THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publica- tions. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not othe. wise credited in this paper aid the local news pub- lished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michi'zan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Communications, if signed as eviucnce of good faith, will be published in The Summer Daily at the discretion of the Editor. Un- signed communications will receive no con sideration. The signature may be omitted in .publication if desired by the writer. The Summer Daily does not necessarily endorse thensentiments expressed in the communica- tiona. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR NORMAN R. THAL News Editor............Robert S. Mansfield City e itor...........Manning Houseworth Women's Editor .......... ..Marion Mead' Kight Editor..........,..LeRoy L. Osb'orn Night Editor..........W. .Calvin Patterson Assistants William T. Barbour George E. Lehtinen Vivian Boron Philip R. Marcuse Julia Ruth Brown Marion Meyer Dorothy Burris Ralph B. Nelson .,edru O. Guthrie Miriam Schlotterbeck Katherine Lardner Nance Solomon Ina Ellen Lehtinen Wendall Vreeland That Dr. Little is entering upon a tremendous task is evident, but if1 the Regent-Faculty committee and the Board of Regents think him capable, -and they have studied the situation thoroughly,-the University is ready and willing to accept their judgment. We welcome President Little, and of- fer him any help and co-operation which we are capable of giving. Our University now becomes his, and we can accomplish most by working to- gether. Michigan welcomes her sixth presi- dent-Dr. Clarence C. Little.1 BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER JOHN W. CONLIN Circulation..............Kermit K. Klin Publication................Frank Schoenfe Assistants. Myra C. Finsterwald Thos. E. Sunderland ine :ld CAMPUS OPINIONj A ionymous communizations will be disregarded. The nanes of communi- ,ants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request THE "LIBERAL" VIEWPOINT To the Editor: Being one of the spinster teachers with grey hair studying here this summer, I am grieved over the con- troversy going- on in this column. Please, young people, don't class us all together, us old ones, as "old hens" who are down on the present day youth and his clothes, just because ONE of us said something derogat- ory about you. Consider those who have not. Very many, I know, con- sider knickers sensible and "spiffy" (is my slang old fashioned?) and modern clothes in general much more comfortable and artistic. Let me con- fess in secret, too, that many of us old ones roll our hose and wear only as many clothes as are necessary. Don't be so disturbed over critic- ism. Don't you know that human nature is ever the same, that the young people of any age are always censured by the older people? Re- member that the old ones of today, when they were young, were consid- ered far from perfect by their eld- ers. Twenty-five years from now you will be shocked by the young people of that time. So don't mind what is said, and don't think too harshly of the older people; it is just history repeating itself. I have been teaching high. school for sixteen years, during which time the present day youth has developed. Of course he has his faults-who has not?-but, in my opinion, he has nev- er been surpassed in alertness, frank- ness, capability, good sense, and "sweetness." There are many who think as I do, we admire and like you, and we hope you like us. -M. E. T. EDITORIAL COMMENT I TUESDAY, JULY 7, 191 25 Night Editor-W. C. PATTERSON - PRESIDENT LITTLE Dr. Clarenice C. Little has been elect- *4 the sixth president of the Univers- sity by the Board of Regents. On October 1, Acting President Alfred H. Lloyd will surrender the administra- tive reins of the University to this man who, in thirty-seven y ears, has made himself such an outstanding ed- ucational leader that he has been called to take charge of one of the na- tion's greatest educational institu- tions. Following, as he does, a group which includes several of the most outstanding college presidents the country has ever known, President Lit- tle may find his position an exacting one. Michigan has been fortunate in having at Its head, during its eighty- eight years, men of great capabilities. Michigan will look for those same qualities which have been so outstand- ing in her past presidents in this new, this young, president. And the indications are that Michigan's search will not be unavailing. Probably no man has ever become president of this Institution with more to recommend him; more capa- bilities more experience -more ac- tual qualifications. Dr Little, at thi-ty-seven years of age, stands out far above many men of more mature years. His life has been an almost perfect training school for the execu- tive, the administrato, the college president. Michigan could not ask that her president come better equipped for the work that lies before him than does Dr. Little. His knowledge and experience rival that of men far old- er, his ambition and energy are still those of the youthful at'let.e,-he can and does accomplish things. He has proved himself a worthy educator, an *fficient administrator, and. insofar as he found necessary at Maine. a persuasive lobbyist. That he is worthy of the position to which he has been elected is un- doubtedly true. And with his own at- ainments as a basis, and the presi- dency of a university which, instead of being made by her - presidents, makes them, there appears, in the future, a vision of President Little ranking with such great college pres- idents as James Burrill Angell, Mar- ion L. Burton, and Charles W. Eliot is not too for-fetched. We rejoice that the Regents have found a worthy successor to the great Dr. Burton, we are happy that the af- fairs of the University are to remain in the hands of another such as he. The University-students, faculty, ad- -Ministrative heads, and townspeople- welcome President Little. We hope to seet in him a continuation of those great policies which formed the key- note of the every action of his prede- cessor. We hope he will continue a to strive for that goal which Dr. Bur- ton set as his horizon. We hope that President Little will strengthen our University materially, intellectually, and spiritually. shaken, a mountebank went about among the country people selling pills which he assured them were "good against an earthquake." Nothing can prevent earthquakes, but it is hu- manly possible to protect to some ex- tent against loss and suffering from them. Man, who has faced with some success the hazards of the air and water, fire and flood, pestilence, cold and heat, will find a way to overcome even an earthquake's rage. It will be done through proper construction and such a spirit as is expressed in the challenge: "We will rebuild." 