* ammr, x [E WEATHER IUNDERSTORMS TODAY Lie iAzn Lzitttl ASSOCIAT PRESS fIY AN) NIGHT N SERVICE No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 19, 1925 PRICE FIVE NLEY FIRST ON OLRAM OF NEXT ELK'S LECTURES' SPEAK UPON CENTENNIAL" TUESDAY " HUXLEY'S ON OXFORD MAN TALKSj Max Ewing Will Give Pano Concert In Hill Auditorium On Wednesday The progranm °for this week will start with a lecture at 5 o'clock1 Tuesday, in Natural Science Auditor- ium, Prof. R. M. Wenley of thef philosophy department will speak on, "Huxley's Centennial." At 8 o'clock that night, Lionel Curtis of Oxforde England, will be the speaker, the title of his lecture being "Civitas Del." There will be no afternoon lecture on Wednesday, but at 8 o'clock, Max Ewing, a pianist, will give a concert under the auspices of the University School of Music in Hill Auditorium. An illustrated lecture on "Geog- raphic Observations in Trinidad" is scheduled at 5 o'clock Thursday. Prof. P. E. James will be the speaker. At 8 o'clock Dr. Guy Kiefer of Detroit will talk' on "How to Keep Well." At 5 o'clock, Friday, Prof. A. E. Boak will give an illustrated lecture on "The University of Michigan Arch- aeological Work in -Egypt, 1924-25."1 Saturday there will be an excursiont to Put-in-Bay on Lake Erie, under thei direction of Prof. E. R. Smith of Det Pauw. It will be via the Michigant Central to Detroit and steamer to Put- in-Bay.4 The lectures in the course in ap-I plied hygiene and public health will be given this week by Dean Hugh Cabot on Monday and Tuesday, Dr.- Carl Badgley on Wednesday, and Dr.- Carl Eberbach on Thursday and Fri- day in the auditordm of the College of Dental Surgery.1 All lectures will be given in Nat- ural Science Auditorium unless other- wise indicated, and the concert Wed- nedynight will be in Hill Auditor-, ium tGAUTE ENGINEERS SEEK HIGHER DEGREES Four professors of civil engineering from Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Mis- souri, one engineer from the highway department of Tokyo, Japan, and a highway engineer from India are among those enrolled in the Summer session as advanced students special-I izing in highway engineering and highway transport. Five of the advanced students are candidates for a higher degree, four working for the degree of master of science in engineering, and one work-< ing for the degree of doctor of sci- ence' WHAT'S GOING ON SUNDAY 19:00-Father Iden speaks at Baptist guild house. 6 00-Baptist young people meet in church parlors. MONDAY 7:16-Meeting of Women's Education- al club at 836 Tappan street. 8:00-"The Merchant of Venice" to b presented by the class in Shake- spearean Reading in University Hall. Paris, July 18.-Le Journal's Fez correspondent says Abd-El-Krim is reported to have declared to unofficial French emissaries that he would ac- cept no armistice in the present Mor- occan warfare. Prof. H. C. Carver will give a lec- ture at 5 o'clock. Monday, July 20, on the "Problem of Statistics!" Pro- fessor Carver is professor of Mathe- matis and Insurance in the literary Law Professors Return Here From Year In Europe Prof. Horace L. Wilgus of the Law School returned here Tuesday after a year's trip in England and France, having attended the meeting of the American Bar association held in Lon- don last July. Professor Wilgus. was accompanied by Mrs. Wilgus through- out the trip, and by Prof. E. R. Sund- erland and Prof. Victor H. Lane, both of the Law department, while attend- ing the meeting of the American Bar association., The Canadian and English bar as- sociations acted as host to the Amer- ican Bar association at the meetingi held in London. An elaborate party was given for those present at the meeting and 'their families in the Buckingham palace. Professor Sund-i erland and Mrs. Sunderland and their son Thomas Sunderland return-, ed here in February while Professor Wilgus and Mrs. Wilgus went to the Southern part of France where they spent the winter.f FOOT'S LECTURES WILIBEGIN MONDAY Famous Physicist to Give Series on Atomic Structure Ever Day at Four HAS GOVERNMENT POST Dr. Paul D. Foote, nationally known physicist, will start his series of lec-t tures on "Atomic Structure",-here to-e morrow. Dr. Foote is a physicist at1 the Bureau of Standards at Washing- ton, D. C. The lectures will be given daily atI 4 o'clock and Friday at 9 o'clock in room 1041 in the New Physic Build- ing. The topics for this week are "Complex Structure of Series Terms,"1 on which there will be five lectures, and "Photo-Electric Effect on Vapors," one lecture. Other subjects in the lec- ture series by Dr. Foote are "Thel Breakdown of Selection Principles," "Excited Atoms," "Polarization of Re- sonance Radiation," "Needle Quanta," "The Stern-Gerlach Experiments," "Stoner's System of Quantum Num- bers," "Quantization of the Nucleus," upon which there will be one lecture