P *'u mmrx AND WARNER TODAY Sir i4an I:Daitl, ASSOCIATED PRESS DAY A"~ NIGHT WIRE _ --.-.- No. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1925 PRICE FIVEI i rrWr4 iii .rr _. w+rr DACHINE SCHOOL lAS REGISTRATION DF 90 STUDENTS NADA AND 25 STATES ARE REPRESENTED IN COURSE MICHIGAN LEADS i of High Calibre Are Included; Majority Are College Graduates lith the enrollment completed in University summer coaching ool, it is announced that 90 have ved up, representing 25 states and ada. Besides these a number of dents from other schools are tak- courses in the coaching depart- it. 'his number is not greater than year, but it is considered good ing into account allthe new coach. schools which have been estab-_ ed this year. Coach Elton E. Wie i, assistant athletic director, an- nced that the men enrolled this r are of an exceptionally high cal- , the majority having been grad- ed from large colleges and uni- 3lties. he fact that the Michigan school wa.from alltsections of the con- slsgifcant. It -means that Mich-! i methods and athletic prowess e gained prestige, Coach Wieman Lains. "Since all portions of thel try ar e represented here," stated ehi Weman, "the school itself will >f greater benefit due to the ex-t ige of ideas regarding the differ-1 sectional football methods." Michigan Heads List le state of Michigan heads the list 3oaches enrolled, having 21, whilet nsylvania and Ohio each have 8,t .ucky following with 5. The Easte epresented by coaches from Maine,c necticut, and Massachusetts; thet th by men from Kentucky, Nofth >lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alab-, .a, Oklahoma, and Arkansas; and West and Southwest by men froml >rado, Washington'Utah, Arizona1 Texas. There is also one man n Ontario, Canada. our Indians are registered. They Fred Bauer, a graduate of Car- now coaching at Mt. Pleasant, S. J. "Chief" Nevitt, or :{askell, is n6w athletic director a Bay} Central high, Ralph Poolaw,l is at Mountain View high school,c Ray Cody, of Carnegie college Oklahoma. Six women are also7 ng some of the courses. J-; Men of Note Enroll any coaches of large colleges arec the registration list. J. C. Cody,i Ah of basketball, bashball and I line coach in football at Vander-f university is here, also W. P.f uss of St. Lawrence college, N. Y.,I E. Atwell, head of the Eastern1 i school basketball league and mas L. D'ennis, head football line :h at the University of Texas., hree .graduates and star athletes Uma college, "Red" Carty, P. T. ierman, and F. W. Schaeffer, havec stered. Some other Michigan are: F. A. Hermanson of Detroit tlhwestern, P. W. Kingman of Al- , college, H. D. McPhail of Lans- and G. D. Robinson, track coach Libion.° .1 Summer Students Meet Faculty In Informal Mixer More than 250 Summer session stu- dents were given their first opportun- ity to meet members of the faculty informally at the faculty-student mix- er reception held yesterday in Alumni Memorial hall. President Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, and Regent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal, were among those who re- ceived the guests. Dean E. H. Kraus, dean of the Summer session, was in charge. It has been the. custom to give aj similar reception at the beginning of every Summer session, with the ex- ception of the last two years. It was suggested that the custom be reviv- ed this year. Girls from Betsy Barbour house acted as ushers. Punch was serv9d. , TO LEAR RlU IN S WRECKERS CLEAR WAY FOR THE APPROACHING BUILDING PROGRAM BANKS REOPEN NEARLY ALL COPIES* O Y SO All Remaining Copies of Directory Placed on Sale at Bookstores and Publication Office PRICED AT 25 CENTS Nearly the entire edition of the 1925 Summer Student Directory was sold during the first day of sale, on the campus and in the bookstores yes- terday. No further sale will be made upon the campus but the few remain- ing directories may be bought at the bookstores on State street, or at the office of the Board in Control of Stu- dent Publications in the Press build- ing on Maynard street. The book, which sells for 25 cents, contains the names, departments, ad- dresses, telephone numbers, and home towns of every student registered in the University for the Summer ses- sion. It also contains a full page map of Ann Arbor showing the location of the University buildings, fraternity and sorority houses, railroad stations, hospitals and public buildings. A program of special entertainments, lectures, and excursions has been printed in the back of the Directory. Educational Club To Meet Thursday The third meeting of the Men's Ed- ucational club of the University will be held on Thursday, July 2, at 7 o'clock. Coach Fielding H. Yost, di- rector of Intercollegiate Athletics, will speak on "The Objectives of Ath- letics." On July 9 ,a