TF JMMER MICHIGAN DAILY OF THE HIGAN f- EDITORIAL COMMENT PREPAREDNESS FOR PEACE,f NOT WAR (The Christian Science Monitor) It would be illogical to insist ghat a national policy, sincerely adhered to, which is the past has not al- T ASD ROLL WEATHER. * DAMNED HARD TO TELLp d every morning except Monday e University SummerSession by d in Control of Student Publica- ssociated Press is exclusively en- :he use for republication of all news scredited to it or not othe, wise n this paper and the local news pub- 1 at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. ption by carrier, $1.50; 'by mail, Press Building, Maynard' Street, or, Michigan. nications, ifsigned as evience of h, will be published in The Summer the discretion of the Editor. UnT mmunnications will receive no con- 1 The signature may be omitted in n if desired by the writer. The Daily does not necessarily endorse ments expressed in the communica- 61 We wanted to tell yesterday about the swell golf we had the day before Chat, but we didn't have room, so r 4 . .' 5 ways served to prevent war, will for- we'll let the news out now. ever remain inadequate or ineffec- tive. The thought of the world is pro- gressive. Everywhere there are seen evidences of a determination to make war, if it becomes inexitable, the last, rather than the first, resort of out- ranged human sensibilities. The con- ference, in Washington which sealed a unique compact providing for the limitation of naval armament mark- ed an adiranced step in international comity. From the position there tak- en there should be no falling back. Rather must there be contemplated a more constructive world policy which has as its aifhbitious goal the assur- ance that there is greater safety in continued and thorough preparedness for peace than in the destructive and burdensome preparation ,for what heretofore has been assumed to bel 'Twas early in the afternoon that we walked down to a local club which EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THAL Editor...........Robert S. Mansfield Editor............Manning Houseworth n's Editr...............Mairion Mead Editor.............LeRoy L. Osborn Editor...........W. Calvin Pattmon Editor..........Chandler H. Whipple Assistants n T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen Boron Marion Meyer Zuth Brown Ralph I.. Nelson y LBurris M0iriam Schiotterbeek rine t rdner Nance Solomon len Lehitineni Wendall Vreelanid BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN atiori.................Kermit K. Kline ation................Frank Schoenfeld Assistants C. Finsterwald 'Thos. E. Sunderland WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1925 Night Editor-C. H. WHIPPLE WEAR A TAG TODAY rhe. weather is hot, sultry. In the ge industrial cities it is almost un- arable. The heat rises up from the vements as from a great furnace. e long lines of buildings prevent ery movement of the air. Hot, sul- r days in large cities are terrible. But bad as these days are to the erage person, they are much worse those poor people whose homes are ilt like boxes with tin roofs, with solutely no resistence to the heat., d to the poor children who have place to play other than in the t, steaming; automobile - infested' eets, these days are beyond human durance. Those children are entitled to some easure in life. Society not only es them some help, but society will aefit by helping them. It is a well derstood fact that crime, and crim- als, are bred under such conditions. society will take these children, at e time when they are most tempted seek relief from the hardships of verty, and show them that there is finer, a better life,'and that wealthj not necessary to the enjoyment of at life, those children will make tter men and women, and better d more constructive citizens. rhe Student Christian association w an opportunity to do good along ese lines when it established its esh air camp several years ago. .is camp, sponsored by the student ganization, annually gives several ndred poor boys ten days of real map life, the healthiest, cleanest, st upbuilding sort of life. In main- ning.this camp, the S. C. A. is do- g unmeasurable good for these poor ys from the hot, smoky industrial jes of Michigan. And it is doing a, eat service for the public. roday the S. C. A. is holding its nual summer tag day for the Fresh r camp. It asks the people of the mpus for $400. It has already se- red $1,600 from the students of e regular session, and raised almost 000 by subscriptions from friends of e camp. If every person on the ,mpus this summer will give 25 ants for a tag today, the camp will enabled to continue its proposed irk throughout the summer. Twen- -five cents is a 'small amount, but ded together, 3,200 of them will ake it possible for 80 kiddies to end ten days each in paradise. Twenty-five cents is a small invest- ent, but the boys will gladly accept y amount. There's an infinite nount of satisfection in knowing at you are helping the world to be little bit better. Don't you want inevitable warfare. ' In his address to the graduatingb class at the Annapolis Naval Aced- emy, President Coolidge took occa- sion to emphasize one important fact. In denouncing a policy of ex- cessive armament as a guaranty of} national security, he declared