I from Lafayette, which is about 100 miles from here. it To a little frame house built by his grandfather John Butler brought his bride, Magnolia McDonald, 28 years ago, and in this house they still live with her three sons, Huber, Goldson and Kermit. John Butler doesn't believe in bio- logy's teachings. Yet when Huber Butler enters the University of Ten- nessee to study medicine, it will be the realization of a dream his father once had for himself. And to be a doctor, Huber must' study biology and accept its teach- ings. What If John Butler had realized his ambition? The schedule for the women's sum- mer tennis tournament is now posted on the bulletin board at Barbour gym-. nasium. Those who have entered should play off their first matches as soon as possible. Enrollment for the Summer session in the School of Business Administra- tion totals 70. This is the first year a Summer session has been held in the school. Courses are offered in general business, accounting, statis- tics, production, personnel, marketing,, advertising and sales, finance and banking, and real estate. The school grants a single degree, M. B. A. '(Master of Business Admin- istration) upon satisfactory comple- tion of an approved course of study,' consisting of not less than 54 semester hours, together with a thesis in some field of specialization. Beginningf next year, a two-year program lead- ing to the degree M.B.A. will be offer- ed. Tegucigalpa, Honduras, July 9. - Complete calm has been restored fol- lowirng last weeks' rebel activities. ' FOR RENT FOR RENT-room on 1st floor, street separate entrance, bath adjoining. Suitable for lady employed during day. Apply 1233 Washtenaw. LARGE room in private residence on Second St. Call 537 Second St., or phone 9135. FACULTY Member-man and wife - or Upperclassmen-We will arrange living quarters in private home as you desire. Ideal location. Phone 7184. FOUR ROOM Aapartment--largo hall and bath-Campus location, steam [Business Sch Enrolls , $10.00 REWAR] t '. ,' , heat. Rent $55. Phone 7515. OTITCE NOTICE-To Island Lake and return HIGH SCHC $1.00; to Whitmore $.75. Leaving ity to woi the Union at 7 and 9 P. M. daily. private ho , .,, ITY olmuq OfIle 5 ,i I OUR STOCK OF Here They Are, Men! -3 off. New Straw Hats that are exclusive quality-at less than wholesale prices. USED style- FLANNEL TROUSERS, Plain or Striped, - - Summer Suits--$15-$251 Why pay more when you can reap the benefit of our low rent and qverhead ? These- suits are cheap in price but not in quality. Our twenty years' tailoring experience is at your service. is now complete and .ready for It is easy for you to purchase o used cars,' for we sell both for credit basis. If you contemplate will pay you to consult us b decision in this matter. John W. B~utler v .y 9.-John Wash- uthor of Tennes-1 " law, is also The lines given reflect exactly his f creation place, Adam's we will abide, ths always con- with the "old, .ion and eternal with him down to a seat in tle house of representatives in Nashville and wrote it into a law. "I believe the evolution theory is dangerous," he says simply. "I be- lieve that it threatens the Christian life of our homes and has a tendency to lower the standards of morality.. That is why I wanted a law passed to prevent such ideas being taught our children in the schools. "The attack on this bill is only an effort to destroy the law," he says. "It looks to me like the spirit of in- fidelity and disrespect for the Bible is behind the attack. I cannot believe that it will succeed." All this may lead you to think John Butler is a dour, austere, forbid- ing man. He isn't. To 'him a Christian life must be full of the joy of living and serving, and he is known among his friends as a good natured, com- panionable man. He has always liked outdoor sports and played baseball when he was a boy-but not on Sun- day. He is content with his lot in life, which is that of a farmer whose years are alternately lean and fat,haccording to the weather. He and his three sons wrest meat and bread from 75 acres I of corn and tobacco land three miles 213 East Liberty lax Sol rill, Rr DAY Corner Washington I/ End of the Season Opposite Varsity Laundry F- Clearance t ,a i AnnA , te issue being con- aw0 of which he is imble father, is .ion of his belief in rus his daily life, fhis early religious' later religious life "primitive Baptist" ried this religion 80 SUPERB GARMENTS Jacobson's finest Spring and Summer merchand the market affords--go on sale in a sensational, Starting Tomorrow t Unprecedented, indeed-for never in the history of the House of Jacobson, famous purveyors of the best and most desirable in Women's Apparel, has such a drastic price reduction been announced! 2 Ensemble Suits One-Half Two-Piece Suits Wond Smartly designed Suits of Silk, of Bengaline, of Satin, of Twill Cord, of Flannel, of Georgette, Typical Jacobson Suits, depicting. the season's smartest modes in the season's smartest fabrics. Remarkable value at regu- lar Jacobson prices, at half price they consti- tute an unparalleled buying opportunity. Wonderful Coats, indeed! that smart women wear f Ing, for shopping, for .ev Fashioned of Twill Cords and the light, fleecy mate feminine heart. And no from these wonderful Coa lar price! Off "OUR CHILDREN'S HEALTH COMES FIRST!" Printed Crepe Dresses. Flat Grepe Dresses Georgette Dresses Afternoon Everywhere school ard health authori- ties are insisting that milk be served school children in the original, steri- lizedI bottle to protect the health of our coming men and women. Served in Thatcher Superior Quality Milk Bottles, our milk is absolutely pure. Serve it at mealtime and between meals, too, to the whole family. West Side Dairy' 712 Brooks Street Phone 9715 Bottle of Milk Is A Bottle lof Health Over 300 of them-Dresses that are typical of Jacobson style and quality, and at regular prices, of Jacobson value. Take your choice now at halt price! Colorful fabrics that fairly radiate the spirit of the summertime; sturdy weaves that will with- stad hardest wear; accurate tailoring that will insure perfect fit; newest styles 'that make for distinctive town and country iappearance-these are but a few of the aspects you will note in this noteworthy offering of stylish Dresses at half the reasonable Jacobson price. Coats, Suits, Dresses-One- Extra! Over 75 Dresses ONE-HALF OFF A delightful group of swagger Flannel and Twill Cord Dresses, entirely suitable for cool Summer days and early Fall wear-On sale at g