I -"' C71 , 4 r, 9,- umme r WEAT HER Fair and moderately cool. i~fr 4by juatt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. IX. No. 28. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS Davis Cup Chairman WILL. H OL D. TEA Hoover Successor In HAMILTON TALKS MEXICANS DEVELOPING' THS ATpO !QuitTo Aid Tilden' IN S A L U T AT I O N CoolidHe CSaAb inetFTERNOON NEW NATIONAL SPIRIT TO PRES.LTTLE ON COLLECTIONSESINS FOM OICE President Clarence Cook Little will Prof. J. G. deRoulhac Hamilton, of be the guest of honor of the Wom-.the University of North Carolina, PROFESSOR DECLARES ::ien's league at a special tea which will lecture on "The Collection and 4 ON ANNIVERSARY UAY will be held ftron to 5 o'clock this I Preservation of Southern Historical PHYSICAL FEATURES OF LAND . AFFECT HISTORY IN FARKED DEGREE PLACES BLAME FOR RECENT ATROCITIES Tells Of Establishment Of 13,000 New Public Schools By Obregon And Calles afternoon in the Women's field house. Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum- mer Session and Mrs. Kraus and Miss Beatrice Johnson, advisor of women, will also be present. This is the third of a series ofj special teas which the league is giv- ing in addition to those held during the week. All women enrolled in the' "Mexico has developed a new con- Summer Session are urged to attend sciousness of itself as a nation," an- the tea and take advantage of the nounced Prof. H. I. Priestly, of the opportunity to meet President Little University of. California, in an illus- informally. trated lecture delivered yesterday aft- The tea will be held as a prelud' ernoon in the Natural Science audi- to the all campus party to be given torium. "The governments of the last by the Women's League Friday night few years have introduced enormous Joseph W. Wear in Barbour gymnasium. developments uin education, health ____ --__ _ --- _ --- prevention, and agriculture, and the 110IOU riniAOf wihole cougitry is awakening and be- ~L O LinO FR L~ L Hl N I I ginning to progress and better it- ''1'U"HEDSTW self. \'Behind the forging of a modern civilization in this country is the phy- ; sical character of the country itself," Tea Today, Dance Tomorrow Includ- he explained. "The vast desert and Suggests Practical Means By Which ed On Week-end Program For All and mountainous districts and ther Teaching Of Mathematics Call Be Summer Students intenset heat in many sections have Greatly Improved made it impossible to produce very THIRD FUNCTION IN VIEW large amounts of food or other prod- PLEADS FOR LESS WORK ucts. Mexico is not the wealthy coun- Two of the most important social try that it has been represented. Practical suggestions for the im- functions of the summer session are Plateau Center Of Activities provment of mathematics teaching scheduled by the Women's League The real center of all the activities featured the address of Prof. Raleigh 1 for today and tomorrow, according to of the country is on the great cen- Schorling before the educational Marie Hartwig, summer president of tral plateau where Mexico City is sit- conference yesterday afternoon in the the University of Michigan Women's uated. The intensive working of the auditorium of the University high League. This afternoon the league farm lands i this section has abit school. will hold a tea at the Women's Field obtain new land and new sources of I "Parents often play a larger part House to which all campus women water before any increase in popu- in teaching the children than they are invited, in honor of Pres. Clar- lation can be taken care of. are given credit for," he declared, ence Cook Little and Edward Little. "Such a program had been under "although under present system no Friday night the Women's League Development by Obregon before his effort is made to help them and fre- will hold a dance and card party in death," Professor Priestly pointed out. quently they unknowingly encourage Barbour Gymnasium from 8:30 untiil "He had a. project under way which bad thinking habits in the children, 12:00 to which all summer session: called for the redemption of thirteen such as allowing them to count on students are invited. million acres of land on the west their fingers or by biting their ton- At the tea this afternoon Dean E. mH.lKrausaofethefSummeroSessionean coast. The Obregon and Calles re- gues or wriggling their toes. I H. IKraus of the Summer Session and gimes have introduced a great change would like to see principals issue a Mrs. Kraus, and Miss Beatrice John-, in the treatment of diseases also. De- course of study in mathematics that son, Adviser of Women, will be finite public health systems have been parents could understand and a guests. Summer session students established which are vigorously war- teaching manual for their use. This will have the opportunity to become ring against the terrible scourges of has never been tried so far as I know, better acquainted with these members small-pox and tuberculosis that have 'but if no one else does, so I'm plan- of the faculty as well as an oppor- taken such enormous toll in the coun- ning to «myself within a few years." tunity of meeting Pres. C. C, Little. tr. The hostesses for the tea will in- try.A plea for a reduction in the lueMreHtw Establish Many Schools amount of ground covered in mathe- ude Marie Hartwig, Summer Presi- Thenroaram n of education that as mti d b P fe -dent of the Women's League, Mar- I I I i 7 ' aterial," this afternoon at 5 o'clock, in Natural Science auditorium. Prof. fessor Hamilton is a non-resident men.ber of the Summer session facul- ty. His