TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1928 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Books o Dotily Madison, the Nation's Hostess by Elizabeth Lippincott Dean $3.00 Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co. Elizabeth Lippincott Dean writes clearly but somewhat sentimentally in 'Dolly Madison" to emphasize the human interest element, or all of the incidents reflect the interesting and personal experiences of this charming lady. There is a touch of the intimate which focuses the attention on how the historical events of the times affected people. A different cast is brought to history and another slant is seen upon the notables of the times to fall naturally into events with their contemporaries who may be placed easily in their chronological order. Dolly Madison's life in Virginia is portrayed in a lively manner, show- ing plantatio)n existence unue." its best managereni. Hospitality of cb- t a- ditional south is exemplifed in a number of ine practises of the day, as for exam;ple t. e fact that before every muEal they went to the door to look out for guests who might be coming down the road. In Virginia, Dolly lived among the prominent citizens of the age like her cousin, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson, the man who gave; his books as the beginning of the Congressional Library. Many fa- mous personages were entertained at the mansions, Harewood, where Dolly Payne married Thomas Madison, at Monticello where the Madisons often were guests of Jefferson, and at Mont- pelier, the mountain home of Thomas Medison and his wife. Dolly Pay.ne who was to be the wife of the future fourth president, went to Philadelphia at a very early age to. live with her family there. After %he had made friends and met the society of the town, she married John Todd, an army man. Shortly, a plague broke out in the city and rag- ed so devastatingly that many were forced to leave the town. Dolly's hus- band and her child became ill with it and then Dolly herself. The sad- ness came when she recovered to find that her husband was dead. Her child, Payne Todd, grew to be a care- less and sophisticated man travelling and living on the continent extrava- AULT IS MEMBER the Day OF OLYMPIC TEAM Sport 7tBrietSl LOAYZA TO ARRIVE SOON gantly in spite of the fact that his DETROIT, July 23.-Stanislaus mother needed him and the money he ::::.. Loayza, Chilean lightweight, who will slpent when she became old. fight Jimmy McLarnin here Aug. 2. Dolly Madison enjoyed her life in wil arrive soon to start his training Washington, the then sparsely settled at the Redford country club, accord- town which the French Pierre L'En- ing to Luis Bouey, his manager, who fant carefully designed. In her ex- :"- has completed arrangements for the istence at the President's Mansion, fighter's training period. there was none of the dissatisfaction shown by the preceding Adams fam- TOURNEY STARTS TOMORROW ilyr who had to inhabit a house so S*::::GRAND RPDJl 3-h nearly incompleted that clothes were RAPIDS, July 23.-The Michigan state golf tournament will aftr thy hd bn ue o the ple- begin here on Thursday with a fiefd dor thf y forbei n apilse whe sAam- that includes the best golfers in the dor of foreign capitals where Aamsstate. Dave Ward, 1926 champion and had gone on diplomatic missions. So- a University of Michigan student, Is ciety became a jgay indulgence dur- numbred mongthefavoitesforhe: °n h esn he ol aio numbered among the favorites for the ng the seasons when Dolly Madison k' ^''':} ." presided over the levees which Jef- 1928 title. Carleton Wells, titleholder ferson had done away with because Garnet Ault for three years, has not been able to he had few persons to entertain the Star University of Michigan swim- enter this year's tournament on ac- ladies bt Dolly Madison and because mer, who will represent Canada in the count of pressing duties As instructor he preferred having his men friends toimengOypc aestAse- in the University of Michigan. informal dinners. Garments were impeding Olympic games at Amster- brought from France for the particu- daw. Ault is national collegiate TYPEWRITERS l.ar social occasions; once Dolly com- champion in the 440-yard dash. Buck o1'all nm'akes, large plained that she could ask the Adams Samson, captain of the 1926 swimming and portable. Sales, to bring her no more since the duty team, is another Wolverine swimmer Rentals, Service. was excessive. At these celebrations important people came to the society who is participating in the Olympics. 