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July 17, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-17

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Ihrigau Dadl
'ublished every morning except Monday
ing the University Summer Session by
Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
d tothe use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or. not othe, wise
dited in this paper and the local news pub-
ed herein.
Entered at thed cAnn Arbor, Michigan,
toffice as second class matter.
Subscription , by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
in Arbor, Michigan.
ommunications, if signed as evinknce of
d faith, will be, published in The Summer
ily at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
ned communications will receive no con-
eration. The signature may be omitted in
lication if desired by the writer. The
iner Daily does not necessarily endorse
sentiments expressed in the communica-

Germany needs the revenue from her
alcohol traffic.
If Germany, staid old beer-drink-
ing Germany, is willing to consider
prohibition at all, there must be an-
other side to our own American pro-
hibition. Europe, being on the out-
side, is able to get a more complete
and comprehensive view of the prohi-
bition situation than we, who are so
close to the whole affair. And if

See the Wisconsin Players last
night? We did too. Nice crowd, eh,
boy? Really, one of the nicest crowds
- +- ;++.,+1- - 111in cc n hn

.. ,

Perfect Records

- 50e

even a small percentage of the Ger- in1the lit heaterbusinesinhe

man people are willing to consider
prohibition in the light of what they
have seen of it in the United States,
prohibition can not have failed,-it
must be a success.

Badger state (sports term). Tonight
they will present Sophocles' "Anti-
gone,".. and we are going to find out
to which sister they give the disputed
line. Oh this Greek drama is the
gay old thing.
. * * *

Now on Sale
"Yes, Sir, That's My Baby"
Lee Morse
"When Georgia Smiles"
Cliff Edwards
PETER PAN, the phono-
graph like a kodak, with
these records, will make
your week-end more
Conn Music Shop
14 Nickels Arcade


723 North University Ave.
219 South Main St. 217 North Main
Our store is convenient to the Campus.
Drop in between classes.


Telephone 4925
News Editor.............Robert S. Mansfield
City Editor............Manning Houseworth
Women's Editor................Marion Mead
Night Editor.............LeRoy L. Osborn
Night Editor..... ..W. Calvin Patte'- on
Night Editor..........Chandler H. Whipple
William T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen
Vivian Boron Marion Meyer
Julia Ruth Brown Ralph B. Nelson
Dorothy Burris Miriam Schlotterbeck
Katherine Lardner "- Nance Solomon
Ina Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
Circulation................Kermit K. Kline
Publication.;............... Frank Schoenfeld
. Myra C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland
FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1925
Night Editor-LEROY L. OSBORN

Ladders and Superstition
For many years have I trod hard
D)OCTOR AND PUBLIC cement walks, scoffing at the hoi
(The New York Times)
Is the old family doctor done for? polloi who ivariably swung to the
President Vincent of the Rockefeller outside of the walk rather than pass
Foundation is not altogether convinc- below a ladder braced against the side
ed that the doom of the general practi- of a building. Ah, how I used to
tionerimpends, but he finds the threat laugh, but now, ah how.I laugh now
of it serious. If it should come to to think that those laughed at were
pass, the loss would be haevy. The laughing at me, the laugher.
For the ladder supersition is as
family doctor must meet the double Fr the a supersition is hs
competition of the specialist and of far from being a superstition as the
omptidldeofthe piapulithalh North Pole is from Amundsen, a dist-
our rapidly developing public health
ance which a lifetime has not been
service. If he is to succeed, he must able to anihilate. For after a sad ex-
transform himself from an agent of
the sickroom into a force for extir- perience and loathsome, mental en-
pating the sickroom. He must devote deavor of no very trying sort has
himself to preventive medicine. He shown me that the ladder practice is
vnii'. a+ nhis iv1~ing s n "ouseor a matter much more practical than




Wednesday - Thursday - Friday Saturday Eve


Daily Advertisers.-Adv.



#. itlUZSL Chill 1116 11Ylllg w6 iU liVU116G1V1:

I .

The direction and control of traf-
fic has become the paramount problem
before the police departments of the
nation. Fvery city has its traffic and
parking troubles, though in many cit-
les these troubles are more or less
self-made. Ann Arbor seems to be no
exception as to having the troubles,
but it seems almost as though our
traffic troubles would fall into the
latter class, that of being self-made.
This point is well illustrated by
the conditions at Huron and Main
streets, where traffic is continually
held up by a little signal light which
is hardly justified during the great-
er portion of the day. The point is
also brought out by the parking trou-
bles with which we are confronted,
troubles far beyond the size of the
city. But there may be some justifi-
cation for the little traffic signal and
the multitude of "No Parking" signs
which are scattered so promiscuously
around our streets.
But as long as the police depart-
ment .is so enthusiastic over traffic
regulation, it seems that it might un-
dertake to solve those traffic prob-
lems which are most poignant. There
are, for example, several corners in
Ann Arbor which seem veritable acci-
dent makers: Hill street at East Uni-
versity and at Church street being
two of the worst of these. Since the
beginning of the Summer session,
there have been seven accidents, none
of them really serious, but all de-
structive, on these two corners. It
is possible, and certainly practical, to
take steps to alleviate this condition,
and such actions are ,surely within the
scope of . the duties of an efficient
police department.
If the department would investigate
and take steps to remedy such condi-
tions as this, perhaps it would not be
criticized so much for the other things
it does, or fails to do.
While the world in general and Eu-
rope in particular is loudly condemn-
ing our American prohibition and pok-
ing fun at it whenever possible, we
,are informed by that most reliable
of news sources, the Associated Press,
that a movement for prohibition has
been started in Germany, the land of
beer and pretzels.
According to the dispatch, a petition
containing 466,000 votes for prohibit-
Ion was presented to the reichstag
yesterday by promoters of local op-
tion. These votes were gathered to-
gether in a 10 day postcard canvass
of the country, and judging from that,
It seems natural that a large percent-
age of the people would support any
prohibition measure that was for-
warded by a vigorous campaign.
It is said that this movement is
finding favor with party leaders of
every wing, and that the greatest ob-
jection to it among the members of
the reichstag is based on the fact that

