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July 09, 1925 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1925-07-09

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SU M R S SSOu1?bifshed every, morning except , Monday u mrBad i ~nrl o Std nC Pb ia
Mng the yniersitySumme Sesio "byi
Board in Control of -'Student Publica-
Ls. ,
he Associated Press is exclusively en-
:d to the use for republication of all news
>atches credited to it or not othe wise
lited in this paper and the local news pub-
ied herein.
ntered at the Ann Arbor, Micligau,
ofice as second class matter.
ubscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail,
ics , PresshBuilding, Maynard Street,
cArbor, Michigan.
'ommunications, if signed as evience of
I faith,, wille published in The Summer.
ly at the discretion of the Editor. Un-
ed communicatons will receive no con-
ration. The signature may be omitted 'in
ication if desired by the writer. The
tmer' Daily does not necessarily endorse
sentiments expressed in the communica-
Telephone 4925
S Eitor ............Robert S. Mansfield
Eylditor........Manning Houseworth
ren's Editor.............Marion Mead
ht Editor........I et y L. Osborn
't Editor........W. Ca vin Patterson
ham T. Barbour George E. Letinen
tan Boron Philip R. Marcuse
Ruthr Brown Marion Meyer
othy Burs Ralph B. Nelson
yru 0. uthrie Miriam.Schlotterbeck
herine Larder Nance Solomon
Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland
Telephone 21214
ulation..........C.Kermit K. Kline
lication................Frank Schoenfeld
-a C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland
ight Edit6r--LEROY L. OSBORN
4Visconsin seems to be experiencing
ne difficulty over the selection of
successor to her former God and
er-La Follette. There must be
successor for his seat in the sen-
, but everybody in that state seems
be up in the air trying to decide
at kind of, a being this new God
ill be.
The more sturdy La Follettites
0m to think that suc ha position
md surely 'be hereditary,-that the
e of Wisconsin, and of the nation.
ts in the hands of the La Follette
ally, and that if the people of the
te are not willing to accept La
Ilette, Junior, they should surely
et his mother. Whether these peo-
are trying to steal some of 'Ma"
"guson's 'publicity, or whether they
uk that the political salvation of
world rests with fminine of the
ties, or whether they just can't
ne of one of their representatives
the United States senate, there
sn't seem to be any particular ex-
e for making a federal position
editary. It is hard to understand
ch, if any, of these stands Senator.
'ris, of Nebraska, took when he
t a public proclamation to the
pile of Wisconsin urging them tp
d another La Follette to the sen-
but it is still harder to under-
id just exactly why he sent it.
lroughout the entire matter, there
ns to be the paramount idea that
ething must 'be done for the La
lette progressives, but the manner
which certain agencies are at-.
tting to do those things is any-
tg but progressive. But there are
ouraging signs. One of them is
t Francis E. McGovern, former

ernor of Wisconsin, has entered'
race, and he has even been so' bold
o intimate that, if elected, he will
port the administration. Spe'aking
that stand, the Detroit Saturday
it said, "That is heresy in Wiscon-
It may prove to be a 'popular
esy, with more candidates preach-
it. Even Wisconsin is likely to
tired playing offside all the time."

we find a super-abundance of that break some of their educationally re-
same quality which we prize so tarded schoolmaster-pupils. Hexe's
highly. Belgium, greater in defeat, hoping we are not among the brok-
seems also greater in sportsmanship. en. Anyhow, we shall stick and gath-
er inspiration from the few crumb
U Pof "advanced thought" which we may
CA PUTS OPINION I be able to nick un and assimiliate.

