SWITHASHOW. RS TODAY (te4t~~e it1t an I43aitM AIV DAY AND NI( SERV] 16 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1925 PRICE FI mnnitirn IThird Faculty Concert To Be ro TAKE PART Given Tonight "Third program of the faculty con- cert series will be presented this eve " - - ning at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium )SECUTION ASSOCIATE IS by Palmer Christian, University or- IEST OF PROGRESSiVE ganist, on the Frieze Memorial or- DAYTON CLUB gan TheTfirst number is "Concert Over- EADY FOR TRIAL ture in C. major" by Hollins. Alfred Hollins is a famous English organist, res Contest Between Evolution a resident of Edinburgh since 1897. nd Christianity is "Duel to In spite of the handicap of blindness The Death" he has written much agreeable mus- ic, has made concert tours of South By The Associated Press) Africa and Australia, and will make ton, Tenn., July 7.-The contest a short American tour next season. n evolution and Christianity is Second will be "Song of the Basket el to the death," William Jen- Weaver" by Russell. "An old French- Bryan declared tonight in an Canadian woman sits at tfle door of s at a dinner given in his hon- her cabin singing a song of long ago. the Progressive Dayton club in while her deft fingers fashion a basket ning room of 'the Hotel Aqua. of river grasses." Alexander Russell Bryan, associated with council is director of music at Princeton and e prosecution, was guest of the manager of the musical activties of rhiih two weeksago entertained Wanamakers in New York and Phila- .ce Darrow of the defense coun- dephia.- 'he Fundamentalist leader was "Sportive Fauns" (Sherzo) by d'An- iced by Wallace Hardyard of talffy will 'be next. Dezso d'Antalffy Dsecution council. A welcome to is a prominent Hungarian organist i was extended by John L. God- and composer, director of the conser- f the defense council. vatory at Budapest. The inspiration dinner ended a busy day for for the "Spielande Faune" is the . The arrival of Mr. Bryan painting of the same name by Boeck- r after noon followed the re- lin. f John Thomas Scopes and Dr. Strauss' "Traumerei" will then be L Neale, chief defense council, given. One is apt to think of Riphard -ookville, where yesterday they Strauss as the writer of unusual n injunction to remove" the startling bold effects. Yet in this rom the state to the federal number, an early work for piano, one .During the afternoon, Mr. finds no striving after effect to mar -held a brief conference with the sheer beauty of his inspiration. Hicks, Wallace C. Haggard, "Toccata, Adagi and Fugue in C" by J. G. McKinsey, and Herbert Bach will be the next selection. The local members of the prosecu- toccata is 'in two sections, the first aff and visited Carious points containing passage work for manuals rest in Dayton. and pedals separately; the second, in Bryan told newspapermen that fuller harmony, exhibits the glory of s prepared for the trial, the organ ensemble. The adagio is a beautiful slow movement, the long rhapsodical melody of which recalls D COthe slow movements for violin in which Bach poured out his soul so freely.1 Karg-Elert's. composition, "Impro- vistin, wllbe the' next number. ' ig President Alfred H. Lloyd Sigfrid Karg-Elert, perhaps the most y sent a letter of appreciation interesting of contemporary compos-' C Pardon of the Buildings and ers for organ, has made a great many is department, expressing his conributions to the literature of the al thanks and that of the Uni- instrument in modern vein. to Mr. Pardon for the way in The three concluding numbers will the department carried through be Lemare's "Rondo Capriccio," ay tasks which fell to itto per- Crieg's "Nocture," and Mulet's tocca- luring the Commencement wek ta, "Thou Art the Rock." Edwin Le- a Commencement day. Presi- mare is city organist at Chattanooga, loyd said in his letter to Mr. Tenn., and his composition is design- ed as a study of accents. The num- staf wanttheicongrtulate your ber by Crieg is a favorite piano com-1 hat you can in some way let position, transcribed for organ by Mr. individual in your organization Christian, and the toccata is from at hat his efforts have been great- set called Byzantine Sketches, written 'eciated, I feel too that congrat- as a tribute to the Bascilica of Sacre1 s belong to you as general in Coeur, Paris. of your forces." COACHING SCHOOL HAS (HAT',S GOING ON TIIT' GONGONMORE; THAN LAST YEAR WEDNESDAY Director E. E. Wieman, of the de- Prof. J. S. Reeves lectures on partIgent of Intercollegiate athletics, o Gratias," in