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July 18, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-18

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vat I


ed every morning except Monday
he University Suimmeir Session by
d in Control of Student Publica-
!ssociated Press is exclusively .en-
the use for republication of all news,
s credited to it or not other wise
in this paper and the local news pub-
d at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
as second class matter.
iption by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
oPress Building, Maynard Street,
or, Michigan.
inications, if signed as eviunce of
'h, will be published in The Summer
the discretion of the Fditor. Un-
ommunications will receive no con-
. The signature may be omitted in
n if desired by the writer. The
Daily does not necessarilyendorse
ments expressed in the communica,-

Telephone 4925


ws Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield
y Editor.......Manning ouseworth
i en's Editor ..... aion Mead
:ht Eitor.......LeRoy ,I. Osborn
6ht Editor............ Calvin Patteson
;t Editor......C....Chandler H. Whipple
liam T. BarboursGeorge E. Lehtinen
ian Boron Marion Meyer ,
ia Rth ,Brown Ralph B. Nelson Y
rothy Burrs iriam Schlotterbeck
therine Lardner Nance Solomon '
s Ellen Lebtinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
culation................Kermit K. Kline
blication... .. ...D.... rank Schoenfeld
.ra C. Finsterwsald Thos. E. Sunderland
Night Editor-C. H. WHIPPLE '
With the announcement of the pow-
s and duties of Registrar Ira M.
ruth, who was recently appointed
that post, the registrar's office
kes on added significance in Univer-
;y circles, and stands in a position
here it can do a great deal toward
ving the outsider a better impress-
a of the solidity of the internal or-
nization of this institution.
Registrar Smith will have charge of
1 correspondence of prospective stu-
nts, regardless of the school or col-
ge which they expect to enter, and
e admission of all students enter-
the University directly from high
'ool will. be entirely within his
nds. . And the new registrar will
et in an advisory capacity with the
rious record offices about the cam-
s for the purpose of bringing about
tter organization and the efficient
udling of statistical information."
With the addition of these new pow-
9and duties, Mr. Smith has a new,
d potentially powerful, office to
id up. We welcome him to the
iversity, and hope that he will be
le to build his new position to meet
e standard set by a special com-
ttee on the reorganization of the
ristrar's office,
With the .purchase of Weinberg's
iseum, the Athletic association has
:en a 'definite step forward in its,
gram of further.developing minor
>rts and of creating greater facil-
is for carrying out of the "Athletics
All" prwgram.
['he lack of actual facilities for the
elopment of Mainor sports has long
in one of the principal objections
Director Yost's program of athletic
pansion, but now that he has shown
belief in and support of one of
most important of the minor
arts, hockey, by the purchase of what
is hoped will become the first unit
a minor sports building, the fears
those people who objected to the
r-emphasis that has in late years
n placed on football have been
feted. And the Coliseum will pro-
.e, for the first time, a University-
ned skating rink foi the entire stu-
it body, with equipment that will;
ke skating possible for five months
tof the year.
Heretofore there has been practic-
y no provision made for outdoor
rcise of the entire student body in
winter, the Coliseum having been
for skating only a few days of the
r. With the addition of this pay-
n, and the eqnipment which will

secured for it, one of the finest;
ims of exercise and recreation willj
provided throughout the greater

(The Detroit ews)f
Prohibition enforcement agents int
Peoria, Ill., set up a blind pig and op-E
erated it, buying from rum runners
and selling to customers and'working
with others engaged in violating the
liquor laws. Then they caused the ar-
rest of more than 100 persons they
said were liquor law violators.
Concerning violators of other laws1
who have been trapped in similar'
manner, the Federal and Michigan
courts have passed judgment. In Un-
ited States versus Echols, Federal
Reports, Vol. 253, page 662 the court
ruled: ''
"A defendant cannot be convicted1
of a' crime which he was incited and
induced to commit by a Government
officer for his entrapment." '
In Petersburg versus United States,
Federal Reports, Vol 255, page 433, the
court ruled:
"Where officers of the law have in-
cited a person to commit the crime
charged, and lured him on with the
purpose of arresting him in its com-
mission, the law will not authorize
a verdi of guilty."
In People versus Everts, 112 Mich-
igan, page 195, the court ruled:
"Under our lays, a person who in-
duces another to'ommit a,crime with
knowledge that the same is about to
be committed under such inducements
as' are held out by the person induc-
ing the same if the ame would not
have been committed except at the in-
stignation and approval of such per-
son, then the jury should look upon
the person who admits that he caused
the offense to be committed with dis-
Those judical' rulings coincide with
the natural feeling of men who real-
ize th weakness of human nature at
its best.
(The Christian Science Monitor)
Perhaps the most interesting fea-
ture of the absorption of the Philadel-
phia North American - famous Bull
"Moose champion when that animal
roamed the jungle-by the Public
ILedger is the announcement of Cyrus
Curtis, publisher of the latter paper,
that he intends to launch a daily pic-
ture tabloid upon the placid, if not
stagnant, waters of Philadelphia jour-
ir. Curtis seems to have learned a
lesson from the consolidating endeav-
ors of ,Mr. Munsey. Of the two, the
New Yorker is, thus far, the more
active toiler in the journalistic abatoir.
Up to the .present time, he has put n
"end to the Press, Daily News (the or-
iginal New York paper of that name),
Globe, ,Mail, Herald and Morning Sun.
Mr. Curtis has only the Philadelphia
Times, Press, Evening Telegram and
North American to his credit-if cred-
it it be.
A shrewd observer of the New York
newspaper field has pointed out that
one effect of the Munsey consolida-
tions has been precisely the opposite
of what their author anticipated. Mr.
Munsey predicted as a result of his
endeavors the great strengthening of
the better type of newspapers and the
general elevation of the standard of
journalism. What has resulted has
been the multiplication ofthe least
dignified type of inewspapers-the tab-
loid pictorials-and the enormous in
crease in their cjrculation. Little more
than ten per cent of the circulations
of the paners he put out of business
has been added to that of their pre-

