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July 10, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-07-10

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External appearances mean little or
nothing. This was forcibly brought
home to us after we'd eaten our first
meal in the new place, we've just
Aionymous conmuni.:ations will be
disregarded. The names of comnni-
ants will, however, be regardeda l
confidential unon requesa.

exclusively en-
'n of all news
not other wise
ocal news pub-
r, Michigan,
50; by mail,
ynard Street,


To the Editor:

ied 'as eviaence of
ted in The Summer
d the Editor. Un-
11l receive no con-
may be omitted in
the writer. The
necessarily endorse
in the communica-

. ;

.......LeRoy L.. Osbc
.... ..W. Cavin Patter
bour George E. Lehtinen
Philip R. MIarchise

[1 Vreeland

hos. E. Sunderland
,Y 10, 1925
of Tennessee vio-
by the legislature
ared to teach the
i to the pupils in-
e. Charges were
iji, though from
>se charges were
heir publclity val-
any great anxiety
)f the law.
ly, thanks to the
that the case re-
.me one of nation-
rneys and orators
ountry started to
to one side or
of more or less
," at least select
this, prepared to
'ters' busy during
te dullest months
,n, the most select
unced that he ex-'

It seems ,quite the thing for stu-
dents who return to the University
for summer study ' to use- the col-
umns of The Daily to criticize the
student body, but this is criticism of
other summer students by a summer
student. I do not happen to be one
of the fortunate souls who returns for
graduate study, but one whose first
work' was done at a nearby normal
Several people have been heard to
remark on the business-like air of
summer students. This is well and
good, but from the small number to be
found at the 5 o'clock lectures, con-
certs, etc., one wonders if some peo-
ple are not attending to their own
business so closely that they are
missing some of the other worthwhile
things to be done at Michigan.
I 'had always had -the feeling that
one who came to school summers
could "never reailly feel himself a part
of the University, but several years
ago in an address tosummer students
the late President Burton expressed
the view that the summer student had
his contribution to make to the life
of the .University. The next day at
the President's reception' I tried to
say a few gracious words to President
Burton for the inspiration that his
address had given me, and the things
he said in reply are a treasured mem-
ory. From then he was MY presi-
dent and Michigan MY college.
This is all introductory to what I
want to say about the summer stu-
dent. Michigan cannot really become
anything but a place to grind to the
one who comes merely for what he
can get academically. Partly in
memory of President Burton, I at-
tended the faculty reception, but they
did not seem to be overworked "re-
ceiving." No doubt every dean and
every one of their wiies gave up
something to be there, and was it not
up to the students to show their ap-
preciation by dropping in? The ex-
cuse in the mind of everyone who di1
'nt go probably was that this was
not meant for him, or that it was not
in his line, but perhaps if some of
these people would avail themselves
of the chance to meet the faculty so-
cially they might feel that the affairs
arranged for the summer were meant
for them.
The instance of the faculty recep-
tion is an example that could be par-
elleled in many other fields. Thy not
be a real person instead of merely
a grind? I am writing this when I
should be grinding, but why not. an
interlude if I get any fan out of it?
(The Detroit Free Press)
Remarks the Chicago Tribune, argu-
ing for continuous school sessions the
year around, ' Educator are pretty
well agreed that children can go to
school 1onths a year without
danger toealth, and t Is said that
a normal' child at the age of 12 can
handle subjects taught in the e"ighth
gradseas successfully as ca: a child
of 4, provided they have had the
same preliminary training."
Educators, however, are not physic-
iansand 'assumhing that the ;ribu ne
represents' themi accurately, their
verdict that children can go to school
continuously without injuring their
health, is merely the opinion of lay-
men which has little of no final au-
thority. Besides this, much more than
mere physical health is involved in

the question the Tribune has raised.
All work, and no play makes Jack a
dull boy whether the work is school
work, or work on the farm, or in the
shop. Children need lots of play

