; PROBABLE )WERS - ~the ixmmrr :4Oait I' ; iAY AND NIGHT SERVICE No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925 PRICE FIV N VOLLENHO YEN IUE LCU ON WAINS GROTIUS' SIGNIFICANCE TO POLITICAL LAW IN AMERICA . OSTER SON OF US. ares That America Was Largely Responsible For Return of Law Book ofessor Van Vollenhoven, in his ure, yesterday on "Grotius and rica" explained the significance of famous publicist to political law merca t is natural," stated Professor Van enhoven, ('that the University of ien and Holland should celebrate three hundredti anniversary of lus' book, De'Juri, Belli et Pacis, why should the American univer- s join in this celebration?" He d that the world saw in Grotius ster son of the United tSates, al- gh he had nothing to do with rica in a direct connection. Dur- his lifetipe Grotius felt a keen rest in the countries of the new d. ofessor Van Vollenhoven declared Grotius' famous book, which was in 1625, after a long career, ed away in 1775. After its death book had two resurrections, for; first of which the United States largely responsible. Mr. Wheaton the man who brought it to life in during which year he dlivered eech before the New York State orical society bringing Grotius in- ght. this point Professor Van Vollen- n read a note which was sent fr. Wheaton by Chief Justice shall. It read as follows: [ugo Grotius is greatly indebted1 ou. You have raised him in my, em to the rank he deserves."'' 1 1889 at the first peace confer- held at The Hague, Mr. Andrew ;e, one of the American delegates, ke greatly in favor of Grotius," de- d the professor. "Everyone ght it appropriate and natural for Lmerican delegate to honor a man never saw this country." t he Civil War," Professor Van Vol-1 oven continued, "was carried onP r Grotius' principles." ofessor Van Vollenhoven con- ed his speech by praising the way1 the American universities have red the tercentenary of Grotius'E , which, he said, "is one of the iiest, profoundest, and mostE ied books ever written." WHAT'S GOING ON THURSDAY -:00-Sale of tickets for Niagara Ils excursion at the Summer ses-t n office in University hall. -"Getting the Most From Light" Prof.. H. Higbie in Natural fence auditorium. -The leetur in Natural Science ditorium cancelled. FRIDAYl -Excursion party to Niagaral ils takes special car at corner of ate and Packard streets. -Lecture on "Some European braries" by Librarian W. W. Bis- in Natural Science auditorium. -Meeting of active members of i Delta Kappa fraternity in Tap- n hall. Dr. Smith Treats M BY spiritual eae o a OO COMPANY Dr. D. V. Smith, '12M, who is in charger 'off the eye department of a hospital In Peking, China, recently - treated Panshan Lama, the spiritual History of Arithmetic by Karpinski ruler of Tibet. Written Primarily for Teachers The Panshan is the religious leader Included in Exhibition of more than 6,000,000 people of his faith, which is similar to Buddhism. LATEST TEXTS SHOWN While making a spiritual tour among his followers in China, the Panshan contracted a malady of the eyes. Dr. New editions of text books and sup- Smith, the leading specialist of plementary reading for grade schools,* China, was sent for to treat him. The high schools, and junior high schools Panshan made a gift to the Peking are on display for the rest of the hospital in appreciation of the doc- week in Tappan Hall. tor's services. Every year several large publishing companies give such an exhibition so that teachers and principles attend- ing the Summer session may have a chance to become acquainted with the FROM THE FILES newest school books and inform their superintendents and school boards about them. Rand McNally & Co. of Chicago, FIVE YEARS AGO who is conducting the display, has The figures on enrollment, compiled men now in charge of the table in by Dean E. H. Kraus, Monday, show Tappan Hall to give information on that the total is 2,218. The number the books and to take. orders for in the different schools and colleges them. is: literary 1,182; engineering, 437; Prof. Louis C. Karpinski, of the .medical, 159; law, 126; graduate, 296; 1athematics department, has written pharmacy, 18; biological station, 40. a book on the history of arithmetic, primarily for teachers. The new C. A department of research will be B. A. Hurdle series of a'rithmetic tests recommended at the next meeting of are on exhibition. Among the high the Board of Regents. It will be head- school books on display are Payne's ed by a director appointed by the Literatures, Sykes-Comstock Mathe- Regents, and an administrative com- matics series, Davenport Agricultural1 mittee consisting of the heads of the series and, Robinson's Commercial civil, mechanical, chemical, marine, Geography. aeronautical, architectural and engi- 7Thorndike's Mathematics and Gen-I neering departments. Its purpose will eral Languages for junior high : be to assist the industrial and technic- schools are being displayed. al interests of the state by practical Hiawatha Industrial Reader, Greek co-operation in research and experi- Photoplays for children, Mother Goose ment. tales, and other nursery rhymes were I included in the children's section. I Rex A. Collins, '12, the Michigan A large assortment of colored wall representative of the Society for Vis- maps,1 pocket maps, and geographical1 ual Education was in the city yester- text book maps, of which Rand Mc-1 day. He said that educational films Nally makes a specialty, are also be- should be distributed as teachers' tools ing shown. to vitalize and supplement text books. The main purpose of the pictures is Amsterdam, July 8.