ul~e immer Y)TUNER ?W"O L114b HELP KEEP TI- KIDDIES COO] ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1925 PRICE \nn fTh \lT Michigan May Send Debating ATeam To England Next Spring l 0CMichigan will send a debating squad "The Institute makes all arrange- :. #Tfl " to Engand next spring if the plans mets abroad for ou "team, but we of Prof. T. C. Trueblood of the pub- are notsure whether itcan provide lic speaking department are carried a guarantee from each of the towns I out. Every 'spring the Institute of in which the team will speak. Unless 1LS' STATE HAS POWER TO International Education, which is we can be assurred of such guaran- REGUTLATE WITHIN working to promote a more friendly tee we will not make the trip. When REASON spirit between America and England, the Oxford team met our debaters sends a-debating team from some Am- here last year, they were assured of ALSTON RET RES erican university to England. $150, and I understand other schools "When Syracuse was unable to take made the same promise. Such a ---the trip this year," said Professor scheme would make our proposition sw Says State Has Right With Trueblood, "we were urged as the financially sure. mitations To Say What Shall next school on the list, to take her "If this trip is carried out, a special Taught place, but in order to obtain better team composed of Delta Sigma Rho publicity and support we decided to men will leave here about May 1. (By Associated Press) await our regular turn. . Some eight debates would be includ- rton, Tenn., July 13.-Judge John ed in our schedule; we would discuss , i t a 1111 1 some international question, such as thon pesn a h e cancellation of war debts, the League Thomas Scopes, on a charge BARaAINof Nations, or prohibition in the uni- lating the law of the state of versity towns of Liverpool, Birming ssee, making it a misdemeanor TI L IU lV Jham, Sheffield, Manchester, Notting- Lch theories of evolution in the Ilham, Oxford, Cambridge, and London. schools, retired to his'chtamb- The trip should be completed by te aight to study the question of Street Dance, Vaudeville Acts and first of June at a total cost of not er the indictment against the 24 Band Music Will Make Up more than $1,500, which these guar- old school teacher shall be sum- Entertainment antees would certainly assure us. J quashed. The judge, carried -we can obtain guarantees, We him briefs of the highest one- AMUSEMENTS ARE FREEwill be carried out; it is all a question core points stressed by the con- of finances.". g side in the case, for ringing Street dancing, music from three 1 judcal ears were words from retdnigmscfrmhr a dozen hard arguments present- bands, and a number of vaudeville( the court during the day. It acts will make up the entertainment u ON i case of perhaps, other days to program of Bargain Day, which willN voted entirely to oratory. , be held in Ann Arbor on Thursday.L Stewart, in. his argument, quot- A band from Chelsea, one from Sa-S e; following from the so-called line, and a local organization, will ska case as found in the United Gives Survey of Development of Supreme Court's report. furnish music, it wa: announced by Business Leaders In Last e pwer of the state to compel the committee in charge. TThey will. Ceitury1 ance at some school and to play on the street during the day and reaonable regulations foral/,also during the vaudeville acts. Band LEADERS NEED ABILITY .s'including a requirement that concerts preceding the vaudeville I shall give instructions in Eng- will begin at 1:30 and 6:30 o'clock. c not questioned. Nor has chal- The committee plans to close "Business Leadership" wa the sub- eu made of the state's power to Fourth avenue between Huron street ject of a lecture given by Dean Ed- be a ieurriculum for'inspection and Ann street to traffic, and to use mund E, Day of the School of Busi- it supports. Those matters this space for the street dance, which ness Adiministration at 5 o'clock yes-t within the present controversy. will begin at 6:30 o'clock. terday in Natural Science auditorium. Darrow referred briefly to the The vaudeville acts will be held on Dean Day gave a survey of the de- of the compass from which the the east side of- the County building. velopment of business leaders in thet ias drawn consul. During the day a number of the vau- last century, as a result of an Indus- thin limitations, 'the legislature deville clowns will be on the streets trial Revolution that has been taking right to determine what shall and in the stores to furnish entertain- place, and which was caused by the ight in the public schols," he ment for the children. radical introduction of machine "That a number of years ago All amusements for