lecture this afternoon is open to the public. The lecture that Professor Ham-! ilton has prepared for this afternoon will deal primarily with the collec- Lion of southern documentary ma- terial, the manner in which it pre- served, and the value, present and future, of such material. This lec- ture is one of the regular series of- fered by the University to both sum- aier session students and to the gen- cral public. ARtJH.If 0P OF CANTERBURY ASKS ING'S A1'PROVAL OP RESIGNATIlON WILL LEAVE OFFICE ON GOLDEN WEDDING Archbishop Of York To Fill Vacaney; Undecided As To Suecessor To See Of York (By Associated Press) LONDON, July 25- Official an- Rouncement was made tonight that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Pri- mate of all England, has resigned. It is the first time in the history of the Archsee of Canterbury that the Arch- bishoj has resigned, hi's predecessors having died in office. The announcoment stated: -"'rhe King with great regret receives in- formation that the Archbishop of Can- terbury was desirous of resigning. His Majesty, on a recommendation of the premier, appointed a commission consisting of the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of London, Durham, and Winchester tJ receive the resignation. 'The Commission. reported their ac- cepuance of the resignation to take erecL Nov. 12 and this was approved Roy 0. West PIANO AND ORGAN CONCERT IS GIVEN BY TWO ARTISTS IN HILL AUDITORIUM i A Review, by Lyle (hu 41 Maud Okkelberg, pianist, and Philip E. LaRowe, organist, continued last night in the third summer faculty con- cert the successful record of solid achievement that has characterized the series thus far. Mrs. Okkelberg, beginning with two compositions (by Ramepau-Godowsky, "Tambourin," a light and rapidly- moving drawing room piece, and the "Elegie" with its soft melody that rose to no heights of lamentation but was marked at moments by a subdued frenzy, worked rapidly to the climax of her evening's performance-Bach's fugue in A minor. The pianist's interpretation of this composition, which, presents great technical difficulties both by reason of its speed and its intricate coun- terpoint, was beautifully done, mark- ed by perfect blending of the voices, judicious emphasis and contrast, and a clear-cut, diam6nd-like quality. Philip LaRowe played as his first number the Preludio and Sarabania from Corelli's Suite in F, bringing out both the thrilling majesty of the deep- er tones of the organ and in the se- cond part the quiet slow melody of which the instrument is capable. Equ- Mly -1,0t and slow, but with an add- ed poignancy, was the symphony from liandel's "Saul." Mrs. Okkelberg began her second group with Schumann's "In the Night," from the Fantasiestucke cycle, opus 12. Its rapid wave-like motion and stirring climax were admirably "Merton of Movies" To Be New Offering! rendered. Then followed three mod- ern pieces: "The Valley of Chimes" by Maurice Ravel, using the old chim- es motive, but with a difference - touches of dissonance and strosng bss diote;, which Mrs. Okkelberg succeed- ed in making liquid and bell-like; an Etude by Strawinsky marked by bi- zarre harmonies and a sense of rest- less seeking; and "Capriccio" by the Hungarian, Dohnanyi, with its cold fervor. Mrs. Okkelberg's encore was -Mopkowski's "In Autumn." Mr. LaRowe's most ambitious num- ber was the Choral in A Minor by ,y his Majesty." It is a foregone conclusion that the Cesar Franck. It began with true cho- Archbishop of York will be the Pri- ral vigor, then grew less intense, and mate's successor, but it has not been ended with a thrilling burst of sound. decided as yet who will succeed the He closed with Boisdeffre's "By the cArchbis Yo wh o therscoed eh Brook," and Bonnet's "Concert Var-A lations," the former distinguished es-j pecially for the lovely chime effects at the end. HASSEL, C R A M E R PREPARE TO FLY AT DAWN TODAY! (By Associated Press) ROCKFORD, Illinois, July 25.-Un- daunted by delays, Bert Hassell and Martin Cramer, crew of the aero- plane "Greater Rockford" for its pur- posed flight to Stockholm, Sweden, tonight were ready and anxious for quent.ial changes It is noteworthy that the date of the resignation is the date of the Arch- bishop's golden wedding, for lie was married on November 12, 1878. The resignation of the Archbishop who before his elevation in 1903 was the most reverend Randall Thomas av dso. BShop of Winchester, has heern expected ter sometime. S M I T H PREPARES DRAFT OF FIRST CAMPAIGN SPEECH (By Associated Press) ALBANY, N. Y., July 25-Gov. Al- been begun by recent governments has called for the establishment of of almost a thousand public schools a year," he continued. "Thirteen thou- sand of these schools have been es- tablished already. "The main cause for all the trouble and strife that has characterized our southern neighbor of late has been the fact that aliens have gone into the country and exploited the resources, ma ics courses was mou ay yro es sor Schorling. "We are open to the charge of encyclopedic teaching," he said, "we are asking our students to learn too many things, and the re- sult is that they are learning none of them thoroughly." Chief em- phasis should be on attitudes, he de- clared-the teacher should regard them not as by-products but as def- initely formulated objectives. garet Babcock, treasurer, Maryj White, President of the League for 1928-29, Helen Ladd, Margaret Ar- thur, Doris Renkeknberger, and Helen Norris. The dance tomorrow night will be similar to the faculty reception held in June, although there will