each, and "The Relatively Doublet Di-t lemma," two lectures. DAWES ADRESSES MEN1 AT TRAINING CAMP Battle Creek, July 18. - The re-7 serve officers training corps is like "a great cream separator, separating the cream of our citizenship," Vice Pres- ident Charles G. Dawes said in ad- ' dressing the entire command at Camp I Custer Friday. The vice-president, underslung pipe,1 decollette collar and all had a busy day, being constantly in action from early morning until late at night. AndI while doing it all he remarked that he was "resting." "You don't find the inert man, the man without-initiative, taking the trouble to come to one of these camps," he said. "It is the man who is on his toes, who wants to do things who comes here to get a train- ing which is making a solid phalanx of good citizens for the America of the future." New Announcements To Be Out Early Printing work on the new annual announcement of the College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts has started, and 120 pages have already been finished. The announcement will be ready for distribution before the close of the Summer session. - This will be the first time the an- nouncement of the literary college has been printed in time for the summer students to get copies before going home. Brussels, July 18.-The Belgian mis- sion which will go to Washington to negotiate a settlement of the Belgian debt will sail on the liner Olympic from Cherbourg July 30. Te presentation of Anna Cora1 Mowatt's "Fashion" last night by the1 Wisconsin Players was a decided suc- cess, judging from the evident ap- preciation of the audience.{ "Fashion" is typical of the com- edies of the early nineteenth century, and was given in the formal stage manner of that time, yet it was high- ly appreciable, for the manner of presentation only added to the com- edy. The character of Mrs. Tiffany, a lady who imagined herself "fash- ionable', and leader of the 'elite', was exceptionally well portrayed by Miss Armstrong, was a screamingly funny part. Adam Truman, a farmer form{ Cattereugas, an old friend of the Tif- fanys of their pre-money days, an outspoken, sensible, old man, was es- pecially well acted by Mr. Robinson. Mr. Tiffany, a New York merchant, a man harassed by debt because of Players End Engagement With Anna Mowatt's Bright Comedy By Ellen Lethten his wife's 'fashion', and cowed by his 'confidential clerk', Snobson, (Mr. Tracy) was realistically character- ized by Mr. Marobn. The remainder of the cast included Seraphina Tif- fany, a coquette, played by Miss Haw- thorne; Count Jolimaitre, an impost- er, acted by Mr. Jones; Colonel How- ard, Mr. Gallagher; T. Tennyson Twinkle, a modern poet, and a nec- essary asset in Mrs. Tiffany's draw- ing room, Mr. Sherry; Augustus Fogg, another drawing room appendage, Mr. Chichester; Zeke, a colored servant, Mr. Quirk; Prudence, an hysterical maiden lady, Miss tllbricht; Millin- ette, a French maid, Miss Stevens; and Gertrude, a governess, and an orphan girl, who won the hearts of the audience, Miss Barrows. The vocals selections of the inter- missions were particularly delightful and appealing, and well received. All-Campus Dance8 To Be Given By Women's League Barbour gymnasium will be the scene of an informal dance to be given I by the Women's League and W. A. A. from 8 to 11:30 o'clock Thursday, for Summer session students. All men and women on the campus are invited to attend the dance, to which no admission will be charged. A four-piece orchestra will furnish the music and refreshments will be served. Patrons and patronesses are Dean Edward H. Kraus, dean of the Summer session, and Mrs. Kraus; Dean Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students, and Mrs. Bursley; Dean Allen S. Whitney of the School of Education, and Mrs. Whitney; Dean Amy S. Hobart, assist- ant dean of women; Miss Alice L. Lake, director of nursing; Miss Hen- riette Scranton, assistant librarian; and Miss Ethel A. McCormick, instruc- Y ANTI-EVOLUTI CLAIMS REDUCTION IS MAD: VALUE OF EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS TRIAL BENEFICIA Suggests Collective Action on\Pi Universities to Decide. on Non-Recognition "Anti-evolution laws as they exist in Tennessee greatly reduc value of the educational crede: of that state," said Acting-Pre: Alfred H. Lloydsindan interview ",rnr [Li +L. a*, ,4 v 3 , WI*LL IGIVE SCENES FR OM SHAKESPEARE Class Will Present 7 Most Prominent Portions of "Merchant of Venice" Tomorrow PLANNED AUGUST 1' Wells Will Conduct 'Trip To ~Jackson Penitentiary and Power Company CAST IS EXPERIENCED I WOMEN MAY TAKE TOURI The class in Shakespearean reading, offered this summer by Lionel Crock- er, wilL present seven of the more prominent scenes from the "Merchant' of Venice," at 8 o'clock tomorrowE night. The various characters are portray-t ed by several different people in dif- ferent scenes. There are, for exam-E ple, three Shylocks, and-five Portias.