THESUMMERMICHIGANDAILY ., lg( Now= S A 1 y T yy J AA E x ,S .. News From Other Colleges Austin, Tex.-The museum of the o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday new biology building of the Univer- nights. This is to give them the ad- sity of Texas will have on display vantage of a larger pool than that iti valuable collectio'ns, both of the de- the Students' building. partment of botany and the depart- -. ment of zoology. These formerly were 'Madison, Wis.-A total of 1,763 col- not on display because of lack of umns of news matter totaling X23,259 proper space.-" column inches without headlines, was written for and published in Madison Madison, Wis.-Dr. Alexander Vas- and other Wisconsin newspapers aur- silief, professor of Byzantine history ing the present college year by stu- in the University of Petrograd, and of dent reporters if the sophomore class medieval history in the Petrograd In- in newspaper reporting in the Univer- stitute of Education, has been appoint- sity of Wisconsin course in journal- ed to fill the vacancy in the history ism. department, resulting from the resig- -.- nation ,of Prof. Michael I. Rostovtzeff. Urbana, Ill.- Three students were injured Wednesday morning by an ex- Bloomington, Ind.--Co-eds will be plosion in the analytical department allowed to use the swimming pool at the men's gymnasium from 7 to 9 Dance at Union Friday Nite. laboratory of the chemistry building. None of the men were seriously in- jured - Educational Club Has Gypsy Picnic Women interested in educational work turned gypsy last night and at- tended the Romany picnic given by the Women's Educational club at the Island fireplace. The band of gayly colored wanderers left Barbour gym- nasium at 5 o'clock to follow the gypsy trail to the fireplace. Under a group of trees along the way the stopped once to do a tribal dan Coffee, sandwiches, and doug were served for supper after some gypsies gathered for a ball while others sang gypsy melodi Moscow, July 8.-Such an abu harvest is expected by the Sov to necessitate the mobilizatio large amounts of state funds for Bring it. It was decided to a private capital for realizing the j harvest. Dance at Union Friday Nite. 1, church at Three Forks is one of the buildings hit by the recent e which shook Montana. The damage* in the state ,is estimated 0. Work of rebuilding is already under way. The Daily "Classified" Column I FOR RENT- -room on 1st floor, street entrance, bath adjoining., for lady employed during ply 1233 Washtenawi. m in2private residence on SCall537 Second St., or 5. Member-man and wife - lassmen-We will arrange arters in private home as e. Ideal location. Phone ,M Aapartment--large hall -Campus location, steam nt $55. Phone 7515. N(OTICE o Island Lake and returnI Whitmore $.75. Leaving at 7 and 9 P. M. daily. I LOST, $10.00 REWARD--For finding pigski wallet containing $90.00. Return t Secretary's office. Business card Howard M. Fish. LOST-Black leather secretary's por folio, 2 large and 4 small pockets Suitable reward. C. A. Iiert Phone 7010. THETA PHI ALPRA sorority pin. Re turn to 525 Benjamin or call 8443. HIGH SCHOOL girl desires opportun ity to work for room and board i private home. Call 6853, afternoon BUSINESS College Graduate desire to tutor in shorthand. Reasonab rates. Dial 21754, Burk. DANCING the New Lake House havilion WHITMORE LAKE Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday A large, cool pavilion with Teal music and a wonderful floor. S n to It 5. e- n- s. s le II Another Big Balloon Dance ---at-- Swan for dry clean 0_ The Blue Lantern confident of safety, Friday, July 10 . w..i.' : 4 :'.: At Island Lake Jean Goldkette'sr BREEZE BLOWERS Featuring Frank Prumbauer. One of the3 saxophonists in the country. perior workmanship, sa isfaction. Prices are lo Phone 4287 or R-181 We call for and delive most original Dancing every night except Mondays and Tuesdays. Matinee Sunday afternoons. A Smart Looking Raincoat Makes a Pleasant Rainy Day W4hite Swan Laundry Co. ANN ARBOR'S LEADING, Women intrust '.;,,', I CLEANERS finest clothing to WI I i Transparent Coats Rubber Cloth V ///1 .. 3 * " f IA' K1 \ j / i, ' r ,f ,. Y , r ' t Smiles Bright' e Teeth White Breath Sweet Slickers You can depart for classes quite confidently on a cloudy morning if you are wearing a raincoat that is both practical and attractive. And these are so very smart and collegiate appearing that you will want to wear one when there is the least sign of a cloud in the sky. You may pick out a rain- coat in your favorite color, too. A wide range of color and price. (SECOND FLOOR) New Summer Time Lingerie That winning personality we all admire is the res,6lt of care and cleanliness, as well as good health and happiness. WRIGLEY,'S makes for clean, sound teeth, for agreeable breath, for better( appetite and digestion. The cleansing action of WRIGLEY'S upon the teeth, tongue, throat (and breath) -its antiseptic effect-its digestive aid-its wholesome refreshment-these are all pos. iRive benefits that doctors and dentists freely affirm. Get your WRIGLEY benefit today. General Motors Building Detroit, Michigan ALPERT F. KAHN, Architect Drawnby HughFerriss NET GIRDLE NET BANDETTE Terms of the Colossal" $3.50 $1.50 T HE co-ordination of commercial strength, arch- itectural vision and engineering skill which created this titanic quadruple office building repre- sents the motive and creative force which has turned the eyes of the world toward this type of American architecture. This, the largest office building in the world, pos- sesses fundamentally magnificent largeness in its conception, and a clean-cut directness in its execu- tion which place it among the most significant o American buildings. With such existing structural achievements no arch- itectural future is impossible, no project too vast or too complex to come readily to our imagination. Certainly modern invention-modern engineering skill and organization, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. White net and satin ribbon fashion these newest and dainti- est of summer undergarments. The Nemo-Flex Girdle and Bandette to match make an' ideal hot weather set. The girdle designed for the slender figure has no boning; it hooks in front and has two pairs of fancy ,hose supporters. Both girdle and bandette come in delicate shades of shrimp, maize, flesh, and nile. (SECOND FLOOR) a~terez' 1 a. / ELEVATOR Offices in all Principal Citieso COMPANY of the World I