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July 09, 1925 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-09

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blication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
t1 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday).
fme V THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925 Number 197
e Detroit News Building, including the WWJ broadcasting station,
e automatic machine switching office of the Michigan State Telephone
,ny (for the City of Detroit), will be visited Saturday, July 11. The
leaves the Packard and State Street Station at 8 A.M. Luncheon will
ved in the Cafeteria of the Bell Telephone Company. Total cost
$2.50. Names should be left in Room 8, University Hall, by Friday

Bobbed Bandit
Uses Toy Gun

Carlton Wells, Director of Excursions.'

The question: What is your opinion
of the stand taken by Scopes in the
Tennessee Tri?
Where asked: Tappan Hall.
Answers: V. A. Altenburg, Superin-
tendent of Schools, Lawrence, Mich.,
"Scopes is doing exactly the right
thing. If these laws which make it.
unlawful to teach truth are enforced,.
our civilization will go back to the
dark ages."
John H. Blue, Southeastern High
School, Detroit: "Although believing
in the theory of evolution, I disap-
prove of Scopes teaching it in a com-
munity where it is restricted by stat-
ute. In so doing, Scopes acted in an
untrue manner as an agent to a pri -I
cipal. His approach should have been
in the form of an appeal to the people;
for the repeal of the evolutionary
statute, and then teach evolution."
Prof. W. H. Irian: "My opinion with
reference to the stand of Professor
Scopes is that he was teaching the
regularly adopted text-book in his
classes in about the same fashion in

which most of the high school teach-
ers of Biology teach that subject. He
probably had only a limited know-
ledge about the whole subject of evo-
lution and had no intention of becom-
ing a national figure through his
teaching. It is~my opinion that his
knowledge concerning evolution has
materially increased since the charges
of violating the Tennessee law werel
made against him. How he or any-
one can be expected to teach BiologyG
without presenting the theory of evo-
lution and the scientific evidence sup-1
porting it, puzzles me. It seems to
me that he had no other alternative
than presenting these matters."
Supt. H. R. Dumbrille of Bellaire:
"In my opinion, any legislation res-
tricting freedom of thought or teach-
ing theories as such, is a step back-
ward toward the dark ages'."
T. H. Hunt, School of Education:
"I believe it is a valuable test case.
It will decide for the nation at large
how far science can go in the face
of traditional opposition."
Moscow, July 8.-Accepting the in-
vitation of the Chinese Federation of
Trade Unions, the Soviet Trade Union
Council has decided to send a trade
union delegation to China. Simul-
taneouslythe council voted to send
$25,000 for the relief of }Canton vic-
Dance at Union Friday~Nite.

kly Bulletin:
All notices for the Weekly Bulletin for the week of July 13 to 18
ild be left in the Office of the Summer Session, Room 8, University Hall,
re Thursday noon, July 9.
E. H. Kraus.
Lents of Engineering:
No student in the College of Engineering will be allowed to drop any
ect without record after three weeks of summer school (July 11). The
ement in the Daily of July 3 does not apply to the College of Engineer-

The Summer Michig
offers the members of
both an enjoyable way
ing surplus time and
experience in journalie
more men and women
ed for both the edit
business staffs. All pei
are interested are re'q
call at The Daily offic
building, Maynard str
afternoon this week.
Woodward at Eliot. Eves
Downtown Ticket office at
The Bonstelb
in Louise M. Alcott's Fan
"Little Wor
Meg, Joe, Beth and A
Brought to Life on the
(Near Sauier' Cayn
OPEN 9:30 A. M. TO 8:I
Dance at Union Friday

T. R. Running,
0. W. Boston.

ve Members, Phi Delta Kappa:,
There will be a short business meeting of the active mehbers of the
Delta Kappa Fraternity in Tappan Hall on Friday (July 10) at 7:00

Walter 0. Shriner, President.

iagara Falls Excursion:
. Between 1:30 and 5:30 on Thursday afternoon, tickets and berth res-
rvations may be purchased at the Summer Session offices in University
all. This will be the .only opportunity to obtain them.
The special car for the Niagara Falls excursion will leave the corner of
ackard and State streets promptly at 3:10, Friday afternoon. The ,Greater
etroit will leave the D. and C. docks at the foot of Third street, Detroit,
romptly at 5:30 in the afternoon on Friday.
Ernest Rice Smith, Director of the excursion.