-Former King to accomplish more work with the Frederick August of Saxony' visited1 same effort and the same time. There the former Kaiser Sunday at Doorn.1 is a distribution service located in Chicago, and limited to schools. Organic .E volutio TEN YEARS AGO TODAY Trial Discusse Dr. A. M. Barrett lectured Tuesday night on "The Extent and Causes of -- Insanity and Feeblemindedness in (Editor's note-This is the first ofE Michigan." According to a sursvey, have been written expressly for The D insanity is on the increase in Mich - igan, for in 1890 there were but 3,652B persons in state institutions, while in By prof. Ernest Rice Smith 1914 this naimber had incrased to Of the Geology Department of De 8,955. He said that 72 percent of the Pauw Universit girls at the Adrian reformatory are Omitting any discussion of the legal' abnormal, while 78 percent of the boys aspects of the Scopes case, there are+ are feebleminded. three phases of this problem to which+ attention should be called. The first I The campaign for the new Y build- is the tendency among legislators to1 pass laws regarding which they haveI ing has started, the territory having no technical or first-hand information. been divided by counties throughout Tescn sasaeeto h e Michigan. No definite reports have second is a statement of the re- bn Michigan.N efiniteeot s hav-lation between Organic Evolution and- been received but the outlook is fav- Religion. The third deals with certain1 orable. The aim is $45,000 before of the .proofs of -Organic Evolution Aug. 1 to meet conditions of a $60,000 whcthe ledoasloornsents gift which have led all modern students gift. of Biology to accept its truth. It is far from the truth in Govern- Civil enginers have been working ment as in all other branches of hu-1 for the last 10 days installing a sew- man activity that in tcehnical fields, erage system under the direction of decisions are reached 6nly after con- Mr. A. N. Laird, instructor in sanitary sultation with the most thoroughly engineering in the University. Plans prepared experts in the particular have been mapped for the construction line; that for State Engineer of New of 15 new steel buildings and a new York the people elect the Internation- kitchen. ally known electrical wizard, Charles P. Steinmetz rather than some un- B. And G. News To known politician; in the discussion of the teaching of Evolution, the state A In October legislature of Tennessee cdals in the -most distinguished Biologists rather; The 12 page edition of the B and G than legislators ,from counties with- News, pubication of the Buildings out a railroad or other means df mod- uufuyyGpandnsdurdeoChga 10-- wy ern transportation. This tendency in; and grounds department, which was a Democracy may be far more import- issued last Saturday will be the last ant even than whether a man by the" number until October, Mr. E. C. Par- name of Scopes shall pay $150 fine, or don, the editor, announces. even whether he taught the truth or This paper was established last not. February for the employees of the That there is no fundamental con-} department, and has been published flict between Science and Religionj once a month since that date. Besides should be evident to all who read the general departmental news it contains statement signed by large numbers of a section for each division of the de- distinguished Scientists led by Dr. R. partmont, which Include personal A. Millikan, Nobel prize winner,, that items. Vach was a believer in Christianity and that each believed in the theory of Rome, July 8.