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July 08, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1925-07-08

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iG L



ful enough so that she can, without
suffering serious harm, be either.
If the Communist leaders are really
concerned with the welfare of Russia,
if they seriously desire the good will
of the world, they will cater to this
great nation building empire, and not
laugh in the face of her agents.'

very morning except Monday
University Summer Session by
Control of Student Publica-j
ated Press is exclusively en-
ise for republication of all news
dited to it or not othe, wise
s paper and the local news pub-
the Ann Arbor, ' Michiran,
econd class matter.
i by carrier, $r.5o; by mail,
hess Building, Maynard Street,
ons, if~ signed as evix~nce of
11l be published in The Surnmer
discretion of the Editor. Un-
nications will receive no con-
ie signature may be omitted in
desired by the writer. The
ydoes not necessarily endorse
expressed ii the communica-
'elephone 4925
.Robert S. Mansfield
.. . . ..Manning Housewortii
tor.......... ..Marion Mead
...... LeRoy L, Osborn
.W. CalvinLPatterson
arbour George E. Lehtinen
Philip R. n arcuse
own1 Marion Meyer
is Ralph B. Nelson
hrie Miriam Schlotterbeck
dner Nance Solomon
tinen Wendall Vreeland
Felenhone 21214


"Lynchings Barred in 13
Now."-Free Press headline.
they say civilization is not

And yet

"Britain Backs U. S. on Mexico."-
Free Press headline. That's always
the best policy, and surely the safest.
The women are always serving tea
some place. In Detroit they don't
serve tea.


wonder if President Little will
the track team in his spare

sterwald Thos. E. Su

K. Kline

3DAY, JULY 8, 1925
country should refrain
political commitments
not have political inter-
venants would always
ral support of .our .gov-
could not fail to have
atlon of the public opin-
world." In these words
olidge, In his Fourth of
at Cambridge, Mass.,
the attitude of the Un-
toward "mutual coven-
mutual security" of the
the circumstances,
I have been more fitting-
he above words. It was
t of the United States
the celebration marking
red and fiftieth anniver-
day George Washington
d of the Continental
hington did not believe
ng foreign alliances"
was no direct necessity
)olldge, a century and a
ashington started an in-
M its way to manhood,
.at statemen in words
>e misunderstood.
sople of this country be-
are moral supporters of
the world cannot be
I that' those same people
lend every possible
t to preserve the peace
U States has become al-
tic during the last few
rtan as is the fact that
peple want to see a
d, and undeniable as is
they want the United
*p out of war, it is an
itive fact that the people
In do not want their
ecome involved in alli~-
ay 'lead directly to wars
rhave no positive inter.
ooldge was expressing
f the nation, and c"rry-
se principles of the man
I stopped to eulogize,
id that "our country'
n from making political
where It does not have
rests '"
refused to yield to Brit-
that she stop the spread-
nunist propaganda in
mmunst leaders in Mos-
imited confidence in the
they think their pro-
ure to have, and they
remely confident that
ess men will prevent a
of diplomatic relations
;wo countries.
an is one of the most
atries in the world. Her
uch every part of the
nation In Russia's pres-
nal positon she can be

No matter what the newspapers
may say, the Fourth always takes its
(The New York Times)
Were it not for the well known
good taste of various persons inter-
ested in the suggestion that the White
fl'ouse be refurnished in the "Colon-
ial" style, it might be said that his-
tory is r-epeating itself, and that now,
as in 1817, objection is being made to
so much foreign furniture in, the
White House. To the critics tben a
spokesman for the Chief Executive
explained that everything possible
was being made in America, but that
numerous items had been bought in
France because they could not be pro-
cured in this country. Apparently
the critcism today is because much
of the work done in 1903, when the in-
terior of the White House was remod-
eled under the direction of the late
Charles F. McKim, wa in the French
E0mpire style, Those who would
change this ask that the early Amer-
ican style be used, and point to the
American wing of the Metropolitan
Museun% of Art as an example of
what can and should be done.
The new wing at the Museum has
brought home clearly to the nation
at large that we had adapted the Eng-
lish and French decorative styes of
the 18th century to our own purposes,
and had evolved a style of our own
of which we may be justly proud.
Mr. Robert W. de Forest and others
whose appreciation and generosity in-
sured the success of this monument
to early American taste deserve un-
stinted praise. 11 is to be hoped that
the new inspiration which they have
given to study of native furnishings
will stimulate a greater interest in
what 4s best in our esthetic past. Al-
ready the adaptations of Colonial
houses and interiors are multiplying,
and copies of some of the finest pieces
in the Museum are being sold in
large numbers to adorn private
The White House, however, is not,
nor should it be, a museum. Its at-
traction lies in the history within its
walls, and in the associations of those
who lived in it. It was never a monu-
ment of Colonial architecture like
Mount Vernon. As a matter of fact,
it was not even completed until the
Administration of President Jackson.
When it was remodeled in 1903 the
original plans of the architect, James
Hoban, were carefully studied, and in
so far as seemed advisable the restor-
ation was in the spirit of the original
"conception. It so happens that dur-
ing the °decdes that the White House
was being built the influence of
French,Styles was great in this coun-
try. Incidentally, the styles of the
Empire period happened2 to be distin-.
guished and t fit well into the set-
ting of the White House.
The sum now available for the work
of renovation is too snall to make
possible any such wholesale changes
as the complete remodeling and refr-
nishing of the White Hoirse. Those
who sponsor the sweeping chage are
prepared to solicit gifts .of pld furni-
ture, but this does not make the plan
altogether practical at present. iThe
White House would be swampe with
pieces. But it would be difficult to
avoid making it look like a museum.
The matter requires more thorough
consideration. It is not as if some
house like Mount Vernon, essentially