the day will methods in production. Dean Day 3were free, the people of Ten- be free. Publicity for Bargain Day pointed out that at the beginning of 1 wrote a constitution. They has been secured by means of signs this age of machinery the engineer it "broad and said thot the peo- placed. across the streets on the out- was considered the leader in the busi- all enjoy religious freedom.. skirts of the city, and on motor ness world, for at that time inventors Bre is not a single line of any coaches and automible windshields, were needed, while at the present tution that can -withstand big- time we must have experts, not as en- Here/we found today as brazen gineers, o' lawyers, but as trainedc ,s bold an attempt to destroy FRT RIINGS iM901 business men.I g as was made in the middle W The present day business leader,s If these proceedings in .form according to Dean Day, must have ibstance can prevail in this sec- the ability and sense of organizationt then any law, no matter how. which will enable him to see into the ,nt and foolish, can be made to Drawings have been made for the functions of an organization. Het 1. All the guarantees 4ave women's summer tennis tournament must be able to pick out the engin- I to nothing. It is absoltely and the first round must be played eers, chemists, and lawyers who were I to think that this patent in- off by Friday. Twenty women have formily the business leaders, whileI nt or any other proceedings in signed up for the beginners' tourna he must have an energizing personal-I use are legal." ment and 10 for the advanced. ity which will filter through the! Courts at Palmer Field are open whole organization and be an insen-' tbury, N. Y., July 13; - First or practice every day except on Sun- tive to every employee to do his part . Charles R. Hickey of Brock- days and during the hours of regular in keeping the organization running Zass., and Albert C. Perry of tennis classes. Scores should be re- smoothly. Above all other qualitiesF oro, Mass., were killed today corded 6n the schedule now posted in he must have a sense of public-opin-e tleir airship crashed near here. Barbour gymnasium as soon as the ion. Dean Day stressed this point games are finished.. W. A. A. honor above all others, and in closing point-i A TAG TOMORROW points will be given, the same as in ed out that the business leaders oft the spring tournament, the next generation will. be the lead- First round drawings are as fo- ers of public affairs. AN 13URSLEY REQUESTS.- lows; Beginners: Mary MacDonald i JIST OF ROOMS FOR MEN vs. Katherine Lardner; Lucille Per- I rng vs. AnneyGreene; Catherine W}AT' GOINGi i W: Order that the landladies' Brd vs. Dorothy Hall; Cleopatra . H TSG laYO miug list for men students Morrison vs. Bernice Krieger. Ad- i be compiled Immediately vanced: Miriam Schlotterbeck vs. the use of new students Mary McNulty; Myra Finsterwald vs. TUESDAY wing here to obtain rooms this Elma Hooper. .5:00--Prof. Carl W. Rufus lecturesI imer, it has been requested This is the first summer tennis on "A dave Temple in Korea," in Dean Bursley that all house- tournament for women to be held on Natural Science auditorium. ders communicate with his the campus. . 8:00-Dean Hugh Cabot of the Med- ce within a few days. ical school talks on "Why Have, his list usuallyhdelayeds BuntSmallpox in Wichigan," in Natural e inthe umme, ha notScience auditorium.. n of use- to early room seek- It is the purpose of the AMERICAN LEAGUE WEDNESDAY n's office to prepare it in time Philadelphia 4, Detroit 1. 5:00-Prof. L. L Bredvold speaks on aid these- new students, be- S t. Louis 5, Washingtoxt 4/ "The Element of Art in Eighteenth a it is turned over to the Un- Boston 12, Cleveland 11. Century Poetry," in Natural Sci- in the fall. "We are now Chicago 8, New York 4. ence auditorium. paring," stated Prof. F. B. - - 8:00--Conert at Hill auditorium. hr, "the annual rooming list NATIONAL LEAGUE 8:00-Physies "seance" in Physi. men students. 'This is for Pittsburgh 4, Brooklyn 2. laboratory. aid, especially, of new stu- New York 3, Chicago 1. a_ry-_ ts looking for rooms this Cincinnati 4, Boston 1. U. S. S. Seattle, Samoa, July 13.