1OASTED ROLLS DID YOUT S GET B U RURNED 1 A few days ago it was the Fourth of July, or Juliette, as the French say, just to be feminine. Whereupon many went pinicing, some went swimming, a few fished, and many were maimed. In the crumbs we have our question to those who went swimming or fishing, because we didn't, and. therefore aren't sure about it. Olaf the Great and Peat Bog had their own novel little method of cele- brating the day-they went "coo-pay- ing" as they naively put it. Peat Bog says that their fair (?) partners did the cooing and that they did the pay- ing. Punny but funny, what? And As For Us But we, ah, we prefered to hit the trail and mingle with the gasoline goofs. So it happened that we barg- ed out of town early on the glorious morning in a light rain, and headed north. All went well until we pass- ed Pontiac (adv., by request of the Board of Trade). Perhaps it was five 1 miles out when we approached a cross rad. "Haw," says we, and slowed down to 50 miles an hour. "Squeeee!" says alot of brakes, and we're ashamed to tell you what the applier of those brakes said. "Well," says we, by way of come- back, "So's your old man." Then we left. A little farther along we noticed that a man on a motorcycle was trailing along. We thought that may be he liked dust, so we gave him a little, or may be it was a good deal. He seemed to resent it, for he pulled up along side and invited us to stop. We thought we might as well, so we did, anyhow. We were going to stop pretty soon at that, so we did it then not because he told us to. "Whereth'helld'yuthinky'rgoin ?" en- quires this apparition politely. "Quite a ways," says we, not to be outdone in the courtesy of the road. "Not that fast," says he in a de- termined tone. "Oh," says we, "were we going too fast? Truly, we're awfully sorry, our speedometer broke this morning, and we didn'a know." Just then someone shot past doing a good 75. "Wait here," says our new-found friend, "I'm going to get that guy." Now if this were one of Uncle Olaf's sleepytime stories, we'd say that we waited, but it isn't. Try to figure that out. * S S Daily Dissertation Today's Topic: Service (as interpreter by the Union). We hate to be vituperative, but there are some things that we can't endure without comment. For three years we have born our troubles along this line in silence, but the time has come when we con no longer keep it to ourselves-we gotta speak up or bust. The last straw came the other day when, as we barged up the front steps at about quarter of eleven at night hoping to get something to eat in the tap (and that's not an adv.), room. We drew near to the great swinging doors and were about to enter them when through those inviolable doors calmly swung three couples-and we mean couples-one man and a girl per each. We paused, stung and stun- ned. Then we went into the tap room itself, and there at the tables we found more women. We recalled that the pool had been used as a swim- ming hole for a-group of women one night after the regulars hours for men. We went upstairs, and found women, unescorted, wandering about the lobby. Last night we entered that sanctum known as the terrace where we seat- ed ourselves at a table as is our want. After half an hour spent in happily obesrving people who had followed in, two of them, due to their sex, obvious- ly not members of the Union, give their orders and be served, we felt time pangs of hunger gnawing at our vitals and fell upon the nearest wait- "WE WILL REBUILD" (The New York Times) A significant illustration of the in- domnitable attitude of modern man toward the forces of nature is the first official word after the earthquake in Santa Barbara: "We will rebuild." In early ages men would have inetr- preted this disaster as a visitation of the gods and abandoned the locality as forbidden ground; and one who knows Santa Barbara counld understand how the ancient gods would have wanted to keep it as their own exclusive resi- dence. In later centuries, even though men prayed to St. Barbara for her protection against lightning and other perils of sea or land, they would have fled simply in fear or in despair, being without resource. Not so the people of that city, most beautiful for situa- tion. Though the experiences of some who have seen and suffered from this1 sudden calamity are of a "hue like that when some great painter dips his pencil in the gloom of earth- quake and eclipse," there is no dis- may. The voice of man is heard above the "roaring" of the earth- quake. There is no foretelling these visita- tions except in a general regional way. Statistics covering a thousand earth quakes on the Atlantic side of the continent and four thousand on the Pacific side give some basis for pro- phecy as to the locality of the quaking centers and as to probable intensity if the tremors do come. It is upon this ;scientific basis that proposals have been recently made- looking to pro- vision against this hazard, so far as that is humanly possible. We must not only prepare to meet earthquake emergencies in the way of fire fight- ing, panic, control, transportation, food supply, water supply, lighting and first aid such as the American Red Cross is instantly ready to give, but also learn to build according to plans that have the approval of the seismologist as well as the architect and engineer. The earthquake is a strange sort of guest. His ways mdst be learned and when they are learned they must be respected. Addison tells in one of his1 papers that after an earthquake in1 England, when. the whole island was7