debate is sched- uled for the third meeting of the club. The proposition to be debated is: "Resolved, That all public school teachers should be required to believe in the theory of Evolution." Judging from the results of similar debates held in past summers, this debate promises both entertainment, and in- struction to those attending. Although these meetings are not open to the public, any student reg- istered in the School of Education or anyone especially interested in edu- cational work is eligible for member- ship in the club. Grimani Breviary Shown At Library Facsimiles from the famous Grim- ani Breviary are now on exhibit in the lobby of the Library. The Breviary, which was purchas- ed by Cardinal Domenico Grimano in 1520, is one of the most extensively illuminated of the early Flemish Bre- viaries. It is now preserved in St. Mark's library at Venice. The Library exhibit includes several photographic facsimiles of the more exquisite calendars, niniatures, and leaves with beautifully floriated and historical borders. The delicate col- oring and tonal quality, combined with an advanced technique for the early sixteenth century, make these compositions exceptionally attractive. The prints will be exhibited at the Library for four more weeks. The Chinese invented fireworks, but at present they seem to be overdoing [44. Communications 'Restored As Corps Of Linemen Hurriedly Repair Connections Santa Barbara, Cal., June 30.-(By A.P.)-Defiant in the face of disaster which gripped their fair city on the Pacific coast shores with many know dead and many of the beautiful homes and business blocks ruined, residents of Santa Barbara outline a program of reconstruction. Up and down the 14 blocks of State street, the principal thoroughfare which was laid to waste, the sound of industry held sway. Ruins were brought down by the wreckers to make way for the approaching build- ing, while the clatter and blast of hammers and the roar of motor trucks mingled with the shouts of teamsters hauling away the debris.I Wrecking crews courageously plac. ed their ladders against the walls and the reconstruction program began. The walls were swarmed over by scores of workmen afid the remains of the disaster soon toppled to the street. All of the banks of the city tirew open their doors for business. The Security State bank reopened after+ workmen removed a heavy concrete, pier from across the door. Communications with the outside world were hurriedly reestablished by a corps of linemen and today the connections are in good order. With all the trouble of yesterday1 behind them the residents today1 struggled cheerfully in the warm sun- shine to reform the city in its former beauty. } 1 LABOR LEADERSPEAKS I AT TEACER' MEETING Chicago, Ill., June 30.-(By A.P.)1 An appeal for further organization ofj Labor, essentially among teachers+ and other educators, was made by George W. Perkins, vice-president of the Union Labor department of the American Federation of Labor, in an1 address before the American Feder- atiog. of Teachers convention here to- day. He defined laborers as "all who give service." "Brain work and men of brains con- tribute more to the progress of civil- ization thai physical labor," he said. "Teachers are doing more for con-.. structive advancement than any oth- er kind of laborers. If you were' paid the wages you earn, you would receive $10,000 instead of the $1,200 or $1,500 you are paid."1 "Aimlessness, futility and waste' characterize the public school sys-. tem," declared Dr. H. R. Glenville,+ president of the Teachers Union of New York, in his report before the convention. "The present course of studies is antedated," he said. Dr. Glenville out- lined methods of reform, among them1 the establishment of experimental+ schools using the creative methods of teaching. Plan Bacon Bat For All Women Under the auspices of the W. A. A. and women's physical education de- partment, a bacon bat will be held at Palmer field at 5 o'clock Thursday, for all summer women students. Base- ball games and stunts are some of the features planned. All women intending to go are re- quested to sign upoin Barbour gym- nasium by Thursday noon. The cost of the supper will be 20 cents, col- lected at the field. .