of health." It is a sober restatement
of the suggestion frequently and airily1
brought forward that what we need in
this country is the Chinese system of1
paying the family doctor for the num-
ber of days in the year his patients
keep well. Whether that is the actual
practice in China is another story.
In urging the family doctor to go in
for preventing disease instead of fight-
ing it when it has arrived there is dan-
ger of injustice to the general practi-
tioner as we find him today. He has
never been quite the creature of pills
and nasty draughts that is too often
assumed. He has been ready with pre-
ventive counsel. H has warned
Father against too much tobacco and
too little exercise. Long before the
contemporary emancipation in wo-
men's dress arrived he warned Mother
and the girls against tight lacing. For
the children he has insisted on mod-
erate amounts of candy, plenty of pure
minlk and fresh furit and early to bed.
He has fought for the gospel of fresh
air in the home againsthe housewife's
bitters anxiety for her lace curtains.
And always he has performed one of
the functions which President Vincent
regards as highly important. He has
served as an agent "against the very
real danger which is threatened by a
narrowly specialist point of view."
No doubt he has still much to learn
and much to change before he becomes
the ideal "counselor of health." But
it is only fair to point out that the
attainment of that ideal depends more
perhaps on the public than on himelf.
The perfect counselor is one who offers
advice when it is needed. But the
doctor is tied by his professional eth-
ics. He cannot, under modern etiquette,-
stop Jones in the street and remark
that Jone's color isn't what it should
be and he had better step into the
office for a general overhauling. The
doctor cannot drop in on the family
and announce that he thought it would
be a good idea to look over the child-
ren's tonsils. The family doctor is
not really a family doctor in the sense
of being one of the family. He must
wait to be called in. He cannot speak
until he is spoken to. In this respect
he occupies a lower plane than the
inspector from the electric company or
the man from the water-works.--
This would make it seem that if the
bedside doctor is to become a health
counselor the change must become as
regular a feature as the preventive
visit to the dentist has become and as
the visit to the oculist is coming to be.
Unfortunately for the general practi-
tioner, the public does not wear its
tonsils, heart and digestive organs on
the outside, as it does its teeth and
eyes. Otherwise the human passion
for appearances would have carried us
further by this time to the ideal of the
doctor as health counselor.
It's timessomething was being done:
4Why not start a movement t send
I Doc Lovell to Dayton? But then the
newspapers can't afford to have the
evolution question settled that soon.
We hardly think that any of the
members of the Scopes jury will qual-
ify in our Handsomest Man campaign.
"British Ships Win 'Wet' Test".-
Free Press headline. Is it possible
for them to win any other kind?
Who's going to fill the coal bins,
whie the coal miners are out on a

throwing salt over one's shoulder or
pulling a wishbone. Perhaps the first
man to ever walk under a ladder dis-
covered promptly what I discovered
the last time I ever walked under one
-which is, that painters above do not
always take the precaution of a can-
vas to forstall the drippings of their
brushes on their way to the pave-
ment below.
Perhaps there are those who will
yet laugh at the writer for his pro-
selytism, as he formerly did at others.
But if this be the case, accept the ad-
vice which follows: to wit, make sure
that the painter is not using three
gallon cans( opened) of red, glaring
red, paint, whose equilibrium upon the
scaffold above is doubtful, and which
will fall promptly upon the passage of
any unwitting superstition-scoffing,
"Soit," as the French delicately
shrlt.Oh Oh ael I tyre.
Battling Doug, the office shiek, in-
forms us that there are 284 Smith in
Who's Who in America - nine of
whom are John Smiths. He wants to
know what that has to do with the
pimento crop in Persia. We have told
him. * * ,
A, a Brother (or Sister) in Mu Tan
Dear Tamam:
I've made "The Line" with R. H. L.
In the "Trib" and I've "Hit or Missed"
with Keith Preston in the "News," so
the guv'nor back home asked if I'd
toasted any rolls with you.
It means liberty or death, what'll I
tell him?
V '63.
P. S.-I smoke one-elevens, will that
keep me from getting a sheepskin?
P. P. S.-When is your colyum gon-
na take first page?
Letter: Tell him to send fifty-our
address is known to you.
P. S.-There is some doubt-mend
your ways-we smoke Fatimas (adv.).
P. P. S.-Every Monday morning.
University Excursionists, Attention
In view of the coming excursionto
the General Motors building on Sat-
urday, we have compiled certain data
without which this visit could not be
enjoyed as it should. By memorizing
these figures, you will be able to
make a great impression on the guide
by springing them on hinicausual
like, comme ca: "The building oc-
cupies something like 190,500 square
feet, doesn't it?" This will give him
a great respect for your knowledge.
Number of bricks used: ..8,790,000
Lineal feet of window cord.. .75,000
Number of tons of sash weight..303
Lineal feet of electric light
wire....... ........1,053,200
Lineal feet of plumbing pipe . .95,000
Other information of a similar na-
ture may be found in the general de-
scription which will be handed you at
the building. Don't forget, now.
* * *
All's well that ends well, but this
Galt, Onti, July 16.-In a head-on
motor collision this morning on the
Hamilton highway, two Beamf'ille
men were injured, Harry Reise had
his stomach crushed and H. Clemens
his knee punctured. Both were re-
moved to the hospital.


Typewriting and Mimeographing

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L. C. Smith, Underwood, Remington,
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17 Nicklgs. Arcade

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