/ PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1928 DAi LY O F F ICIAL BULLETI N Pubi.~ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of t he Ulniveri ~ty. C ri rceveda t the officeofthl Smmr'esio GRADUATES INCRLASE: IN SUMMER SESSIONS Amer4 can Students Score Heavily flASVOD OhIITS MOTOR In Athletics At Oxford University IiJUU UkJTIUI Associated Press) 1bach, University of Pennsylvania, an COMPANY FORH'SMIIH I (By1 uni :0 .ii (1 . i. Sau rdaLy).v e .U~e a i,.. ocav, fioXFOR., England -~ue A erican, E. . ather, University- of edgas. Rhodes scholars contributed theirhus-Although Ofr ott abig Cole.eiate sumnmer sessions more!ti er hymaea xeln Voue'ii W1N 'Y UY~5 98N and more are becoming the resort of ; al larse share to Oxford athletics s~igi te otss .0 a CofrneGo!frWdisa:graduate students,a review of the in the year' just ended. They were' ter rentered tfor othe~t Wimbledon statist ics at t he lnversity of Michi-; to be oun(l on alrn fit every team, matches. Professor Ralie~gh Schorling will discuss, "Some New' Tings in the gan fot' the past three yars shows. ! which eng~ged in inter-varsity on- In track athletes ,Americans were Teaching of Mathematics" at the University High School Auditorium at 4:05 lirisaoannceeintenm tests. stronig, particularly in the non-run- this afternoon. Professor Schorling will explain some modlern tendencies in As wa;> the case in past years, the ning events, such as the poy vault, the teaching of this subject. ber of teachers enr~olled. Schools of, and putting the weight. E. It.'\cGill,G Arthur . Moiehilni law andl medicine also show an in-r An 'rau students made a particular- University of Florida, stared in pole I__________ces.lv fine showing in track athletics, vaulting. C. F. Grates, Dartmouth, on tenii~ nd acose.in the last spourtte rackpuandiNte Pweh1 art- Of the students in the present sum- Teachers ('ertificates: e eso tMchgn ,noaethe ir actullycomrised a maI'oritv muth, tptirgtewih Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fee may be se- teachers, about 400 being from the of the Oxford University team in W. L. Lingelbach, who made the cured t the offie of .h eboo,f hVdi,-e-tionm All tuent wh'i i r mpt- hih ehnn t ~l h f , ___ fvv m fost of the games, contributing six Oxford tennis team, doubled by mak- (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 24.-John J..Has- kob, chairman of the Democratic na- tional committee, has resigned the two committee posts he has held with the General Motors corporation and will devote his time to the political campaign. The resignations, which have been accepted by the company, and an- nounced today, covered the chairman- ship of the finance committee and membership in the General Motors executive committee. They were tendered in a. letter sent by Mr. Ras- kob Monday to Alred P. Sloan, jr., president of .the corporation. It is understood that he will "resume his duties' with General Motors after the November election. For Good Food j'and Quick Service - Eat at the ing the requirements and expect to be recommended for the Certificate at the the grades and a1)o' t 200 from col- end of the Summer Session should pay their fees and return their receipts leges and universitie"S. City superin- to the Recorder, School of Education, before the end of the Session.j tendents number about 100, while jun- Office Hours-10:30--12 a. in., 2:30-3:30 p. m. i or high schools add another 150. Gretchen .Krug~, Recorder In the medical school the number 0 of degrees jumped from 157 a year ago, to 201 this year, indlicating that August Settlors--Seltool of Education: all but a very few of the summer stu- All Diploma and Teacher's Certificate fees should bepidbfoet e dets ini medicine are college gradui- end of the Summer Session by tho'se students who will have completed thei ates. requirements (during this Session) for graduation from the School of Edu- cation. These blanks may be secured during office hours at the Schoolj of Education, 105 Tappan Hall. Office Hours: 10:30-12 a.,in., 2:30-3:30 p. mn.i Gretchen Krug~, Recorder memfber's of the telamn on an aver-' ing the soccer eam also. e is the age, first American as Oxford