< One student interprets three different characters of the play. In the cast there are many peo-t ple who have had much experience i., amateur theatricals. Richard John- son, who has been doing considerablet dramatic coaching in intermediatet schools (dramatics) in Detroit, plays .Shylock in one scene, and Tubal in an-< other. Miss Lillian Bronson who was1 in "Outward Bound," given by the Comedy club last year, appears as ai servant in one scene, and again ast Portia in the court room scene. Miss Celestine Menard, who was for some time with Sothern and Marlowe, is Portia in an early scene. The cast is as follows: Act I, scene 2. Portia, Rosenblum; Nerissa,t Menard; servant, Bronson; Bassino, Morgaridge; Shylock, Johnson; An-j tonio Sawyer. Act II, scene 2. Launcelot, Mrs. Westcott; Gobbo, Crowe; Bassanio, Hirschman; Gratiano, Gass. Scene 8. Salarino, Holden; Salanio, Brown; Shylock, Black. Scene 9. Bassanio, Levinson; Portia, F. Chang; Gratiano, Reese. Act III, scene 1.-Tubal, Menger Scene 2. Nerissa, Hirschman; Loren- zo, Morgaridge; Jessica, Gass; Salan- lo, Lippmann. Scene 4.-Portia, Hold- en; Ne issa, Brown; Lorenzo,. Reese; Jessica, Crowe; Balthazar, Sawyer. Act IV, scene 1. The duke, Ander- son; Antonio, Demaray; Bassanio, Lippman; Gratiano, Wilson; Salarino,' Johnson; Shylock, Lewis; Portia, Bronson; Nerissa, Sheets; clerk, Chang. Act V, scene 1. Lorenzo, Baker; Jessica, Hull; Portia, Van Buren; Nerissa, Merger; Bassanio, Reese; Antonio, Anderson; Gratiano, Morgar- idge. The rehearsals for the recital have been under the direction of Prof. Pres- ton Scott of Purdue university. No. scenery, no properties, no customes, are used in the recital. The admission is free to the general public. Santa Barbara, Calif, July 18. - A water spout, forming suddenly in San- ta Barbara bay Friday drifted north along the coast, ,at a rate of about 70 miles an hour. Opportunity to obtain first-hand in- formation concerning the operation of a modern penitentiary will be given summer school students on the excur- sion to Jackson State Penitentiary, Saturday, August 1, according to Carl- ton F. Wells, in charge of Summer Session trips. The trip will be of especial value to students taking courses in economics, sociology, bus- iness administration, and engineering. The modern penitentiary is more than a place of confinement. It is a character-building establishment in which the inmates are taught occupa- tions which will be useful to them after they have served their sentences. At Jackson, .the prisoners operate a1 canning factory, in which food prod- ucts from the prison farms are pre- served, a stone-cutting plant for mak- ing monuments, a reed furniture fag- tory, and automobile license plate stamping mill, a tinware and a bind- er twine factory. Women are especially invited, Mr. Wells said. In former years women have not been permitted to inspect' the prison, but arrangements have been made with the prison authorities to allow the whole party to tour the institution. Attempts are now being made to se- cure sufficient automobiles to take the party to the new penitentiary, now nearing completion, on the outskirts of Jackson. While not definitely in- cluded in the itinerary, it is probable that members of the party will have an opportunity to visit the new struc- ture. The Jackson plant of the super- power system, of the Consumers Pow- er company will be visited. A large amount of the electric power used to operate the street railway, to run Jackson's factories, and light the city's homes is brought in over high- voltage transmission lines from hydro- electric stations on streams in the northern part of the peninsula. Equip- ment and methods for providing this long distance supply of current will be shown and explained. The gas plant operated by the same company, will also be visited. Many processes are necessary before the purified gas can be pumped through the mains to supply the city. The party will be shown every detail in the production of gas, coke and tar, from which are made many dyes, drugs and industrial chemicals. Members of the party will be guests of the Consumers Power company at luncheon. Interurban cars will be chartered for the trip, which makes it imperative to have reservations in early. It is planned to start from Ann Arbor at 8:47 o'clock. Calgary Alta., July 18.-Fire early today destroyed most of the town of Bowden on the Canadian Pacific rail- way line between Calgary and Ed- monton. tor in physical education. This dance terminates the classes in' social dancing which have been con- ducted this summer. EVOLUTION TEST IN LASTI STAGE Close Observers Look For Two Days to End Tennessee Trial JURY TO ACT SOON (By The Associated Press) Dayton, Tenn., July 18.