placed at their disposal se many ropportunities which may have a lasting influence upon their lives, DEMOCRATIC "WETS" Present indications point toward the early nomination of Gov. Al Smith, of New York, as the Democratic candidate for president, and the adop- tion of a "wet" plank in the party platform in the hope of bringing vic- tory to the Democratic party at the polls in November. In such an event there would be likely to result in a more or less pro- nounced split in both parties and the presidential election might evolve into a four-sided battle-the Democrats and the Republicans fighting across the table one way and the "wets" and the "drys" occupying the other two sides of the table. All in all a very complicated battle would ensue in which party principles might or might not be forgotten as the cam- paigns develop. It would be a contest for supremacy ether-of the bonds of a party or the theory of personal lib- Some observers have gone so far as to express alarm at'the mark women have made and are making in the field of journalism. It is therefore with interest that one hears that the head of the school of journalism at the University of Iowa, in his address recently before the biennial conven- tion of the General Federation of Women's clubs, contended that there is no cause for alarm as far as "the petticoat press" is concerned. Women are not attempting to mono- polize the field of journalism, but rath er they are keeping step with the men working frequently with little sex con sciousness, the Iowa man averred And while it is rather foolish to think that women would or could monopoliz the field of journalism, he is right in stating that they must work withou sex consciousness. That is one of th main contentions of modern instruc tors and newspaper men themselves and one which women are fast com ing to realize. It has been said tha women succeed in journalism nowa days only insofar as they forget thei sex self, and this may account for th more important part they are taking Training, too, is being given mor emphasis and more consideration, bot with 'men as well as women, tha ever before. College trained gradu ates are no longed disregarded, bu are often in demand. One of th women graduates of a year ago thi June-from the journalism departmen of the University of Michigan joine the editorial staff of a' large Pitts burgh newspaper and in less thana year became women's editor witha high salary. her case was not an ex ception, rather an indication of o what women are doing in the field o journalism. , Looking at the question in anothe way, the day when newspaper wor was considered a degrading and alto gether too difficult ,professon fo women, is a thing of the past. Thi can be attributed to the fact thatno only have types of newspaper me and women changed, but newspaper themselves have changed as well. So cial amelioration rather than politic have become their principal interest Editors are sensitive to the wants o the reader and cater to that wan Inasmuch as women are keenly in terested in people and their activities since woman is essentially a socia being, there is a very definite par for her to play in journalistic profes sions. And she is playing that pai more readily and more efficiently no than ever before. AIR MAIL Since the first air mail line wa established between New York an Washington in 1918, the system ha been enlarged so as to include sixty three of the most important commer cial cities in the United States. Ail mail pilots fly more than 22,000 mile each day and carry nearly 6,00 pounds of mail. During the first few months of it existence, the air mail service wa looked upon as a -mere novelty, an a chance for more accidents amon those men who would pilot the planes but since it has so increased the ra pidity of mail service it has becom almost invaluable to present day busi ness even though it is yet in th process of development. TE5D OLL WILL IMPROVE For two whole weeks we have been assiduously studying a brand new book on how to conduct a humor col- umn. But as complete as the little volume was, there was nothing in the contents that would teach a fellow anything funny about a summer ses- sion. At least nothing funnier tha the people who attend. r The title page of the book see- tion in the July Harpers pictures a debonair youth seated against a tree to which a sign is appended, "Beware the Bull." Oh, well, truth in advertising implies