tUI~r tnuer'
Published every morning except Monday dur-
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Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
EditorialDirectors.......George E. Simons
Martin Mol
City Editor .. ............ Lawrence R. Klein
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The Detroit Free Press, in a recent
editorial entitled "This Proves What,"
assails Richard Halliburton on the
grounds that his feats permit romance
to replace realism and practicability.
As a particular example the editor-
ial cites the case of his diving the
other day into the sacrificial well at
the Chichen Itza ruins down in Yuca-
tair, the surface of which is 70 feet
below the ground. It makes mention
of the fact that the feat was per-
formed "in company with representa-
tives of local newspapers and photo-
The editorial then points to the
widespread knowledge Mr. Hallibur-
ton has acquired as the result of his
world travels. It says, in part, "He
has told of his Byronesque ,feat of
swimming the Hellespont, like Lean-
der of old. He went swimming in the
pool at Taj Mahal ii India. He tried
to swim between Scylla and Charyb-
dis, tihose sirens which lured Ulysses."
The editorial then concludes, "If a
young man with his courage and skill
would devote himself to some useful
pursuit, his example to the nation
would be worth more than it is at
present. Mr. Halliburton may plead
romance is dead, that the world has
need of roving figures like himself to
put dash and glamor into their per-
formances. But there are plenty of
other men who have found romance
in business, who have contributed
something more to civilization's pro-
gress than a lot of ballyhoo and head-
long dives into the famous waters of
the globe."
It would s(em that a word ii ide-
fense of Mr. Halliburton is in order.
In the first place the editorial is at
committee of General Motors Corpo-
ration, is rather difficult to discern.
If Raskob had severed all connec-
tions with the Gentral Motors corpo-
ration it would have been a different
story. But as it is he has merely
resigned from one of his offices in
that concern, and at the same time Gee, m
is retaining his position as Wice written
president and as a member of the we can
board of directors. Although the think th
newspaper stories seem to convey the And we
impression that Raskob, sensing the better c
necessity of staying with the corpo- most of
ration or directing the tremendous
Democratic campaign, chose definite- I
ly to continue his political work at SIXT
the expense of giving up his General Raf
Motors affiliations, this does not
on rs
truly picture the circumstances. The
be r>
publicity given Raskob's resignation beC
from the finance committee does not
convey to the public the actual con- amou
ditions. Raskob is now as much a
part of the corporation as he ever
was before, but the formality of '
tendering his resignation as chairman
of the important finance committee
was done to impress the public that Oscar,
he was divorcing himself from big going t
business. quick),
The Democrats can not escape the us yeste
fact that their chairman is still the will be
John Raskob of the General Motors fuli bunc1
corporation. The party leaders dick- ally wo
ered with big business in their des- Iless m
perate efforts to secure support on for a pa
all sides. They were successful in seat in1
part at least, and as a result Mr.
Raskob became the director of the
Democratic party's activities in the It's
impending political conflict. in'te
Raskob's resignation brings about the w
one obvious accomplishment-it en-
ables him to be temporarily relieved The 0
of his business duties in ordertode- this hot
vote his full time to the campaign. F'air Co
It does practically only this in view ing eve
of the fact that his severence of con- has its
nections with the General Motors bringsI
concern is temporary. As im-
pressing the public that this act of The
Raskob shows that the corporation paper
is not interested and does not wish Coupll
to take any part in the political tell fr
battle is concerned, the stroke is not anOt
an effective one. Although Mr. Raskob anoth
has resigned one of his posts, it is test.
reasonable to assume that the Gen-
eral Motors Corporation is just as in- We s
terested in the campaign as it ever on the
was, although the question of the ex- team de
tent of its interest is obviously a de- at Ams
batable one. Paris.
--~~that the
Delegates to the American Bar as-
sociation convention in Seattle have Wile
leen informed in a report by Arthur Tenni
V. Lashley, St. Louis, of the existing Cover
conditions regarding the common oc- I in the
currance of bribery and corruption cste
in public office. The report states est H
that they have become common "be- Unite
cause the cupidity of politicians and wouldi
state and government officials gener- would
ally has been excited by the enormous did no
profits of bootlegging, which being reinst
unlawful are considered legitimate
prey. By-products of the illegal in- HENRY
dustry, bandit, bombing, and hi-jack-
ing gangs utilize their spare moments
by influencing elections by terrorism WVill Qu
and extortion schemes." Sppo
This seems to be rather common
knowledge and still nothing has been
whiz, we had a column all
yesterday morning, and now
t find the darned thing. We
e Roquefort Players stole it.
hope so. There probably are
racks even in Rolls than in
the shows they put on.
** *
fle of "A" grades in any
e desired. Chances will
i sale immediately. Mail
s and money orders to
, and make them for any
at. Grand drawing of win-
will be made in Dean
s' office.
* * *
Rolls wonder horse (we're
o publish his picture pretty
reviewed "The Vikings" for
rday. But from now on there
no publicity for that ungrate-
ch, in Rolls, at least. i1 fin-
ked T. Horatio Denton, busi-
anager for the meat market,
ss, but it turned out to be a
the third balcony.
so sultry up here that we
even think k up a crack about
* **
one consoling featureabout
weather is the fact that The
-ed comes and takes us rid-
ry afternoon. But that too
shortcomings, for she always
her sister.