1 V
Margaret Dale, 19, of Tennessee,
longed for the bright lights, and ran
away to Chicago. In most of the
places she sought work she was turn-
ed away because of inexperience. In
others would-be employers made of-
fensive advances. Hunger gnawed at
her. 1She turned to robbing men in
taxicabs, using a toy pistol, because
she was afraid of real ones. This is
the story she tells as she awaits trial
in Maywood, Ill., jail.
a ray from the infinite source of
Is it too much to expect that some
time, legislators as well as business
men, educators and scientists, may,
show that they too stand on the moun-
tain top of human knowledge, gained
by endless evolution before man and4
scientific investigationand preserva-
tion of acquired knowledge. by human
Vera Cruz, July 8.-The state of
Vera Cruz is going dry without the
necessity of prohibition laws, due to
the high government taxes o i srloons.
Dance at Union Friday Nite.



New and Second-Hand Text Bo
A complete line of school supp

Organic Evolution
Discussed By Smith'
(Continued from Page One)
complex sutures, culminating in the
variable, highly complicated and beau-
tiful forms of the Mesozoic Ammon-
ites. In addition to the proof offer-
ed by this regular development in'
Geologic time is the study of the in-
dividual highly developed Ammonite.
By breaking off succeeding whorls
from the mature Ammonite shell, suc-
cessively simpler sutures may be un-
covered until the simple straight sut-
ure of the ancestral fres is uncov-
ered." In the words of Haecke, "the
Ontogeny (the development of the in-
dividual) repeats the Phylogeny (the
development of the group)."
The Evolution of the horse has been
repeated so often not only in Scien-
tific literature, but also in poetry and
song that bare mention will suffice
here. We should emphasize here,'
the progressive stages from the three
and four-toed Eohippus to the modern
horse, but that these states took place
however, that not only do we have
in regular sequence in Gelogical time.
Now,-the Evolution of man, and
as Huxley stated,-"The question of
all questions for mankind-the prob-
lem which underlies all others, and
is more deeply interesting than any
others-is the ascertainment of the
place which man occupies in nature
and of his relation to'the universe of
things.' Here lies the crux of the
wholI situation.
tlis believed not that man descend-
ed from a monkey nor even from an
ape, but that man and the Cro-Mag-
non man occupy the same twig on a
branch and that other twigs o that
same branch are occupied by the
earlier species of man as well as by
the anthropoid apes. A graphic illus-
tration of the above is on exhibit in
the Geology' Museum in the Natural
Science building
Various stages in this story may be
illustrated by the increased brain ca-
pacity in the development of man,
the duplication in position and func-
tion of every bone in Gorilla and Man,
the Identical direction of trend of hair
in both groups, etc. Possibly even
more telling evidences of the connec-
tion of man to the lower animals may
be shown in his embryonic stage. Dur-
ing the first three months of his de-
velopment in the womb, man has pass-
ed progressivly through stages of Pro-
tozoa, Coelenterate, Worm, Fish, Am-
phibian, Reptile and Mammal. Even
after birth, the babe shows certain
ape relationship by his pose of feet,
power of grip and in all some 180
other characteristics. Thus, man iden-
tical in his origin, stages of formation
and nutrition with the animals which
lie mmediately below him in the scale,,
is the cap-stone of the story, up to the
present,, of Organic Evolution. And
again in the words of Huxley, "Our
reverence for the nobility of manhood
will not be lessened b the knowledge
that Man Is, in substance and in struc-
+,i. n; vits .s.bus,,, r.' ,bea

ment of intelligence and rational
speech, whereby, in the secular period
of his existence, he has slowly accum-
ulated and organized the experience
which is almost wholly lost with the
cessation of every individual life in
other animals; so that now, he stands
raised upon it as on a mountain top,
far above ;the level of his humble fel-
lows, and transfigured from his gross-
er nature by reflecting, here and there,


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A Girl They Loved to Kiss
-She was gorgeous and when she used her eyes-"Good Night."

All subscriptions to the
hummer flflcbioan

must be



July tenth..

After this

date the rate of $175

will be charged.





.... ..... .......,.,,....,..........,,,..,.... ....,..... ......

' i iiiiiil








July 15 the paper will
be stopped, and the
gubscriber billed for
all copies received at
the rate of five cents



ou VR
p Caramount Qicture


per issue.


Subscriptions may be paid at
the Press bldg., Maynard st.


... . a

E BE DANIELS' greatest
dramatic chance-and how
she takes it!
Directed by. E. Mason Hopper.
Kenneth Harlan, T. Roy Barnes,
Hel'en Lee Worthing in the cast.

"Piano Eccentricities"

Summer Michigan Daily

in Lost-A Wife"

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