1 WEATHER Fair and moderately cool. ( Y ummrr Alt ipun :41I&itI MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. IX.No.27. T wL. tX. ' 4,- ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1928 P Tf!T+'f TV w . u i ,. .. .. rtticly T7.1 N.' .1N 1V'P i _... _- .. ,s _ I A.GRARIANS IN MFXIO ASK- CALLES TO OUST LABOITE__MINISTERS LEADERS OF PARTY ACCUSED OF PSYCHOLOGICALLY INDUCING ASSASSINATION THREE ALREADY RESIGN Statement Of Police Chief Alleviates Sting Of Insinuation Which Blaihes Catholics (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, July 24.-The Union of Revolutionary parties, in which the agrarians are rperesented, has decid- ed to petition President Calles to eliminate all members of the labor eliminate all members of the Labor party from the administration. The union was not satisfied with the resignations of Luis Morones, minister of labor; Celestino Gasca, chef of ordinance supplies, and Ed- uardo Moneda, who withdrew from the government after agrarian leaders had asserted that labor leaders were the "psychological authors" of the assassination of Gen. Alvaro Obregon. Deputies Under Fire The union also decided to request the Obregonista blocs in both houses of congress to expel the Laborite dep- uties and senators. A committee was appointed at a meeting Monday to find a means to obtain the dismissal of those state governors who were either members of the labor party or were guilty of "serious outrages." The meeting was characterized by a radical change of attitude on the part of the agrarians, who instead of threatening civil war counseled ser- enity. A statement by Police Chief Gen. Antonio Rios Zertuche was regarded in some quarters today as possible parziv a o y tor an O fii Diu lt& a- ment withdrawing the sting of the recent assertion that the Catholic clergy were to blame for the assass- ination. Clergy Exculpated The statement said that the clergy were co-operating in investigation of the slaying. Last week Gen. Zertuche; announced that "responsibility for the crime lies with the Catholic clergy." It was thought today that this first1 assertion might be modified to apply to some individual or group instead of the clergy as a whole. i INI HOOV ER IS BUSY IN CALIFORNIA sociatedPressAsillatedPr STANFORD, Cal., July 24-Arrange- fILL FEAlIUflE m ents for his fishing trip in far nor- thern California and an inspection of the War Library which le donated c NCER IH to Stanford University, occupied much of the attention today of Herbert Hoo- ver, Republican presidential c(andi- ARTISTS TO PLAY NUM nHOW CLAVILUX ENHANC OF HENRIK IB THE A ReveB tatnBe ES BRILLI ANCE I l uL TODAY I date. Between times he did some work onJ his acceptance address and received callers who included Louis Mayer, motion picture producer, Mayor Jam- es Rolph Jr., of San Francisco, and Mrs. Worthington Scranton, Natianal Co mittee woman from Pennsylvana, who assured him that Pennsylvania would be found in tho Rpnlit BACH, SCHUMANN, HANDEL, AND FRANCK NO ADMISSION IS CHARGED Both Soloists Possess Wide Renown As Result Of Proficiency At Piano, Organ I Three factors combined to make last evening's performance of "The Vik- ings" a memorable event. First of all must come the great climax of light and color attained by Thomas Wilfred on the Clavilux during the fourth act, when the souls of Sig- urd and Hjordis rose to the sky while the black horsemen paraded across the clouds in the last march of he (ead. Secondly and no less effective was Katherine Wick Kelly's noer- ful impersonation of Hjordis. The diabolic Nordic woman lived in her interpretati ) at,,the eves of all the audienuo ; :'h fl('r strikn'. first en- entrance unil the close of the per- GRAMS IS SELECTED TO HEAD COMMITTEE I .« u LU1til ae tepum Can I nn raEa ah As the third offering in the summer column in November and that Wash- series of concerts sponsored by the inigton and Oregon would give him sustantial majorities. g mUniversity School of Music, a veried !program of instrumental music will ~h -be presented at 8:15 o'clock tonightj in Hill auditorium by Maud Okkel- berg, pianist, and Philip F. LaRowe, '25, organist. The concert is open to IIIfl [OPIOf the public, and it is expected' that many summer students will take ad- vantage of this opportunity to hear A viators Plain To Rest Several Days Before Attempting Journey To West Indies PLANE BEING REPAIRED (By Associated Press) PARIS, July 24.-The ministry of marine announced today that the flight to New York of the French sea- plane La Fregate, (the Frigate-Bird), now at Horta, Azores, has been post- poned for several days. Lieut. Paulin Louis Jerote Paris wants to overhaul the motors of the machine. Radio messages from the plane dur- ing the flight to Horta from Brest said that all worked well throughout. It has been reported, however, that the flyers and difficulty with one mo- tor shortly before they reached Horta. TIORT-A ISLAND OF FAYAL, Azor- es, July 24.