to be award- George Pfann, of Cornell, Rhodes ed ra soccer "blue." He scoredi one of Scholar from Ohio, and R. B. Gush- the goals when Oxford defealted Camn- maii, indlependent student from Ra- bridge. clue, Wisconsin, were among the stars American rowers were rnable to of thie team, which succeeded in de-; get into the first Oxf ort boat this feating Cambridge.1 year, but have hope,, of doing so li) tennis, Americans contributed next. H. T. Kigsbnrvy of 'Val(, was three players, J. W. Ohmstead. Uni-l an admirable representative of Amer- versity of California; W. E. Lingel- ica in the Oxford boat of last year. I , a 1 ' PORTABLE t TYPEWE11TERS Corona, Reminugtoni, Un&erw .,od, Royal B~lacek and Colored 1) c4) Finishes 0. D. M1ORRILL 17 Nickels iAi-cade Phone 6615 , i P cl~e Cafeteria ":l4 KELS ARCADE AND M LUNCH Excursioni to Put-hi-Itity : The excursion t Put-in-Bay tiill leave for Detroit by special interurban from the corner of State-,;and Packard streets at 6 a. in., Saturday, July 28. At Detroit the party will take the regular Put-in-Bay boat. Four hours will be spent oni the island. The chief attractions on the island are the caves and the monument to Commodore Perry. Tchose who wish to go please leave their names with Prof. H-ussey, rooni 3051, Natuiral Science build- ing. Ri. C. Hlussey g The Coolest Place in Town1 i 27 o ighboys and n~e'air IFraulein. Featrin LYA DE McGREGOR sW MELVIL.LE. BROWNAwomowo Policy 2:00-3:35 --- 25c, 35c, 10c - APPOINTMENTS - 7: 20-9 :00 I 35c, 50c, 10c I 1"DAD'S CHOICE" NEWS TOPICS ART & BEAUTY SUNDAY-COLLEEN MOORE-"HAPPINESS WORD" GENUINE ""Old Town Canoes" FOR1',R E NTr- -Per Hoar. . . . 50c = Per Day .0. 2.50 ! Very Safe and Easy to Paddle IIS AUNDIER'S CANOUE LIVERY On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. LAST TIMES TODAY AT 2 to 5 and 7:20 & 9:00 -LLA ____ET3A ____ oba ,yl ADDED~COMEy~NW-OETE-RA i 'N F K!P- I DAWN OF A NEW DAY IN DRAMA ! COMING THURS. FRI. SAT. LEGIONAIRES IN PARIS With Al Cooke and Kit Guard imh FIGHT RETURNSR EXTRA Thurs. Ni sound by Round ignt P. I Obne Solid Week Starting Sunday History proves that no nation can live when'' Honor and Virtue decay ~ut'' Is America Headed for Destruction? t l I Y!SIQT DETROIT THIS SUMMER and enjoy an all-day outing at A r PUT-IN -BAY Adelightful cruise among the Sunny 'Lake Erie Islands; a fairyland of vineyards, orchards and flowers. Put-In- Bay abounds in interest for young and old. There is bathing, dancing, sailing, mysterious caves, picnic groves and Perry's monument.x The palatial steamer Put-In- Bay leaves the foot of First St. (Detroit) daily at 9 a.m. returning at 8 p.m. R.T. fares; $1.00 week days. $1.50 Sundays. Steamer runs thru to Sandusky daily making connections with Cedar Point Ferry. Thru to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay. CEDAR POINT ..rive to Detroit and enjoy the On Fridays a special excursion is run I)ANCING to Cedar Point. Steamer stops one hour x OON0LIGI. "S .,aeDetroit 8:45 p.m. Sundays. With its huge hotels, electric 'etu:.ii:30 p.m. park, magnificent bathing beach and Fare: Vdays0c.and Thursday, 60. board-walk it can rightfully be called Saturday. Sunday and the Atlantic City of the West. WrI*e for Folder ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE Foot of First St. Detroit, Michigan See the The Vibrant Life Story of a Delinquent Girl A solemn warning to cheating fathers. An eloquent sermon to careless mothers. The picture all :parents should see. Hell is paved good intentions. Road to Ruin is with ignorance. with The paved :' 5TiffA The Mantel of False Modesty Torn Ruthlessly Aside < . .... tl irti Americalt "J.'""" l r ce. w oo(1 1116 Y Ct 1 IN rot f ix OF Son {ETHER MICHIGAN STAGE AND SCREEN FEATURES A 1 The University of M ichigarx Preseftts The ROCKF ORD PLAYERS .3rd Stxmmrnr@aon Thursday Ngtat81-aaCawlAn'lal"° efrs at8:5SaahCswllAgelHl oWednesday TONIGHT in Pease Auditorium, Ypsilan- ti, "'THE VIKINGS" ertoonn tIne Mo1 The Play That Made The Movies Famous V.4I'I Nights 75c ax~d $1. All Friday "and Saturday matinees, all seats 50c. Tickets at State Street bookstores and the door. Box Office telephone after 7:00 o'clock, Dial 3282.