Aaonymous communieations will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
conlidential ton request.
To the Editor:
rQ.~e Universiy of Michigan may
well be proud of its College of Phar-
macy. It stands and always has
stood for the highest professional
ideals and the best types of services
to the people of the state and nation.
The members of the faculty are ever
on the alert to introduce new improve-
ments and keep themselves well in-
formed about the situation in the pro-
fessional and retail fields of pharm-
acy. Moreover, some of them clerk
in drug stores in their leisure mo-
ments. 'This enables"them to meet the
situation and explain at to the stu-
dents who buck up ainst similar
ones in retail store . That the efforts
of the members o' the faculty are
crowned with success may be seen
from the fact that there is an ever
increasing demand for graduates of
this college to fill positions as teach-
ers -in other colleges of pharmacy
and as analysts 'for the large pharm-
aceutical houses as well as retailers
]for te leading stores of the American
The college leads all other colleges
of, pharmacy in adopting professional
standards. In 1917, the, two year
courses in pharmacy were discontinu-
ed due to the fact that the faculty
considered such courses insufficient
for candidates who wished to be-
come pharmacists. It was not until
eight years afterwards that the oth-
er colleges and pharmaceutical asso-
ciations followed the example set by
Michigan, and as a result of that,
starting with September, 1925, te
minimum amount of training required
froln candidates for positions as
pharmacists is three years.
The new curriculum of the college
deserves favorable comment. * It is
the most thorough and liberal of the
curricula of all the colleges of pharm-
acy. The student, besides taking the
required courses in chemistry and
pharmacy, is given a wide range of
courses from which to choose elect-
ives. These may be such as will im-
prove his professional or literary
training. Even the required pharm-
acy courses are not tied down to one
line of work. The student may choose
any course which he desires. He may
take a course which will equip him to
become a successful retailer, or he
may take a chemical technician
course, or a manufacturing pharma-
Sceuical course.
'here was one drawback, however,
that the students of pharmacy in
Ann Arbor had, namely, that all of
them could not' receive employment
In the local drug stores to get ex-
perience, which is most essential. In
order to overcome this, a most elab-
orate 'and thorough course in pres-
criptions was introduced into the cur-
riculum. The course acquaints the
student with the art of compounding
and dispensing medicines so thor-
oughly that it is safe to say a Mich-
igan graduate can cope with any sit-
nation that may arise In filling dif-
ficult subscriptions.
This course is taught in the pres-
cription laboratory which has been
termed by the students "the pride of
the college." Here everything is kept
immaculately clean, and the real con-
ditions 'of a prescription department
are met. Prof. L. R. Wagener, who
is in charg of the department, sees
that a professional attitude is main-

tained,. indicative of the serious char-
acter of the duties assumed in filling
prescriptions. The fact that the life
of a patient is 'often placed in the
pharmacist's hands and that eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty is
never forgotten.
J. H. D., '25P.

Have you seen this lousy new Pack-
ard (decidedly an adv) in fawn color
and black, etc., barging around town
This place is getting too swell for us
-and for others, too. Last night as
it stood bbefore the Press building,
a-nd we stood there too admiring it,
a couple riffs up and says:
"Hey ister," says they, "what kind
of a car is that, hey?"
We gasps, takes a strong hold on
ourselves and replies "Packard." in
a weak and vascillating vbice. Then
we faints.
Uncle Olaf's Sleepytime Story
Hit the deck, you - _
here comes Uncle, hold that door open.
Which reminds me of the night a door
bit me, but that is another story.
Once in the days of "good" Queen
Bess, a night come along which was
damper as usual: Into a soft drink
parlor barged a dark knight who was
even wetter. Looking a few razors
about the room, he banged on the 'bar
and hollered for Coca Colo (adv.
The bar maid came to meet him, a
smile on her face, and a bloom of beer
in her cheeks.
"What'llyuhave?" she grunted gen-
"The same,' says he nonkahalently
socking her.
."Thanks for the sox," said she
blithely tripping down the floor with
a decided list to port.
The scene changes, and we are
canoing among the barber poles in
Venice, Cal. By breezes a bevy of
beautiful bims, or a glaxay of gay
grandmas, as the case may be.
"Toodle-oo," says they. "Ain't it the
truth?" says we. All of which reminds
us of a keen night in June, but that
is another story-see our next issue,
if there is any.
-Olaf the Great
Daily Dissertation
Todays Topic: The Critic.
As Shakespeare or somebody says,
there are critics and critics, but there
is only one type on this campus, ac-
cording to our investigation. This
type is that prenicious sort of person
who says: "Thats an awful column
you put out, Tamam, I could do a
lot better than that myself with my
hands tied and blindfolded.'
There is but one thing to say to
a Benny of that type. As a usual
thing, we say nothing, scorning to
spea to one so obviously our mental
inferior, but sometimes we become
insenced about it. We may not be a
second F. P. A. 'or R. H. L., but we
do' our work,. and that's more than
can be sad about many floo-fahs on
the campus. Our second comeback, as
we were saying, is to invite the critic
to come up and run the damned col-
umn if he thinks it's so easy, or at
least to contribute something to it.
There is an invariable comeback for
this, too-"Oh, I haven't time," and
when a gent pulls that on us as one
did today, we get mad. This gent is
taking four hours of work, has hi
board and room paid, and drives a
large and potent car around. The
only thing he has ever done for his
University is to keep the girls amus-
ed, and boy, how he amuses them-