-Three French airmen1 who hope to complete a round-trip between Brest and New York by sea-! plane, waited today while minor re- pairs were being made to their plane. Their plane, La Fregate, was hoisted on the breakwater so that it could be groomed or the next leg of its flight to Bermuda. If they find their fuel supply sufficient on reaching there, the flyers, Lieut. Paulin Paris, Relief Pilot Marcel Marot and Radio Oper- ator Louis Henri Cadon, will continue on to New York without stopping. rwaa u . , v+ a.u a. yE.ava a.u aaa tiJ vv as c:wa i i two well-known artists. Mrs. Okkelberg hassbeen teaching piano at the School of Music for about twenty years, and has gained wide acclaim as a pianist both with or- chestra and in recital. Mr. LaRowe graduated in organ at the School of Music and was for some time a member of its faculty. He now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but is here doing special work in music this summer. Tonight's program is divided into four groups, and each performer is to appear twice. Bach is represented by two compositions, a fuge for piano and a sonatina for organ from the cantata "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit." A symphony from Handel's "Saul," arranged for organ by Gull- mant, will be played by Mr. LaRowe. Mrs. Okkelberg is to play two com- positions b y Rameau-Godowsky, "Tambourin" and "Elegie." She will also play Robert Schumann's melo- dious "In the Night." Cesar Franck's Choral in A minor orf organ will be interpreted by Mr. LaRowe.- Selected By President C. C. Little Chairmanship Of University College Committee To DEANS CONFIRM CHIOICE Following a consultation with the deans of the various schools pnd col- leges, President Clarence Cook Little announced the appointment of Lewis M. Gram, professor of structural en- gineering, as chairman of the execu- tive committee of the University qol- lege.I Provisions for the executive com- mittee were part of the University college plans passed by the Board of Regents at its spring meeting. Al- though no chairman was appointed at thlat time, subsequent confirmation of Professor Gram's appointment was received from the Regents by Preni- dent Little. The new chairman pre- sided at a meeting of the committee yesterday 'noon at the Union. Considerable assistance in the work of the executive coimmittee of the University college is being given by Prof. C. S. Boucher, dean of the col- leges at University of Chicago, where a university college plan is in opera- tion. Professor Boucher delivered an formance. All the 'aerceness and power of the she-devil, atnd all thej struggle that went on within her bar- baric soul in its effort to reach a fuller happiness were clearly por- trayed in Miss Kelly's performance. She was best perhaps in the banquet scene, where she provoked ThorAf beyond endurance, then laughed at, his useless death and at Ornulf's grief, but was magnificent in every .act of the play. It was a gripping and tremeindous piece of work that she treated her audience to last evening. The third factor was the power of the Ibsen drama itself. In "The Vik- ings" the passions and emotions of these primitive souls are brought into play in a gripping story. One should not look for careful shades of char- acter here. Instead we have the two great conflicting passions that rule t Sigtird'es life; his fine friendship for t Gunnar and his love for Hjordis, com- t bined with the character of this she-.C devil make up the play. The char- acters are primitive men, in whomr these emotions 'are foremost, and one would not be satisfied were mytholo- I gical heroes more clearly defined. One t thing in the play seems difficult to reconcile. This is the tragic discov- ery, at the conclusion, the Sigurd is a Christian, and that he and Hjordis I are destined to be separated for ever. Christianity is totally out of keeping with the whole spirit of the play, aind its introduction weakens the galn effect. c s The performance of the Rockfordv Players, though generally satisfactory, at times lacked finish. Miss Kelly v excepted, no one distinguished him- self by ;great acting. On the other hand no one was poor. The illusion of reality was not quite attained, and at times the slowness became op- z pressive. The magnificence of MisszA, Kelly's performance and the glorious u climax of the last act however, mores 'hin irda up for the defects in the o praduction. e: CARRANZA RURIEDI& IN MEXICO CITY (By Associated Press) m1 MEXICO CITY. July 24--F'o- thue second tune i as many days M ex.;- a i City today witnessed one of the e most inpre:sive demonstration., in its history when the body of Captain 01 Emil- Carranrza, Alexico's Goodwill ti Fryer, was laid to rest in th his- oriic Rotunda of Dolores Cemetary here former presidents and states- n men and illustrious Mexicans are bur- w ENt M OLESFK ONMDR TNEC IENGLISHTEACHING "ADEQUATE C OMUNICATION" MUST BE ONE MAIN OBJECTIVE READING IS FIRST PHASE Teacher Should Find Way To Bridge Cap Between Experience Of Author And Pupil "The most modern movement in the teaching of English is the division of the subject matter iinto piases and the discovery of a definite objective or aim r each phase," said Dr. Nor- ma D. Solve in her lecture "Modern Tendencies in the Teaching of Eng- ish," delivered in the auditorium of he University High school yesterday afternoon. "The first phase of English teaching s reading. And by that I mean util- tarian reading, or the teaching of comprehension in proportion to the experience o fthe child. This is one of the modern objects and should be continued through high school. We hould