Natural Science has announced that there are 107 en- ;orium.. rolled in the various courses in ath- C. Van Volenhover lectures on letic coaching. This is six more than tiu% and America" in Natural the figure one year ago. Of the 107 ice auditorium. now enrolled, 72 are registered ex- $peeIal meeting of Chinese Stu. clusively in the six-weeks athletic in Lane hall, coaching courses, 16 in the physical "International Health Prob-.j education department and 19 in oth- ," by Dr. H. S. Cummings, in er departments. ral Science auditorium. The class registration showing the Palmer Christian, University enrollment in, the various courses nist, gives the third faculty makes it evident that the interest in ert in Hill auditorium. football leads with 83 enrolled while basketball comes a close second with THURSDAY j 80 on the list. The course in school 'Getting the Most From Light." programs in - physical education is Prof. H. H. Higbie in Natural next in line with an enrollment of ice auditorium. 61, followed by the course in athletic Dr. Carl E. Buck lectures oil training with 59, track with 56 and cool Health Problems" in Nat- baseball with 49 enrolled. Those tak- Science auditorium. ing courses in graded games and plays, organized play and recreation old Ornithology Course and first aid and practical hygiene [-. T. Folger of the zoology de- fluctuate from 14 to 40 in number. nt, is conducting a class in or- >gy for the first time this sum- Waterman gymnasium is -open to ihich promises to be a success summer students who wish to have enthusiasm the group has al- exercise and bathing privileges. More shown. Plans are now under- than 200 have already signed in the >r a trip to the Forestry farm, University treasurer's office for lock- will probably be taken next ers, which may be secur'd for 50 cents. California Earthquakes Will Continue Indefinitely-Smith That the California earthquakes time, and was on the scene immedi- will continue indefinitely-probably ately. for thousands of years--is the opinion Dr. Andrew C. Lawson, head of the of Charles DuPre Smith of the geo- geology department at the University logy department, who claims that this of California, and also a noted , au- is also the belief of the majority of thority on earthquakes, has not as scientists of today. "There seems to J yet openly expressed his opinion. He be a periogisity to earthquakes," said is working out a method of the pre- Mr. Smith, "but the facts have not yet diction of earthquakes, but is pro- been found out about them so we can- ceeding cautiously at present. He has not say what the periods are." made no definite statement to the pub- The earthquakes are due to a re-f lic, but has given a tentative state- lease in pressure after the accumula- ment to his colleagues. Dr. Lawson tion of a strain in rocks. It is a has applied the elastic rebound the- known fact that the west side of Cal- ory to study the region around San ifornia is moving north, and the east Francisco bay, where the quake of side is moving southeast. The Santa 1906 occurred. According to this the- Barbara quake is probably due to a ory, which was given out by Prof. Har- fault which runs east and west. . ry F. Reed of Johns Hopkins univer- Dr. Bailey Willis, professor eme-r- sity, a slight amount of coast range itus of geology at Stanford universityI creeps north each year, and over a and also president of the Seismologic- I period of thirty or forty years there is al society of the university of which actually a bodily movement of the pr. W. H. Hobbs and Charles DuPre coast range north six or seven feet. Smith are members, and who is prob- In 1906 a portion of it snapped part ably the greatest authority in this way back. This sudden release of country, on earthquakes has publish- strain caused the shake-up., ed a fault map of California, on which "No one knows definitely," Profes- he has drawn so-called structural sor Smith declared, "the ultimate faults. Dr. Willis predicted in a causes of many quakes, but they general way the Santa Barbara earth- probably have to do with tidal action quake. He was near there at the on the earth's surface." 