they laugh' out loud, after one look.
Dear Tamam:
Eye aml a unkel to peat-bog and
was wunderin if u cud tell me where
the deer boy has went. Eye aint heerd
of before said person sence he has
went to colledge as he is my neerest
home folks wood like verry awfully
laip which he acquirred in a argee-
to . heer from him. The poor little
boy is only 6 feet high and has black
lamp which he acuirred in a argeew-
ment -with my own self. Being pow-,
erful sorry for the way in wich eye,
had too discharrge the dooty entrust-
ed too me by his expirerin pa i wisht
yu wood induce him too cum home
as eye need him to help harvest the
croops and other odd werk around
this heer farm. Tell him the cow lost
her last caaf and the dogs foot which
was cut off with the cycle is as well
as naw agin. Ef he will come home
eye will do anything for him except
let him squirt milk in iml i. -1ITee will
not half to rose in the morning be-
four 3 oclock and can go to sleep any
Dance at ;Union Friday Nite.

time after 10 p. m. at nig?.t after
the werk is done.
love and kisses to you al
Pete Bogs Unkle
Box 1000000000000001 Pengilley.
Peat Bog- oh- Peat Bog-- come
home and rest!
"'Bus Queen' Would Oust Street
Cars"-Free Press headline. If there
were enough 'bus queens' nobody
would ride the street cars.
Dance at Union Friday Nite.
A CK* 83rd Per*forman'.
G Eves. - 50c to 5.50
Wed. Mat. 5Cc to .50
10th Big Week Sat. Mat. 5c to $2.00
The' Nirale Play of America
"Able's Irish..,Rose"~
SEE IT! You Will Eventually
For This and Next Week. {


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A 4elicious treat in two creamy layers. It's a dess
de luxe-order a pint cr quart Erick for your din
tonight. Your dealer has it-this week-end.

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ways keen to discover
a competent secretary, _as a
secretary always holds the
potentiality' of makin j a
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Friday, .June 10th






Silk Fibre.




Coat or Slip-over. Styles
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All Imported and Domestic Wool
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I-2 Price

Hudreds. of Pairs of Hosiery
Silks or Lyles

nnouncement that France
nter negotiations with the
s debt funding commis-
ukropean nations, owing
more than seven billion
st half the entire war
ready. to come to some
These nations are Bel-
-Slovakia, France, Italy,'
'e statement of fact there
tartling, but there is food
1 in the fact that little
rer a wealthy nation, the
y that suffered, propor-
far the bulk of the war,
e first nations to signify
o pay. And Belgium did
be coaxed.
that athletics have made
the United States "good
here. in little Belgium,

To the Editor:
The writer enrolled in the School
l of Education as a graduate student
last summer against the advice of
friends who declared that this depart-
ment' of tle University of Michigan'
had no standing in educational cir-
cles, and that an advanced degree
from this school would mear, nothing.
We have already experienced tie fall-
acy of part of this statement for it is,
quite evident that the perso nwho gets
his A.M. from this school must earn
it at the expense of a lot of mental
sweating. Our School of Education
here does not have the age nor the
wide-spread advertising which some
others have but the faculty appear to
know their business and they are set-
ting a pace which will either make or'

Extra Specials
Slickers in Yellow or Brown
Were Up to $7.50


Leather Bags
And Purses.
Values up to $1500.



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Shop Open from 8:30 to 5:30-Saturday Evenings

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