- Karl Belser, '25A, and Harrison Cook, '25A sailed Saturday from Mon- treal and will travel in Europe this summer. Summer Session Enrollment Now Placed At 3,1463 Predictions of an enrollment of 3,200 or over in the Summer session of the University are fast being ful- filled. Thus far the number totals 3,146 which is slightly over the num- ber registered at this time last year. The enrollment in the literary col- lege has passed last year's mark. The number enrolled in this college at present is 1,207. Other colleges showing an incrase are the School of Education with a present number or 450, the Graduate school with 765, and the School of Pharmacy with an enrollment of 23. The Colleges of Engineering and Architecture shows a dpcrease in number of about 20 pe'cent, while that of the Medical school has fallen off about 25 percent. The enrollment in these colleges, respectively, are 334 and 214. Only the Law school with 144, has shown an enrollment approximately the same as ,that of last year. THIRD EXCURSION WILL LEAVE TODAY Party Will Inspect Hotel Statler And Cass Technical School in Detroit WELLS WILL CONDUCT This afternoon, Mr. Carlton Wells of the rhetoric department will con- duct his third excursion party to De- troit for the purpose of inspecting the Hotel Statler and. Cass Technical high school. At the Hotel Statler the party will be conducted through the various de- partments and behind the scenes by a staff member of the Statler organ- ization. After passing through the kitchens and cold storage rooms, an explanation of the ingenious cost sys- tem will be given the party. An in- spection of the laundry, storehouse, bakery and ice cream plant will also be made. An explanation of hotel principles, methods, and rates will be given as the 'party is shown through the din- ing rooms, guest rooms, housekeeping department and banquet halls. Other3 portions of the building which the party will have an opportunity to vis- it are the telephone exchange, the li- brary, the private and main ball rooms, the linen department and the valet shop. After the excursion through tie building, the party will receive refreshments in the grill-room as guests of the Statler management. The next place of interest to be vis- ited will be the Cass Technical high school which is a model of its kind. The party will be free to go through1 the whole'building. Among the more interesting things which the party will be given an opportunity to see will be exhibits of work in commer- cial design, jewelry making, metal work, and freehand drawing. The large cafeteria and kitchen, the foun- dry and machine shops, and the print- ing shop will be included in the it- inerary along with the various class rooms and laboratories.. The party will leave the Packard and State street station at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The total expense] connected with the trip is estimated to be about $2. Anyone desiring to make this trip may do so by being at the station at the specified time. Unusual Tribute Paid To K. Of C. Rome, June 30.-(By A.P.)-The Pope, in a private audience granted today to a delegation of officers of the Knights of Columbus, paid an un- usual tribute to the humanitarian work of that organization by confer- ring upon Supreme Knight James A. Flaherty, of Philadelphia, the medal usually conferred only upon Bishops and by making a cordial address in which he characterized the organiza- tion as a "select body rendering truly knightly service in a good cause." The Fourth is near! Buy your fire- crackers early, Sociologist Will Lecture Here Tonight Frank Tannenbaum, sociologist, of Washington, D. C., will speak at 8 o'clock this evening in Natural Sci- ence auhitorium upon the# subject, "The Meaning of the Mexican Revolu- tion." This address will be followed by a second talk by Mr. Tannenbaum to- morrow evening at the same hour and place. His. topic will be "The Making of a Professional Criminal." When a student at Columbia uni- versity, Mr. Tannenbaum made a bril- liant record in the fields of history and economics. In recent years he has been a writer whose works have received note because of their enlight- ening advocacy of reform in the man- agement of prison systems over the country. Mr. Tannenbaum speaks from a background of colorful experience. By trade he was a mechanic. He was considered a radical in pre-war days. Later he spent a year at Blackwell's Island after which he made public charges concerning methods employed in prison management. These result- ed in investigations which have brought a revolution in prison sys- tems. ' During the war, Mr. Tannenbaum worked for two years in a shipyard to aid, as he felt, in counteracting the German submarine. Following this, he served two years in the army, re- ceiving promotion finally to the rank of sergeant. WILL GIVE SECO ND OF SERIES TONIGHT' Faculty Concert at 8 O'clock Feature Struble-Freeman and Northrup PUBLIC INVITED Will KELSEY TELS' O rPLANS TO POEE sIN EASTERN WOR0 EXTENSION OF GRANT TRROU4 AN ADDITIONAL YEAR SECURED DESCRIBES FINDS Different Expeditions Discussed A To Accomplishments And Purpose "The grant, which has made pose ble the second American expedita to the Near East during the past t years, expires tonight," said Pr Francis W. Kelsey, head of the Lat department, in speaking upon the e: pedition last 