suggestion for four three-month terms,
making attendance upon only three
obligatory in a single year. But what
about the multitude of youngsters who
are considered incumbrances by their
parents, and who if such an arrange-
ment were in force would be shunted
off to school, summer, winter, spring
and fall, merely to get them out of
the way so that counterfeit fathers
and mothers could enjoy themselves?
Needless to remark, the rolls don't
have to hit the griddle (or whatever
it, is they're cooked on) to be burn-
ed. Last night, which.was the time
they were being cooked, was hot'
enough to singe a whale's eyelashes.
* S S
The Campus Bevo
Question: Why are you here?
Where Asked: The Diagonal at 41st.
The answers:
Jo Splurched, '34 A. W. O. L.: Who
said I was here? I have been trying
to keep this a secret all my life,
but I guess I'm found out. The prin-
cipal reason is to learn to be a shiek,
but I haven't seen a tent around here
yet. That isn't hay on my back, that's'
just .grass, I've been counting the
clouds. Well, s'long.
Matilda MacKintosh; '16E: I just
had to get off the farm during harvest
time because the boys are all busy
then and I don't have any fun.' I thin
youse Michigan guys are keen, though.
How's for a date tonight?
Gotch Zanzibar, '28 SOL, says
which? Oh-I just come to get out a
work, and now my profs wont let ne
sleep-not in class, anyhow. Say,
what's that building over there? Oh,
the library? Well. 'I gotta go look
it over some time. Well, s'long..
Damnda Fino, '68 B.V.D., sox 13 1-2,
collar 34. I'm here because the head
of the place told me they couldn't get
along without me. I'm a great guy,
you know-all the profs. like me, but
I know more than they do most of the
time so I don't go to classes muc'h
of any, but then sometimes I go
around to help the boys out a bit.
Well, s'long.
s* R

"California Earthquakes Will Con-
tinue .Indefinitely."-0. 0. D. Well,
we'd rather live in Florida, anyway.
(Bill Bryan's got a zoo down there.
The marines are having a bust
summer-Swampscott and Santa Bar-
"Is it hot enough for you?"--And
another redskin bit the dust.
Dance at Union Friday Nite.
(Near Saunders' Canoe Livery)
OPEN 9:30 A. M. TO 8:00 P. M.





We have a


complete line of
Michigan Music


BONSTELLE at.Glendale 9792
BONSTEII Mats. rue day, Thurs4ay j
PLAYHOUSE and Saturday.s5oc-75c
woodward at Eliot. Fves. 75c-$1.00
Downtown Ticket Office at Grinnell's.
The Bonstelle Co.
in Louise M. Alcott's Famous Storv
" Little Women"
Meg, Joe, Beth and Amy
Brought to Life on the Stage.


Come in and hear the latest


The Blue

Records by
Ukelele Ike



Friday, July
At island I

Peter Pan

Sheet Music


I ,




Jean Gc

Featuring Frank Prumbauer.
saxophonists in the

Conn Music Shop
14 Nickels Arcade


every night except Na
Matinee Sunday


the fact that,
tionists are a
attempting to
Eck of religion,
eople of Ten-
ce of the tech-
e, but from a
view we can-
here, why, re-
to have any
laws, of Ten-
aehing of evo-
t seems to us
uestion which
involve the
law as nriPin-

Daily Dissertation
Today's Topic: Heat.
This is a hot subject, we'll admit,
but we gotta talk about something,
and that's all that's on our mind
right now.
Heat is a great moisture producer.
It sucks up water from the earth and
then lets it go again. It likewise pulls
perspiration from each puffing person
(get the alliteration?).
Well, anyway, it's been too hot to
fish or play tennis or golf or go on
excursions, and so we haven't got
anything to write about. Olaf has
succumbed to the heat to such an ex-
tent that he has decided to study, and
we're all alone. We have a letter
from Peat Bog's uncle saying that it
is 107 1-2 in the shade up there, and
that if it gets much hotter he'll have
to put some ice in the ice box to
keep it from burning up. Peat Bog
has not beenheard from, but it is ru-
mored that he went to Detroit last
week-end and is still there.
- *'s
Nature Studies
With this' issue, rools begins its'
regular summer session course in na-
ture studies. This lecture, little
dears, will be devoted to a preliminary
work in, identification just to find out
how much you know. When you have
identified these, you may go horne.



All1 subscriptions to ti
hiummer !itcbigan


must be paid



the rate





will. be charged. On
July 15 the paper will
be stopped, and the
subscriber billed for
all copies received at
the rate of five cents
per issue.
Subscriptions may be, paid at
the Press bldg., Maynard st.

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Summer Michigan D

s t t
clear out of here.
Tam m.

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