be no receiving line. It is planned to have, the dancing very informal in nature. Dancing will be enjoyed from 8:30 to 12:00 with Edna Mower's peppy four piece orchestra. Fans have been installed which will make the gym- nasium especially suited for dancing. Those who are not interested in dancing will probably find the card tables to their liking. During the intermissions between dancing re-1 their hop off definitely scheduled for free E. Smith has decided to let his daybreak tomorrow. Repblican opp ha ts fire the first. Hassell, chief pilot for the flight, shot of the campaign, made his decision after the federal l is ofcial notification has been weather bureau today informed him set for the evening of Wednesday, of ideal conditions across Canada Aug. 22. Until then he intends to for Thursday. hold hia campaign for the presidency The government forecast predicted Fresh to strong southwest winds,L the lecturer stated. The selling of "In order to utilize the greater ma- franchises and grants to these people turity of pupils, we should delay the has made the business of government 'introduction of new topics in the the most profitable one in the nation, course as late as possible," the speak- hence the trouble and disputes. er recommended. "Often when we CONQUEROR OF WIMBLEDON MEET PREPARES FOR NATIONAL TITLE By Rockford Troupe Presenting their next to last bill of the season, the Rockford Players will ring up the curtain of "Merton Of The Movies," Kaufman and Con- nelly's satire on motion pictures, at 8:15 o'clockk tonight in Sarah Cas- well Angell hall. The play will be vivn tiv nPrformn nrPC with qt- which would wind he has sure area at low pressure left a path in the weather1 severe storm Greenland, it would move flight, Hassell give Hassell the tail- desired. A high pres- Sault St. Marie and a! area aiound Winnipeg between for the flight, bureau said. While a was reported south of was not likely that it into the path of the 1said. in abeyance. The date for the formal launching of the Democratic nominee's cam- paigu comes 11 days after the Hoov- er notification in California and four days after the scheduled acceptance by Curtis of Kansas of the Republi- can vice presidential nomination. Although his plans call for an un- i Dy late start of campaigning and ,;ives -his foes the jump, Smith is sat- isfied. It is the way he prefers to freshments will be served. There will be a committee com- posed of twenty campus women whoj will act as hostesses to introduce the various groups to each other. CLASS IN SOCIAL DANCING REMAINSi z Classes in social dancing which , have been held at 7 o'clock Tuesday0 Iand Thursday evenings in Barbour0 :v}.gymnasium have proved to be suchI a success that Miss Ethel MacCor-I t mack, head of the physical education' department and instructor of the class, has decided to continue to' hold ^ 'the classes till the end of the six weeks. After the sixth and last lesson i which was held in the new women's athletic building, the requests were so numerous for more lessons among the members of the class that Miss MacCormack felt considerably en- ^..x. .x.couraged.3 In spite of the hot weather the Helen Wills paration for the national women's classes have been unusually well at- Who, after sweeping through the championship matches at Forest tended, and an average from eight' English open at Wimbledon a month Hills in August. Miss Wills is pick- to 100 men and women attended the ago, is practicing strenuously in pre- ed to repeat her last year's victory, classes. gie n v e pr ior ±ances, WI Lmau- ua -----,-----'--C .!--. *'.' r- a inees Fridav and Saturday after- The fliers today abandoned their' 'tart the battle and he i's confident noons, and no showing Friday eve- plan for making the flight to Stock- he will be able to square the count ning. "Much Ado About Nothing'' holm with only one stop at Green- as soon as he sets forth his views on will open Monday, I land. Hassell said he was advised campaign issues. Robert Henderson, director of the that the runaway at Mount Evans, A time forthe notiflcation of Ben- tomaly, will be seen in his~ favorite Greenland, was too short for a take- ator Robinson, Smith's running nmate, compnywiilbe een n hs faorie !has not been determined, and until role of Merton, with Marvel Garnsey off with a heavy load so he had de- ;a isne, tercoe of tesec playing opposite hhn as the Mon- cided to make a second hop, to Ice- j Ciasg actvitiesscopth two Deo tague girl. The part of Mrs. Patter- land, where he would take on a cratic ini minees will remain in doubt. son falls to Katherine Wick Kelly, heavy load at Reykjazik for the last It is expected, however, that both and William Youngs, a guest artist . g of the flight to Stockholm. will be on the road by Labor day, or also from the Cleveland Playhouse soon thereafter, and will carry their ail! do Jeff Baird. Roman Bohnen HOOVER CONFERS fight into one state after another un -i j Thnias Denton are cast as Mr. WI TH SUPPORTERS til the eve of election in November, Walb3r; and Sigmund Rosenblatt The Smith notification ceremony respe uvely. ( By Associated Press) will take place on the east steps of STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Calif., the capitol, just outside the windows BASEBALL SCORES July 25.-Herbert Hoover. Republican j of theexecutive offices, where the presidential nominee, continued to nominee is putting in his fourth term Q' A\Asoiated Press) hear encouragmig reports today from as governor. American Leagtie visiting R-ublican leaders on the Detroit 3-10. New Yolrk 2-7_ di