1 .y 60 RE.ISTER FOR POLLOCK TALKS ON FALLS EXCURSION 1HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, After Wisconsinj Seat In Senate VAN VOLLE. I "GROTIUS AND AMERIC OF LEYDEN UNIVEI PROFESSOR IS TERCENTET Grotius' Work in Appeared 300 All Planning to Go Must Leave Names ,With Prof. E. R. Smith Today; Ticket Sale Tomorrow PARTY LEAVES FRIDAY More than 60 students have sign- ed up for the annual summer school excursion to Niagara Falls which will be held from Friday, July 10, to Mon- day, July 13. All others who plan to go must leave their names with Prof. E. R. Smith of the geology department in room G-323, Natural Science building before 5 o'clock today. Ticket sale and arrangement of reservations will be held from 1:30 to 5:30 o'clock'to- morrow afternoon in the Summer ses- sin office. All who are making the tripf must complete these arrangements' within that time limit. The University party will leave Ann Arbor at 3:10 o'clock on Friday by special interurban from the corner of State and Packard streets, leaving. Detroit from the Detroit and Cleve- land company's dock at 5:30 o'clock. Saturday will be devoted to ins ecting the Carborundum Company of \Amer- ica's plant, the Shredded Wheat plant, the model of the Falls, the Niagara Falls Power company's plant, and to an excursion up the gorge. On Sunday special trips will be made to the Cave of the Winds, Goat island 'and on the "Maid of "The Maid of the Mist." At 3:30 o'clock the party will leave Niagara Falls, reaching Ann Arbor in time for 11 o'- clock classes on Monday. HIGHWAY ENGINEERING FELLOWSHIPS RENIEWED Five fellowships to provide for the following researches which are to be conducted under the direction of the Highway Engineering and Highway Transport department of the Univer- sity of Michigan have been renewed for the year 1925-1926. The Roy D. Chapin fellowship in highway transport which involves, the investigation of an approved sub- ject relative to highway transport, and also the Roy D. Chapin fellowship in highway engineering which em- braces investigation of an approved subject relative to '\hard surfaced roads and pavements. Two Detroit Edison company fel: lowships in highway engineering. In- vestigation of approved subjects rel- ative to the moderate cost of country roads are necessary. The United Fuel and Supply com- pany fellowship in highway engineer- ing which involves the investigation of an approved subject on efficient methods of sampling gravel. Botany Professor Was Member Tanager Expedition in Pacific Cruise of RACE NOT NEGRO TYPE Prof. James B. Pollock of the botany department gave an illustrated lec- ture on "Life in the Hawaiian Islands, Plant, Animal and Human" at 5 0'- clock last night in Natural Science auditorium. Professor Pollock was a member of the Tanager expedition which visited the Hawaiians and sev- eral smaller islands, in the Pacific, among them Wake Island. He gave a description of the physical charact- eristics of the islands, its inhabitants and its plant life. The Hawaiian people he describes as having dark hair, often wavy, a broad nose and thick lips. , However, they are not a Negro type, but are chiefly of the Polynesian race. They have high social qualities, and less racial discrimination than Europeans or Americans. Professor. Pollock also told of plant life on the island, and gave an in- teresting description of the lives and habits of the many peculiar birds found there. WOuMAN'SEDUCATIONAL CLUB TO HOLD PICNIC The Romany picnic, given by the Woman's Educational club, is to be held from 7 until 8 o'clock tonight at the Island fireplace. All women in the School of Education or interested in educational work, wives of faculty members; and wives of men students are invited. The guests will wear bandannas and earrings creating. a general gypsy atmosphere. There will be singing, dancing, and refreshments. All women will meet at 5 o'clock sharp at Barbour gymnasium. Wo- men will be asked to pay 35 cents which is to be collected at the fire- place. The picnic will be over in time for the guests to attend the Wednesday night, faculty concert. Baseball Scores AMERTCAN LEAGUE Chicago 2; Washington 1. St. Louis 12, New York 2. Boston-Detroit, rain, postponed. Cleveland-Philadelphia, rain post- poned. NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 7, Pittsburgh 6. Cincinnati 4-3, Philadelphia 0-4. Chicago 10, Brooklyn 5. Boston 7-8, St. Louis 4-2. Francis E. McGovern, former gov- ernor of Wisconsin, is campaigning for the senatorial seat made vacant by the death of Robert M. LaFollette. Drawing Made ForAli-Campus Tennis Tourney Drawings for the Summer session all-campus tennis tournament have been made, and the first round will start today. Thirty men signed for the singles, necessitating two byes in the first round. There are eight doubles teams entered. First round drawings are as fol- lows: Shawly 469-R (Ypsi) vs. Dur- ant 8665; Nukerfer 22418 vs. Epstein 3203; Wolfzing 9274' vs, Rush 3256; Tseng (bye; Miller 7022 vs. Goldsmith 3256; Custer 1306-W (old) vs. 