sumptive beneficiaries, but the three
tabloids lave taken the rest, and more
too. Mr. Curtis, with characteristic
shrewdness,recognizesthis fact, 'and
announces that, with the disappear-
ance of the North American, he will
produce a tabloid pictorial of his own.
It is a curious fact that the. steady
reduction in the number of newspa-
pares worthy of the the name is going
on simultaneously with the multipli-
cation of schools of journalism. Train-
ing young men and women in increas-
ing numbers to follow a profession in
which opportunities are growing more
and more limited seems poor econ-
omics. Perhaps that is the reason
why one director of -such a school
complained that most of his students
were fitting themselves not for jour-
nalism but to become publicity ex-
(The Detroit Frye Press)_
President Coolidge has nominated
for 'a vacancy on the United States
tariff commission a man who holds
much the same opinions as himself on
the tariff. And why not? What is to
be expected of any" President other
than that in selecting advisers he

should want men in sympathy with his
own views?
The tariff commission, it must be
remembered, is merely an advisory
body. It has no power to do any-
thing but find facts and report{ them
to the President for his guidance in
executing the laws. It assists him
in ascertaining differences in costs of
production in this country and for-
eign lands when the elastic tariff
provisions are invoked. And when
unfair methods of competition and un-
fair acts in importation of articles into
the United States are formally alleg-
ed to the President, this same com-
mission is charged with investigating'
the facts at his instance and with
reporting to him its findings.
It happens tha the law by which
the commission' was created provides
that not more than half of its mem-
bers shall belong to the same political
party and since we have only two par-
ties in American politics at present it
was obviously the intention of con-
gress that half the tariff commission
should be Republicans and half Dem-
ocrats. What could have been expect-
ed from such an arrangement but that
reports to the President about invest-
igations would be divided and that one
set of reports would advise precisely
the opposite course from that advised
by the other set? If the plain intent
of the law is obeyed in the selection
of the board members no other result
jis possiblle, for men in politics always
1 see facts on their side of partisan
questions. If any one has any doubt
on that point he need only observe
the result of investigtions by the con-
gress which created the tariff commis-
sion, whose committees invaribaly

Toko, July 16. - There was no
change today in the condition of Ed-
gar A. Bancroft, American ambassa-
dor, who has benn ill for days at
Karuizawa, Central Japan. A Wash- '
ington specialist has cabled instruc--
tions to Tokio for' his treatment. Is
":: ~ 92d TIMEP{
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-K~eith Feature-
y Zermaln Frances Far
and Marie Walter
Sunday-LEWIS $


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L. C. Smith, Underwood, mimn
kgyag,- Coroni Si thePoartbi


cause for conflicting majority and
minority reports on any matter re-
ferred to them.s
However, at the end of it all it per-
haps makes very little practical dif-
ference what kind of views are repre-
sented by the tariff commission because
when it has gone through the busi-
ness of holding hearings and drawing
up reports on both sides of its sub-
jects the President can toss them
aside if he wishes. The law says that
after he gets the reports the President
shall modify orterminate the ratesdof
duty to equalie costs of production
"when he determines that it is shown
that the differences in costs of produc-
tion have changed or no longer exist,"
and similar language accompanies the
provisions about inquiries into unfair
acts in importation. The ultimate re-
sponsibility is imposed on the Presi-
dent, and it was plainly tke intent of
congress that he should .make the'
alterations in its tariff laws under the
powers it was delegating.
It has always been .a question
whether the tariff commission is of
any value in bur form of government.
When the Republicans set one up in
the Taft term the Democrats -prompt-
ly stifled it at the first opportunity
by refusing to appropriate money for
its operation. The same Democrats,
'largely as a political gesture, subse-
quently created another commission
of the same kind, but Mr. Wilson, who
was President at the time, found a
way of getting agreeable reports out of
it by 'naming three Democrats, two
Bull Moose, and one free trade Repub-
lican as its .members. Mr. Colidge
cannot very well pack the commission
that way now,- as we have only two
parties, but he is going as. far as he
can in the same direction.
Some senators and representatives,
finding that the commission will no
longer have a majority of their
own views, are saying that it should
be abolished next winter, and per-
haps that fate may again attend it.
The country will no doubt survive if
it does. Somehow the commission
idea that 12 or 15 years ago seemed
to promise an early advent of the mil-
lennium is not yielding very good re-
sults of late in practice and except
possibly for the interstate commerce
commission, which is pretty much a
court anyhow, the United States could
worry along without them all.
With monkeys, hanging reprieves,
and prohibition, we wonder what the
use is in supporting a first rate law
The University has just purchased
the skating pavilion. Think of that
and try to cool off.
Ringside seats in Dayton must be
awfully hot.
Cheyenne, Wy., July 17.-Two army
airplanes participating in the nation-
al guard maneuvers were demolished
on the air mail field here this after-
nooii. Pilots of both machines es-
caped serious injury. One plane crash-
ed to the ground with a broken wing
and the other was wrecked when it
failed to take oft properly.
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hool year.
rchase of the Coliseum
unit to our athletic
importance of the step




it add

s a see.
one, to


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