that no country in the history of the world ever was impregnable because of a great military establishment. He add- ed that he could see no reason why the United States should believe it- self to be an exception. The President made it quite plain that he did not seek to convey to the nlepnb.ers of the class the thought that, in what he -sees as an advancedt era in the world's attitude against ag- gressive warfare, their occupation, like Othello's, is gone. He assured them that the American Navy, or- ganized for peace, will deceive, and for some time continue to receive, ade- quate support. But he made it plain that, in his opinion, the wiser course for America is one which has for its aim the further limitation of military preparation. It may not at once appear how those ostensibly engaged in activities nominally warlike ,can iden-ify them- selves, in such an organization, as the agents and , missionaries of peace. But the President made it plain how the %men whom he addressed can have an important part in that work. This is by seeking to promote friendship and accord, rather than by being the fomenters of hatred and discord. If, there is a psychology of war, then reasonably there may. be said to. be a psychology of peace. What he had to say was perhaps directed as much, to officers of higher rank as to the midshipmen who there renewed their obligation of fealty to the Nation and its colors. Speaking as he described himself, "as one who' is responsible. not only for our national defense, but likewise our friendly relations with other peoples and our title to the good opinion of the world," he express- caters to students, and teed up a ball. S'ock! went the driver against the ball, and lazily we watched it drift out of sight up the fairway. When we overtook it, the ball lay a nice mashie pitch from the green, so we grasped our mashie and pitched it. Up she went, and down, right on the edge of the green. But did it stop? No. It bounded as though it had hit con- crete, and finally stopped 50 yards beyond the rock-bound green. We pursued it, and after many futile ef- forts, .holed out in something like seven. That made us mad, so on the next hole when we went into the rough on our dirve, we took a mashie and whaled the ball out, figuring to land about halfway to the green andj roll to a nice lie. We landed where we had figured, but instead of roll- ing, the ball rose up again and sailedI complacently clear over the green and into a ditch two or three hundred yards farther on. We made that hole in six.' On the next hole we reached a point where a high pitch was needed, and figured to /take a little turf with our iron shot. Accordingly we swung, but as the club touched behind the ball preparatory to taking the requir- ed amount of turf, it bounded up, topped the ball, and sent it miserably rolling down the fairway. That was enbugh. We could have just as much I fun playing on the pavement in front of our house, we figured,, so we went back and told the gent that he could keep the 75 cents change that we felt we had coming from, the half dollar we had paid, and went home. * * s Today's Topic: Rain. This is 'a wet topic. Having got that off ours chest,'we want to tell you that it's not half as wet as a shower -no-not half-try one some day and see. TagiDay! and a pai -and a tag for you. 1 , When, you 'step onto the campus today you'll meet a "Camp Kid." He'll have a smile Michigan stu- dents are sup- porting a camp which gives city kids a taste of ed the blief that the occasion will sel- dom arise, when those connected with the navy would be justified, either directly or by inference, in asserting that "other special powers are arm- ing against us, and by arousing na- tional suspicion and hatred, attempt to cause us to arm against them." The President imposed upon the men before him, though they find themselves especially equipped and fitted to undertake the military de- fense of the Nation, a somewhat more serious duty. That is the duty of cit- izenship. That obligation is one which every American assumes, and in its performance it makes little difference what may be his calling, his social position, or his individual or official status. As the President so wisely observed, "Under our institutions each individual is born to soverignty." render service. As the distinguished speaker put it, "The greatest place of command is really the place of ob- edience, and the greatest place of hon- or is really the place of service." This, then, is the great adventure in preparedness. It' is, essentially, preparedness. for peace, not for war. Whether the recruit in this great army marches forth from academy or. university to the strains of martial music, or goes forth inconspicuously to take his place in the ranks of those : who hope to have some part in the work of the world, he may rest as- sured, even if when equipped to wage righteous war, he sees no prospect that there will be a bugle call to ac- tion, that his occupation is not He may, without apology, acknowl- edge himself a dignified color bearer in that great army enlisted in the cause of honorable peace. 'The staff of 0. 