WEATHER Lower lichigan, cloudy Tuseday, Ir.bably showers i east portion; west portion being fair. Not muci change in temiperatuire. T 4 p 'u wmrr Sir i4an :4Iait tg' MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. IX, No. 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 26, 1928 PRICE FIVE CENTS TTENDNCE 9AT SUMMyER SCHOOL SUMER ESSOF GENI NOBILE RESCUED1 BY SEAPLANE; REPOR FINDING OF AMUNOSENI LEADING LADY OF ROCKFORD TROUPEI REACH ES 218I TOTAL ENROLLMENT IS LEt THIAN THAT OF YEAR AGO THIS TIME LOOK FOR LATE ARRIVAL, RegN' ration Will ('ontinue Tprong owt Week Until Saturday to En- able Tardy Ones To Enter Enrollment for the Summer Se sion including all students who h registered mup to 4 o'clock yester& afternoon, numbered 2,812 in schools and colleges, according figures compiled in the office of I ward E. Kraus, dean of the umn Session. This figure was 267 1ss th at the same time last summer, why 3,079 student's had enrolled up to M( day afternoon, and 855 less tihan la year's total enrollment. Three divisions showed an incre over last year, the Medical school ha ing 262 students enrolled a's compa ed to 221 a year ago, an increase 41; the Graduate school having 817 compared to 753 a year ago, an : crease of 64; and the College of Pha macy having 32 as compared to 31 year ago. All other schools and co leges showed a slight decrease, tl largest being in the Literary colle where 236 less students than last ye had rgistered to date. Complete figures to date, for 1a year at this time and for final e: rollmnent, last year, are as follow; College of Literature, Science and t Arts, to date, 774; last year, 1,01, last year finial enrollment, 1,19 College of Engineering and Archite, ture: to date, 299; last year, 327; la year's enr-ollment, 343. Medical shool: to date, 253;. la year, 221; last year's enrollment, 2' Law School: to date, 148; last yea 156; last year's final enrollment, 15 College of Pharmacy: to date, 32; li year, 31; la'st year's fi'nal enrollme 34. 0 Ed ward 11. Iraus dean of this year's Summer Who is+ session. a11! THIRTY51IX STUDENTS EARN ALL_ 'K GRADES Two Of Number Received Same Honors During Entire Four Years At University JUNOIR CLASS HAS MOST Thirty-six students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts received all "A" grades during the last{ semester, according to statistics given1 out yesterday by the recorder's of- flee. Of thiis number, 13 were juniors, 11 seniors, 8 freshmen and 4 sopho- mores. Two of the 36 hiaving a perfect rec- ord during .the last semester, also had all "'A" grades during their four years in the University. They were Ruth E. Banfield, '28,_ and Tom I. Mck, '28. This is perhaps one of the highest honors that can, be attained in the University. The complete list is as follows: Arthur Adel, '31, Ruth E. Banfield, '28, Kathryn Bennett, '28, William W. Bishop, Jr., '28, Maurice S. Brown, '30, Joahnn M. Brumm, '31, Robert E. Qarsoni, '28, Eleanor A. Cook, '31, Ed- ward O. Curran, '30, Ray G. Curtis, '28, Edith V. Egeland, '30, and Richard Erway, '28. Richard Fuller, '28, Russell C. Good- rich, '29, Lawrence E. Hartwig, '31, Max M. Isberg, '30, Howard C. Jack- son, '29, Agnes E. Johnson, '31, Vera E. Johnson, '29, Tom H. Mack, '28, Walter H. Mack, '28, Ruth Mayndel- ker, '31, Marie Louise J. Michael, '31, Loren B. Miller, '28, Daniel W. Myers, '29, and Roger A. Pack, '29. Charles E. Palmer, '29, William B. Palmer, '29, Margaret Damelee, '28, James Poling, '28, Irene Louise Rich- ard, '29, Herbert S. Schwartz, '29, E. Clark Strillmani, '29, Myer Teitelbaum, '31, Mary L. Wedenieyer, '28, and Stel- Ila E. Wellman, '29. lIVE COMPANIONS STILL LEFT ON ICE FLOE AS INJUTREI) LEADER LEAVES TAKEN ABOARD BASE SHIP Rlsiain Ice-breaker Reported Talking To Aiunlsen Reseiie Party Also Lost (By Associated Press) KING'S BAY, Spitzbergen, June 25. -Gen. Umberto Nobile today was aboard the base ship Citta di Milaino at Virgo Bay recovering from injuries received when the dirigible Italia crashed on the Polar ice cap on May 25. Soon after he was rescued from an ice floe by a Swedish flyer, Nobile was aiding in the search for his missing comrades of the Italia with his advice and knowledge of ice conditions. He hoped to lead an air expedition to search for seven men who drifted to the eastward in the balloon part of the dirigible after the crash. He is not expected to recover from his in- juries for a month, howeyer, and in the meantime plans are being are be- ing made to search for the'se men un- der his direction. Aside from those in the balloon part of the Italia, the searching parties were anxious to trace three members of the crew who were with Nobile but who have been missing since May 30, when they start- ed aioot for land. A Swedish plane equipped with skis made a landin~g Saturday near Nobile s camp on the ice near Foy'ne island, a feat which the Italian res- cue flyers here had thought impos- sible. A little later his plane took off with the injured leader, leaving his five companions. Lieut. Alfredo Vig- lieri, Frossor F. Behounek, Giuesppe Bfogi, Filippo Troiano and Natale Ceccioni still 'stranded on the ice. ' Nobile was carried to Hinlopen strait, which separates west Spitz- bergen from Northeast land, where he was transferred to another Swed- ish machine, a seaplane, and trans- forted to Virgo Bay. LONDON, June 25.