0. D. MORRILL of the capital in the visits of Wash- He is a member of the American team. 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 ington Irving who had just written the "Sketch Book" and of Andrew Jackson, the impetuousaand now fa-A mous lawyer and general from Ten-' nessee- + These Warm Days (By courtesy of the Graham Book Store) K.S. DAVIS CUP TEAM Try Our Fresh Fruit TO MEETFRENCH' Sundaes (By Associated Press) PARIS, July 23.-The United States, as a result of its decisive victory over the Italians, has reached for Davis cup e tsy R o ss challenge round for the ninth suc-S cessive year but for the first time the SH P Nickels Arcade Americans are conceded but little15NclsA ad chance of winning the trophy. Experts consider that whatever chances the Americans have of beat- i ASS IF I E LOST-Blue suede pocketbook con- LASS F I Etaining several bills and a house- ADVErT4 iSING. key, on State between; Nickels Ar- I cade and Liberty. Finder please call RESERVE your booth at Rushmer's 6498 between 6 and 8 p. m. Reward. for the Wednesday night dance. WANTED-Good Suite or Furnished 18, 19, 20, 21 Apartment for Fall term, by in'true- tor. Address Box 2, Mich. Daily. FURNISHED one-room kitchenette 21,$2"2 apartment. Jefferson Apts. Aug. 1. rom at Universty ialwoman'sref Call 2-1868. 18, 19, 2( returned to secretary's office. 23 FOR SALE-Larige library table $20. MY "Old Kentucky Home" Tea Shop, 121 5.Uniersty.Ope evrySun- Fairbanks bathroom scales $10. Ma- 1216ay S.eveningversity. Open every 19-25 hogany piano lamp $5. 9-drawer LOST-A pair of tortoise rimmed card file $2. Dial 4391. glasses on State or Huron Sts. WANTED-Student help. Dart time. Dial 5978. Holmes. Reward. 25 The Port Cafe, 108 E. Huron. Dial 6813. 19-20 LOST-Dunhill lighter on West side of town. Call Ray Wachter, 21214.! Reward.r FOUND-Sigma Alpha Delta Frater-. nity Pin. Dial 22217. 20' I.,OST-Pair of shell rimmed glasses somewhere in vicinity of campus. Finder please call 6624. Reward. 25 TYPING-Theses a specialty. Reason- able rates. Dial 9387. M. V. Hart- suff. i ! J.?tl. .,IY %.Ica c l. lcll.ca.Cl"//"~ Graduate Candidates tiWANT IED! t For Positions in Universities, Colleges and 1 Schools WANTED TODAY: Graduate Candidatf for Head of Chemistry Department, College of Pharmacy. $275.00 Supervisors of Music. Public Health Nurses. 1a Allied Professional DBureaus 742 Marshall Field Annex Building Chicago, Illinois .r oWr~,r r,.r r r,.s..tir.rr..r @ ing the French in the finals, starting Friday, hinge upon the fleeting hope that. Big Bill Tilden will be restored to good standing, at least temporarily. Correct -!i , .-: r. _. 1 11 ilk wr 'moo %OOF Laundering demands that all garments be made freshly clean and that they be faultlessly i i. , ' y !x ki ' ' .. ,",. .. t it ironed. It has been our pleasure to provide such service for many years in A our constantly improved Specially Bought To Sell at Values to $19.75 Many attractive flat crepe summer frocks are very simply made in tailored lines. The sleeveless modek are particularly popular for the active sports. Any style you prefer is here-two piece or one piece. Shantung and You San are two fairncs of the season which have gained fashion's favor because they launder so beautifully. Still another choice for the young girl are. the bouffant organdies. They are all splendid values since they were higher priced earlier in the season. - plant. Call I. 4219 AUNDI + ;' 44 . . 4' .' j (Second Floor) 6w. @S i 4 ". .3 0,; - Ac.c " Corner of Liberty and Fifth 1' /