-The Scopes case tonight was nearing its end. Well informed observers suggested that not more than two courts days1 would be required to close the 'ev- olution test' with a verdict that would either exonorate the young school' teacher on a charge of teaching evolu- tion theories in violation of the state law or send the case on its way to higher courts. Constant application of scientists,f lawyers, and stenographers today fail-f ed to complete the task of preparingE some eight or ten statements they will place in the record to show what{ experts in fields of science would have testified had they been permitted to take the witness stand. Judge John T. Ralston excluded this class of test- imony as irrevalent to the issue. It was said by the defense attorneys that a portion of tomorrow would be need- ed to get the statements of the scient- ists in proper form for admission to the records. With the submission of statements1 expected to be the only testimony of- fered by the defense, disposal of this part of the program Monday morning would leave only the argument by the attorneys and charge of the judge to be delivered before it entered the last stage by being placed in the hands of the jury. 'THREE NEW BULDING VIRALY COMPLETED Three buildings which have been under construction for the past three years, the new Medical building, the new Nurses' home, and the new Uni- versity hospital, are now virtually finished and will be ready for occu- pancy soon. It will be almost a month, however,. before the hospital can receive its capacity of patients. The Medical building is entirely fin- ished, having been cleaned, the last stage of completion. The Nurses' home only lacks the furnishings, which cannot be moved in at present since East Ann street is not in con- dition for trucking. Reeves Goes On Summer Vacation terday. While the credits in all su jects are affected by the ruling whic prohibits the teaching of evolution I the schools, those subjects which °a based on biology are particularly in paired," he said. When questioned as to the feasibi ity of the suggestion made by D Henry H. Rusby, dean of the colle of pharmacy, Columbia university, th educational credentials of the state c Tennessee not be recognized by Ame ican universities, Acting.- Preside Lloyd said that such an action coul not be taken by the universities ind vidually, but should be considered t the various associations of college and universities. These associatio referred to are the Association a State Univerities, the Association ( American Colleges, and the Associatio of State Universities. Action by thee organizations collectively would far more effective and far-reachin than would any individual action o the part of any one university or co lege he said. The Scopes trial has had the effe of forcing the issue and will hav great value in educating the peopl upon the subject of the teaching c evolution. Persons who never hay had their interest in the subject awakl ened before have had the matter for ed before their attention to such a extent that beneficial results, as fa as the education of the public is co cerned, may be hoped for. EWING TO APPEAR 'AS S SOLOIST IN CONCER Max E(wing, a graduate of the Un- versity School of Music, will appea as soloist Wednesday in the fifth ( the concerts of the School of Musi complimentary to the public. Ewin while in Ann Arbor attracted atte tion as a player of unusual abilit and subsequent reports of his conceri in the east have been most favoabl J He will offer the following progra Fantasia (C minor ....Bach-Sle Melodie (from "Orphee")...... .. ... ......Gluek-Sgamba Sonata (A major).........Moza Tema con Variazione Menuetto: Trio Rondo Alla Turca Rhapsodie (Opus 119, No. 4). .. ,f w. .. . .. ..Brah nz Gavotte (Opus 49, No. 3 ....... . ... ... ... ... .. Glazouno l Fantaisie (Opus 49, F minor) Chop Pagodes .Debus Trois Mouvements Perpetuels .. ........ Poule 1 Gnossienne..................Sat (from "New York Days and Nights") Prelude................Prokofi Gavotta................Prokofi4 Berceuse (from "L'Oisea u de Feu" .Strayinsky-Roepp Danse Russe (from "Petrouhka"') Baseball Scor< AMERICAN LEAGUE Washington 19, Cleveland 6. Detroit 7, New York 3. Boston 2, Chicago 0. Philadelphia 2, St. Louis 6. NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 2, Pittsburgh 1. chicago 7, Philadelphia 6. St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 1. Washington, July 18.-General Per- shing left Washington Friday after- noon for South America to attend the first meeting of the Tacna-Arica pleb- iscite commission of which he is head. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the, politi- cal science department, will leave Monday for Williamstown, Mass., where he intends to remain until the opening of college in the fall. While in Williamstown Professor Reeves will attend the Institute of Politics. c1~ I