'evening, "but succe beyond the dreams of those wl backed the work has secured the e: tension of the grant through an add tional yO'r. The work will proceed The first expedition, Professor Ke sey explained, set out from the Un versity of Michigan in Septembe 1919. Its purpose was to obtain f the University more manuscripts p precious material pertaining to ti literature of the Bible. Papyri a documents of early date, which no are in the Library, were the fruit c this effort. Purpose Changed A second expedition, which took a its purpose to extend the field beyon the acquisition of manuscripts b means of excavations, was backed .b an anonymous donor, and, set ou about two years ago. Sites in thre different countries were chosen te the work. These were Antioch Pisidia, a location in Egypt, and th site of ancient Carthage. Profess Kelsey confined his remarks to a re port -upon the work at the first c these sites. Antioch of Pisidia is important i the history of the early church as th place at which the Apostle Paul dei initely made his decision to carry th Gospel to the Gentiles. In the g of this fact, it was expected that re mains of unusual worth might be un earthed here. To substantiate hi statement that this expectation wa rewarded, Professor Kelsey dsplaye lantern slides of photographs showin inscribed slabs of stone, fragmentar statues, and the ruins of two trium phal arches and a basillica. Especially significant was the di covery beneath the basillica of th floor of a church which must hay stood upon the spot at an earlier date was his belief. Inscriptions foun in a state of perfect preservation i the floor of this church proved Vth it stood during the time of th Bishop Optimus in the latter part c the fourth century A. D. Indications of Acquaduct Professor Kelsey said that evideno had been found which indicated th ancient Antioch's water supply ha been brought to the city over a aqueduct' from a spring eight mile distant . Tiles were used to pipe th water about the city. These wer cemented together so securely, , said, that it was found impossible, a ter the intervening centuries, to ope many of the joints without breakin the tiles. At another point Professor Kelse announced that Prof. A. E. Boak wi report upon the excavations in Egyp in an address later in the preset series. He said that in a few month he himself will be ready to make complete report upon the work a Carthage. Baseball Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland 6, Detroit 3. Chicago 6, St. Louis 1. Washington 7, Philadelphia 0. New York 3, Boston 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE Boston 3, New York 2. Philadelphia 10, Brooklyn 9. Pittsburgh 0, Chicago 1. Lansing, June. 3.--Gasoline ti receipts swung up to a new high lev in May according tq- a report .cor pleted today by the department state. The second concert of the summer faculty concert series will be given this evening at 8 o'clock in Hill audi- torium by Marian Struble-Freeman, violinist, and 'Eunice Northrup, con- tralto. Accompaniments will be play- ed by Mrs. George B.. Rhead an4 Dwight Steere. The public is cordi- ally invited. The complete program is as fol- lows : Bllade et Polonaise ..H. Vieuxtemps Mrs. Freeman Auf dem Kirchhof Vergebliches Standchen Von ewiger Liebe. ... ...Brahms Miss Northrup Lamento D'Adriano ........Massenet Musetto .............Sibelius-Powell From the Canebrake ........Gardner Mrs. Freeman The Forest of Oaks.....MacFadyen Jackie ........ . . . ... . .Mortelmans In the Wood of Finvara ....Burleigh Take Joy Home ...........Bassett Miss Northrup ITALIAN PHONES PASS. INTO PRIMAE CONTROL Rome, June 30.-(By A.P.)-After 20 years of governmental operatioi with unsatisfactory results, the Italian, telephone system will' pass to private control tomorrow. Since 1906, after Premier Grolitti undertook governmental control, the increasing demand has been so great that the system has not been able to keep pace.. Recently the service has deteriorated. Since the last government control has been broken up, v'arious compan- ies have attempted to operate the tele- phone systems over distant areas of the country, at the same time coop- erating with the central organization in Rome. London, June 30.-American Am- bassador Houghton yesterday unveiled in the Library of the Royal Aeronau- tical Society ;a tablet to the memory of the British and American sailors who were killed in the R-38 disaster near Hell, Aug. 24, 1921. AT'S GOING ON WEDNESDAY Excursion to Cass Technical , school and Hotel Statler. ir. . Frank Tacinenbaum lee- s on, "The Meaning of the Mex- Revolution." Doncert by faculty of the Uni- ity School of iMusic at Hill au- 'ium. THURSDAY Women's League tea on terrace [artha Cook building. "The Making of a Professional final," by Mr. Frank Tannen-