-An exchange Telegram dispatch from Paris quotes the newspaper L'Information as pub- lishing a report from Moscow that the Russian icebreaker Krassin is in communication with Roald Amundsen and his five companions missiig in a French seaplane. The dispatch said that Russian aviators would attempt to rescue the men with a Junkers plane which is aboard the ice-breaker. The Krassin sailed from Bergen for King's Bay, Spitzenbergen, last week and was to cover virtually the same route which Amundsen had plannied to follow. 'ANTIwSMITH FACTION, FIGHTS DESPERATELY TO STAVE OFF NOMINATION OF NEW YORKER Senator Reed Is Preparing Statement Regarding Farmers And Voices Encouragement To Friends SMITH BACKERSREMAIN QUIET ' (By Associated Press) HOUS'TON, Texas, June 2 .-In the face of mounting odds, the anti-Smith folks, "Jim" Reed, and the dry of the South fought bitterly against odds today to gain the vital one-third, three hundred sixty-seven votes necessary to halt Al Smith. In his quarters high up in the Rice hotel alcove the seething mob of his incoming delegates, Senator Reed strives for the presidential nom;- nation, preparing another statement, this one dealing with the farm situa- tion, -and voices encouragement to friends who come to him during the day. Down Main street, Daniel Roper of South Carolina, spokesman of the anti-Smith' and anti-Tammany faction, was busy in the Lamar hotel dispatching couriers to the delegations he hopes to hold in line, and later to- day he called into session his "steer- ing committees." Word of probable defection in the ranks of the "outsiders" in favor of Deelares That Ducees Positlon is Due Smith, particularly in Ohio and pos- As uch To Accident As To His sible in Indiana, only served to spur Own Shredwness' on the drive and as the hot sun was sinking today there was no lull in the SHOWS RISE OF FASCISM drive against the .. ew York governor, "Mussolini's present position is due Particular interest for the afternoon Graduate school: to date, 817; last year, 753; last year's final enrollment, 1,031. School of Education: to date, 464; last year, 560; last year's final en- rollment, 625. School'of Business Ad- ministration: to date, 16; last year, 21; last years's final enrollment, 22. Registration will continue today and during the week in order to ac- c.._nodjate latecomers from other uni- versities and colleges which close after the University. Several hundred more are expected to register during this period. RAE TO BE NEW ASSISTANT DEAN Walter B. Rae, '22, former Michigan basketball star, has been named as- sistant to the dean of students in charge of enforcement of the automo- 1 bile regulations, it was announced to- day by Dean Joseph A. Bursley. The announcement was made in con- junction with a 'statement that Har- vey C. Emery, who for the past year has had charge of the enforcement of the automobile ruling, had resigned. Mr. Rea will take full charge July 1, on whfch date-Mr. Emery's resigna- tion became effective. Mr. Emery will give assistance throughout the sum- mer, however. Mr. Emery will continue study in the graduate school during the Sum- mer Session, and ,plans to leave Ann Arbor early in September. He ha's made no statement relative to his plans for zniext year. DAILY TRYOUTS Students enrolled in the Sum- mer Session - and desirous ofE obtaining practical journalistic experience may report at the office's of The Summer Michigan Daily in the Press building be- tween 2 and 5 o'clock any after- noon this week. Practical exper- ierice is offered both' in the busi- ness and editorial departments Katherine Wick Kelly Who has been secured as the lead- ing lady and featured artist of the Rockford Players. G With Exception Of Robert Henderson, Director, Rockeford Players Present New Cast TICKET PURCHASE HEAVY Playgoers of the Summer Session are rapidly securing season reser- vations for the performances of the' R ckford. Players, who last night opened their third summer appear- ,nc ehere with the production