PAGE FOUR THE SUMMER MICHIGIAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1928 . ... ... ........ ...K-u TT au a.. . . i n I ua Nu2x T.2m -- " 4uguist Senlors--'sch ool of E d'catioll Al'0AI r11 I ULLIT iplonia and Teacher's fees should be paid( before the end of the Publivation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members Summer Session b those students of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session j who wil have completed the require- until 3:30 p.,in. (11:30 a. m. Saturday),. inents (during this Session) for grad-. Volume VIII TUESDAY, JULY 24, 192S No. 26 cto rmteSho fEuain tridets ofthe Cllegef Lita-r Thesi e laus ay heecureluing td trf h olee fi ttiire, Science, and the Arts, the Collegei fe10m atheSoo ' E- of Pharmacy, the School of Educatim~, and the Graduate School: . cation, 105 Tappan :Sall. Except in extraordinary circumstances courses may not be dropped 1iOffce Hours: '10:30-12 a.n.. 2::; without E. Grade after today. ') - T'. E. Rlankin C'onferenice Group for Iriies(ay: Dr. Norma D. Solve will discuss "Progressive Trendenicies in the Teach- ing of English.' She will divide her discussion into the different phases of the subject. Her discussion will be of special value to English teachers, as well as supervisors of the subject. Atthur B. )Ioeliuan University Men and Women: There will be social dancing in Barbour gymnasium tonight, 7 to 'S p. m., A three piece orchestra will furnish the music. 30 ) . n1. G retch en Rrmr,. IRecord er The University of Michigan Club ofI Atlanta, Ga., announces the election of the following officers: president, Dr. Grady Clay '1 4M, secretary-treas- urer, Eugene Jackson. TYPE WRITLING and 31I.EOGRA1PI1NG A Specialty for'Twenty Years 0. D. MORRILL 1NiJckels Atreade Plione 661.4 ARCTIC AIRMEN REACH NEW YOR FOR TOUR OF THE UNITED STTE MSSLNITDLRB DISASTER__OFllALIA ROMEttl. Jiuly 231--Premier Mussolini told the council of ministers today - thrmita complete investigation into all f< 0 thases of the Italia disaster would fW' made by Italy. and that any other :- iiopo':ed investigation would be ii- nediatelv rejected. ..:. u cli nqiiry, the premier stressed will nraturailly be nmade in Italy and .". B.:> ° . 3 It allan ipersonalities. Any other { liypothesis is absurd and offensive and \ imatevei it ight or wherever the trrolposttion camne from it would be im- nwd i tely rejected. Meanwhile it 'hould beC recorded, -, aidl, that the tirst to see the be- o : gu ered group was Maj. M~ddalena, the Italian flyer who wvent. north with t S.7voa-Mtrchett machine. .} The premier then p~aid trlhute tj the brillianrt flight of Ferrarin and Del Prete from Italy to South America as "li-:ving exalted thei nations, right- earns pride." 6 Ethel McCormIck / PI ILamda Theta: There will be a li Lambda Theta tea for the Women's Educational Club this afternoon from 4 to 6 at the Pi Beta Phi house, 836 'Tappan Road. j Madelinie Bowers, Secret ary Excursion to P ut-9In-Bay: The excursion t0 Put-in-Bay will leave for Detroit by special interurban from the corner of State and Packard streets at 0 a. in.. Saturday, July 28. At' Detroit the party will take the regular Put-in-Bay boat. Four hours will be spent on the island. The chief attractions on the island are the caves and the monument to Commodore Perry. Those who wish to go please leave their names with Prof. Hussey, room 3051, Natural Science build- ing. IL1. V.Hutssey 10 Delta Kappa: Phi Delta Kappa will hold its regular weekly luncheon today at 12 :05 in the Ladies' Dining Room at the 'Michigan Union. All members are ex-C petted to be present. I Iloy VV. I 'lliai , IPres idlent Physics Colloquium : Dr. Robert S. Muliken of New York University, will speak on "~Electronj States of Molecules" at 4:15, Tpuesday, in room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are cordially invited. S. A. Goudsinit Teachers ('ertificates: Blanks for the payment of the Teacher's Certificate fee may be 'se- cured at the office of th School of Education. All students wvho are meet- ing the requirements and expect to be recommended for the Certificate at~ the end of the Summer Session should pay their fees and return their receipts to the Recorder, School of Education, before the end of the Session. Office H~ours-10:30-12 a. in., 2:30-3:30 p. in. Gretchen Kirug, Recorder BUD GOLDEN'S WOLERINES Playing at Rush mer S NUT HOUSE f' APRIL SHOWERS BRNG0U TOW ER'S FISH BRAND SLICKERS \ ~ The most Pracrical \\~// ~.and Stylish j RainyDayGarments Lunch 12-1 Dinner 6-7 I" _'U 2:00-3:35 TODAY & TUESDAY ONLY 7:20-_ r-00 - GENUINE rr "Old Town Canoes Very Safe and Easy to Paddle rSAUNDER'S CANOE LI VERY - On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar St. 0 I A Drama of the Vikings of the Clipper Ships Thrilliiwly Revealed ! ~io a dots/t7g+ 5ishnqromance ERNEST TORRENCE Sen natand JOAN CRAWFORD 3[AESTI( '1POI NTiY1FATs . Th~le Best Mani" A es op's Patlie =r;.:* 'A F II II ~Paramount ~TLd A SnnttCoed Fabes 1tvizv News VlfAIj Polies--1°:041-3:3.>-10-235-35, :20-9 :00-10-35-50) \" i ° , l ' r u : I'"" 0 o ur &eea/r fas tfiemri A.J.TOWER CO4. B oston, Mass. D p J'tsH BRPP -11 DAWN OF A NEW DAY IN DRAMA ! COMING WED.-LYA DE PUTTI in "BUCK PRIVATE'S" I Always Cool and Comfortable at the I'~ rp M" TODAY AND WEDNESDAY WILUM BOY. vD NION The Royal Flush of All i.I Western Railroad Pictures I HERE'S NEWS THAT IS JUST TOO 'GOOD TO KEEP ANY LONGER After considerable effort we have secured a picture that will again keep Ann Arbor talking. It is decidedly different than what we have offered our patrons in the past. A big furore was created in Detroit while it was shown and' we sure wanted it for the Orpheum and now we have it, coming next Sunday, July 29th, for the entire week. It is an exceptional produc- tion and our patrons can depend on it being well worth our advance praise. WATCH FOR MORE DETAIL INFORMATION AND KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE ORPHEUM ORPHEUM THEATRE i I -ADDED- NEWS COMEDIES NOVELTIES OTHER 21ICHIGAN S'TAGE AND) SCREEN FEATURES EX'TRA !---THURS. NIGHT !-EXTRA! TUNNEY-HEENEY. FIGHTbyRTURNS Direct from the Ringside The University of Michigan, Presents The KOCKFORD PLAYERS 3d z~x Ther-.&O Last T'ime ''nli at 8:15-H'ill Auditorium HENRIK ISBE'S Making History in Theater "oIo ,1E VI Ii ,T TS" Ticker:- Tc (unrserved), $1,.00 (e-- served) . On sale -at Hill Auditorium Box Office. A WORLD PREMIERE--LIGHT, MUSIC, DRAMA