0. D. (as the point edit inan calls this illustrious sheet) was going to have a picnic tonight, but now they ain't, ah isn't that nice? Now they'll think they missed some- thing good. Well, probably they did. Picnics, although not the specific topic of today's dissertation, should come in for their share of remarks. Primarily .a picnic is a cross be- tween a roughing it expedition and a buffet lunch. Be that as it may, the success of a picnic depends on those who are attending it. Of course, with a group like O.O.D., nothing could be- sweeter than a good old picnic with sandy sandwiches, over or under done hot dogs, toasted rolls well burned, and well glassed olives. Oh, nothing at all. But what we started out to talk about was rain, the weather always being such an interesting topic. R-ain is all right in its way, and we have been told. on good authority that 'a cubic foot of it weighs 60 odd pounds, and if you don't believe it, go out some time and cut off a cubic foot ,and weigh it. But that's not what we started to say. We've forgotten that anyhow, so we'll draw to a close about now. Nature Study 147c, Lecture No. 3. Today, little dears, we will discuss human nature, one of the most import- ant of the natures. All in due time we will take up good nature and de- nature and back-to-nature, but for to- day, human nature must suffice. In the first place, human nature is never twice the ;same. -It is always different, and it should be your de- light in this course to learn all of its differences. Try to do it. -'We never have, and if we ever find anyone who does, we shall slay he, she or it as the case may be before they spoil all the fun in life. But what we started to say was that human nature is hard to understand. Letter writing, for example. When a human is lonely or sad or sick or has just busted his last pint, that human will write letters-to anyone, almost; but the moment that human feels chipper and peppy and good and lazy and generally contented, that human wouldn't Write a letter for love nor money (the latter rule does not ap- ply to college students). And the funny things is that the person at the other end of the letter will worry like a fool on hearing nothing, and will think all's well when the mail pours in. Tamam. Ip B . , U ti 2i ti ti ti ti ti ti ' #1 , t; L i ". p' . 4 3 \ ' This dance pavilion is one of the largest an finest in the 338 Maynard Street Dial. 7813 WALLED LAKE, MICHIGAN Forty-five Minutes Drive from Ann Arbor fluilt'To Wr'ite Hard Words I "A STORE IN EVERY SHOPPING DISTRI Eu..... CRIPI 19 SouthI Main St. 217 NEW CASINO PAVILION Dancing Every Ni EXCEPT SUNDAY NAT NATOLl'S ORCHESTRA ENTRAN "WHERE SERVICE IS A PLEASURE" EEEEE.EEEE.EE.EE g g g u .... real life. Dine where it is cool enough to enjoy good food T UT'TL'S There's plenty to eat and plenty to: do and plenty ,of Michigan men to teach them Mich- ONE OF THE BEST _ I "s I Conklin Engineers called this "the Students' Special"'because it was "built to meet the severe stresses of school and college use." Which is a scientific way of saying that here's a pen that will walk right into the jaws of calligraphy for the most aggressive logomachist in the ;lass room. For inen and women, fitted with "the clip that can't slip" or the gold ring for ribbon. Try one at your favorite store. TOLEDO BOSTON CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO LONDON BARCELONA igan spirit. THE CONKLIN PEN MFG. CO. TOLEDO, OHIO Student's Specia And plenty of 'EN'S DRUG ST 723 North Unhversity Ave. eater And fresh air And boats Put your change in the pail and wear a tag today Visit Detroit This Sumn And Enjoy a Real Vacation Put-In-Bay in Lake Erie The"ost picturesque and delightful Summer pleasure151san Detroit. Every sport that pleases: Bathing, dancing, sailing; e3 the mysterious caves; see Perry's battle monument, picnic gi athletic fields. Numerous fine hotels and cottages cater to Su visitors and at reasonable prices. Stay a day or a week and yourself, forget your troubles and renew your health. This beautiful island playground is reached only by the palatial and spee excursion steamer PUTr-IN-BAY One great deckdevoted to dancing and restful cabins and breeze-swept open decks. Steamer PUT-IN-BAY gives excursions daily from Detroit to Put-In-Bay at 9 a. m. from the wharf at the foot of First Street. Four hours crowde pleasure at the island, and arrive back in Detroit at 8 p. m. Fare for the trip 80 cents week days; Sundays and Holidays, $1.25. Cedar Point and Sandusky, Ohio After leaving Put-In-Bay Island the steamer sails on through the narro nels among the delightful Lake Erie Islands to Sandusky and Cedar Poin Cedar Point. just across the bay from Sandusky, is known as the Atlantic the West. With its huge hotels, electric park, magnificent bathing bee board walk it is easily the Queen of the Great Lakes Summer resorts. On Fridays, after, July,4, steamer Phut-In-Bay gives a special excursion tc Point, allowing four hours at the wonderful resort, and reaching Det 10:30 p. m. Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folde. Leaves Detroit 8:45 p, . A hin. D s Fare, Wed. Thurs. 60c. Sat, Ashey & Dusi sun.and Holidays,,75c. Steamer Lin Foot of First Str Detroit, dollar a day Lets a city kid play. ~r4 b - yZ ! r a tag today. may need your money, but f the poor kiddies playing in y streets, with the otnnipres- ', - -- - ~~ n - mm hil~c ,