Colonial in construction and setting,
had been done over in the Frertch Em-
pire style, and it were now proposed
to restore it as it was originally. The
White House was never a Colonial
manor. This seems to have been, over-
looked by those who advocate filling
it with "period" pieces.

And speaking of the elements, that
reminds, us that the weather is com-
ing into its own aain. Good old
weather, without which, to quote
somebody or other, 999 out of every
1,000 conversations would die in in-
fancy. We dislike statistics, but that
does hit it rather neatly, now doesn't
And there's another thing about
this weather. It make speople think
just that much more kindly of winter.
Personally we favor the idea of a
nice vigorous blizzard about now.
Something with a 60 mile north wind
and lots of sleet and snow, with the
thermometer around zero. But there
never were any such things, you
can't fool us. There couldn't be.
* * *
Summer School Excursions, No. 12345
Department of Geology
Yesterday being our regular day for
excursions (we don't know why that
should be, or even if it is, but we'll let
that pass) we went for a walk after'
the dear kind lunch hour. Somehow
we wended our way into, the Natural
Science building, entering from the
east side of the structure.
First off we went down stairs, and
as we passed a door labled: Prepar-
ateur in Paleontology, we heard an
earnest discussion within. Interest-
ed to some extent, we shoved the door
open and barged in. Two men stood
at a table looking at a chunk of rock
which lay before them.
"But I insist, iny dear professor,
that the thing is without doubt the
third molar to the right in the sec-
ondary upper jaw of the stecocephal-
ian," saysone. Of course that isn't
exactly what he said, but that's near
enough, and besides, we can't re-
member his real words.
"You are mistaken, sir," says the
other gent, "there is no doubt in .my
mind but that it is the second joint of
the left small finger of the diplodo-
cus," That wasn't what he said, eith-
er, but it will do just as well.
Being unable to reach an agree-
ment, they both turned suddenly upon
us. We cringed, biut managed to
stand our ground. They asked our
"Well," says we, trying to think
hard, "we may be- mistaken, but the
thing looks to us like the thigh bone
of a triceratops.
After we had brushed off our cloth-
es and put arnica on our wounds,
we went up to look at the specimens
in the museum. There we saw the
thigh bone of a triceratops, and un-
derstood. A little learning is a dan-
:'gerous thing, thinks we, as we miff-
ed on over to the palacial offices.
Klaxon, the Son of Klaxon
Through the deep fastness of the
jungle, Klaxon, the son of Klaxon,
stole noiselessly on moccasined feet.
A strange new thrill pervaded his
veins, and every once in a while he
would bend back his magnificient
neck, and through the quiet, rang his
war-cry, terrible and frightful. Even
Boomah, the lioness paused in a leap
on Peewee, the fieldmouse, warily
sniffing the air, the queen of the
jungle even made to pause.
All of a sudden Klaxon stopped in
his tracks and sniffed the air. What
was it?
He crept silently forward, all his
wood-lore being called into play by

the mystery. He came to a glade in
the forest and there, what do you
think he saw?
In the middle of the . clearing
crouched.the Lady Mannering, and at
her side sat Boomah, the lioness,
waiting for a chance to spring at her
fair throat. In an instant Klaxon
had sized up the whole situation.
Uttering his terrible war-cry,
Klaxon sprang! Like an arrow from
a bow Klaxon sprang! Boomah, with
a low growl, which was as much as to
say that you can have her if you
want her, slunk into the jungle.
Then, throwing back his head,
Klaxon gave vent to his victory cry.
The poor Lady of course didn't know
whether this strange white God was
friend or enemy.
"Who are you?" she managed to
"Lord Pendleton, marooned here in
my infancy by sailors," Klaxon re-
"Thank God!" said the Lady.
All was quiet in the jungle as Klax-
on walked triumphantly back to his
lair, with the Lady Mannering over
his shoulder. Klaxon was in love!
* * *
Chiefly piffle, but then-the weath-
er's hot anyhow.


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