CHIGAN IP [LY G ARRIcK Eves, - 50c to .58ONSTELLE Wed. Mat, S0c to $1.50 .Y~ 10th Big Week sat. Mat. 50c to, S..06011 P'a~c+LAofUSEi The Mfiracle Play of A merica Dowfltownii ANNE NICHOLS' Ti, "Able's Ilrish -,Roe Th B SEE IT! You "hill EventIMally in 7,cUise M. SEATS NOW LM( For This and Next Week. l ro iglto Glendale 9792 Tuesday, Thursday r Martp. aid Saturdlay. SOC-7 SC )t. I±ves. ; C- I,00 icicet Offce at Grinnell's. ZIRD WEEK onstelle CO. ,Alcott's Famous Story ,e Women" F)e B'etliandI Any t'. Tife oiltile Stage. DANCING AT THE BLUE LANTERN ness a.s usual" sign is hanging out in Santa Barbara, Calif:, ling the work of repair-lug the damnage done, iy the earth-f ishovels are being used to clear up wreckage. The photo mi Marcos building, one of the few big structures to suffer. ['he Daily "Classified" Columns SUBSCRIBE NQW FOR THE SUMER DILY Visit Detroit This Summer And Enjoy, a.Real Vacation Put-In-Bay in L akea Erie' 'The most picturesque and delightful Summer pleasure Island near Detroit. Every sport that pleases:; Bathing, dancing, sailing; explore themyserios caves; see Perry's battle monument, picnic groves, athletic fields. Numerous fine hotels and cottages cater to Summer visitors and at reasonable p rices. Stay a day or aweek and enjoy yourself, forget your troubles and renew your health.. This beautiful island playground 'is reached only by the palatial and speedy day excursgion steamer PUJT-IT-BAY. One great deck devoted to dancing and music; restful cabins and breeze-swept open decks. Steamer PUT-IN4-BA"Y gives excursionis daily fntm Detroit to Put-In-Bay Island at 9 a. mn. from the wha4l at the foot of First Street. Four hours crowded with pleasure at the island, and arrive back in Detroit at 8 p. mn. Fare for the round trip 80 cents week days; Sundays and Holidays, $1.25. Cedar Point and Sandusky, Ohio, After leaving Put-In-Bay Island the steamer sails on through the narrow chan- nels among the delightful Lake Erie Islands~to Sandusky and Cedar Point, Ohio. Cedar Point. just across the bay from Sandusky. is known as the Atlantic City of the Wes t. With its huge hotels, electric park,n agnificent bathing beach and board walk it is easily the Queen of the Great Lankes Summer resorts. On Fridasys, af ter July 4?, steamer Put-In~lay gives a special excursion to Cedar- Point, allowing four hours at the wonderful resort, and reaching Detroit at 10.30 p. in. Dancing Moonlights Write for Map Folder Leaves Detroit 8:45 p. m. Fare, Wed., Thurs. 60c. Sat., Ashley & Dustin Sun. and Holidaiys. 75c. Seae.Ln I Foot of First Street Detroit, Mich. ai , ,. . C ISLAND LAKE Balloon Da IWed nesday -,Thursday - Friday- Saturday E -, Anther Big --at- 'the Blue Lantern M R ENT nom on 1st floor, street ance, bath adjoining.' lady employed during 1.233 Washtenaw. n private residence on all 537 Second St., or- ber-nian and wife - men--We will arrange rs in prvate homne as Ideal location.: Phone apatment--large haill impus location, steam $55. Phone 7h5-1, II LOST $10.00 REWARD-For finding pigskin wallet containing $90Y00. Return, to Secretary's~ office. Business' card, Howard M. Fish. LOST-Black leather secretary's port- folio, 2 large and 4 small pockets. Suitable reward. C. A. Mertz, Phone 7010. THETA PHI ALPHA sorority pin. Re- tuirn to 525 Benjamin or call 843 WANTEII IIGH SCHOOL, girl desires opportuw- ity to work for iriom and bona d in private home. Call 6853, afternoonis Friday, June 10 At, Island Lake Jean Goldkette's BREEZE BLOWERS Featuring Frank Prumbauer. One of the most saxaphonists in the country. Dancing every night except Mondays and Tuesd Matinee Sunday afternoons. soUMREmoms E EEEEE EEUVA PENIS DRUG STORE'S 723 'forth LUniversity 1Ave.3 St, T IN JEVERY