honesty in manufacture. The books probably have sturdy covers. **t Don't get too excited about this girl who flew across the Atlantic. This summer some woman will probably swim the darned thing. * * * We are tickled to death that the Nobile crew has been located and we would not discourage them for the world, BUT no matter how close you come to finding the pale, {General Umberto Nobile, you will never get any warmer. S* *s An embarrassing social situation of some significance has come to the at- tention of Rolls Social Service Bu- reau. A certain fair-haired instructor in the public speaking department and a certain member of the University hospital staff drive the same colored cars. As a result, frequent unfortu- nate situations arise for the former, due to the maneuvers of the latter. After extensive judicial preponder- ance, Rolls suggests that the latter of the two individuals paint his car a distinctive red. For further grue- some details, see Carl Brandt. *-* r 'This Is Not A Bed-time Story, ~ Nor Is It An Easter Greeting e 14 n -aemsadhm.O emyhv - ,~ r e .1 e' We intended to run our stock cut h~ of a rampant donkey, but we seem to n~ have mislaid him. Or he may have - become so ashamed at his significance t that he got right up and walked over e into a dark corner and hit. So we s have to print the picture of the rab- t bit instead. But after all, there really d is not so much difference. They both - have long ears. a We will try to find him by the time a the convention starts. -* * s f ONE OF NEW U. S. f CRUISERS TO BE NAMED CHICAGO r -Head'line k Well, that's a good name for a gun- - boat. 1 ARCADE CAFETERIA Nickels Arcade State Street Two Good Eating Places OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lseus amt Frames made To Ord er Optical Prescriptions Filled HALLERS state St. .JJewelers De4aler:I t. '. swili& (corona 1''y1)e'wiaer4, 1ie. Estabish~ed 19t18, phone 6615. j anted We have positions for teachers in public and private schools, and universities. Best opportunities now. Enroll at once, Allied Professional Bureaus Suite 742 Marshall Field Annex Building, Chicago I _ _ , Typewriters -Ta:2 M- 2 Reserve a Seat in One Block North from Hill A uditorium Breakfast, Lunch and Din- ner, $7.50 per week. Lunch and Dinner, $6.00 per week. M LUNCH of all makes SOld, rF'nted, cx 1 a 1 Ng d, 'Ierned an I re -aied. Spec*al pri-es to teah s nn machile sales. 0. D. MORRILL, 1 N ickels icade. . °. '"' ', °J, . ', '"1 . ",l ,d"~~, "..I", /"'.isr®v:!.I".i'"J.4'.Pr '"J,/J.I," J..+/,r/° 1~. d". A"'. ' '.re"' ., . y", './"'1w ".i+""./" . ". t !! 1 :fir Summer School ExT iK Quantities of Second-Hand Books at- UN IVRSI TY G r a n d O p ,e n i n g f a * A 4n s ul l d WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 (Tomorrow) Adjoins GRAYSTONE BALLROOM, Detroit America's Finest Outdoor Ballroom -Dance Underd the Open Sky ®* A JEAN GOLDKETTE BALLROOM with JEAN GOLDKETTE MUSIC it s t n .s 'S . 't d LS S W ,g Le * * * NoW what the navy ought to do is to man the vessel with Chicago gunmen, thus in one step ridding the country of them and supply- ing the navy with the best shots in the world. "I am thoroughly in favor of this idea," declared Al Caponi, notorious Chicago gangster, in an exclusive Rolls interview today. "In fact I am very 'anxious for just some such ac- tion, for I am doing my best to get out of Chicago. "With my reputation and with hundred of my best bomb throwers and machine gun men we could easily intimidate the rest of the world into disarmament." # * * Go to see the Rockford Players, but don't let that experience give the University a black eye. There are bigger and better things in Ann Arbor. The Players have been here for three seasons now, and just you give them time. They are bound to improve.. And it's about time, for they certainly have been prac- ticing long enough. Well, Bobby, that ought to do for a few passes, huh? Everybody, up early tomorrow, and over to see "Dean" Emery for an auto permit. LARK For COLGLATES A special brand of fashions-ombining youthfulness with sophistication-vivacity with practicability. A field to which we have given careful attention-and ncw we present a distinct group of specialized fashions for the important branches of collegiate interests. Apparel Ieach rv - New owns Evening I ccessories En 4-\ Sports Milline Tea G Chic A Establi hWear Sweaters Fiashioiis esembles shed 1857 ROMINUM 4P Phone 4161