teach the pupil to understand what he reads, for in that way it will be mare useful to him in after lif e. "Realize Experience "The next division is literature Here our main objective is the reali- ation of the literary experience. Much of the success in this depends pon the teacher. There is neces- arily a gap between the experience f the author of the selection and the xperience of the pupil. The teacher must seek some way to bridge this ap and bring the experience within ie realization of the child. Before ne can do this it is necessary to de- id whether to emphasize such ele- .ents as activity, emotion, or the haracters in crises. We should use nyv aid needed to vitalize the experi- nce, such as pictures, and dramati- atiop. One big aid to this is to give he child a background of the feeling fthe author when he wrote the selec- on. "Grammar Changing" "The division of language or gram- nar is constantly changing. Here e have two schools. One says that rammar and puncuation depend upon nomnon usage and should be taught ,s such. The other says we must ave rules and authorities are we are 1 sea. The ideas of the first school ave not as yet been incorporated in t POTATO GROWERS ON 11 ATTl ADAING v I G I V E N WAR V61IV 1V a4ddress before the committee last week in which he outlined the details (By Associated Press) I of the University c Allege a's it oper- EAST LANSING, July 24-Potato ates at Chicago. Dean Boucher also growers of the state are warned by attended the meeting of the commit- H. C. Moore, potato expert at Mich- tee yesterday noon. igan State college, of the advisability of anl early spray of bordeaux mix- French citizens ewhMake out in- come taxc reports are required to read Exa MEiiodern l intinga On Exhibition In General Library An exhibition entitled "Fine Modern Printing" has been put on display in the General Library, illustrating some of the choicest printing that has been done. Several of the books have been loaned by Regent James Beal for the exhibit. The material repre- sents the work of many presses, in- cluding the Kelmscott, Dove, Danial, Village, and the work of Bruce Rog- ers. The Kelmscott Press, founded by William Morris who created a new era in fine printing, adopted the heavy faced type and returned to an almost forgotten style of decoration. In di- rect contrast to this ornate embellish- ment is the ;Dove Press. The type of this press is modeled on. that of Janson, but is systematized and less irregular. The characteristic quality of the books is their entire absence of decoration except the plain but beautiful initials. These are usually colored in vivid tones. The Dove Press has been said to approach very close to absolute perfection in press work, composition, and page placement. The colophen was adopted by the Dove Press. This page at the end; of the book gives all the information usually found on a title page. Many of the books printed by the Daniali Press were the writings of friends of the Rev. C. . O. Danials, the founder. The editions were limited to a few copies. The first issue was in 1874 1 but the Press was unknown outside a small circle until the Kelmscott had established the vogue for fine print- ing. The printers mark of the Danial is a representation of Daniel in the lions den. The mark of the Golden Cockerel is a (mall gold cock. The Peah Tree Press so called from the the name of the cottage which housed the press is a spreading fruit tree. The Village Press has the anchor with two dolphins. This press is the most important American private press, and was founded by Mr. and Mrs. Goudy. Mrs. Goudy sets the type for most of the books and binds many of them. Mr. Goudy designs and casts the type. Since the inauguration of fine print. ing the Riverside Press in 1899, Bruce Rogers has become known as one of the leading designers of printing type and ranks among the first type- graphers in the United States today. His customary mark is a thistle in the form of the Aldine anchor with his initials. One of his works on dis- play is Drinkwaters Proserphone which is unusual with gold initials and medallion. Another of Roger's works is Geofroy Troy's Campfleury. In planning this book which occupied the printer's time for twelve years, each page of the original manuscript was photographed and the designs on the photograph worked over to elimin- ate imperfections in early printing. This book was the center on the Graphic Arts Exhibit in New York. BASEBALLSCORES (By Associated Press) American League New York 5, Boston 3. Only games scheduled. National League St. Louis 2, Brooklyn 1. New York 6, Pittsburgh 3. Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 1. Chicago and Boston not scheduled.; ture as a control measure against 126 columns of tax law information leaf hoppers, flea beetles, early blight before they begin. and late blight, the most cmmon in- sects.and diseases affecting the Mich- Incandescent Lamp igan crop. Thorough spraying with bordeaux As Inefficient I mixture has increased yields on an average of nearly 60 bushels to the "Incandescent lights such as those! ( acre, Professor Moore says. Spray- that are used today are very ineffi- ing should be begun when the plants cient," was a statement made byI are 6 inches high and then repeatedIProf. Ora S. Duffendack in a lecture at 10 day or two week intervals, five deli.era. fveo'lck applications usually being sufficient deivere at five oclock yesterday afternoon in the west physics lecture during the season.rom room. ROCKFO RD TROUPE duenheiefficiency of these lights is du o the fact that they give back - TO PLA Y "MER TON" 'in the form of light only about five per cent of the energy used in heat- "Merton of the Movies," considered ing the filaments to the required the greatest satire on moving pic- amount," he explained. "It is neces-1 tures ever written, will be presented sary to heat the incandescent light; by the Rockford Pliayers at 8:15 to a very degree, about 2,500 degrees,, oclock tomorrow night at Sarah Cas~ - centigrade. This heat acting on the vell Angell hall, opening a sched- tungsten filaments produces the white1 ule of five performances. light that is a characteristic of the The original story, by Harry Leon incandescent lamp." Wilson, ran in the Saturday Evening Professor Duffendack began his lec- Post, and was later dramatized by ture by demonstrating several types Marc Connelly and George S. Kauf- of the early electric light. First he< man, known for their successes which showed several t include "Dulcy," "To the Ladies," lam Tiseliht is made b l asiow 'Beggar on Horseback,"- "Helen ofgg Troy N. .,"and ther. ja current through a gas-filled tube,"i Troy, N. Y.," and others. the lecturer stated. "The light givent The rode of Merton, created in off by these tubes is not satisfactory. the original production and later play- In the first place it is colored, and not ed in motion pictures by Glen Hun- V ,I s Characterized By -Local Professor "Although the blow lamps of the a suitable text-book. type that was first invented were "The last division is that of com- never developed due to their disad-1 position. Here our new objective is vantages, the general inefficiency of c ear and adequate communication, the present-day incandescent type, ! We must teach the child written and and the fact that it has been develop oral composition in such a way that to the highest degree possible has led he can 'learly communicate his ideas to new investigations into the possi- to the group to which he is speaking 'ilitiestof the earlier lamp he explain- our writing. Discussion of the com- ed." It has been discovered that the~ positions by the entire class aids use of neon and certain other gasesI greatlyI d iscovering if the aims has in tubes gives a fairly strong light at( been realized. low voltage, but with the same dis- advantage of being red or blue in color. These lights are being widely GUERNSEY IS BI used today for advertising purposes, TO FOREIGN POST but, until a way is is found to produce a white light with these gases, they Prof. Martha Guernsey of the psy- will never replace the present type. chology department has been invited However, experiments are being con- ducted at the present time in the re- o give the guest series of four le- search laboratories of several com- tures in genetic psychology next vear panies, and discoveries may be made in Vienna, Prague, and Innsbruck, ac- whereby these lamps can be brought cording to a letter received last week into greater usage. They are used ',from Europe. This is the second time today as light-beacons on fying-fields,;a woman has been asked to fill this and in many factories." position. Miss Guernsey spent last year work- TO FETE LITTLE ing in genetic lsychology under fam- ous authorities in Germany and Aus- President Clarence Cook Little is tria. She has published recently ar- to be the guest of honor at the third ticles on 'A Genetic Study of Imita- of a series of special teas, to be given tion" and on "The Genesis of Rhythm tomorrow afternoon from 3 to 5 and Its Bearing on Gestalt Theory." o'clock. The tea will be held at the A third, dealing with spatial percep- field house and all campus women are tion as observed in premature, norm urged to take advantage of the oc- al, and idiotic infants, is soon to be casion to meet President Little in- published in both English and Ger- fornialy. man. Miss Guernsey will give an ii- Dean Edward H. Kraus and Mrs. lustrated lecture here August 7 on Kraus, and Miss Beatrice Johnson "The Social Revolution in Austria," will also be guests, based on her observations abroad ter, will be taken by Robert Hender- son. Marvel Garnsey who has gain- ed favor with local audiences will take the part of the Montague Girl, while Katherine Wick Kelly will be seen in the role of Mrs. Patterson. William Youngs, of the Cleveland Playhouse, will p ortray the character of Jeff Baird and Roman Bohnen, will play Mr. Walberg, the producer. Sig- mund Rosenblatt, the director, will be portrayed by Tom Denton who has had considerable experience in the motion picture industry. very bright, and it lasts but a short time. For these reasons lamps of this type were not developed to a very great extent." "The electric light as we know it was developed in the last century," he continued. "A carbon filament was first used, but the light jroduced by heating this filament was yellow, and not of sufficient intensity to be sat- is actory. Through the experiments of the General Electric company, the incandescent lamp was discovered and developed."