- ,nth. We hope the landladies Philadelphia 3, St. Louis 2 (10 Inu- The United States fleet arrived at Sa- 1 co-operate by calling this ings.) moa at 6 o'clock Sunday morning, ce as soon as possible.awakening the inhabitants of this is- BUY A TAG TOMORROW loated island in the South Pacific. PRICE Alabama Worker Receives Honorl Four Positions o Provided For In F Library Budget fIWUT ICI I r James H. Crutcher, Tuscaloosa, Ala., has just been presented with the War Cross of Greece for his work among the disease ridden Greek and Armenian refugees during seven years service with the Near East Relief. Press Notes Indicate Company Which Will Start Series Here Thurs- day Met Success in East TICKETS NOW ON SALE The Wisconsin Players, who will present Zona Gale's "Miss Lula Bett." the "Antigone" of Sophocles. and An- na Cora Mowatt's "Fashion" in the: University hall next Thursday, Fri-: day, and Saturday evenings, have re- cently made a tour of the larger cities of the East. The following press notes indicate how favorably they impressed their aduiences. The Boston Transcript. "A notable company of Players from Milwaukee,; an uncommon quality in their acting. The work of the Wisconsin Players is-The Exeperimental theater move- ment in its sanest and most product- ive form. Their histronic method is not the usual repressed, static m'an- ner, but that they act according to the cahons of the professional stage, and they do so extremely well." New York Tribune, Ralph Block: "The Wisconsin Players, whose suc- cess in the West has been of sufficient calibre to encourage them to dare a pilgrimage to Mecca began a season at the Neighborhood Playhouse last night. They played surprisingly well the game of the legitimate theater." Hamlin Garland: To my thinking, the Wisconsin Players 'made good.', All about me at the close of the plays, rose a murmer of surpise and pleasure. The Wisconsin Players pleased their audiences and met with spontaneous and generous applause." Robert . Frost: "The Wisconsin Players are doing real things in Mil- waukee, they are pioneers'and of the best hopes for honest drama of the soil of America." Since the seating capacity of Uni- versity hall is limited, it is suggested i that those who want to make sure of seeng these plays buy their tickets early. As soon as the sale indicates that all good seats are disposed of, no more will be sold. Tickets are on sale at 50 and 75 cents, at Slater's, Wahr's, and Gra- ham's bookstores. DEANCABOT WILL TALK ON MICHIGANMALPOX Dean Hugh Cabot of the Medical school, will lecture at 8 o'clock to- night in Natural Science auditorium on "Why Have Smallpox in Mich- igan?" Dean Cabot received his A.B. from Harvard and also his M.D. In Boston he started the practice of medicine; he was a surgeon at the Massachus- set general hospital and at various other hospitals. Before he came here he was made professor of surgery and dean of 'the Medical school, he was professor of surgery at the Harvard Medical school. During the war he served in the British Rayol Medical corps as honorary lieutenant colonel., The Library budget for 1924-25, as !passed by, the Regents on June '12, car ries four new positions. These are: Assistant in charge of the corridor desk, which has been filled by, the promotion of Donald Coney; senior assistant in the Library exteni.on ser- vice, to which Miss Lalan huen has been promoted; assistant in the arch- itectural reading room, which has been assigned to Miss Harriet Good- rich; and assistant in the economics library.f Miss Isadore Rush, a graduate of Earlhari college, is at present a mem- ber of the staff of the Indianapolis public library has been appointed as- sistant in. the Library extension ser- I vice to succeed Miss Huehl. She will assume the duties of her position on Sept. 1. Miss Alice Crosby has taken a' tem- porary leave of absence, in order to serve as librarian of the University biological station for the Summer ses- sibn. . William Randall will leave the staff Sept. 1, for the Kennedy School of Missions, at the Hartford Theolog- ical Foundation, Hartford, Conn., where he was recently appointed pro- fessor of phonetics. Miss Mary Laughlin, '25, has suc- ceeded Miss Butts as assistant secre- tary to the Librarian. The following resignations in the reference department will tale effect after the close of the Summer ses- sion: Miss K. E. Struhberg, assistant in the medical reading room,. is re- igning because of her approaching marriage to W. E. Hampton, '23, of Detroit; H. D. Clark, assistant' in the physics library, has accepted a busi- ness position at Valpariso. nd.; and B. L. Baird, assistant in graduate reading room No. 4, will teach in the history department of the Royal Oak1 high school. SUMRSCHOOL AT CAS HIGH IS Well MTTNDED~ Courses offered at Cass Technical high school, Detroit, have attracted anl unusually large attendance this sum- mer. More than 1,500 students, '300 of whom are women, are 'preparing for future college work by taking these courses which all lead to fur- ther training in medicine and engin-' eering in college.C A regular high school curriculum is offered together with' special in- struction in all technical subjects. As an evidence of the cooperative spirit at the school