-There will be no va- Organic Evolution. The early chapt- cation this summer for Premier Mus- ers of Genesis give two accounts, solini and his cabinet, it was an- wMdely varying, of the creation of thea nounced, due to pressure of official earth and its inhabitants. Organic business. Evolution gives a third very different. HOSPITAL SO UTO. RECEIVE PATET Estimated That Both Hospitals Be Able to Treat 20,000 Patients Yearly Winl COST OVER $3,000,00 With the completion and opening of the new University Hospital comes the end of a development that has ex- tended over a period of more than five years, and has absorbed the in- terest and energy of a large number of the University officials and em- ployees. The entire cost of the.building has been roughly estimated at about $3,- 600,000, over three times the cost of the Medical and Surgical Wards which were built in 1891, and are the only two initial units of the University Hospital still in existence. The first appropriations for the new building were made in 1917 and 1919, and work on the Hospital was started by 1920. However, the $1,050,000, appropriated di dnot begin to cover the expenses, and as a result work was stopped on the building for over two years. In June, 1923, work was resumed, on the hospital and the Administra- tion Building started. By January 1924, an appropriation of $2,300,000 had been released, which made possi- ble the completion of the structural work op the new building. More than $500,000.00 has been spent on equip- ment alone which is of the most modern type. It is estimated that the combined old and new hospitals will treat over 20,000 patients every year. Inasmuch as there still remain certain final fin- ishing up jobs such as installation of light fixtures, decorating in some por- tions, and furnishing with equipment, there are only 30 patients being cared for now. Several internes are al- ready established in their permanent quarters on the second floor of the Administration Building. The entire building will be ready in every detail for patients within another month. n And Scopes d By E. R. Smith Star Salesmen To Arrive Tomorrow R l|H di L Four boys recently chosen as star C- salesmen in a national salesmanshipO S I contest of the Y. M. C. A. will arrive tomorrow in Ann Arbor by autompbile UTL0VII relay from New York, bearing in the' \U III handle of a huge electric torch vari- ous official messages of greeting to SAYS IT IS NOT NCESSAR; persons in Chicago and Lake Geneva, PICK JURY OF SCIENTIS Wis. Preparations are being made to TO HEAR CASE greet the boy salesmen on their ar- rival here, according to Viggp O. Nel- son, the general secretary of the local IY. M.. C. A.-- The trips is made by automobile Bryan Thinks Minority is Atte, relays, an unusual means of locono- To Force Its Teachings tion. Each city at which the boys Upon Schools stop furnishes them with a car and - driver to carry them to the next stop- (By Associated Press) ping point. The boys are to arrive Morgan Springs, en., July here from Detroit and are to go to SpeakingsTt a dinner given in hi Jackson after leaving here. or by fellow lawyers conected Just before the quartet ,left New, the prosecution of John T. Sd York on July 1, Walter T. Diack, gen William Jennings Bryan here t eral secretary of New York City Y. talmed of juries and minorities M .C. A., handed them a packet of let- "As to the trial before a jury, ters to be carried in.the hollow handle of the city papers have ridiculy of the New Jersey Y. M. C. A. torch idea of trying a scientific qusict which they carry.' fore a jury as if it were possil ,H ever was, to try such a questic fore a jury of scientists," he sa: scientist is an expert and mn -O called as a wites but no onei PANever think of selecting a jury o tinsts to try even a scientific 4PL "The jury system is a very o Presents Exceptionally Good Program stitution and has been part of ou of Organ Music at Hill tem of justice from the beginni Auditorium our nation's history. "Our faith in the jury system MANY ATTEND RECITAL upon the same foundation as our in popular government. A large aipreciative audience at- "No matter what the case tended the third recital of the Faculty jury is considered competent to c concert series, last night at 8 o'clock questions of fact and there is no in Hill auditorium, where Palmer on why this question should na Christian, University organist pre- tried in tis-state or in any sented an exceptionally good program atey Tosr whossteares of organ music. fully of our jury syse rare subje Mr. Christian is the head of the themselves to more criticism than organ department of the School of are making against the sytem. Music. He received his early train- "Another point worth while f ing in Chicago under Clarence Dick- public to know is that this case i inson, and has studied since under an entirely new -'question ro such well known artists as Karl minority can a minority use the c Straube, Gustav Schreck, and Alex- to force its ideas upon the scl andre Guilmant. He has been con- "We have heard the tyranny c nected with the University since majority and our constitution's 1923 tempt to protect the minority The opening number was a Con- such tryanny from the majority.' cert Overture in C major by Hollins, constitutions are made by the n a famous English organist. This was ity and show that in their sobe followed by the "Song of the Basket ments the people are willing t Weaver" a St. Lawrence sketch by restraints upon themselves so Alexander Russell. The next num- prevent sudden action in times bers were 'Sportive Faitus" by Dexso citement, ht d'Antlfy; Traumerei