SHIOPPING D) 217 North Main St.;~ [STRMICT" SERVICE IS A PLEASURE" 'Where dI ferments' i !iK' FOOD collects ins those tiny V-shaped' crevices formed by, the joining of the teeth and gums--The Danger Line. This food ferments. Acids formn. Acid Decay of A Strnuos Work! After strenuous exercise of any sort, what ai relief to gyet under the shower-and then a rub-down with Mifflin Alkoholl Tired muscles are, eased and soothed,, nerves are quieted, the whole body is ire- laxed, comforted. Of course, Mifflin ;Alkohol has dozens of other daily uses!t Fine to, soften the beard, before shaving; to cool and soothe the skin, AFTER shaving. Splendid relief for tired, -aching feet;*, great for sunburn; a.n efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mifflin .Alkohol is denatured by a formula which actually improves it for external use. College teams and many oither athletic organizations use Mifflin Alkoh')A regu- larly, Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in 'the handy-grip otne-pint bottles as illustrated.- .Yust as the hairbrush left ift" Colege Men now keep their hair smooth lustrous,, always in place e ':: :. f %, ,, I : 3 . . ''< teeth results. The gumus, too,' Mme irritated and sore. quibb's~ Dental Creami, made'with ibb's Milk of Magnesia, safely tralizes, these' acids. It protects. teeth from Acid Decay at The ger Line and elsewhere. It keeps teeth clean, attractive and. :id. It soothes the gums. Use it 0 Today, as never ,before, college men have smooth, well-kept hair. Why? A few years ago the hair .was a; nuisance to almost everyone, for' it was usually the least attractive part of the appearance -- always unkempt anid unsightly an hour after being combed. There was noway, then, to keep it from being so. Old-fashioned pomades only matted it and made it greasy. Water evaporated quickly and left it drier and more unruly, than ever, Today everyone can~ have smooth, neatly combed hair Now Stacomb - a delicate, invis- 'ible cream for kreeping the hair in place - has changed all that. It is responsible for the amazingly improved appearance of men's hair. And it has made possible for every woman, however "difficult" .her hair, the new smooth~ effect so much in vogue. , ' IAl clubs and fraternities,at the theatre or the game, today you can seldom find even one case of i kempt hair. People who~ know that the h ~can ruin the whole appearance people who are careful abou~tt way they look - have given S comb an important place on th~ chiffonier or dressing tale. No matter how dry and stragi your hair may be - no matter hi uncontrollable after being wash --- Stacomb will keep it alwe in place, smooth, lustrous, natur A touch of it in the morning wh you comb your hair - and all d long your hair will be just as y want it, for Stacomb will keep smoothly in place until you go -bed at night. s s' You can get Stacomb in convt ient jars and tubes, at all drug a department stores. Non-staini and non-greasy. Use it tomorr morning - and look your best day! KEEPS THE HAIR IN PLA -morning, noon and night. tube or two on hand. At fsts everywhere. Keep: drug- \QJ"1B. ,DENTAL CREAM ,-ad with Squihbh§ MVik of Magnesia E. R. SQUIBB & SONS, New York-Manufacturinu, Chemists to the Medical Profession aince lg$ Mifflin Chemical Corporation PHILADELPHIA, PA.' Sates Agents. HAROLD r. R ircHiEi & Co., lnt,, 171 Madison Ave., New York Toronto~ Sydney Wellington the external tonic AT ALL GOOD DRUG STORES MIFFLIN I ALKOWL Mif 1rv p Free Offer: IStandard Laboratories, Inc.,I 13 W .18th St., New Yoi Please send me, free of cht generous sample tube of Stacoml Name .................. .d r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . @!192$ sl i nIM11111 1ipIP lYO+ A i ^ "