all courses are! open to women although many that are given would not appeal to them. Among the most technical courses1 interesting both men and women are those including printing and commer- cial art., Shop work, mechanical drawing and draftsmanship, and technical chemis- try are, the courses chiefly interesting the men. THREE ADOITIONS MADE IN LIBRARY EQUIPMENT s C' 1 r .1 3 . ' r " CAMPERS TO Students of Regular Session $1,600'; Expense of Camp is $5,000 Yearly A tag, day for the purpose of ing funds for the maintenance o University Fresh Air camp wil held on the campus tomorrow. TNN IJIUUIII III Li.0U DRVETOMORRI I -a TAf DAY QUOTA FOR SUM 1 ISTUDENTS PLACED AT $400 boys from the camp, assisted by camp leaders, will sell the tags. It is hoped that students of the Summer session will contribute $400. The actual expense of operating the camp for one season is $5,000. Of this there is $1,000 yet to be secured from students, alumni, and other friends of the camp. The students of the regular session raised $1,600 dur- ing the sale of tags in the spring. The camp, located on Lake Pater- son, is in the midst of its fifth ses- son. If the drive tomorrow is success- ful the camp will have served the largest number of boys since its in.. ception. Forty-five boys from Ann Arbor, seventy-five from Jackson, sixty from Flint, and three hundred from Detroit are the quotas accepted by the agen- cies in the cities concerned. The boys are scientifically sorted out. Needy boys who have the kind of back- ground and training which makes it possible for them to appreciate and make use of the program which the instructors and alumni who are working as leaders have set up, are the ones who are -chosen. It is hoped that none of the quotas will have to be lessened because of a lack of funds. Such a step at this time would break the continuity and high record which the camp has come to have. ( The camp idea came to Michigan in. 1920 through the instrumentality of Mr. T. S. Evans, who for a good many years had been the general sec- retary of the Christian association at the University of Pennsylvania. In Philadelphia the association does a large, work with underprivileged children, worked out on the group plan with university men as leaders working throughout the school year. The groups go to camp frequently- with the same leaders. At present Pennsylvania takes care of 1,200 boys and 250 girls during the summer. The Michigan camp is being worked out on the same basis, using many of the same methods, which have been wrought out in ex- i perience and found successful. Con- sidering that the Michigan camnp is only five years old, the fact that nearly 500 are being cared for in ten day periods, that 'plans are being formed for the operation of a girls camp along the most approved lines, that a site of 170 acres has been se- cured through the generous gift, of two directors of the S. C. A., that equipment consisting of kitchen, din- ing hall, four cottages and fifteen tents, boats and the like valued at 1$4,000 have been secured, together with the hearty good will and co-op- eration of many parents and agen- cies in the cities is assurance that the camp is a successful, needed, and growing .venture-an educational pro- f ect of which every student should be Three major additions to the Lib- rary equipment are being made at the present time. A new set of cat- alog cases for the main corridor to, hold the public catalog has been ord-j ered, so that the capacity of the pres- ent catalog is a little more than doub-, proud and willing to support. led. These are to be installed this Four hundred dollars is expected summer.Special electric lights will Summer session students. A dollar be installed to correct the present de-, day lets city kids play" is the mo fects of lighting the catalog. I to. Ten dollars gives one boy a t The medical reading room is being day vacation under the best Unv4 refitted by painting the walls, laying sity leadership. linoleum on the floors, changing the y __eaderhp. lights, and adding certain tables. I A Cave Temple In Korea" will New map cases to hold the maps the subject f an illustrated lectu most commonly in use have been se- by Prof. Carl W. Rufus of the astrc cured for the room, formerly used as omy department, to be given in Na a medical reading room, now used for ural Science auditorium at 5 o'clo consultation of oversized material, tomorrow afternoon. During the summer, it is hoped to I complete the equipment of the map I ,The Men's Educational club w: room on the third floor of the west hold a meeting at 7o'clock tonight bookstack. the Michigan Union. Prof. T. Reed, of the political science depa BUY A TAG TOMORROW ment will npna.