by' Strauss; To- Bu is case e major catta, Adagio and. Fugue in C of not attempting to force any teac Bach's. The next, a delightful, ex- upon the schools. It is the m quisite, almost fragile melody, the that is attempting to force teac Improvisation by Karg-Elert was per- that represent the views of the haps the best liked of the whole pro- ority. gram. This was followed by Roddo Capriccio by Lemare ,an American organist; and Nocturne by Grieg. The Toccata 'Thou art the Rock," by Henri Mulet was a fitting conclusion1 of 111111 for the program. "l Resolutions advising the ap ment of a standing alumni com: Ij 1 gUy of seven members to recommen S provements in the present pl alumni organization, were adop The Men's Educational club, at its versity of Michigan clubs whic' third regular meeting in the Michigan hed recently in Detroit. Union on Tuesday night, staged a de- The appointment of several pe bate on the subject of evolution which ent standing committees was als promises to be one of the most inter- ommended. Among these were esting and humorous. features sched- I mittees on. alumni, University sE uled for it during the summer.cThe dormitories, state relations, pr proposition debated was: Resolved, gation of scientific research, se that all teachers of the state of Mich- ships and fellowships, athletics, igan be required by law to subscribe ment bureau, University histor to the doctrige of evolution. tradition. A. A. Riddering, superintendent of It was advised that the boa schools at Marysville, Michigan, act-! directorsconfer with the Rege ed as chairman of the meeting. The the University as to the advis affirmative team was composed oflof inaugurating a plan of vi Principal S. H. Lyttle of Manistee, committees. Such committees Michigan, Superintendent E. T. Knapp be composed of alumni who ar of Highland Park, Michigan, and W. imnt in their professions. Thei L. Carr of the University High school, would be to visit the University, while Ernest Newland of Flint, Mich- the work in the department of I an R. A. Homn of Arcola, Illinois, specialty, and confer with the f nCharles Poor ,f Traverse City, of that department. They shv Michigan, upheld the negative. yport their findings to the board ,rectors and to the triennial c London, July 8.-Western Japan tion. was shaken by an earthquake which rumbled through Nagoya and cen- Holland, July 8.-Hope collet tered in the Hida mountains, accord- been made the rceipient of 200 ing to a Times Tokio dispatch today. the collection of Prof- A. J. Iv The dispatch said terrified inhabi- the education department at tha i tants spent the night in the open, versity of North Dakota. a series of articles on evolution which Daily by prominent faculty men.) account dealing especially with the forms of life on the earth. Only one of of these accounts can be true. True Religion depends on the truth of none of them. It carries man, Sci- entist as well as Legislator, into the realm of Faith, where both may see behind the act, the Doer of the act, be- hind the Law, the great Law-giver. Every statement of Evolution should begin with the name Charles Darwin -not that he was the originator of the Theory of Evolution, but that he was the first man to support his the- ory of the way in which Evolution Norked with such a mass of Scientific observaion as o gain is accepance by large numbers of Scientists. In these daysof argument and discussion, it is well to emphasize the fact that no Biologist or Paleontologist for a moment questions the truth of Evolu- tion. The only subject of discussion among Scientists is as to the modus aperandi. Darwin's ideas have had to, be largely modified or abandoned. There is a large group especially of American Paleontologists who tend to believe more largely the itleas of Lam-, arck. DeVries the Duth botanist, and arck. DeVries the Dutch botanist, and proposed significant modifications of the older theories. But all accept the truth of Organic Evolution without a dissenting voice. Some Evidences of Evolution Among the invertebrate animals, the Cephalopod Molluscs have reached a. very high stage in development, cul- minating in the squids and cuttlefish of our modern seas. Belonging to the same class, but more sluggish 'and heavily armored is a group of forms which culminated in the Ammonites of the Mesozoic. In the progress of Geologic time, this group progressed from straight horns to slightly curved, to loosely coiled, to closely coiled, all -wIth simple sutures and to, tightly coiled forms with gradually more (Continued on Page Four) ball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE troit 5, 8, Boston 0, 2. - ashington 10, Chicago 2. eveland 14, 5, Philadelphia 3, 7. w York 6, St. Louis 4. NATIONAL LEAGUE Louis 5, Boston 4. 1 other games postponed on ac- .t of rain. tenos Aires, July 8.-Buenos Aires stands sixth in the list of the d's cities as regards population. >lice census just completed gives 11