of Sum- eraet Maugham's "The Letter,", in Sarah Gaswell Angell hall. Tickets for the entire season are now on sale at all the book stores, and may be purch'ased at the box office before each, performance. With the exception of Robert Hen- I derson, director of the company, the personel of the players is entirely new this summer. Katherine Wick Kelly, leading lady and tfeatured ar- tist of the troupe, is remembered in Ann Arbor for her work in "The Mol- lusc, "Anne Pettersdotter," and other plays with the Michigan Theatre, League several seasons ago. For the hjast ten years, she has been leading, lady at the famous Cleveland Play-, house, where her work has attracted! a deal of favorable comment. While she has appeared several times in New York, her popularity in Cleveland has, made it impossible for her to leave that city for any length of time. Roman Bohen of the Goodman Me- mori-l theatre of Cihcago, l's leading man. Elberta Trowbridge second1 womani, was brought from New York by Miss Bonstelle, to appear with Ly- dia Westman in 'Two Girls Wanted." She comes to the Rockford company from Detroit, and will play opposite' Miss Kelly in a series o" interesting role's. ARRANGE SUMMER SPORTSPROGRAM' or the first, time in the history of the University of Michigian Summer Session a comprehensive program of intramural athletics and activities will be conducted under the supervision of Paul Wa'shke, assistant director of in- tramural athletics. This program, it has been anniounc- ed will include competitive play such as tennis, swimming, baseball, play- grccund ball, golf, handball, squash, and similar glamies adapted to the mid- summer 'season 'and a number of non- competitive recreational activities. To further the play outlines by the initramural department the Board in Coptrol of Atthiletics has offered all the facilities of Ferry Field, south Ferry Field, the Yost Field House, and the new intramural soprts build- ing for the use of summer session students.I Those students wishing to parti- cipate in these organized intramural summer sports are requested to regis- ter their names in room 6 of Water- ! man gymniasium. Participation is free to all regularly enrolled students o the Summer Session. is much to accident as to his ownI shrewdness," Professor William Fray- er of the history department declared in a lecture delivered yesterday after- noon at five o'clock in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Frayer began his talk by pointing out the effect that Mussolini's dictatorship is having on the attitude toward American demo- cracy. He denied that it will havel any permanent effect. "A democracy," he said, "is the most effective form of government that has been devised thus far in the history of government." He admitted that there were undoubtedly minor de- fects, but none that could n'ot be remidied. "Complacency," he de- clared, "is our greatest danger, be-I cause it binds us to tfie faults that our government does possess." On this basis he sketched Musso- lini's rise and the growth of his pow- er. He gave a clear picture of the Duce as a youth absorbing radical literature, and stated that be was most, strongly influenced by four men, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Sorell, and Wil- liam James. He sh'owed that Fascism was an outgrowth of conditions that followed the war, and that Mussolini merely guided the movement. "'Italy at that time," Professor Frayer stated, "'was in what might be called an epic mood, and a change from the existing bankrupt government was imperative." He drew a picture of Italy as it ex- isted 'at that time, and showed the cause that led up to the change to Fascism. "However, the task of building up the country completed, xa change will undoubtedly be made to a more libe- ral form of government. Mussolini cannot ;ast forever, and his death will be a certain signal for the change," Professor Prayer declared. He con- centered in the canvass of the Okla- homa delegation that a "break" for Smith was in sight. There was no doubt but that the pr uhibition announcement yesterday by the Missouri senator had proved a basis for a working agreement be- tween the dry South and Reed's men. However, both sides stoutly dentied any coalition. Reed again sent word to his men that he was not fighting any particular candidate. All through : the (lay, however, he declared that he had to fight Smith if he was to win,. but he added that he was not oppos- ing Smith because he was Smith, the attitude very clearly taken by the Southerners after Roper. Roper 'and his men were still work- inrag under cover during the day. I There were no indications from them as to whom constituted their "steer- lg conimittee," or wlhat their course of procedure was. Last night Mr. cioper announced that he was "op- posed to nullification of the 18th amendment and to Tammany control of the federal government," and de- ermined upon the course of pro- cedure. HOUSTON, Texas, Juine -25.