* * *
World's Greatest news-
tells us that "Rockford
e Hop At Dawn." You can't
rom that whether it means
er long distance flight or
er marathon dancing con-
* * *
ee that seventeen of the girls
American Olympic swimming
serted the rest of the crowd
terdam and struck out for
Unconfirmed reports have it
y will work at various dives
* * *
en the American Lawn
s Association finally dis-
ed that if Tilden didn't play
'Davis cup meet, Rene La-
would not play in the For-
ills tournament , for the
I States title,-and that
be dreadful, for there
be no gate rceipts if Rene
t play-they simply had to
ate Tilden.
* * *
on Eugene Perma-
= nent Wave $8.50
Also Monday and Tuesday
of each week, we give
special prices on Shampoo
c and Marcel or Shampoo =
=and Finger Wave for $1.25
_ Powder Puff Beauty
(Over Graham's Book Store)
320 S. State Dial 6442
'a til ll lll llt11ll llltt11 U 1111111111::
A Specialty for Twenty
Vro'mpt Seryice Moderate Rates
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615
1' ".I~J./11..I J~d/l~J~l~.01s: .ff! a~1l/lllJ./". i "/.A'~.J~ll1,~J~"J~"JlJ: "I'"1l.11l111~, .1
25c the box
ti././. % e..//.% .1.1,/.P r../1.1/'%.Y1.l.'.'./.l/ %l1/~i./. . ' 1l.~1 +,.I1.'. ~..J'l.,,l.."dJ. .I<
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
:11 lfill III ll ll illi lllillI l llll li llillI l II 1
s~ 8
lit Well-Known Garage To
rt "Will Rogers For Presi.
dent" Boom
fault in assuming, as it doe's, that all done to remedy the situation. Rigid
the real good and useful pursuits lie enforcement of repeal of the prohi-4'1 C
in the realm of business. It is true bition laws was suggested as a pos-
that a great many men have found sible remedy although not a complete!
romance in business; but likewise, one. Coming from the source that it
other men have found romance in does it is food for careful thought on Cooli
aviation, writing, painting, and trav- the part of intelligent citizens. It
eling. g There is a need for good men has been suggested that twenty-five
-rozmantic figures-in each field, and ta wnyfv
Richard Halliburton has accomplish- years is none too long to make theI
ed much in the field of literature and country absolutely dry and to prove "I
travel. If the editorial quoted had the Prohibition law. This may be Tunr
gone further' it would doubtless have true, but it has been in effect long I comi
-averred that a movement to educate enough to show that it is not a popu- of tb
youth, one of the Aso-called youth-lead- lar law which will be obeyed because
ing movements, could accomplish far o a great respect for it. It is the "G
more. To the contrary, it is highly real cause for much of the crime I ho
probably, ° that Mr. Halliburton, wave which has swept across the
through his travels and his feats, has country because it is disobeyed by!
done better in a more satisfactory two distinct classes of people. One
way; tharn' any youth-leading move- group includes those who feel that
merit ever did. they have been deprived of the per-'Re
Ulysses, in his day, performed sim- sonal liberty which they have a righti Re
ilar stunts, and his feats live in books to enjoy, and the other includes the pu
and boyish imaginations to this day. people who are delibertately break- 4
And while it is foolish to compare ing it to satisfy the wants of the first tu
Mr. Halliburton to Ulysses, there is class. It is the latter grop who, ha
no denying that -he has proved an during the course of their illegal
inspiration to the youth of the nation practices; are side-tracked onto the W
In more ways than one; that he has roads of worse crimes. The boot- the1
awakened a new interest in travel lit- legger's competition is too stron hot t
erature and the old world;f and, fin- and "war" results. The repeal of themuc
ally, if as the editorial claims, he is iirteenth amendment would be aCool
a highly romantic figure in his own g fest ste d ment Go
eyes thn i is omehatgood first step toward .abettermen
eyes, then it is somewhat pardonable of crime conditions, to d
when one consider' what he 'has ac- r
complished. Permanent imprisonment of hab-
itual law-breakers would be a good!
second step in the right direction, h
RASKOB'S RESIGNATION I but the most effective remedy would iIea
Just' what is supposed to be accom- be a vigilant and informed public, not
plished as a result of the resignation insisting on honesty in office and the
of John J. Raskob, chairman of the enforcement of laws which are ap- Let
Democratic National committee, proved by the great majority of cit- rain.
from the chairma nship of the finance Izens.
lifornia Man Bags
558 Pound Fish
idge, Prominent President, Catches Eight
Eight-Inch Trout
* * *
Pre-fight Statements
have personalty conducted Gene
.ney's training campaign for his'
ing fight. He will win by the end
he third edition."
-William Shakespeare
ene Tunney is my greatest rival.
pe he will be defeated tonight."
-Dr. Thomas Lovell
"Hammer Slaying Puzzles
orida," says the Daily News.
ally, Florida, there is nothing
zzling about it. You simply
eak up behind the victim and
nk him on the head with a
.* * *
e hate to keep using headlines as
basis for our jokes, but it is so
hat we are too lazy to think very
h. Here is another one: "Heeney
On Eve Of Battle."
sh, Tom, how do you manage
it these days?
Ever since we tried to find out
o Sue Berb was, we haven't
ard a peep out of her. You're
t bashful, are you Sue.
* * *
t's all get together and pray for
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Gladwin.............. 85 St. Charles .......... .55
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