'andor 3146; Gill 5993 vs. Hartwell 8917; Scott 6381 vs. Moore 21624; Fernan- dez (bye); McIntosh 8657 vs. Meade 6995; Bergman 3618 vs. Sidwell 6381; Rosales 8072 vs. Chapman, 7332; Smiith vs. Cressman 4963; Bartlett 6817 vs. Muir (819 E. U.); Henry 22442 vs. Fold 5561; Sanchez 8157 vs. White- ner 21737. The drawings for the doubles are: Logan-Whitener. 21737 vs. Sidwell- Scott 6381; McIntosh 8657 vs. Gold- smith 3256; Chapman-Ford 7332 vs. Chang-Tseng 3642; Shawley-Ypsi 469- R vs. Fernandez-Rosales 3146. Awards will be made as usual to the finalists in the singles and the winning doubles team. ANNUAL ANNOUNCE MENT TO BE PRINTED EARLY The annual announcement of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will go to press about July 15, and will be ready for distribution before the end of the Summer session. This will be the first time that the an- nouncement has been prepared in time for the summer students to get them before leaving for home. The announcements of the School of Education and of the Graduate school will also be printed before the end of the summer- term. Several times before these have been finished in time for their distribution during the Summer session. DIVEY WILL IVE EIGHT'" PHYSICSLECTURES HERE Dr. Wheeler P. Davey of the re- search department of the General Electric company of Schenectady, N. Y., is giving a series of eight lectures on X-Ray Analysis of Crystal Struc- " ture' These lectures are being con- ducted in room 1041 of the new Phys- ic building Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day, and Thursday mornings at 9 o'- clock, continuing through next week. They are open to all interested.. While here Mr. Davey is also direct- ing experimental work in the X-ray determination of crystal structure. Allegan, July 7.-Spontaneous com- bustin destroyed two barns on the Wil- liam Godfrey farm five miles 'north of this city at an estimated loss of $15,- 000. Prof. C. Van Vollenhoven, sor of law at the University den, will speak at 5 o'clock I ernoon in the Natural Scienc torium on "Grotius and Amer This year is the tercentary appearance of Hugo Grotius' ' Belli et Pacis;"' which appea L1625, and irarks the modern ning of international law. Ea the year an exhibition, of prints of his work was held in ents' library at which time sor Reeves of the political Scih partment of the University sI Several celebrations have held previously this year thro the country in honor of Hugo C one of the most important o occurred at the' meeting of t erican Society of Internationa which was held in April at W ton, D. C. At this meeting Pr Van Vollenhoven read the pa Grotius. Other celebrations in bf the publicist have been held is and The Hague while Colum iversity, where Professor Van hoven is lecturing this summe celebrate his tercentenary later summer. Professor Van Vollenhoven sidered the greatest living at on Grotius and is well known field of international law. He author of several books on Dut and is particularly interested study of legal history. At pres is engaged in the preparatio: work on primitive law, having his studies from the sources Dutch East Indies. He has been called to this try as umpire in the Mexican- States claims' commission. the recess of which he is le in Columbia university. He here immediately from New Y deliver his lecture. He will return to Holland c 1, but will return to this cou take up his work with the comp when that body resumes its'w the fall. FILD SECRETARY TALK TD, STATE sill Hawley 'Tapping, field secreta the Alumni association, leaves 13 for Cadillac, where he will ac the Cadillac Rotary club and th iversity of Michigan club of Ca( He will organize a Universi Michigan club at Big Rapids Ji and will meet the officers of the versity of Michigan club at Rapids, July 16. The. University of Michigan c: Detroit will hold its first golf tc ment of the season July 17, a Birmingham Country club. Mr. ping plans to attend. Faculty Members Present At a Prof. T. E. Rankin and Mrs. R and Prof. R. W. Cowden and Cowden were the faculty gues the tea given by the Women's L and Betsy Barbour house from 4 , 6 o'clock yesterday at Betsy Ba: Miss Jeanette Perry, directo Betsy Barbour, Lillian Wetzel president of the summer League garet Effinger, '26, and Elizabe ham, '26, informally received. Postponed on account of weather the Fourth of July c party of the Congregational su will take place Sunday, Jul: 'the Huron river. All those wh( to go will please meet at the c