-Mak- ing little noise but evidently expect- ing much, leaders of the Smith forces, on the eve of the opening of the Dem- ocratic convention today, apparently were awaiting only the balloting sig- nal. No statemenit, except in the 'mo-st general terms, were to be had from Smith headquarters. It was no secret that friends of the New York gover- nor expected his nomination on an early ballot. How early, none in au- thority would say. Privates in the ranks were not willinfg to 'go beyond the third roll call, but the men who will direct the Smith strategy said it would come on an early ballot and. refused to add to the prediction. On subject's outside of politics the PLAYERS PRESENT PLEASING PRODUCTION OF "THE LETTER"] A. review, By Stratton Buck The Rockford Players opened the summer dramatic season last evening in a most satisfactory and gratifying manner. The first night audience which filled Sarah Caswell Angell hall was treated not only to a distinctly superior performance of an excellent play, but Professor Rankini was on hand as well, to give the effort official university sanction, and to introduce what he termed "the best company of players between two coasts." The production that followed seemed to justify this superlative praise. "The Letter" was presented with zest and finish. Both its melodramatic and psychological elements were skillfully handled, and when in the third act the climax was reached the iluusion of reality w'as attained to such a degree that one forgot he was watching a play at all. Katherine Wick Kelly in every way lived up to the advance publicity which has been given her; this is superla- tive praise indeed. As Leslie Crosbie, the character about whom the entire 'story is built, she swept everything be- fore her, and dominated the stagie from! curtain to curtain, The part assign- ed to her was tremendous. Miss Kelly,' however, developed her role with ar- tistry and realism throughout, taking full advantage of all the opportuni- ties offered ,her. She was forced to assume a melodramatic tenseness during almost the entire perofrmance, and was able to do this in a natural and inoffensive way. It would be very easy to overdo Leslie Crosbie. Miss Kelly's work of last evening promis- ed a mostodelightful season this sum- mer. Second only to the dominating Miss Kelly was Roman Bohnen's splendid interpretation of Howard Joyce, the advocate. His work showed talent and finish. Especially was the audience made to feel the conflict between Joy- ce's distaste for the whole unpleasant business and his desire to shield his friend, the murdress's husband, from the truth which would crush him. ("The Letter" is not a delicate story.) Robert Henderson filled two roles in his usual excellent fashion. The rest .of the cast proved itself in every way capable and adequate, the production at no time falling from the high standard set, by the two leads. - iew York leaders were almost cluded by saying that the effec of loquacious. George W. Olvany showed Mussolini's dictatorship was probably no unwillingness to talk of his golf beneficial to both Italy 'and the rest 0o aefi n, n rnlinD.RoI the orldgame; if any, and Fraenlklin D. Rouse- te world. velt sat in his thirteenth floor room to I chat of the charm of Warm Springs, SAMSON IS PICKED Ga., as he nursed his strength for the ON OLYMPIC TEAM speech he will make about Wednesday night nominating Smith. Justice Paul Samson., captain and star of Joseph M. Proskauer strolled about the the 1927-28 University of Miclhigan lobby of Rice hotel renewing Alabama swimming team, is included among acquaintances. the list of 25 of America's foremost George R. Van Namee, manager of aquatic stars who have been chosen the New York governor's pre-conven- to represent the United States in the tion activities, continued his daily con- Olympic games. ferences with newspaper men, but his Samson, who is now competing un- chief topic of conversation seemed to 1 der the banner of the Illinois athletic be about Houstonfs weather. club of Chicago, i-s entered in the free The Smith forces were to be aug style events. He is at present in New mented by several hundred recruitf York, where the newly selected Olym- today, but the latest arrivals wert f pie team is taking part in a series of not expected to add to the crop of in benefit meets for the Olympic fund. formation from the Smith camp. )' :- 3 '